Thinking of this, Chen Bing didn't want to play with these little brats who only knew how to look at faces. But they kept crying, so he had to suppress his emotions and continue playing with them.

After almost losing Chen Bing, these girls reached an agreement to be mothers without making a fuss. And they also distinguished the big and small mothers in detail.

Maybe it was not smooth to call them, so they changed the titles from big wife, second wife to little wife.

Chen Bing had only a black line to respond to this.

Just when they were having a "good time", a little one with loose hair and lowered head walked into the classroom timidly.

Shang Yunmiao carried a small white schoolbag, lowered her head, and found her seat yesterday according to her memory.

Although she was afraid of going to school, she was still a little bit looking forward to it today. Because her backpack contained a bag of small cookies made by her mother and herself.

She brought the cookies to school not to eat them, but to give them to Chen Bing as a thank you for helping her yesterday - that's what her mother said.

But, unfortunately, the seat she sat in yesterday was already occupied. To be more precise, someone's schoolbag was already occupied.

It was good enough for a three-year-old child to remember her seat. When she saw someone in her seat, the first thing she thought of was not to reason and take her seat back, but to feel wronged.

Woo woo woo...

She wanted to cry a little, but she didn't want to cry yet.

Shang Yunmiao raised her head slightly and looked for Chen Bing with the corner of her eyes. Although she didn't see where he was, she found his seat.

A seat on a desk with books.

The good news was that she found his seat, but the bad news was that there was someone next to that seat.

She burst into tears after being hit one after another, but just like yesterday, she didn't cry out loud.

Shang Yunmiao stood there at a loss, because her seat was taken, and she didn't dare to sit in someone else's seat.

Just like that, she stood there and cried silently.

Halfway through her cry, she heard Chen Bing's voice.

She raised her little head slightly, and then looked in that direction, only to see that the other party was surrounded by a group of people playing with dolls.

Shang Yunmiao listened for a while and knew that they were playing house.

I want to play, too.

This thought only appeared in Shang Yunmiao's mind, and she would never dare to walk over and say this directly.

She could only pray in her heart that the class would start soon and that school would end soon.

On the other side, Chen Bing was exhausted dealing with the little girls. He looked up at the clock and found that a few minutes had passed since the class time.

Is the kindergarten so timeless? Even if it is not time for class, the teacher has to come to watch the children, right?

Chen Bing decided to call the teacher, otherwise he would have to let these people nag to death.

I don't know where they learned this from, but they kept telling Chen Bing to work hard, make money, and that he should take care of the milk powder money, mother's fault, and the card.

Speechless, Chen Bing stood up and said, "Okay, then I'll go out to work, you guys take care of the house." Then, he walked away without looking back.

No matter what huge waves are behind him, it has nothing to do with him.

At this moment, Chen Bing, who was tortured and a little uncomfortable, thought it over.

Damn, a bunch of crazy women.

I'm also three years old. I go to school to have fun, not to be a grudge for you. Who is not a three-year-old baby? Why should I spoil you? Whoever wants to cry can cry! I'm not going to serve you anymore.

With this mentality, Chen Bing was very relaxed. He walked out of the classroom with happy steps, and then saw Wang Yan, who looked tired.

Judging from her appearance, she might have just appeased the noisy child.

"Hey, why did you run out?"

Although she was very tired, Wang Yan still forced a smile and showed some concern for Chen Bing.

"Since the teacher hasn't come back, I came to see you."

Wang Yan's heart was relieved again.

She rubbed Chen Bing's head, then took his hand and walked into the classroom together.

Compared with yesterday, the children today did not cry.

The first time is new, the second time is familiar. This time, most of them were playing with their favorite toys. In addition, there were groups of three or two, and they had obviously become friends.

The most eye-catching thing was the eighty or ninety girls gathered in the back row of the classroom. They gathered together in an orderly manner to play with dolls.

However, there were also some lonely ones.

Little Shang Yunmiao, what are you doing standing there with your schoolbag?

Wang Yan hurriedly maintained aAfter getting in order, it took about five or six minutes for all the children to finally sit down, except Shang Yunmiao.

I should have asked her to go back to her seat just now, why is she still standing?

After all, Wang Yan is an old hand who has taught several classes. She immediately figured out that she didn't sit down because her seat was taken.

So she walked up to Shang Yunmiao and held her hand, ready to find a seat for her. Although she planned to let her sit with Chen Bing, there was already someone next to her.

There was no way, Wang Yan had to temporarily lead her to a remote seat where no one was sitting, and then hurried to start the class.

The first activity today was painting, or to be more precise, coloring the line drawings.

The children in the class took out the colored pencils prepared by their parents, and then chose a color they liked and painted them randomly.

Those who didn't bring any were provided by the teacher.

"Chen Bing! Do you think my painting is good?"

The girl who sat next to Chen Bing and took him to play house showed him her painting as if to take credit.

"Yeah." I don't want to pay attention to you. You have been talking to me loudly since the beginning. Are you annoying, kid?

The girl was very happy to see that her efforts were rewarded.

She took the thinner pen on Chen Bing's desk, turned the painting over, and drew a crooked heart on the back of it.

"Here!" She handed one of her crayons to Chen Bing and put the painting between the two of them.

"Let's paint together! Let's paint together!"

After she finished speaking, she saw that Chen Bing was indifferent, so she grabbed his hand that was painting and pulled it in front of her.

"Let's paint together."

Because of her action, Chen Bing's crayon crossed the line drawing and painted a small area that should not be painted.

It's not that she was very angry, but she couldn't stand this guy's noise.

I have no obligation to accompany her, so let her cry if she wants.

So Chen Bing raised his hand and said, "Teacher, I want to sit with Shang Yunmiao."

After that, he took his things and went straight to the back of the classroom, next to Shang Yunmiao.

According to his observation, the little girls in this class are quite noisy, and the boys are particularly pestering him because of taking them to the toilet and playing yesterday. Only Shang Yunmiao, who sat with him yesterday, is quiet and quiet, like an air person, and will not disturb him.

Therefore, Chen Bing chose her as a deskmate.

Uh uh uh... Well, the other party is good-looking, and it also accounts for a certain proportion of her being more pleasing to the eye than others.

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