Ah~ the world is quiet.

After Chen Bing left, the noisy little girl burst into tears as expected.

But everyone is three years old, and this is not your home. A good teacher who is serious, responsible, objective and fair (and a little partial to Chen Bing) will certainly not ask others to come back to accompany you just because you cry.

On the contrary, she was a little happy.

This little girl has been making a lot of noise since she sat with Chen Bing. Sometimes she talked about what happened at home, and sometimes she boasted about her father. Although she is crying now, she is quieter than before they separated.

In this way, accompanied by her crying, the first class ended.

It is called the first class, but it is actually just according to Chen Bing's idea. There is no such thing as a class in this kindergarten. It is just one game after another.

After the painting activity, the teacher formally introduced herself and the rules of the kindergarten to everyone.

Then, she found a few more cheerful children to introduce themselves, and Chen Bing was naturally among them.

After all this was done, the teacher distributed building blocks in pairs, asking everyone to work together to create works. She would give the two best builders a little red flower reward later.

When Chen Bing and Shang Yunmiao's building blocks were placed on the table, Shang did not reach out to take them like others did. Chen Bing was very satisfied with her attitude of not fighting or grabbing.

Look, look.

This is the good baby that adults like. Other little brats should learn from Shang Yunmiao.

If it was his previous deskmate, he would have already started to grab it at this moment, right?

I can refuse, but you can't grab it.

"What do you want to build?"

Before starting, Chen Bing asked for his partner's opinion.

The other party lowered her head and didn't speak, but she looked better than yesterday. At least I could see her face.

Since you have no opinion, I will decide for myself.

Chen Bing pushed some blocks in front of Shang Yunmiao and said, "Then let's build a tower. You build the base and I build the top. Just like this, can you do it?"

After Shang Yunmiao finished listening, he silently started his work.

"Oh, so you can hear me?"

Chen Bing put his face close to Shang Yunmiao and said with a smirk.

The girl was obviously frightened by herself or her words. Her eyes were full of tears, as if she was going to cry in the next second.

Don't cry, don't cry!

Unlike the previous times, the reason why the girl wanted to cry this time was entirely because of him, Fan Jian.

So Chen Bing, who was in the wrong, hurriedly comforted Shang Yunmiao. After a long time, she finally stopped crying.

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

These were said by Shang Yunmiao.

Although I don't know why she said this, this is the first sentence she said to herself. Chen Bing may remember it for a long time in the future.

"I, I shouldn't cry all the time..." The little girl stuttered and finished her words, looking very sorry, as if everything was her fault.

How can the gap between people be so big?

Chen Bing blushed, what could he say?

"No, it's okay, I was wrong too. Let's build blocks together?"

"Well, thank you, you are so nice. You took me to the toilet yesterday, put on my shoes, and sat with me..."

Chen Bing was a little embarrassed by her praise.

"It's all what I should do. Let's not talk about that. Let's build blocks quickly. The time will be up in a while."


After the first sentence was said, the rest was much more logical.

Chen Bing played games with this little girl, and after a while, a tower with a high degree of completion was completed.

Needless to say, the final result was that if Chen Bing's building was not as good as the child's, he could find a piece of tofu to hit himself to death.

Therefore, Wang Yan rewarded them with a big red flower.

After the game, Shang Yunmiao tapped Chen Bing's arm.

"What's wrong?" Chen Bing's tone was as gentle as possible to prevent her from being scared by him again.

The girl with loose hair didn't say anything, but silently took out a bag of biscuits from her schoolbag, and then handed it to her, looking at her with nervous and expectant eyes.

Oh, treat me to biscuits, it looks like you made it yourself. Chen Bing took one and tasted it, it tasted very good and familiar.

Hmm... It seems that I have tasted this taste somewhere, where is it?

Before Chen Bing remembered where she had eaten this kind of biscuits, Shang Yunmiao timidly asked if the biscuits were delicious.

Chen Bing expressed her feelings truthfully, and Shang Yunmiao smiled lightly after listening.Come.

This curved eyebrow and mouth corners simply made Chen Bing smile to the heart.

Cute and sensible, a little foul.

Through these small incidents, the friendship between the two was confirmed.

After playing this, the teacher took them to the outdoor activities.

She first explained the scope of the activities and the prohibited matters, and then let them go wild.

There are many novel and interesting things in the kindergarten's activity area. In addition, these children came to play for the first time, so they let go of their tempers and started to make trouble after a while.

Some went to play on the slide headfirst, some ran out of the activity area, some cried because they missed their mothers, some ate toys, some snatched toys, and some poked with thin and long things.

Wang Yan was so busy that she kept her feet on the ground, shouting "Put down the stick, don't snatch it" while catching a little chicken that ran away.

Just when she was about to breathe a sigh of relief, she found that within her sight, a little boy was taking off his pants and preparing to poop on the spot.

"Stop it! I'll take you to the toilet!"

This little boy is obedient. After hearing the teacher tell him not to poop, he immediately pulled up his pants.

However, he was already halfway through.


"Teacher, I pooped in my pants."

Wang Yan looked at him, and he looked at Wang Yan. At this time, both of them were heartbroken.

There was no way, Wang Yan had to take him to the office to clean up, and then asked other teachers to help look after the children in the class.

These scenes were seen by Chen Bing, and he was impressed by the diversity of human beings.

At this moment, a little boy who had just participated in the toy snatching ran to Chen Bing with the toy he had snatched.

"You play with it."

After saying that, he handed the toy in his hand to Chen Bing, and then ran away quickly.

Not long after he ran away, a little girl came to Chen Bing crying and looked at the toy in his hand with a wronged look.

Well, it was snatched from you.

After returning the toy to her, she walked away happily.

There was some fun, although sometimes they would get tangled up, but overall, this outdoor activity was quite enjoyable.

Chen Bing took Shang Yunmiao for a walk around the venue, and played with any idle equipment she saw.

Time passed slowly, and after more than ten minutes, the teacher who handled the big stools finally came back, and she asked everyone to collect the toys and go back to the classroom.

Some people may be born rebellious, turning a deaf ear to her orders, and lowering their heads to continue playing with their own things.

For this situation, she could only go up and manage them one by one. Chen Bing saw that the teacher was busy and hard, so she stepped forward and took the initiative to help her, and this behavior earned her a lot of favor.

In order to repay Chen Bing, she arranged the best-looking Shang Yunmiao next to him during lunch and sleep today.


"I'm sorry, Chen Bing, I made you angry during class."

At lunch, Chen Bing's former deskmate walked up to him with a banana and said very sincerely.

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