After burying her head in Shang Yunmiao's arms, the tempting milky fragrance became more obvious.

Her belly was also soft, warm and rising and falling with her breathing.

After the two of them hugged each other in this position for a few minutes, Chen Bing took the initiative to break away from this embrace. It was not because he was tired of staying, but because the sky was going to clear up.

After the two separated, Chen Bing's little face was flushed and it was very wrong, but Shang Yunmiao didn't look like anything. She crossed her hands in front of her belly very naturally, and twisted her body very naturally...

No, no, this is not natural at all, it's obvious that this little girl is also shy.

Chen Bing, who felt similar emotions from the other party, felt a little better. He breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little more relaxed.

Like him, the weather at this time also breathed a sigh of relief. The environment was originally very depressing with dark clouds, but now it has cleared up and the sun has come out, which makes people feel much more relaxed.

Summer rainstorms are like this, coming and going quickly.

"Chen Bing, look, there's a rainbow over there."

Looking in the direction Shang Yunmiao pointed, Chen Bing saw a rainbow hanging high in the sky far to the east.

Although everyone knows that there is such a thing, few people have seen it with their own eyes. Chen Bing only remembers seeing it two or three times in his two lifetimes.

As for Shang Yunmiao, this must be the first time she has seen a rainbow in her life. Her big eyes stared at it, as if she was immersed in it.

Seeing that she was so interested, Chen Bing was not in a hurry to go home for a while, so he stayed here and watched quietly.

"Chen Bing, will we be good friends for life in the future?" Shang Yunmiao, who was looking at the rainbow, suddenly asked with emotion from nowhere.

Chen Bing thought about this question seriously.

Many childhood playmates will go on completely different paths as their lives develop, due to various encounters and accidents.

For example, in a few years, when the family has saved enough money, Chen Bing may not live in the current home. For another example, after entering junior high school, high school, college, and even entering society, can the two still be together by chance?

The answer is probably no.

Not to mention being of the opposite sex, even if they are good buddies who grew up together wearing open-crotch pants, how many of them are still good friends after adulthood? Most of them have a sad barrier between them due to the separation of time and space, right?

After entering elementary school and junior high school, although there is no problem on my side, Shang Yunmiao may gradually feel ashamed to play with boys as his experience increases.

Thinking so, Chen Bing answered Shang Yunmiao's question truthfully.

"There will be many accidents and changes in the future, but at least we are good friends now."

After listening to this, Shang Yunmiao looked at Chen Bing seriously and said, "But I don't want to be separated from you. I want to be good friends with you for life."

"That depends on you." Chen Bing tightened his coat and continued, "See if you will remember this sentence in the future and want to be good friends with me for life."

Shang Yunmiao was very dissatisfied with being questioned by the other party. She walked in front of Chen Bing, stretched out her little finger and said, "I will always be the best in the world with you in the future."

Hearing this, Chen Bing smiled and stretched out her little finger to hook it with the other party. Just like coaxing a child to be happy, he said, "Okay, we will always be the best in the world."

This is not over yet. Shang Yunmiao continued, "Then, in order for us to be the best in the world for a lifetime, not only I have to work hard, but Chen Bing, you have to work hard too."

Do I have to work hard too?

If it is said that just now it was still the mentality of coaxing a child, then after listening to Shang Yunmiao's words, Chen Bing's seriousness in his heart increased by one point.

Yes, as a reborn person, how can I take things for granted as before when facing all kinds of things? If I don't fight for anything and just wait for fate to arrange it, then what's the point of living again?

"Okay, I will also work hard-for us to always be the best in the world."

"Yeah! For us to always be the best in the world."


Blowing the cool breeze in the evening, Chen Bing sneezed again.

"Chen Bing, are you okay? Let's go home quickly."


After taking the wet clothes and kite, Chen Bing and Shang Yunmiao returned home together.

After getting off the elevator and returning to their respective homes, Chen Bing, who came to the door, suddenly found that he had lost the key to his house. Unfortunately, there was no one at home, and he was anxious to take a shower and change into clean clothes.

There was no way, Chen Bing had to turn aroundKnocked on the door of Shang Yunmiao's house, and explained the situation to Yunxuan who came to answer the door.

Yunxuan said nothing and immediately led Chen Bing into the bathroom at home.

Before leaving the bathroom, Yunxuan asked in an uncertain tone: "Do you want me to help you take a bath?"

After being rejected by the child with a red face, Yunxuan recalled his very interesting face and smiled as she returned to the living room.

After Yunxuan left, Chen Bing relaxed, went forward to lock the bathroom door, and then tested the water temperature to take a hot bath.

On the other side, after returning to the living room, Yunxuan heard about the incident from her daughter. She originally thought that the two children were staying at Chen Bing's house when it rained, but she didn't expect that they ran out to fly kites. What was even more unexpected was that the two children hid under the pavilion in the park for a while.

As a mature adult, Yunxuan guessed what happened when she saw Chen Bing wearing her daughter's coat, with wet pants and holding a soaked shirt in his hand, while her daughter was fine.

Chen Bing is not only sensible, but also always takes care of her daughter outside. In addition, she knows what the pavilion in the park looks like, so it is likely that Chen Bing helped Shang Yunmiao to avoid the rain, so she got wet.

After a more detailed questioning of her daughter, Yunxuan confirmed her thoughts.

"Have you ever said thank you to Chen Bing?"

"No, but we are the best in the world!"

Yunxuan smiled and said nothing more. After leaving her daughter to watch TV for a while, she got up and went to the kitchen to prepare some ginger water for Chen Bing to drive away the cold.

Not long after the pot was taken out of the pot, Shang Yunmiao also left the TV and ran to help.

Yun Xuan thought that her daughter knew how to help and that it was a good thing to repay Chen Bing. She did not despise her daughter for making trouble, but smiled and directed her to help within her ability.

When they were almost done, Chen Bing also wiped herself clean and came out wearing Shang Yunmiao's clothes.

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