"Auntie Xuan, do you want to turn off the water heater?" Chen Bing came out of the bathroom while wiping her hair.

"No, no, just leave it there." After Yun Xuan said this to Chen Bing from a distance, she lowered her head and touched her daughter's head beside her, and said to her gently: "You should also take a hot bath?"

Shang Yunmiao agreed, turned around and ran to her bedroom, ready to find clothes to change. Although she still needs her mother's help to take a bath, she can still do such a small thing as finding clothes by herself as she is about to go to elementary school.

After Shang Yunmiao left, Yun Xuan smiled and waved to Chen Bing, then took him to the side to blow his hair. Boys usually don't blow their hair specifically after taking a bath at home, but some mothers don't have a deep understanding of this.

Like Yun Xuan, because she blows her daughter's hair every time she takes a bath, she naturally applies this experience to Chen Bing.

Chen Bing, who didn't want to offend others, kept silent and waited for Yunxuan to blow her hair. After finishing, she sincerely thanked her.

After doing all this, Shang Yunmiao also came out of the bedroom. She held her clothes in her hands and stood beside her mother, waiting for her to take her to take a bath.

After putting down the hair dryer, Yunxuan first went to the kitchen to serve Chen Bing a bowl of sweet ginger water, and then took the TV remote control on the coffee table to him, and then led her daughter into the bathroom.

Looking at the backs of the mother and daughter leaving, Chen Bing was a little dazed.

The memories of the previous life were intertwined with this scene, giving him a very unrealistic feeling.

He would never have thought that one day he would actually sit on the sofa in Yunxuan's house, drinking the ginger water that the teacher cooked for him, while watching the other party take her own daughter into the bathroom.

Such a lifelike scene is indeed a bit... well... how to say it, a sense of disobedience?

Chen Bing shook his head, threw away the strange thoughts in his mind, and then lowered his head and gently sipped the ginger water in the bowl.

It tasted good, with a light turmeric-like spicy taste in the sweet taste. The tea rolled down the esophagus into the stomach, bringing people a very warm and warm feeling.

At the same time, this familiar taste also evoked Chen Bing's memories.

With this taste, Chen Bing recalled the day when he was the representative of the Chinese class in the third grade of junior high school.


"Aqiu!" Chen Bing sneezed slightly in the third class in the afternoon.

"Are you cold?" The deskmate put down the ancient poem he was reading silently, turned his head and asked in a low voice.

Chen Bing nodded, then touched his pocket and prepared to take a piece of toilet paper to blow his nose. However, the full bag of toilet paper had been completely empty after being consumed today.

"Do you have toilet paper? Lend me two sheets."

Chen Bing poked the arm of the person next to him, wanting to ask him for two sheets to use.

"I only have these two, left over from my poop just now, if you don't mind, you can use them."

Chen Bing silently put his hand back and prepared to go to the toilet to blow it with water after class.

Just as he was thinking this, Teacher Yunxuan on the podium came to Chen Bing while everyone was reading ancient poems.

"After class, come with me to the office to count a paper." Yunxuan leaned down slightly and said to Chen Bing in a relatively low voice.

Chen Bing rarely does this kind of work because Teacher Yunxuan has always been more diligent. Generally speaking, if there are any printed test papers or materials, she will count them in advance and then bring them directly during class. If the time is not so coincidental, she will also take a special trip during the break.

Being her class representative is a very easy job, and basically only the work of collecting and delivering homework is usually the only job.

At that time, Chen Bing didn't think too much because he had a cold, and just nodded subconsciously.

After the bell rang, he got up and followed Yunxuan out of the classroom.

"Do you have a cold?" On the way, Yunxuan suddenly smiled and said to Chen Bing.

"A little bit." Chen Bing sniffed and answered in a rough voice.

Yunxuan didn't say anything after listening, just nodded and turned her head back.

After entering the office, Chen Bing was called to the desk by Yunxuan before he saw where the test paper was.

She first took out a paper cup from the drawer, and then opened her thermos and poured some light yellow tea.

"Here, this is the ginger water I made at home. It's easy to catch a cold in this season. Drink more and go back after class."

Chen Bing took the paper cup in a daze, and then saw Yunxuan took out a roll of toilet paper from the drawer.

"Have you run out of toilet paper? I saw you were in a bad mood during class, take it and use it."

AgainAfter taking the toilet paper, Chen Bing sat on the chair in a daze and sipped the ginger water in the paper cup.

It was sweet, with a faint turmeric-like spicy taste. It was not very delicious, but the tea rolled down the esophagus into the stomach, bringing people very warm, just like the warmth in Chen Bing's heart at this moment.

Chen Bing drank the ginger water in his hand while recalling the past in junior high school, until the sound of rain came from outside the window, and his attention was called back from the river of time.

He got up and went to the window. Through a layer of windows, he could see that the dark clouds rolled over this area again. Heavy rain accompanied by lightning raged in the sky in front of him.

The house also dimmed as the dark clouds returned. Chen Bing first returned to the living room to turn on the lights, and then returned to the window to continue watching.

I just finished a hot bath and stayed in the house comfortably. It was raining outside. It was afternoon. There was nothing important to do in the past two days...

All of this came together, and Chen Bing felt only two words - comfortable.

In such a good season, it would be great if I could bring the "Dream of Red Mansions" that I was reading at home. Chen Bing thought about it, and suddenly realized that Yunxuan was a Chinese teacher. She must have this book, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Bing got up and went to the bathroom door. Just when he was about to ask, he suddenly felt embarrassed.

No, the mother and daughter are taking a bath in there, what do you want to do, Chen Bing?

After leaving the door angrily, Chen Bing sat down on the sofa, ready to watch some TV shows to kill time. At this moment, he suddenly saw that on the coffee table in front of the sofa, there was a hardcover version of "One Hundred Years of Solitude"?

Yes, I wrote it correctly, it was "One Hundred Years of Solitude". Otherwise, do you think it is such a coincidence that it is "Dream of Red Mansions"?

"One Hundred Years of Solitude" is also OK, it is on my "list of 100 literary masterpieces to read in the next ten years".

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