When the heroine appeared in the classroom, many people who had heard about it from other places gathered around her and wanted to hear the story from her.

Unable to bear the enthusiasm of everyone, the girl had to shyly talk about the scene at that time.

"Actually, I didn't pay much attention. He just came over when I was standing on the edge of the playground, handed the paper to me and left." At this point, the little girl lowered her head slowly because of shyness and said nothing more.

But the others didn't forgive her. On the one hand, they laughed to make fun of it, and on the other hand, they wanted to repeat the last sentence "handed the paper to me and left".

When the boys heard this, they often just laughed and then went to play with the other protagonist of the incident. But only the girls refused to forgive her, and opened their mouths wide to tell others about the funny things just now.

Many little girls who were not familiar with her on weekdays also came over on purpose, repeating the sentence "hand the paper to me and leave" with others to make fun of her.

How could the long-haired girl not know that she was being made fun of? She stopped talking immediately and just sat back in her seat silently without communicating with others.

Many people saw that she was boring here, so they turned to the boys. They asked when the boy liked the girl and how he thought of handing over the love letter.

Compared with the girls, the boys were thicker-skinned. Although his face was red and looked very shy, he still mumbled and told his inner journey.

"Ouch! You blushed!" Just as he was talking excitedly, a voice from nowhere ignited the heated atmosphere on the scene. The people who were originally silent and listening carefully suddenly exploded and continued to tease the boy.

In this atmosphere, the children's behavior became more and more excessive. In the chaos, someone grabbed the girl's pencil case and handed it to the boy, then shouted loudly: "This is your goddess Ma Lele's pencil case, give you a kiss!"

This voice seemed to have the ability to reproduce, more and more, and finally gathered into a huge booing. The mob immediately turned their slogans into actions, half-instigated and half-forced the boy to come to Ma Lele, and then surrounded the two of them and shouted: "Kiss! Kiss!"

Ma Lele sat in her seat with her head down and remained silent, while the boy stood beside her at a loss.

At this time, a sinful hand stretched out from nowhere, holding the boy's shoulder and pushing Ma Lele hard.

The boy immediately lost his balance and fell crookedly in the direction of Ma Lele. Fortunately, he finally stabilized his body and just gently rubbed Ma Lele's shoulder.

But just like this, the atmosphere of watching the excitement among the people around was ignited to another level.

But at this moment, the crying of a girl broke the increasingly tense atmosphere. It was Ma Lele who cried.

The people surrounding the periphery didn't know what was going on yet, and they were still making a lot of noise, but they were quickly stopped by the students in the front row who knew what was going on.

"Stop it! The girls are crying!"

As if they were not the ones who were making trouble in the front row, they condemned the people behind them, and then went forward to comfort Ma Lele out of pity.

Seeing this, everyone comforted those who should be comforted and dispersed those who should be dispersed, and such a farce ended quickly.

Shang Yunmiao had been observing the movements of Ma Lele from beginning to end. When he saw that the other party and the boy were surrounded and made fun of, his little mood was immediately half cold.

If, if Chen Bing and I were teased like this...

The little girl pursed her lips, quickly glanced at Chen Bing beside her, and then took out her textbook and pretended to study with lingering fear.

Absolutely, absolutely no one can know that I like Chen Bing! I will keep this secret in my heart for the rest of my life, and I can't let anyone know!

"Are you hot?" Chen Bing noticed that Shang Yunmiao had one or two drops of sweat on her forehead, so he asked in confusion while taking toilet paper to wipe her.

It's already October, and the weather isn't hot.

"No! No, thank you, I, I can wipe it myself." Shang Yunmiao saw Chen Bing's action, waved her hand and refused, and then hurriedly took out toilet paper from her pocket to wipe her sweat.

"Oh, really?" Chen Bing felt that he was alienated, but it didn't seem like he was. He looked at Shang Yunmiao suspiciously, and then turned his head back.

With the ringing of the preparatory bell, the girls who had comforted Ma Lele returned to their seats. Ma Lele also wiped her nose and stopped crying.

AboutA minute or two later, the head teacher walked into the classroom at the bell.

After 30 minutes of teaching and leaving Chinese homework, she took out a report card from the interlayer of the handouts.

Although elementary school does not attach as much importance to grades as junior high school and high school, since the mid-term results are out, they still need to be read out to the students.

"The mid-term test results of this class are out, and it's just right for us to divide into groups based on this result." The calm voice of the head teacher caused some commotion in the class.

After all, as students, even if they are just elementary school students, parents attach great importance to test scores. For the fourth graders, promotion is still too far away, but getting a good score and taking it home to receive the reward is a real benefit.

"Be quiet, I will read out the rankings of the top 30 students, and then the rest will pass around to see the report card." After suppressing the restlessness in the class, the head teacher began to read out the rankings.

"30th place, Song Xing, you have made progress, keep it up. 29th place...

3rd place, Shang Yunmiao, not so good at math, only scored 90 points, pay attention next time.

Ma Lele, 2nd place, keep it up.

Then it's Chen Bing, 1st place, also the first in the whole school, with full marks in five subjects, everyone applaud him."

When the head teacher read out the results, the class burst into amazement. Although it's not surprising, every time you hear another full mark, everyone still has to exclaim.

Then, crackling applause rang out.

After reading out the results, the bell for the end of get out of class rang, but the head teacher didn't want to let everyone out.

"Your science teacher has asked for leave for self-study in the next class. If you need to go to the toilet, go quickly, and we will continue to talk about grades and grouping after you come back."

Several students who wanted to pee ran out of the classroom, and ran back like flying after going to the toilet.

After roughly counting the number of students in the class, the head teacher continued, "Okay, everyone is back. Let's continue. The first ten students who were just called out, please stand on the podium."

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