After the top ten students stood on the podium, the head teacher looked at them for a while.

"Ma Lele, you and Zhang Yuan are in the same group, stand over there. Song Zhenqi, you and Liu Feng are in the second group, stand over there. Chen Bing, you and..." The head teacher hesitated when she was looking for another group member for Chen Bing. She originally wanted to let Shang Yunmiao, who had a good relationship with Chen Bing, be in the same group as usual, but after looking at the delicate appearance of the two children, she hesitated again.

After a short pause, she thought about it and decided to forget it. Anyway, there was no early love in elementary school, and the school didn't investigate. If the two people have been sitting at the same table for so long, it seems not good to move them apart.

So the head teacher continued, "You should still be in the same group with Shang Yunmiao, and your seats will not change."

After assigning the remaining two group leaders, she read out to the whole class the groups to which everyone belonged, and then arranged for them to take their schoolbags and move to their respective groups. During this time, the two class leaders were always assisting.

Because Chen Bing and Shang Yunmiao's positions did not change, they stayed by the podium, waiting for everyone else to move.

"Chen Bing, you wrote a very good essay this time. I gave you full marks. Keep it up next time."

Seeing the class's seat change work proceeding in an orderly manner, the head teacher was able to spare some time to chat with Chen Bing.

"Thank you, teacher. I will keep it up."

After nodding with satisfaction, the head teacher continued, "I saw in your essay that your best friend is the 'little brother' of the neighbor's family. He goes to school with you every day. Is he from our class?"

One thing to be stated in advance is that the little brother here should be put in quotation marks, just to sublimate the friendship between the two people in the following text.

"It's Shang Yunmiao. I go to and from school with her every day."

"Are you neighbors?" The head teacher was a little surprised. Although she probably knew that the parents of the two people knew each other and had a good relationship in private, it was really the first time she knew that the two people were neighbors.

"Childhood sweethearts..." She was a little surprised and uttered a bad word unconsciously, but she quickly reacted and changed the subject.

"So do you two often do homework together after school?"

Before answering this question, Chen Bing glanced at Shang Yunmiao. Because he was too lazy to write such a simple question, he often gave his homework to Shang Yunmiao to do, and the other party was happy to write the homework twice to consolidate the knowledge. And of course he himself was not idle, so he stayed with Xiao Shang and wrote his five-three.

Since the real situation is like this, the wording can't be casual. So, he wanted to get some inspiration from Shang Yunmiao's expression, or to ask for the other party's right to let him lie, after all, his homework was written by Xiao Shang.

When seeing Chen Bing turn around and look at her, Shang Yunmiao misunderstood the other party's meaning, she thought Chen Bing wanted her to say it.

However, when Shang Yunmiao was about to open her mouth, she noticed that a curious classmate ran to the podium to listen to the conversation between the three. And what a coincidence, in Shang Yunmiao's impression, the other party was the most active one in teasing Ma Lele's love letter incident.

So, the "Yes, we often do homework together" that slipped to her mouth became "No, we usually do our own things."

Just like the brain occasionally has a twitch, leaving an unforgettable black history in the memory, and then in the days and nights that follow, every time you recall the scene at that time, you will feel extremely ashamed. Later, Shang Yunmiao would want to hit herself to death with a piece of tofu every time she recalled what she said at that time.

And what a coincidence, Chen Bing, another protagonist of the incident, often helped her recall the words at that time and used this to tease her, so that this thing that only happened when she was in a bad mood, Shang Yunmiao remembered it from beginning to end.

Let's go back to the development of the incident at that time.

After Shang Yunmiao finished speaking, she did not notice what the teacher said, nor did she notice how Chen Bing acted after hearing what she said. At that time, the little girl was full of thoughts that she had said something wrong, and if Chen Bing got angry about it, he would not be so good to her.

But at the same time, she was also afraid of being teased by others and being laughed at by a group of people.

These complex thoughts were manifested externally, that is, the little girl looked dazed, silly and a little cute at this time.

"Well, okay, teacher, I will help Shang Yunmiao with her homework after I get home."

After finishing this sentence with the teacher, Chen Bing directly took Shang Yunmiao's hand and took her back to her seat.

When Shang Yunmiao realized that she wasWhen she was held by Chen Bing, she was both happy and scared.

On the one hand, she was happy that Chen Bing was not angry because of what she had just said, and took the initiative to hold her hand. On the other hand, she was afraid of holding hands in the classroom. What if someone noticed it?

In the midst of all the entanglements, Shang Yunmiao had already sat down. She breathed a sigh of relief. No one should see her sitting down.

"Okay, I'll hand out the Chinese test papers. Those with more than 90 points should correct the wrong questions on the test paper, those with more than 80 points should copy the wrong questions once, those with more than 60 points should copy the wrong questions twice, and those with less than 60 points should copy them three times. Also, give the test paper to your parents to sign, and you have to hand it in when you come back."

After completing the instructions and handing out the test papers, the head teacher sat on the podium and started to study.

In the remaining two classes today, the math and English teachers handed out the test papers respectively, and praised Chen Bing emphatically. During the break, Chen Bing was surrounded by a group of classmates to look at the test paper as expected. Comrade Chen Bing also took out his test paper nonchalantly.

Seeing him so calm, Shang Yunmiao felt a little indignant. Thinking back to her performance all day, she had done so many bad things and said so many words that destroyed friendship, why did Chen Bing not care?

With this indignation, Shang Yunmiao and Chen Bing came to the school's carport together and pulled up their bikes.

"Oh, I forgot to take my bike key. Let's ride yours together." Chen Bing looked up at Shang Yunmiao after checking the bike.

"Ah?" Xiao Shang hesitated for a moment, because it was so ambiguous for two people to ride a bike together, just like the plot in an idol drama. However, she had done too many bad things today, and now she couldn't refuse Chen Bing's request, so the little girl had to nod and sit in the back seat of the car.

I don't know if it was because she was still riding in the back, Chen Bing rode very slowly today, and kept stopping to say hello to other students on the road. His actions made Shang Yunmiao so shy that she couldn't speak. She just kept her head down and didn't want anyone to notice her.

Her idea was doomed to fail, because Chen Bing once again stopped the car on the side of the road and chatted with the girl from the same class who met by chance.

Before the two of them had exchanged a few words, the girl looked at Shang Yunmiao who was lowering his head in the back seat and asked: "Brother Bing, are you going home with Shang Yunmiao?"

Damn it, I was recognized.

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