Shang Yunmiao thought so in her heart, and then slowly raised her head.

What made her particularly scared was that the girl chatting with Chen Bing was the one who teased Ma Lele the most before.

"Well, I forgot to take my bicycle key, so I went with Shang Yunmiao."

"Oh, then..." The girl suddenly widened her eyes as if she suddenly thought of something.

Seeing her like this, Shang Yunmiao was so nervous that her heart was about to jump out of her throat.

"Do you want to take my car? Can I take you home?"



You, how can you ride a bike home with a boy? Little, be careful or I will tease you... I will say that you like Chen Bing, and then I will mobilize your classmates to get you married, and then, and then I will surround you two, and then I will push Chen Bing to you, so that you two will stick together and let everyone laugh at you.

So... so... woohoo, are you scared? If you are scared, please leave quickly, I was here first, and these should be mine... woohoo, please leave quickly...

Although she was unwilling in her heart, Shang Yunmiao did not dare to say it out loud anyway. She only dared to secretly put her hand on Chen Bing's waist, and then gently poked it as a reminder.

Don't agree, Don't agree, don't agree.

I can also ride a bike to take you.

"Oh, that. No, my girlfriend will be sulking."

After saying what he wanted to say, Chen Bing pedaled the bike and took Shang Yunmiao away from the girl's sight.

Regardless of what the other person who was left there thought, Shang Yunmiao, who was sitting on the back of the bicycle, was so shy.

Not a child again! How can you say it's a girlfriend!

Shang Yunmiao's cheeks were red on the road, and even the breeze blowing by could not lower the temperature in her heart. But at the same time, she was also wondering, could she have heard it wrong just now? In fact, Chen Bing didn't say a girlfriend but something else.

Or, the girlfriend he was talking about was not herself, but someone else?

No, no! How could there be someone else! But he said it so naturally, and I didn't know I was his girlfriend. Could it be that Chen Bing really had another girl when I didn't know?

Shang Yunmiao's mind was in a mess. She wanted to ask what Chen Bing meant by what he just said, but she didn't dare to say it out loud, so she had to keep silent all the way.

After arriving at the community and the car stopped, Shang Yunmiao was still in this confused state.

"We're home, get off the car quickly." At some point, Chen Bing came up to Shang Yunmiao and whispered in her cute ear.

The frightened Shang Yunmiao hurriedly raised her head to look at Chen Bing, and then silently lowered her head in a moment of hesitation. Then she tightened the backpack on her shoulders and buried her head. She nodded and went back home with Chen Bing.

"By the way, Aunt Xuan has to supervise the evening self-study today, and you will be alone when you go back, so come to my house to do your homework first."

Without waiting for Shang Yunmiao to respond, Chen Bing took her hand and pushed open the door of her house and walked in.

As soon as the door closed, Chen Bing threw his backpack on the ground, and then approached Shang Yunmiao with a smirk.

"Huh? Why is your face so red? Are you shy?"

"Me!" Because she was too nervous, Shang Yunmiao bit her tongue as soon as she opened her mouth. She stuck out her tongue in pain, and then quickly put it back.

"Are you thinking about your girlfriend just now? I remember that during the New Year's Day holiday in the first grade, didn't you tell the aunt at the convenience store that you were my girlfriend? Why don't you admit it now?

Also, as a younger brother, why did you get angry just by looking at you this morning? Speaking of which, you promised to massage my shoulders at that time, but you didn't keep your promise after you came back at noon.

Why did you run away after the physical education class today? Don't you want to be with me?

Then, when the teacher asked us questions, why did you lie? Do you think it's embarrassing to do homework with me after school?

On the way back, I was chatting with Feng Xiaoning, why did you keep poking my waist?

Finally, today I forgot to take my keys, why did you look so reluctant when I said I wanted to ride your bike? Could it be that you don't want to be with me? "

"Finally, the last one was obviously something you deliberately forgot to take..." For Chen Bing's questioning, Shang Yunmiao was speechless and could only refute the other party's last question in a low voice.

"Oh, so you know... follow up." Chen Bing picked up the bag on the ground with a smile, then turned around and went back to his room.

Shang on the other sideYunmiao hesitated for a while, then followed with a red face.

After returning to the bedroom, Chen Bing took out a pink letter from his schoolbag. Just by looking at the appearance of the letter, you can tell that it is a love letter.

"Originally, I was thinking of giving you this letter, but since you don't want to be the best with me, forget it."

The moment Xiao Shang saw the letter, his eyes were fixed on it.

"Do you want it?" Without waiting for Shang Yunmiao to answer, Chen Bing grabbed Shang Yunmiao's hand and put the letter in his palm, and then said: "This was given to me by two girls I don't know at the end of the physical education class. Look, am I good to you?"

Shang Yunmiao nodded quickly, with a happy look in his wise eyes.

"Then, in return, do you have to confess to me? I see that you have been in a very bad state all day. Tell me honestly. Do you have any messy thoughts?"

Just like an old police officer interrogating a young thief who has just started out, this is essentially a psychological game without suspense.

After questioning first, giving sugar, and finally asking in an inductive way, the little thief failed to defend his psychological defense line. Under the eight words "leniency for confession, strictness for resistance", he confessed all his criminal thoughts all day.

Although I have some guesses about Shang Yunmiao's thoughts, it is still quite interesting to hear them from her mouth. Chen Bing couldn't hold back her emotions several times and almost laughed out loud during Shang Yunmiao's confession.

"So, the above is what I want to confess..." In Chen Bing's half-smile eyes, Shang Yunmiao lowered her head and completed the confession of her crime.

At this moment, she felt very happy as if she was free. Even her head, which had been lowered, was unconsciously raised. Anyway, she had already said that she was "afraid of being teased". Apart from Chen Bing guessing that she liked him, Shang Yunmiao was no longer afraid of anything.

In other words, she was now like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water, and she could be killed or shaved at will.

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