The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1401: Visit (1)

The sky is gray again. Eight?? One? Chinese network W? WW. 81ZW. COM

Yuxi entered the royal study room and said to Yunqing: "Looking at this day, it is going to rain again." During this time, almost every day there was a rain.

Yunqing knows what Yuxi is worried about and smiles and says: "Reassured, it will definitely not rain on the sixth day. If Lu Guangyi has no such thing, then this supervisor will be replaced."

After a while, it rained outside. Slowly, the rain is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually becomes like a curtain of water. Everything can't be seen clearly.

Yuxi put down the fold in his hand and suddenly said: "He Rui, my mother came back yesterday, we should also go to see."

When the mother-in-law returns, the reason is to go back and visit. Yunqing said helplessly: "Where can we go now?" Not to mention the book's push on the mountain, only to say that so many ministers come over every day and they can't leave.

"I want to visit the next mother." Qiu has gone to Jiangnan, and the mother and daughter have never seen each other. These years are all connected by letters.

At this time, outside Si Bo Nian said Gu Taining asked to see. Yunqing said with a smile: "If you want to go, go! But, come back soon."

When people are in power, the longer they are, the more they perceive the benefits of this right. The more things Yunqing takes over, the more it feels that the emperor is a hardship. At the same time, it is also fortunate that Yuxi has helped to deal with government affairs. If he is replaced by him, he will not be able to stand up for a few months.

Gu Taining saw Yuxi at the gate and quickly went to a ceremony: "Wang Hao..."

Yuxi waved his hand and said: "Wang Ye is inside, you go in!" After that, he turned back to the palace. To go to Han, it is definitely a change of clothes.

When I went out, Mei Lan asked: "Wang Hao, don't you call the big county owner to go with the two county owners?" It seems that Wang Hao alone is not good.

Yuxi shook his head and said: "I will come back to visit the next mother, and let the jujubes and their sisters go together tomorrow." She can't stay for a long time, maybe a few words will come back.

The air after the rain is very fresh.

Qiu’s and Li’s mother said: “Old lady, let’s go to the garden!” After dinner, there will be no trouble for Qiu’s going out on weekdays. This habit was developed before Yuxi did not marry.

Ms. Li shook her head and said: "Old lady, this house has not been repaired in many places, and some roads outside are not very good." When she went out in the morning, she saw puddles in some places. This was not the case before.

Qiu smiled and said: "I have been thinking about it after I have been away for so many years."

Ms. Li shook her head and said: "Old lady, don't worry about this half-time. Now it's just slippery after the rain. It's easy to fall out. The old lady, you forgot, the old slave was going out on a rainy day. I’m going to smash my ankle!” Fortunately, the blink of an eye with her hand was holding her up and she didn’t let her fall on the floor. Otherwise, it’s not half a month, but three or five months.

Qiu listened to this and hesitated.

Ms. Li smiled and said: "I want to go to the garden to see, and the old slaves will accompany you when the weather is fine."

In case she fell, she must make Yuxi and Han Jianming worry, thinking that Qiu will no longer insist on it, nod and say: "Listen to you."

At this time, such as Xia said: "Old lady, grandmother and the second grandmother came over." Lu Xiu busy dealing with the affair, not so soon.

Qiu met Zhong Minxiu and looked at her stomach and said: "You are really a child, rainy road slippery, not good to stay in the yard to run here to do?" Unlucky, she did not say.

Zhong Minxiu took the arm of Qiu's arm and smiled. "Don't come to see my grandmother, my heart is not practical." I think she is at Zhongjia, unless she is sick, she will never fall in the morning. .

Qiu poked the forehead of Zhong Minxiu and smiled and said: "What is not practical, I have Li mothers here!" But obviously, this makes Qiu very useful.

Liu Shi looked at Qiu’s very, Zhong Minxiu, and they got along very much like the pro-grandchildren. They can admire the elders’ eyes and smile. It’s also a skill, she can’t.

Qiu’s on the couch, and asked Liu to sit up. Smell the smell of Liu's body, Qiu asked with concern: "How to take medicine? Is the body uncomfortable?"

Liu Juan donated his head and said: "No."

Upon hearing this, Qiu’s frowning asked: “Is it a three-point drug, and I am not sick?”

Liu Juan donated his head and whispered: "There was a doctor who had taken a doctor a few days ago and opened a prescription for the body." She and Han Jiashun became pro-two years, and the husband and wife were considered to be loving, but the stomach was not moving at all. Not to mention Lu Xiu, she is also anxious not to do it herself.

Qiu immediately understood what Liu Juanjuan had taken, and took her hand and patted it and said: "You are still young, and this is not anxious."

Liu Juan donated and thought that Qiu would be disgusted. I didn’t expect to have such a sentence, and immediately it was red.

Qiu’s heart sighed and didn’t show up on the surface: “Don’t be afraid, it’s estimated that the fate hasn’t arrived yet. The fate is up, the child will come.”

Liu's nod: "Mother is also said so." Although Liu Biyuan is now in a high position, but before the foundation is too thin, Liu Juanjuan does not understand a lot of things. In the past two years, Lu Xiu has been patiently teaching her. Now, she can handle the affairs alone. During this time, if there is a help from Liu, Lu Xiu will be more tired.

Zhong Minxiu thought about it and decided to sell it with Liu Juanjuan: "Da, my mother married me for three years without my face. My grandmother asked her to hold the children of my second uncle's family. After half a year, My mother is pregnant with my older brother."

Waiting for Qiu and Liu Juanjuan to ask, Zhong Minxiu continued: "My mother later told me that her grandmother said that she is eager to look forward to the child, the more urgent she is, the more she can’t bear it. The child is raised around, the mood is relaxed, naturally I am pregnant." Of course, the precondition is that the two people are not sick.

Liu Juanjuan is very surprised: "Is there such a statement?"

Qiu has a lot of knowledge and said: "I have heard of this before. A Juan, or you have a child to raise around."

Over the past year, she has had a lot of medicines. Liu Juanjuan is too anxious. Now, when I heard Zhong Minxiu’s words, whether she used it or not, she wanted to try it out: “But where to find a child to raise?” There is only one child in the house, that is, a brother. I also know that it is impossible for Xiang to hand over the child to her. And people like them can't go outside to have a child to raise.

Zhong Minxiu asked: "Is your mother's family in the capital? If it is, you can pick up your niece or nephew to live for a while!"

Liu Juanjuan was surprised and looked at Qiu’s question: "Grandma, can you?" Her older brother has a son and a daughter, and the prostitute is four years old. If she proposes to take the prostitute to take over for a while, her older brother will definitely not object.

Qiu smiled and said: "Of course. But this matter must be told to your mother."

This Liu Juanjuan naturally knows: "Thank you grandmother."

At this time, Xiang’s came over: “Mother, I want to go out and add some things.” There was nothing in the room, and she was not used to it. And the things brought by Jiangnan will take several days to arrive. So Xiangshi wants to go out and turn around to see if he can buy something that suits his mind.

Although Qiu has nothing to do, she is not stupid. Just arrived yesterday, Xiang said today that he would go out and buy things outside. This clearly shows that Lu Xiu is not satisfied with the house she has arranged.

For more than 20 years, the wife of Lu Xiu is very clear about Lu Xiu’s temper, and she will not deliberately not do anything well. And in these years Lu Xiu has worked outside and outside, she is watching. Don't say that Xiang's original would not be her favorite, even Zhong Minxiu is better than Lu Xiu.

Qiu’s body looks indifferent: “You are not familiar with the capital, go out and bring two people to follow.”

Xiang’s nod and went out.

Qiu smiled and said to Liu Juanjuan: "Busy your way, here is Ah Xiu accompanying me." This grandson, in addition to failing to give her a great grandson early, is also impeccable in other aspects.

Liu Juanjuan rushed to contact Lu Xiu to pick up the prostitute and lived, and immediately nodded.

Zhong Minxiu said with a smile: "Grandma, the room is stuffy, I will accompany you to the yard and go!" Lu Xiu considered that the age of Qiu was old, so he paved a cobblestone road in the yard. It’s good to walk on the shoes and walk on it.

Only from this point can you see how much Lu Xiu spent on building the upper house on the same day.

When Yuxi walked outside the yard, he heard the pleasant laughter of Qiu, and walked up the door and walked in.

When Zhong Minxiu heard the footsteps, he turned his head. When he saw Yuxi frowning, how could this person come in without passing it, and it was too rude.

It is mainly that Yuxi wears casual clothes. If it is worn, Zhong Minxiu may not think so.

Qiu turned around and saw Yuxi, and immediately stopped.

Yuxi walked to Qiu’s side and said with a smile: "Mom, how? You don't even know me?"

Qiu’s hand grabbed Yuxi’s hand and said, “You are really, how come you don’t send someone to say it in advance?” The main thing is too surprised. Yuxi is now in a different identity. If he wants to come, he should not come alone.

After listening to such a few words, Zhong Minxiu still can't know what is standing in front of her is the idol she worships.

I don’t want to think about it, Zhong Minxiu shouted on the ground: “Wang Hao Chitose is a thousand years old.”

The sound is so big that everyone in the yard heard it. Regardless of whether they are in the house or in the kitchen, they all come out and squat on the ground.

Yuxi said with a smile: "Get up!"

After the Xiangshi stood up, Yuxi said with a smile: "It's a good boy. I don't want to lose my filial piety with my heart." The big belly is still happy with Qiu, no matter why, only this thought. It is rare.

Zhong Minxiu whispered: "Wang Hao won the prize, this is what Axiu should do."

Yuxi smiled and said to Qiu: "Mother, let's go into the house!" Going so many ways, the legs are sour.

Entering the house, Yuxi looked around the room and said with a smile: "When I walked with me, it didn't change much."

Qiu said with a smile: "Yes! You have spent a lot of thoughts on the second." She listened to Han Jianming and said that the entire government office was destroyed. This time, I came back with the same thing as before. I can imagine the cost. How much effort.

"Well, the second time has lost a lot of time!" Can not find satisfactory furniture, Lu Xiu also went to find Yunqing to help.

Yuxi carefully looked at the next Qiu, and said with a smile: "Mom, you are now much younger than before going to Jiangnan. It seems that Jiangnan's water and soil support!"

"Old! They are all sixty years old." After that, Qiu looked at Yuxi and said with a smile: "It is you, it has not changed at all."

Yuxi said with a smile: "Jujube dates are about to be married, and there is no change at all."

Zhong Minxiu is very embarrassed on weekdays, but he can't make it in front of Yuxi. He didn't dare to sing underneath.

"Is the date of jujube dates fixed?" Jujube dates are nineteen this year. Ordinary people are so old as their mothers, and Yuxi’s children will stay there until late.

Yuxi said with a smile: "No. But it is probably at the beginning of next year! Now I am very busy with He Rui, and I have no time to talk about her."

Qiu’s busy road: “If you are busy, you have to come and see what I am doing, and it’s up to you!”

"I haven't seen you for so many years, I miss you very much. I wanted to come yesterday. I am afraid that you have just had a good rest, so I didn't come over." Yu Qi has been very grateful to Qiu. Whether it is the last life or the whole life, in the Han family, she relied on Qiu’s photo to make her feel so relaxed. In returning to the peaches, she naturally wants to let her enjoy her old age in this life.

When Qiu heard this, he said in silence: "Yu Xi, wait for you to take the prince and the date and they will give you a fragrant incense!" After the election, Qiu said: "Your mother is coming." Before I died, I took my hand and cried and asked me to take care of you. Before I closed my eyes, I still looked at you. I know, she is not worried about you!" The child was born just two months away, and replaced Which one is worried about her mother.

For the first time in two generations, Yuxi was the first to hear this.

Zhong Minxiu glanced at Qiu's, and immediately lowered his head. Her grandmother is also really a real person. At this time, it is not good to entice Wang Hao, and even mention the mother of Wang Hao.

Yuxi nodded and said: "After the ceremony, I will go to the grave with He Rui."

Qiu is very pleased and nodded: "Your mother sees you so happy, Jiuquan will be very happy."

Yuxi gently responded: "Yeah."

Speaking of Ning's, Qiu's thought of Tie Kui: "I heard that you are still alive? Is it true?"

"It's true! When I was exiled in Tongcheng, I was rescued by an hunter, and I recognized the tiger as a foster father. In the past few years, he recognized me." Since the release of Tiekui's identity, No one is jealous of him.

Qiu’s busy nodded and said: “Your mother also heard that all the people in Ningjia met the bandits in Tongcheng, and they all lost their lives. If they knew that there were people in Ningjia, they would be very pleased.” It was also because she was born in advance, and Yuxi was born very badly.

Yuxi nodded and said: "It will be."

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