The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1402: Visit 2

Lu Xiu got the news and quickly took her daughter-in-law Liu Juanjuan to the upper house. ??八一中文W=W≈W≈. =8≈1≠Z≠W=. ≥C≥O≠M

Liu Juanjuan said as she walked: "Mother, is the lunch style a draft?" Wang Hao came over like this, they didn't have any preparations, and the dishes were not bought.

Lu Xiu knows more about Yuxi and said: "Wang Hao is likely to come over and look at the mother." It will not be too late to prepare meals in Han.

Liu Juanjuan nodded.

Yuxi asked about some of Qiu’s things in Jiangnan. Although there are also written in the letter, it is definitely detailed in person.

Lu Xiujin saw Yuxi and said: "Why don't you say anything when Wang Hao came over, you see that I have nothing to prepare, it is too rude."

Yuxi said with a smile: "If you tell you, you still don't make a move. I just came over to see the mother, and I will return to the palace."

Qiu also did not complain that Yuxi was too busy, but now she is deeply aware that Yuxi’s status is solid and Han’s family is safe. Qiu said: "You have to pay attention to your body. Don't make it too tired. If you are tired of your body, you can't count it. If you have dates, you can rely on you!"

"Mother, you can rest assured, I will pay attention to the body." After that, Yuxi stood up and said: "Mother, I have been idle for some time, and I will come back to see you later."

Qiu’s glance: "Is this going?"

Yuxi nodded: "Now the preparations for the enthronement ceremony, plus two places need disaster relief, a lot of complicated things. It should be gone for so long, or Wang Ye is afraid of being busy."

When it comes to this, Qiu’s nature will not stop: “When you think about me next time, I will go to the palace to see you.”

Yuxi also slammed a few words of Qiu: "Mother, if there is nothing missing, then hand it into the palace."

"I don't need anything. As long as you are safe, healthy and healthy, then I will be content." The children are filial, and they must hug their grandson again. There is nothing to worry about.

Yuxi sighed again and then went back to the palace. It’s really rushing and going in a hurry.

After sending away the person, Qiu said: "This child is really, I have no time to chat with my mother." Even if she knew that Yuxi was busy, she still felt that the woman's family should not be so tired.

No one dares to answer this.

Zhong Minxiu smiled and shifted the topic and said: "Grandmother, Wang Hao looks so young, and it is said that a 20-year-old girl will not be suspected." There are many women who are good at maintenance, but they look like they are twenty years old. Like a big girl, she saw it for the first time.

Qiu’s funny smile said: “Just your mouth is sweet, how can you just say that she is not in front of her face?”

Zhong Minxiu laughed and said: "Wang Hao is so majestic, I dare not let it go in front of her!"

Qiu poked her forehead and smiled and said: "Then you dare to put it in front of me?" In the words, full of pets!

Liu Juanjuan also laughed and teased: "It is also the grandmother's love, so the younger brother will dare to say anything in front of you."

Lu Xiu smiled and didn't talk. She only knew one day and she knew that her mother-in-law is now more concerned. Just eating the Buddha, it is a slap in the face.

Speaking of a conversation, Qiu said: "You all go back! I am lacking, I have to rest." The elderly have limited energy. Although people are busy, she can't support her spirit for a long time.

When I heard this, everyone got up and left.

The lotus followed Zhong Minxiu back to the yard and entered the house with a look of excitement: "The second grandmother, Wang Hao is easygoing, there is no shelf. The rumors that Wang Hao is very fierce, are deceptive."

Zhong Minxiu laughed and said: "Wang Hao is a grandmother, and naturally speaks." If it is outside, see if Wang Hao will be so easygoing.

The lotus smiled and said: "Grandma, you admire Wang Hao most. Did you see Wang Hao talking to her today?" The lotus was waiting outside and did not enter the house.

"In such an occasion, where is the share of my speech?" Wang Hao did not specifically name it, and the trade rash was very unruly.

Zhong Minxiu has long heard that Yuxi is a heavy-duty person, and he will do things that make Yuxi hate.

The lotus flower was not disappointing. Later, her grandmother had the opportunity to meet Wang Hao. He couldn’t say anything: "Grandma, I heard that Wang Hao is almost forty, but it looks really different."

Zhong Minxiu said with a smile: "The family is happy and cares, and it looks natural and young." This is the case, but Zhong Minxiu thinks that if there is a chance in the future, she must consult with Yuxi.

The lotus said; "Not only young, but also very beautiful." This kind of good-looking is not to say that it looks beautiful, but that it is particularly difficult and especially difficult to forget.

A woman came in and whispered: "Grandma, Grandma is back."

The futon got the news and immediately sent someone to call Xiang’s back. Yuxi just left, Xiang’s home.

After the woman went down, the lotus whispered: "Grandma, the big lady is not here, does Wang know?"

Zhong Minxiu chuckled: "Wang Hao did not ask."

The lotus is somewhat disappointing; "It’s a pity, if Wang Hao asked, it would be fine."

Zhong Minxiu also wondered: "Wang Hao did not even ask a question, this thing is strange." In any case, Xiang Shi is Wang Hao's big sister, how to ask in the government.

Lotus did not think much, said: "Maybe the original thing made Wang Hao still guilty, so I don't want to see her."

Zhong Minxiu shook his head; "No, Wang Hao is not such a small family." Even if the original thing did not like Xiangshi, it would not be so obvious.

When the lotus heard this, she suddenly said, "Grandma, do you know that Wang Hao knows that the big lady is out of the house?"

Zhong Minxiu’s reaction was also very quick. He nodded and said: “It’s really possible to count the time.”

After that, Zhong Minxiu laughed: "The mother-in-law is no one in this luck." The two must have never met each other, otherwise the item will definitely be folded back. She walked on her forefoot, and Wang Hao’s foot came. This will leave Wang Hao, and she is back. This luck is no one.

When Xiang Shi went to the upper house, Qiu had already lie down, so she could only go back to the main court.

Xiang Shi looked for Lu Xiu and asked with ugly face: "Wang Hao is coming to the house today, why don't you tell me in advance?" If she knew that Wang Hao would come to Han, she would definitely not go out.

Lu Xiu is not a soft persimmon, but she is not willing to argue with Xiang. Although it is awkward, but her mother can be a mother of Nguyen, she is awkward with Xiang’s face: "Is it because I deliberately not tell you this?"

Xiang Shi is also anxious and angry, and his speech is unobtrusive. Now I heard Lu Xiu’s unwelcome words, and immediately wake up: "Sister, don’t be angry, I just got a little anxious, not that you deliberately concealed me."

Lu Xiu heard this and his look eased. Although she doesn't like Xiang, she doesn't want to be jealous with Xiang. In this way, the reputation of passing out is also hard to hear: "I also got the news after Wang Hao entered the government. Daxie, Wang Hao said that she just wanted to be a mother, so she came to visit her next mother."

"How come so soon?" Since I came to visit my mother-in-law, how can I finish my lunch and then go.

Lu Xiu laughed and said: "Wang Hao has a lot of opportunities, it is very difficult to take time to visit the mother, and there is still time to stay for lunch." Not looking for a mother-in-law to enter the palace, but to come out to see, it is already a big Decent.

Xiang’s mood was not good, and he soon returned to the main court. As soon as he entered the house, the futon asked: "Mrs. What did the two ladies say?"

"She said she didn't know beforehand." She believed this. Because I got the news in advance, I must have arranged it. But this morning, the whole house was silent, and there was no movement at all.

After the election, Xiang Shi said: "The second lady said that Wang Hao is specifically looking at her mother. If she wants to come to me, she will not blame herself."

The futon resolute Xiang said: "I will definitely not blame. Wang Hao himself will come without saying hello, Madame, you don't know. If you blame, it would be too unreasonable."

Xiang Shi snorted and sat in a chair and said: "Han is a big house, and this housekeeper should also be a big house."

"I am afraid that the second lady is not willing to hand over the stewardship." In charge of the feed, it is equivalent to holding the backyard in hand. In this way, it is very convenient to act. In addition, with the convenience of the butler, you can also get some oil and water.

Xiang’s frowning said: “I have to find a good way to let the second lady take the initiative to surrender the stewardship.”

Without Xiang’s method, Lu Xiu wanted to hand over the stewardship. I used dinner on this day. In the house, Lu Xiu mentioned this in front of everyone: "Mother, you see that Daxie is back, and this task is still handed back to Datun! Mother, you also make me relaxed and relaxed. It’s the day."

Upon hearing this, Xiang Shi was a bit stunned. She did not expect Lu Xiu to take the initiative to hand over the stewardship.

Xiang is a person of his own. Lu Xiu didn't want to take care of the Han family's stalls very early, and the real effort was not good. Of course, the most important thing is that Han Jianye himself is also a general from the second product. They don’t have to rely on the big house to get along very well.

Qiu Shi shook his head and said: "You have to take your brother, not so much energy. This is still your responsibility, if you feel tired, let Juan Juan help you!"

The black face of Xiang Shi is in the bottom of the pot. When her children are so big, they can have no time and no energy. After thinking about it, Xiang’s family was not reconciled. He said: “Mother, my brother is also big, and there is a milkmaid to help. I can help the younger sister and steward, it’s okay.”

Liu Juanjuan knows that Lu Xiu is really unwilling to take care of the house, and immediately said with a smile: "Grandma, I am not going to pick up a prostitute to live for a few days? During this time, I am afraid that there is no time to help the mother to manage the affairs of the house."

Qiu hesitated, nodded and said: "If this is the case, then your mother, you will help the management."

Xiang’s posture is also low: “Younger brother, I don’t understand a lot of things at a young age. If there are incomplete places, I hope that my younger siblings can give more guidance.” After Zhong Minxiu’s housekeeper, Xiang’s realized that he had many shortcomings. .

Her daughter-in-law will do her best to teach, but Xiang’s is not a daughter-in-law. Moreover, Xiang’s behavior has made her a great joy.

Lu Xiupi smiled and said with a smile: "Dayu is really polite. When I was in Yucheng, I heard that Daxie was particularly capable. The Governor’s Office is well-organized inside and outside. I am able to bear this. I am afraid that it is not enough to look at it." She is not willing to take care of her family, but she is not allowed to squat. While suspicion that I am full of pockets, I want to teach myself how to manage the feed, how can there be such a cheap thing in the world!

Before Qiu’s return, the people of the entire government office looked at her face. The words that Xiang’s Achilles he said in the room were heard by people outside. Naturally, these words were quickly introduced into Lu Xiu’s ears.

Xiang’s words could not be said.

Yuxi returned to the palace and did not immediately go to the royal study, but returned to the palace.

After a while, Yunqing came over: "What happened? Is it so exhausting?"

"There was no change in the small government circle in the government office." A small part of the place has changed, but the general pattern has not changed.

Yunqing sat down and asked: "How is the body of the mother-in-law? Can it be okay?" For Qiu, Yunqing is still very respectful.

"The body is still, it is much older than before." Saying that Qiu is not old, it is a relief. People who are old, even if the days are too comfortable, so one year is not as good as one year.

Yunqing said: "When I am busy with this, I will accompany you to visit her old man."

Yuxi nodded and said: "He Rui, after a while, we took the date and they went to give me a mother to the grave. Are you optimistic?"

Yunqing smashed for three seconds, then nodded and said: "Yes." If it wasn't for a few days, he wouldn't open it. He wanted to take the children to Ning's grave on these two days.

When I paused, Yunqing asked: "Yu Xi, do you know what kind of person is your mother?" He never heard Yuxi mention Ning's, so he just squatted.

Yuxi shook his head and said: "I don't know. I passed away in two months. I have rarely mentioned her to me in these years." Qiu’s time with Ning was also very short, and she didn’t know her. . Fang mother is afraid that mentioning Ning's will make Yuxi sad, so she rarely said Ning's business.

Yun Qing said with a distressed face: "It hurts you."

The hardest and hardest days have passed. Yuxi smiled and asked: "What kind of person is that mother-in-law?"

Yunqing thought about it: "My mother is a person with a personality. But I am a good temper, and their husband and wife are also loving and loving."

Yuxi waited for a long time, and did not see Yunqing say: "After the father-in-law and the mother-in-law, you must be particularly painful?" She did not get along with Ning's, so she mentioned Ning's, she is not sad, but Yunqing does not same.

That period of time was the darkest of Yun Qing’s life. In the past, Yunqing never mentioned it. After so many years, plus family happiness, I gradually came out of the pain: "The most painful thing is to know that Grandpa passed away, but I can't even send it in the last trip. At that time, I really want to die. But Grandpa wants me to live well, so I can't die." Before he was ten years old, he lived happily and happily. The only thing that was embarrassing was that he couldn't finish his homework. After ten years old, he lived by hatred.

Yuxi held the hand of Yunqing and said, "Don't think about it, it's all gone. I think Grandpa and the public mother-in-law will see you so now, and I will be very pleased."

Yun Qing said with a smile: "If Grandpa knows that I am so capable and beautiful, I have given birth to so many great-grandchildren, and I will definitely laugh and laugh."

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