The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1403: Yuchen's change 1

Standing in front of the window, looking at the lanterns hanging outside. ?八一中文网W=W=W≈. ≈8≠1≠Z≤W≥. COM wind blows over, the fire flashes and flashes left and right.

Yan Wushuang entered the house and looked at Yuchen’s eyes and looked outside. He asked, “What are you looking at?”

Yuchen did not marry him, saying: "The fourth day of this year, after the talk is the day when Yunqing is enthroned." Yunqing became the emperor, and Yuxi was the queen.

"I didn't expect Yunqing to be an emperor one day." Such a coward, even as an emperor, became the master of this world. Think about it, he feels incredible.

Yuchen has the same feeling: "We didn't even think that Yuxi would be a queen."

Yan Wushuang chuckled: "Han Yuxi, not just the Queen." Seeing Yu Chen was shocked, not waiting for her to ask and take the initiative to say: "Yun Qing Dengji Grand Ceremony will take Han Yuxi together to the Golden Jubilee Hall."

"How is this possible?" I have never heard of the emperor as an emperor, but also with his wife standing on the Golden Temple to accept the worship of the civil and military officials.

“The news is absolutely true.” After that, Yan Wushuang said with admiration: “Let Han Yuxi accept the worship of Wenwu Baiguan, which is equivalent to telling the world that Han Yuxi is equal to him.” Equally speaking, there are two The emperor.

Yuchen took a breath.

Yan Wushuang smiled, and the smile was full of sarcasm: "Yun Qing’s hand is very beautiful, which can both stabilize the people and make Han Yuxi die for him."

Yuchen felt that this was very harsh. He said in silence: "The emperor, maybe Yunqing did not think so, but simply thought that the world was he and Yu Yuxi together, so it is reasonable to accept the worship of the hundred officials. It!"

Yan Wu doubled a bit. Yuchen married him for so many years, and for the first time, he directly refuted his words: "Do you think so?"

Yuchen nodded and said: "Yes. The emperor, according to what you said, Yunqing is not a person who is good at calculations and deep in mind, then he certainly cannot use this method to cover Yuxi." On the contrary, in Yan's unparalleled In the words, Yunqing is a coward who has no thoughts.

After a pause, Yuchen said with a smile: "Further, Yuxi is such a shrewd person. If Yunqing is a false and false, he can escape her eyes."

Yan Wushuang smiled and said: "You are quite right, Han Yuxi's mind is much deeper than Yunqing." On the game, the two Yunqing are not Han Yuxi's opponents.

Yuchen hesitated, and finally asked: "The emperor, in the Donghu people and Yunqing's pinch attack Liaodong really can save it?" She did not have half confidence.

Yan Wushuang asked: "Are you afraid?" Yuxi changed a lot after his face was injured. Not only is it not the same as before, but the courage is bigger than before.

Yuchen shook his head and said: "I am not afraid. I have been guilty in this life, and I have enjoyed it. Even if I die now, I have no regrets. But Achi and Abao have just begun. If I can, I hope they can be safe and healthy. Live to be a hundred years old."

Yan Wushuang smiled and said: "You never said such a thing before?" Faced with the change of Yuchen, Yan Wushuang is happy to see it. The former Yuchen was beautiful and versatile, but he was not mad, giving him the feeling of being a fairy rather than a living person. The current Yuchen is very real.

Yuchen smiled and said: "People will always change."

This kind of change, Yan Wushuang likes it: "It doesn't matter if Liaodong can't keep it. When I get there, I will let Achi and Abao retreat."

Yuchen asked suspiciously: "Where the whole body retreats?" Although Abao and Achi are not old enough, they have no enmity with Yunqing and Yuxi, but they are all in the game, and they want to be their children. It’s easy to talk about it all over the body.

Yan Wushuang is reluctant to say more: "I was making arrangements five years ago. I will send them away in that step." Specifically, Yan Wushuang did not say anything.

Yuchen shook his head and said: "Under the heavens, it is not the king's land. Under the heavens, it is not the king's soil. The land of the soil is not the king of the king. Can you send them to where..." When the words are not finished, Yuchen turns to look at Yan Wu. Road: "Do you want Achi to hide their names?" If this is the case, you can avoid the pursuit of Yunqing and Han Yuxi.

Yan Wushuang did not answer this question, just said: "You don't have to worry about this, I will arrange it."

Yu Chen did not continue to ask, and asked what could come.

Shi Xiang said outside: "The goddess, the flower house sent a peony."

Yuchen smiled and said; "Get in!"

Yan Wushuang glanced at the blossoming flower and said: "Han Yuxi also likes to put flowers in the study. The tastes of your sisters are similar."

While touching the flowers, Yuchen said softly: "We grew up together, and some similar preferences are very common." The voice was very soft, as if afraid of scaring the potted flowers.

In addition to the fact that both sisters like to put flowers in the house, they do not like incense.

After a pause, Yuchen smiled and said: "But in the former government office, I have never seen her like flowers."

"It may be because of the unloved!" Spring and summer is okay, there is no flowers in the winter, only the warm room is cultivated. That price is not affordable for ordinary people. Even in the government office, a girl who is not favored is not qualified.

Yuchen laughed and said: "The so-called unloved is the appearance. Grandmother and I really don't like her, but the aunt has always been very fond of her. The aunt is in charge of the feed, and she is good at financial management. Yuxi is not worse than me in the National Government. I have, she basically has."

After the meal, Yuchen added another sentence: "The big aunt took care of her, the beginning is because her mother saved the second brother. Later, when the feelings came, the aunt would treat her as her biological daughter. Even if the monk said that she had not abandoned her aunt with her aging, she would pass her to her name."

Yuxi’s previous events, perhaps Yan Wushuang is clearer than herself.

Yuchen saw Yan Wusou did not answer, self-deprecating: "Look at me, I am thinking about the past. When I am old, I always think about the past."

Although there is a slight scar on the face of Yuchen, the inverted scar does not damage her appearance.

Yan Wushuang looked down and said softly: "Not at all, it is as good as before." He will marry Yu Yuchen, in addition to wanting revenge, it is also that Yuchen really looks good. If it is ugly, he definitely won't.

Yuchen stunned.

Yan Wushuang quickly shifted the topic: "You have been recuperating for so long, can you now cook the palace?"

"Isn't Shu Shu a good one?" This is a compliment to Shu. After so many months, the people in the palace have long complained.

Yan Wushuang silently said: "I will let her hand over the palace to you today." Yuchen has formulated a set of rules, and everyone must act in accordance with the rules of the palace. On the surface of Shu Shu, the rules are handled according to the rules formulated by Yuchen. In fact, she deducts the palace people, and other places can save the province, and the name is saved. The money that can be saved is all in her pocket.

Yuchen did not shirk and nodded.

Shu Shu just tasted the sweetness, and the palace was taken back by Yuchen, and it was not mad at the moment.

Sorghum is also a headache. She said that everything has been done according to the rules set by the nobles, but Shu Shu only does superficial work. In fact, all of them are in accordance with her own intentions.

After licking a few vases, Shu Shu screamed: "This fox is disfigured and turned into ugly and ugly. It also catches the emperor and listens to her." Those who are almost thirty years old, Shu Yan’s face can’t be compared with the past. It is. If everyone is like this, it will not be old.

Before Xiang Shuyi hated Yuchen, he hated to gnash his teeth, knowing that Yuchen was disgusted and hated to set off firecrackers. How can I think of it, and the ghost looks like the same as the emperor.

Gao Hao reluctantly advised: "The goddess, in the sake of the three emperors and the big princess, the emperor will not be cold." This is all Shu Shu. Although the appearance of the chaise is detrimental, the talent is not damaged, and there is no self-blame after the injury. On the other hand, my own niece, all day complained of resentment, replaced by she is not happy to come here.

Shu Shu heard this saying and said: "That girl." At first, A Bao took her a whip, Shu Shu still remembers now. It’s just that A Bao has always been favored, and she can’t help revenge.

Gao Hao was busy saying: "The sissy is cautious. If the emperor hears more than us, it is the maiden you can't be good." You can also pretend outside, and in your own house, you never hide your temperament. She and the two close-knit women have always been afraid, afraid that Shu Shu was severely punished and hurt them.

Shu Shu finished his temper and sat in a chair and gasped: "Hey, what do you say about Han Yuchen's demon law? So big and old, not only a little bit old, but more beautiful?" Every time I see jade Chen, she was so eager to rush to catch the face of Hua Yuchen.

In this case, Gao Song has heard no less than a hundred times. This is an unsolvable problem, so Gao Song transferred the topic and said: "You see that there are new people in the palace. The empress is the old man. It is good for the nobles, and because she has the longest time with the emperor. ”

Shu Shu asked half-heartedly: "Really?"

"Mother, the palace can have new people in the past few years?" Five years ago, Yan Wushuang did not favor newcomers. The harem is now, just a few people.

Shu Shu thought and nodded and said: "You are right. Hey, then you said how can I let the emperor come to me, not to find the fox."

Gao Wei said: "The goddess, you have to spleen under the temper. The emperor knows that you have broken the furnishings in the house and can be happy." Shu Shu has not changed his name for so many years, but instead It is getting worse.

Shu Yu’s troubles said: “I want to change, can’t I change it?” Gao Wei gave her a lot of suggestions, such as letting Shu Shu change her temper and then warming up the palace, so that Yan’s unparalleled here. There is a feeling of home. Even warm and whispered, Yan Yan is undoubtedly happy, He Yuyan is uncommon and does not come often.

Unfortunately, no matter what good advice, Shu Shu can't do it. After a long time, the sorghum was a little discouraged. If Shu Shu is very dependent on her, and the people behind her want her to do things, she wants to go out of the palace. With such a master, really tired!

After a short while, I will be able to sing the fragrance. When Xiang Shuyu entered the palace, the little **** dared to go into the house to clean.

Cuiyu went to the department to report damage, and the result touched the gray of the nose. When I saw Gao Song, Cui Yu said with a bitter face: "Hey, the people of the Shangshang Bureau said that there are no more vases. We have to add some to find our own way." Xiang Shuzhen has a grumpy temper, and likes to pick things up in a fire. So I don't dare to put antiques or expensive things in the house. However, the porcelain of Liaodong is shipped from the capital of the capital. A more delicate porcelain bottle in Beijing may be worth only a few dozens, but it can be several hundred and two in Liaodong. The problem now is that the two are fighting, and things can't be shipped. Many things can't be bought or sold.

Gao Hao said in silence: "Respond to the girl!"

"I am afraid that the goddess knows that she must have a temper." My mother-in-law is just like a cannon, and she is tempered if she doesn't. Like them for years, they are often scolded. Fortunately, Shu Shu is just not moving, or else no one dares to wait.

Gao Yan sighed and said: "I can't help but think about it."

Shu Shu heard that the Shang Shang Bureau did not give her something to make up, and married Cui Yu: "You are a dead person, will not say that we pay for it ourselves? This is not a good thing, what do you want to do?"

Cui Yu said with a sad face: "I said, but the **** said that there is no porcelain in the storeroom." Shu Shu likes milky white porcelain.

Shu Shu said: "Do you have any brains, and you know that they are perfunctory."

Jade fell down and didn't talk, even if she knew that it was perfunctory, she could still quarrel with the manager.

Shu Shu had a pass, and finally it took a lot of effort to comfort her.

After dinner, Shu Shu saw the two dishes and soup on the table and changed his face: "What is going on?"

Cui Lian, who is going to take a meal, can't hide himself, so he doesn't have to bear the anger of Xiang Shu.

Gao Hao saw and comforted Xiang Shuzhen and asked Cui Lian: "How can I only have two dishes and one soup?" Xiang Shuzhen is a four-in-one soup on weekdays. If the four emperors or emperors eat here, they will add extra dishes. . If you want to add food on weekdays, you have to pay for it yourself.

Cui Lian whispered: "The chaise said that the war ahead is hard, we can't spread waste in the back, so we should all cut the wear and tear from today."

Xiang Shuzhen dropped the tableware and rushed to Ruyi Palace. At this time, Yuchen is using lunch.

When Xiang Shuzhen saw Yuchen, the eyes were almost able to spurt out the fire: "Han Yuchen, why should you reduce my expenses?"

Yuchen looked indifferently: "The battle ahead is hard, and the money saved is sent to the soldiers. This is our heart."

The most disgusting thing about Xiang Shuzhen is the appearance of Yuchen’s light and light wind. If you really see the red dust, go out and become a nun, don’t seduce the emperor!

Xiang Shuzhen sneered: "You will count, take our money to give you a reputation."

Yuchen put down the chopsticks in his hand and said: "Not only you, but my daily use has also decreased." Because of Yu Gui, the treatment is higher than Xiang Shuzhen. She is an eight-in-one soup on weekdays. Today she only has two dishes and one soup. They are chicken silkworm and braised eggplant and squid soup.

Xiang Shuzhen said: "That is your business, you want to stand..." At this time, Gao Song coughed hard. Xiang Shuzhen listened, and continued to say: "You want to be famous for it. It is your business."

Yuchen glanced at the sorghum, but did not speak.

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