The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1404: Yuchen's change 2

Xiang Shuzhen saw that Yuchen did not speak, the higher the arrogance: "Han Yuchen, to save your own savings, don't pull me.???? Bayi Chinese W (eight) W (one) W (eight).? 8 (one) 1 (one) Z? W.COM this time, and then I am welcome next time."

Yuchen stood up slowly, and then said to a cockroach standing behind the scent of incense: "Xiang Shuzhen commits the following, gold leaf, palms six times."

Xiang Shuzhen heard this and said evilly: "Han Yuchen, you dare." Although her grade is lower than Han Yuchen, Han Yuchen is not qualified to beat her, and she reprimands at most.

Seeing Jin Ye approaching, Xiang Shuzhen realized that Han Yuchen was coming true. Staring at the golden leaf, Xiang Shuzhen yelled: "If you dare to move this palace, the palace will marry your tribe."

The sorghum who was about to speak heard this, and the whole person was wooden. The three tribes, this only the emperor is qualified, Xiang Shuzhen is crazy.

Jin Ye was not afraid of Xiang Shuzhen. After listening to this, she still went up. In the scream of Xiang Shuzhen, she slammed her ten slaps.

Yuchen said faintly: "The emperor already knows about the halving of the expenses in the palace. If you have any opinions, please go to the emperor."

Xiang Shuzhen wants to swear, but now she can’t say anything, she can only be embarrassed.

Gao Hao was shocked, and when did the nobles become so strong. Gao Hao supported Xiang Shuzhen and said softly and whispered: "Oh, we will go back to the palace first."

Xiang Shuzhen also knows that she can't be better if she stays here again. She nods. However, when he left, he turned his head and looked at Yuchen’s eyes full of resentment.

Returning to Fanghua Palace, Xiang Shuzhen took the mirror and saw that her face was swollen like a pig's head. When the mirror was smashed, it was smashed: "Hey, swearing..."

Jade and Cui Lian were scared to go back three steps.

Sorghum took the ointment and went up with a hard scalp. He said softly: "The niece, first put on the medicine to reduce swelling. Otherwise, it will not be good."

Xiang Shuzhen heard this and struggled to spit out two words: "Taiwan doctor." The medicine could not be dared to be painted, and she had to use the medicine that was too medically prescribed. The reason is very simple, afraid of staying.

Gao Hao said busyly: "I have sent someone to ask a doctor."

After a while, Zhang Tai doctor came over. Zhang Tai’s news is also well-informed and has already got news on the road. So looking at Xiang Shu's pig's head, I didn't reveal a trace of surprise.

In fact, as long as the swelling is gone, it will be fine. However, Zhang Taiji is an old fritter, knowing that Xiang Shuzhen hated the expensive hate and spit fire, so after the end of the vein, Zhang Tai doctor said a common term, then opened a fire to the square, and then took out a box of ointment. : "Fangzi oral administration, ointment coating."

Not long after drinking the medicine, Xiang Shuzhen fell asleep. This medicine does not put the medicinal herbs of the gods, it is too tired for Xiang Shuzhen.

Yuchen got the news and said: "With Xiang Shuzheng, I don't dare to worry about coming to the following." To cut expenses, the following stipulations are not going to make trouble. Xiang Shuzhen collided at this time, she naturally wants to kill chickens and monkeys.

Gui Yan said with some worries: "The goddess, you will certainly be hated by Xiang Shuzhen." At that time, Gui Yan was not in the temple. Of course, even if she is not in the face of outsiders, it is against the meaning of Yuchen.

Yuchen laughed, and the smile was full of sarcasm: "I don't do anything, she hates me." They were enemies from the beginning, but she used to avoid the conflict with Xiang Shuzhen, but now she has changed. The idea.

Gui Yan asked in silence: "Women, why do you suddenly want to reduce expenses?" This is a very offensive thing.

Yuchen stroking the suet jade bracelet on his wrist and said: "The soldiers in front of the **** battle, can eat a white-faced steamed pork dumpling before the battlefield can not eat, we are here Jinyi jade food, my heart is uneasy." These things are all said by Achi in the letter.

This is Dayi, and Guiyi can't refute it: "The niece, even if it wants to reduce expenses, can't suffer from it." Yuchen grew up from a small to a big jade food, and now only two dishes for her meal made her sad. .

Yuchen smiled and said: "Achi is eating salty vegetables in Tongcheng. I have two dishes and one soup here." She is not like a soldier in front, but a son Achi. This is a mother, rather than suffering her own son.

Gui Yan is still the same sentence: "Mother, you can't be too bitter!" She is really reluctant to suffer from such suffering.

"However, it is a few dishes, a few sets of clothes, what is this bitter?" See Guiyu and say, Yuchen: "Yuhe can have two dishes and one soup in the past. Why can't I do it?" The Yuxi family is only eating eight dishes and one soup. However, the weight of those dishes is relatively large.

Gui Yan heard this saying: "Yiang Niang, Han Yuxi is Han Yuxi, you are you, there is no comparability." What she does not like most now is to listen to Yuchen and compare himself with Yuxi.

Yuchen said softly: "I don't want to compare with her. I really think that every meal is a luxury."

Gui Yan is very sad. It is also a day when the days are not as good as before, so the goddess will feel that eight dishes and one soup are extravagant. I want to be a girl at home before Yuchen, every meal is this number, and only a lot later.

Yuchen looked at Gui's look and said with a smile: "Yu Xi was assigned to Yunqing in the same year. We all thought that she couldn't stand the bitterness of Yucheng in the city. But in fact, she was there. Live better than in the capital."

See Guiyu and say, Yuchen shook his head and said: "Hey, many things actually seem difficult, but in fact it is not that difficult." After that, Yuchen smiled and touched the face. Said: "Like this wound, I used to cherish it as a life. I can't feel anything after I got hurt. What is the appearance of the country, I can't eat it."

When I thought that Yuchen had just been disfigured, the rice was not eaten. Still under the comfort of A Bao, I barely drank a bowl of porridge.

Gui Yan squeezed out a smile and said: "As long as you don't feel bitter, you can do it."

"As long as A Bao and Achi are good, I will be ashamed of it." Again, these are not bitter.

These words were quickly passed to Yan’s ears.

Meng Nian is also here, I heard these words: "The maiden is not the same as before." Yuchen's eating and wearing is extremely particular, and the food must be fresh vegetables; the clothes can not be worn with fine cloth, the body will Red spots must be worn in brocade. Everything else used on weekdays is also exquisite.

Yan Wushuang did not move and said: "It must always change." The situation is changing, and people naturally have to change. Even him is not the same as before.

It is not for the cost of the harem woman, but Yuchen has this heart, Yan Wushuang is still very satisfied.

Meng Nian said: "This year's artichokes are growing well, and food is not so tight."

When I heard this, Yan Wushuang laughed: "This is also the blessing of Han Yuxi." The smile, with a hint of sorrow.

This artichoke is still not pesty, and the output is still very gratifying. Otherwise, he did not have the confidence to survive for three years.

When Mengnian heard this, his heart was stagnation and said: "The emperor, it is difficult to fight the world. The dragon chair is not so good. Maybe in a few years, they will be ousted."

Upon hearing this, Yan Wushuang smiled and said: "If it is only Yunqing, it is really possible." Yunqing unexpectedly issued a law prohibiting the sale of land, Yan Wushuang knows the innocence of this afterwards. Therefore, it is hard to change the nature of Jiangshan. This old saying is really true. If Yunqing is in charge of the country, it is estimated that it will be chaotic after three years. Unfortunately, there is a wife who has the talent to govern the country.

After a half-sound silence, Meng Nian said: "It’s also a number of lives. Han Yuxi has survived several times." If there is no Han Yuxi, Yunqing can’t be a prince, how can he win the world. So, these are life.

Upon hearing this, Yan Wushuang couldn't help but smile: "Han Yuxi was approved as a fateful person. If it is a life, her grave must have grown grass. And if I believe in it, I will be a bunch." It’s a bone. He and Han Yuxi are people who only believe in themselves and don’t believe in fate.

In the evening, Yan Wushuang stayed at Ruyi Court.

Even if Yan did not ask, Yuchen also took the initiative to tell him what happened in the day: "The emperor, the courtiers also do their best for the soldiers of the border town."

"You have done a good job." In the past, Yuchen also donated money, and the shots were not low. At least once, there were two thousand and two silver. But this time it is the first time to reduce the expenses in the palace. This kind of thing is the most offensive. Yuchen, in the past, never did anything to offend people.

Yuchen stunned, and she had never had a lot of money before.

Yan Wushuang is a person who has something to say. He looks at Yuchen and says: "If people live in this world, they can't be perfect. Just as some women are ugly, sometimes they may not be bad things." Ugly in troubled times It is a blessing, but it is a curse to look good and beautiful.

Yuchen unconsciously touched his face. Although it is open-minded, it is impossible to completely let go in a short time.

Yan Wusui saw it and reached out and touched the already scarred scar. "I feel that with this scar, you are more beautiful than before."

Yuchen is a glimpse.

Yan Wushuang leaned on the bed and said: "Women, the innermost is the most important." Men like the beauty of the country, but if this beauty is a straw bag, the time will definitely be greasy. It is not that Yuchen used to be a straw bag, but the former Yuchen was too much. It is difficult to get close.

Yuchen looks a little weird, which means that she used to have only one good skin, and there was no inside.

After a busy day, Yan Wushuang is also very tired. Just closed my eyes and suddenly remembered one thing: "The news just arrived, Han Jiancheng was killed."

Yuchen was so sleepy that he was completely sleepless: "Who is the death of Jiancheng?" Lu Yao has been waiting for news.

Yan Wu nodded and said: "The shop he was sleeping in was a black shop and was poisoned by them."

"How come? My brother and sister are still waiting for him to return home." If Lu Yao knew that Jiancheng was killed, he did not know how sad it was.

Yan Wushuang whispered: "The black shop has been taken over, and the people in the store are all executed." It is also an indirect revenge for Han Jiancheng.

Yuchen grabbed the quilt and said in a low voice: "How can such a thing happen? Jiancheng is gone, what can we do now with orphans and widows?"

"In the future, you should take care of them!" The people have already gone, and it makes no sense to say more. What you can do now is to follow the Buddha.

Yuchen said: "I know."

Yan Wushuang said Yuchen in his arms: "Don't think about it, this matter has nothing to do with you."

How can I not think too much. If she did not let Han Jiancheng come to Shengjing on the same day, maybe there would be no accident. Only these words, Yuchen is not good for Yan Wushuang.

Yan Wushuang was busy for a day. People were very tired and fell asleep after a while. Yuchen couldn't sleep in bed, looking at the top of the bed until dawn.

Together with the bed, Yuchen told the people to ask Lu Yao to enter the palace. Gui Yan is not quite right, asks: "The goddess, is there a message from the grandfather?" She is aware of the news that Yu Chen asked Meng Nian to help Han Jiancheng.

Yuchen nodded and said: "The emperor told me that Jiancheng had an accident."

"Is that sissy want to tell Lushi about this?" Seeing Yuchen nodded, Gui Yan said: "The niece, if she told her directly, what if she couldn't stand it?" Still don't tell Lu Yao about this news. There is always a slight expectation without getting the exact news. I know that Han Jiancheng is not afraid that Lu Yao can't stand it.

Yuchen shook his head and said: "What do you think is good every day?"

Gui Yan didn't say anything.

After a half hour, Lu Yao entered the palace. After the ceremony, Lu Yao asked: "I am a girl, is there any news for me?"

Looking at the look of Yuchen, Lu Yao’s heart sank to the bottom of the valley: “Where is the family, is there an accident?”

Yuchen did not look at her and nodded and said: "Sister, for the sake of running a few of their sisters, you have to hold on."

In fact, Han Jiancheng did not go to Shengjing for a long time, Lu Yao also guessed that it may have been an accident. But whenever this thought floats, she will press it dead.

Now that I got the exact news, Lu Yao couldn’t hold it anymore, and wowed and burst into tears.

After crying for a long time, Lu Yao stopped his tears: "The goddess, how did I get out of the house? Where is the bone now?" Looking for the husband's body, it was also buried. I can't let him fall outside and become a ghost.

Yuchen does not know how to open.

Lu Yao’s heart trembled: “The maiden, can’t I find the corpse of my family?”

The black shop dismembered the victim's body and made a human bun. Because of the lack of supplies, the meat buns in this store are still very popular.

Yuchen said: "Those **** throw the victim's body into the river, and it is difficult to find it." Throwing into the river to feed fish and shrimp is more acceptable.

Lu Yao cried again, and even the corpse could not find it. All of this is because of her, if she is not determined to come to Shengjing and does not want to stay in the capital, her husband will not lose his life. Unfortunately, it is too late to regret it.

Gui Yan said: "Mrs. Hey, now the most urgent task is to get the grandfather's funeral." The corpse can't find it, only use old clothes or old things.

Lu Yao wiped his tears and nodded and said: "I am right, I am going to make the funeral of the head of the family." This is the only thing she can do.

Yuchen nodded and said: "If there is anything I need to do, despite the opening." As long as she can do it, she will certainly not quit. And this is the only thing she can do.

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