The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1408: Reward 1

Yunqing has been enthroned, and the next step is to reward the merits. ?八一中文网? W?W?W (eight). ?8 (eight) 1? Z? W (eight). (1) On the second day of the C(1)O?M enthronement ceremony, the imperial decree was issued. The first imperial edict was sent to the home.

Feng Dajun walked around the house. After two laps, he called a guard. "Let's see if people are coming?" From last night to now, Feng Dajun didn't close his eyes.

Chang’s laughter said: “What are you worried about? Can this knight still run?”

Feng Dajun looked at his calm wife and said with a smile: "Is this not too excited?"

After that, Feng Dajun remembered the previous things and said: "The last time I was so excited that I couldn't sleep, I still know that the emperor is ready to start a soldier!" It has been 16 years.

"You are so excited that you can't sleep. I almost didn't scare me at that time." Rebellion, it was the matter of the Nine. I knew that after the incident, Chang was scared to faint.

The waiting time is the most embarrassing, so Feng Dajun is also willing to talk to Chang's previous things. Feng Dajun said: "We fought in front of the **** battle but we couldn't eat enough. The emperor followed his favor and lived a life of luxury in the capital. Why do we want allegiance to the court?" He advised Yun Qingji On the other hand, let him fight for rebellion, but Yunqing not only did not promise to blame him several times.

These things, Chang Shi also heard the Feng army said: "Fortunately, the emperor did not listen to you, otherwise we have a life of this old man!" If not fully prepared, starting the soldiers is a dead end.

This point, Feng Dajun also admitted. The time to start a soldier is very important, and the Queen's choice is very good.

Thinking of this, Feng Dajun said: "I don't know what kind of title the emperor will give me?" He didn't ask about it, and the ritual side was also strict, and no news was revealed.

In order to worry that some people feel that the reward is low, Yuxi ran to Yunqing to make trouble with her. Yunqing is too passionate, and if you are said to be moving, it is a big trouble. Preparing for such a thing, Yuxi gave a death order. If anyone dares to disclose the news and disposes of it, and waits for the sacred decree to become a boat, these people can't change even if they are troubled.

Chang said: "With your military skills, a Marquis is definitely there."

"Is this still used by you?" He hoped to get the Duke. Feng Dajun has been guarding the northwest for many years and has made a lot of credit. Relatively speaking, Du Fu, who did not have a Nanzheng North War, accumulated more military skills.

Chang’s husband and wife, who have been with him for more than 20 years, can’t know what he thinks: “No matter what is good for the emperor and the empress, the first thing that comes to mind is us. This reward will definitely not treat us badly.”

Feng Dajun heard this and did not speak.

Chang retired everyone and said: "I know that you often worry that the Queen will unload and kill. But with my understanding of the Queen, she decided not to be such a person."

Feng Dajun was very prepared for Yuxi. This time he never smashed Chang: "I proposed to let Yu Cong die, but she did not agree." No matter how many mistakes the Yu Cong did, it was His brother.

Chang said: "The piles made by Yu Cong are all guilty of death, and they will not repent when they die. Otherwise, the Emperor will not agree to execute him."

"But most of these sins of Yu Cong are set by the empress." This is the fundamental reason why Feng Dajun is cautious about Yuxi.

Chang did not quarrel with Feng Dajun, but asked: "If you are replaced by you, will you do these things?" She did not need to seal the army, she also knows the answer. In order to seal the loyalty of the army to Yunqing, even if it is wronged, it will not betray.

Feng Dajun glanced at Chang’s and said: “The Queen’s method is really good, so that you can talk to her.”

Chang said: "I am not talking to the Queen, the Queen does not need me to speak for her. Yu Cong falls to the end, it is his self-acquisition. Lin can not be raised, you who did not persuade him to give him a nap, and then to the chamber Married to leave the child? But what did he say? He said that he could not do anything sorry for Lin. The result? With the result of the child, he went to Jiangnan and repented of his own blood. He really wants a child or a woman. I am confused, this is clearer than me."

Feng Dajun did not speak.

"When I was dying, I deliberately told Xu Wu that the rabbits died and the birds were cooked to make a good bow. These words are obviously intended to provoke you and Cui Mo to guard against the emperor and the queen." After that, Chang Shidao: "Can You don't want to think, you don't believe in the emperor and the queen, how can you let them believe in you wholeheartedly? Isn't it that you are ultimately suffering? You don't think that your own thoughts are well hidden, the wise man of the queen, which Can you not see through this bend in your heart? But if you don't do anything too much now, she won't know." If you don't do anything, it doesn't mean you won't. In order to put an end to this kind of thing and save the family, she will take the initiative to mention these things.

In the eyes of Feng Dajun, there was a fierce flash in his eyes. He asked coldly: "Who said these words to you?"

For so many years, how can you not understand Feng Dajun? Chang said: "You can rest assured that the Queen is who, how could I say these things to me."

Feng Dajun obviously did not believe it. These things are not at all a person who can live in a house in Chang’s house.

Chang is not angry, he said: "I told Yu Zhi and Zhi Zhi and Zhi Xi. The words I just said are analyzed by them."

When I paused, Chang said: "I didn't like Yu Cong in the past. Lin didn't like you to be a guest at home. Can't he ask you to go to the pub to eat? But in those years in the city, he asked you to go down. A restaurant?" After waiting for the defense of the army, Chang said: "Don't tell me because of Lin. These are all excuses. He has this heart, you can have a robes to eat." "Lin's is not a thousand, but she is heartbroken to Yu Cong. Everything you eat is tightly tied to the rest of the crowd, but you can pay for it. In the end, just because the pillows of the two women can forget the clouds. Feng Dajun, these brothers, he will really miss it.

Feng Dajun reluctantly said: "How many years have happened, how are you still mourning!"

"I am not mourning, I am afraid that you will be brought to the ditch by you. You are always worried that the Queen's Empress will be unloading and killing, but you also don't want to be able to cultivate the broad-minded children of the big lord, Queen Empress. Hey, it’s such a narrow-minded person.” After the meal, Chang added another sentence: “There is a way to deal with you with the Queen’s method. Do you think you can escape?” Queen Empress Thoughtful and extremely versatile, I really have to deal with them and I can’t escape.

Feng Dajun heard it and fell into meditation.

Chang Shi continued to say: "I also had this worry before, but I have misunderstood the Queen Empress because of Wei Qi. If the Queen really hopes that we are not good, she will only promote Wei Qi and Niu. "Cui Mo said that Cui Weiqi dared to smuggle him out of the house, but this is nothing but arrogance. How can the eldest son rush out of the house, and when Cui Weiqi and Niu’s things become, Cui’s family must be in a mess.

After listening to these words, Feng Dajun said with a smile: "Maybe, it is really my heart."

"You are not too hearty, you are just scared by Yu Cong's business. But you don't want to think about it, even if the queen gives him a pit, if he doesn't have a distraction, he won't go into the pit. And it's not that he is not dead. Queen Empress, is the emperor." Yu Cong will die, completely killed by himself.

Feng Dajun did not speak.

At this time, Feng Zhi opened the curtain and walked in: "Hey, the Ministry of Rites came." The most important events are the Ministry of Rites.

The incense is placed, and they have changed their clothes, waiting for people to come.

The whole family was all kneeling on the ground, listening carefully to the ceremonial book of the Ministry of Rites, Gu Taining.

Hearing that he was sealed as a British public, the army was so excited that he could lift his head.

Because there are not many treacherous treacherous rewards, only five hundred and two gold, five thousand two silver, two emperor, and a number of silk jewels.

After reading the sacred rites, Gu Taining handed the sacred hand to Feng Dajun: "Congratulations to the country's grandfather." The British public, as the name suggests, said that the seal of the army was very heroic.

Feng Dajun took the sacred decree respectfully and placed it on the incense case, and then smashed three heads.

Gu Taining is ready to go after he has given the imperial edict.

Feng Dajun said: "Gu Daren, you have a hard time, let's have a cup of tea and go!"

Gu Taining said with a smile: "I don't have time today. I will wait until the Du Fu Du General to give a sacred decree!"

During this time, it is no exaggeration to say that people in the Ministry of Rites are busy becoming dogs. It is necessary to handle the ceremony of the throne and to reward the ministers of merit.

Feng Dajun heard this and his face smiled. This is equivalent to saying that he is the first person among the ministers of merit: "Gu Daren, which are the awards to be sent this morning?" It is equivalent to asking which of the following is the reward. It’s just that this statement is more euphemistic.

It doesn't matter if you say it at this time. Anyway, you will have to go to the sacred. Gu Taining smiled and said: "When you finish the Du family, you have to go to the house of Xu Jun, General Xu, and the court of the Han Dynasty." These four are personally presented by him, and the other meritorious people are from the Ministry of Rites. Others go.

Waiting to send away Gu Taining, Feng Zhisheng whispered: "Hey, so my father-in-law is also the Duke?"

"I will know later." In all likelihood, the Duke is, or Guining would not say that.

Feng Zhisheng said: "Hey, will this attract other people's dissatisfaction?"

The generals have been working hard for so many years, and the title won't be better than Han Jianming. Even if Han Jianming is his father-in-law, he feels that Han Jianming’s position as a national official has gone a little.

"What about dissatisfaction? Han is the mother of the Empress. In the dynasties, the Queen's maiden can get a graceful dress. When Han Jianming threw the title and went to him, only this friendship would be rare." In these years, Han Jianming also I have done a lot of things for the Queen's Queen to solve problems. I will get a Duke's title, but I think it is reasonable.

After the election, Feng Dajun said: "So the girl is completely nonsense, and the girl can grow up and thrive." If there is no sister Empress, the contribution of Han Jianming will be at most one count.

Feng Zhi nodded.

Du Fu was enshrined as Wei Guogong, and Xu Wei was enshrined as Cao Guogong. As for the Korean family, the title was the same as before.

Qiu’s kneeling on the ground, when he heard the words of Han Jianming being the Korean public, immediately cried. When the son abandoned the title and went to Yuxi, although she did not stop, but this matter has been stuck in the heart. She was afraid, afraid that her son could not be accounted for by the Han family. Now, this heart disease has finally gone.

After the completion of the sacred purpose, Han Jianming placed the sacred purpose on the incense case, and Han Jianye went to help Qiu.

Helping Qiu’s tears, Han Jianye said: “Mother, this is a happy event, we should be happy.”

Qiu said with tears: "I am so happy and crying. Your brother will earn back the title, and then you don't have to worry about the ancestors of the Han family blaming him."

Even if the eldest brother did not go to Yuxi to stay in the capital, the title of their family could not be saved. Only this, he did not say to Qiu.

Han Jianming put the imperial decree and walked over to help Qiu, saying: "Mother, the ancestors will not blame me." Grandma hoped that he could revitalize the Han family, and he finally did it. Although the process is a little harder, it has to be repaid.

Qiu’s gratified said: “Hurry up and hang up the plaque of the National Government.”

"Well, I will let people know when I wait. If I do it, I will let people hang up." The Korean government office is very wide, and Han Jianming lived a bit unreliable. Now with the title of the Duke, living here is also worthy of the name.

After comforting Qiu, Han Jianming returned to the front yard with Han Jianye. Han Jianye frowned and said: "Big brother, it is a good thing to get the title of the Duke, but I am afraid that it will cause criticism."

Han Jianming said with a smile: "The sacrament is not to say, the work is in the community. What is the dissatisfaction of other people? This is the imperial edict of the emperor himself." He originally thought it was the Marquis, but did not expect to be the Duke. Although it is not hereditary, it is already very good for the tenth generation.

After the election, Han Jianming looked at Han Jianye and said: "I have the Duke, I am afraid that you may not have a title." Even if there is a title, it should not be high.

Han Jianye thought about it and said: "No matter, Liaodong and Yunnan have not recovered yet, and there will be opportunities for meritorious service in the future."

Han Jianming said with a voice: "If your title is not down, then the matter of separation will be put first." The single tree is difficult to support, and he does not want to separate.

Han Jianye nodded: "Good."

Han Jianming hesitated and said: "The clan of the clan wants us to return to the clan, I have refused. If they come to you, you should ignore them."

"There are many clan people, and there are many troubles for returning to the ancestors. However, if there are outstanding children in the clan, we can bring one." In the end, it is an ancestor who can help or help.

Han Jianming said with a smile: "This is natural."

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