The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1409: Reward 2

Han Jianming was declared a national official, and the people in the entire house were very happy. (8) (1) (中)(文)(网)|(8) WWW.8(8)1(1)Z(中)W(文).COM and the item Zixin is the most exciting one.

Pulling the hands of the futon, Xiang Zixin said with excitement: "The lord was sealed as a national official."

The futon is also a look of joy: "Yes! The lord is the government office, madam, you are the one who ordered the life." This is really unexpected.

As the words were spoken, the master and the servant heard a cry of the baby. Soon, Ms. Lin Niang Lin entered the house with her brother.

Xiang Zixin took it and hugged it in his arms, and he didn’t cry. Touching his brother's face as smooth as an egg, Xiang smiled and said: "I know that I want to be a mother when I am so young. Your child is also a ghost."

Ms. Lin took a proper ass: "The prince is the meat that fell from his wife. It is naturally close to the lady."

This makes the item Zixin very useful.

Ms. Chen opened the curtain and walked into the house and said, "Mrs., the old lady’s house is like Xia." It’s very decent, like the two big sisters of Qiu’s.

"Please come in!" Such as Xia and Ruyan and Zhong Minxiu are very close, she does not like these two embarrassing. But in the end is the embarrassment of the old lady, the face is still to be given.

For example, Xiafu gave a gift and smiled and said: "Mrs., the old lady asked the slave to tell her, let you go to the upper house for dinner at night." Such a happy event is definitely for the whole family to have a meal together.

Xiang Zixin nodded: "I know. Futuan, you send the girl like Xia to go out." Let Xiao Xiao send out Xia Xia, it is her face.

After Ms. Lin and others went out, they whispered, "Mrs. You are the hostess of the National Government. These things should have been handled by you."

Hearing this item, Zi Xin looked a face, and then said nothing: "I want to take the Eight Lords, there is still time to manage the feed." Qiu Shi did not want her to take care of the feed, she also failed to cross the autumn From the hands of Lu Xiu will be taken over.

Ms. Lin looked at her brother and said in a mosquito-like voice: "Mrs. If you don't argue, what should I do when I am a monk? Madame, the Eight Lords are the only nephews of the Grandpa." The second master is just the first lady. Under the name, it is a bit worse than the Eight Lords.

The hand of Xiang Zixin was unconsciously clenched.

Ms. Lin said: "Mrs. Why do the old ladies, regardless of the people in the house, still revolve around her? Because she is the mother-in-law of the country. If the old lady is only the stepmother of the country, it certainly has no current scenery. "Xie Zixin is only the stepmother of Erye. This stepchild is mostly just a face to the stepmother, and will not be sincere and filial."

People have selfishness. When Ms. Lin heard the news, she was happy at first, but she turned to the uncle. It is clearly the scorpion of the eight children, and the opportunity to inherit the title can be lost early.

The futon turned back and saw that the purple color of the item was very ugly: "Mrs, what happened?" Just finished, how to change your face in a blink of an eye!

Xiang Zixin looked at Lin’s mother and said in a cold voice: “I don’t want to hear the second time in this way, otherwise I will not leave you with my brother.”

Lin’s mother’s face was a stiff, low-browed and pleasing to the eye: “Yes.” She thought that Xiang Zixin’s thoughts were the same as her, and she was also unfair, but she did not expect to be mistaken.

Xiang Zixin let Lin’s mother go out, but her brother didn’t let her take it and stayed.

The futon asked: "Mrs, what happened?"

Xiang Zixin glanced at the son in her arms and shook her head and said, "Nothing." Zhong Minxiu is now playing against her. If she is the master of the house, where is the government office where she and her brothers stand. It’s just that the son is still young. These things can’t be rushed, and you have to plan slowly.

The futon looked confused, but Xiang Zixin did not say, she was not asking.

At this time, Zhong Minxiu is the same as Xiang Zixin.

Lotus looked at Zhong Minxiu's brow and asked: "Grandma, the lord was sealed as a national official, this is a happy event, why do you still frown."

"I am worried that the country's grandfather will not enshrine the second master for the world." A few days ago, Chang Geer couldn't stand the loneliness. He went out to buy a jade carving with a small donkey and spent more than four hundred silver. The shopkeeper on the shop went to the government to collect debts, and Lu Xiu told Han Jianming about this.

Before switching to it, Han Jianming will definitely call Chang Geer to reprimand him. But this time, Han Jianming just let Chang Geer return the money back to the public, and nothing else. Chang Geer thinks he has escaped, but Zhong Minxiu feels wrong. Willing to manage, said that there are still expectations. I don't want to control it, I am afraid I have given up.

The lotus said: "Maybe the national grandfather is busy, so I don't care about it?"

"Hope!" After that, Zhong Minxiu said with distress: "The two brothers and the four masters are the brothers of a mother, how can they be so different?"

During this time, Hua Geer came back two times. The first time was the afternoon of the return of Qiu, but he only returned to the palace after revealing one face. The second time, Han Jianming came back and he went home to have a meal. At other times, Hua Geer is staying in the palace.

Although I saw only two sides, I only saw how words and deeds were several times stronger than Chang Geer. And can become the confidant of the Prince, the ability to say it.

The lotus heard this and said: "It feels like the palace is more like the home of Siye."

"Four Masters grew up in the Wangfu since childhood, and the feelings of this year are definitely not ordinary. In case the emperor and the emperor intervened, the position of the world must be missed with the husband." This is the most worried about Zhong Minxiu.

The lotus hesitated and said: "I heard that the Queen's Empress is the most disciplined and should not intervene in the National Government."

Zhong Minxiu shook his head and said: "Who knows this!" The public opinion is unclear, and her heart is very low.

The next morning, the government office ushered in a second imperial edict. This sacred purpose is to enshrine Han Jianye as Dingyuanbo.

After the sacred slogan was announced, Han Jianye was stupid and forgot to pick up the sacred purpose.

Han Jianming first apologized to the officials of the ceremonial ministry, and then pushed Han Jianye to say: "Is still stupid to do what? Quickly pick up the sacred purpose!" I thought that Han Jianye would not win the title, but I did not expect to have the count, it was an accident. like.

Han Jianye came back to the world and shouted on the ground: "Long live the emperor is long lived." After that, he immediately stood up and took the imperial edict.

Qiu got up, walked to Han Jianye, reached out and touched the imperial edict, and said excitedly: "I am closing my eyes now, and I am dead without regrets."

Han Jianming said to support Qiu: "Mother, how can you say such unlucky words in this happy day!"

Han Jianye personally sent the officials of the Ministry of Rites to go out and then went to the upper house. At this time, Han Jianming is also there.

Qiu said happily: "One of the two princes, our Han family is prosperous. Minger, your wish has finally been reached." Han Jianming has always wanted to revitalize the threshold, and now he has done it. He is very proud of this mother.

Han Jianming said with a smile: "I am with Jianye, and this is also the blessing of the mother." If Qiu has not always followed the Buddha Yuxi, there will be no today.

When Qiu told the two sons a conversation, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go busy! I am here with someone!" Just after being sealed, there must be a lot of things to deal with.

Lu Xiu saw and asked: "Old lady, do you want to have a party to celebrate when you are looking at the double happiness?" Lu Xiu, who has always been angry and indifferent, is not happy now. Yesterday, I also admired Xiang’s wife, who did not expect to become a countess.

Han Jianming shook his head when he heard this: "The emperor and the empress advocated simplicity. Our Han family is now burning fire and doing a low-key job."

Lu Xiu looked at Han Jianye and saw him nod. He immediately said with a smile: "If you don't entertain, then the family will get together and have a good meal."

Han Jianming nodded in agreement with this proposal.

The two brothers went out to the library and went to the study. In the study, Han Jianye retells the old saying: "Big brother, it seems that separation is inevitable." He actually does not want to split up. If Qiu knows that the two brothers will be separated, it will be very difficult.

Han Jianming nodded and said: "Mother is so happy, don't tell him for a while, wait a while, I will talk to her again."

Han Jianye shook his head and said: "I will leave in two more days. Before that, let's go and talk to her mother!"

Han Jianming clicked.

Back in the backyard, Han Jianye followed Lu Xiu about the matter of separation: "A double prince is too prominent. If you are separated, it will be less conspicuous."

Lu Xiuyi said: "Is that mother know?"

"Mother is so happy now, I don't want to say that this thing is sweeping her. I will wait until the night before I go, and then tell her not to be late." Let Qiu happy to say no later than two days.

Lu Xiu is very eager to separate. Xiang Shi and Zhong Minxiu both played on the stage, and she could not see through. She didn't want to get involved in the struggle between the mother-in-law and the wife. She just lived in the government office and managed to give in. I felt that it was impossible to stay out of the house. Can be separated, and living separately will not lead her.

After knowing that Han Jianye was named Ding Yuanbo, Yuan Ying split the brush in his hand into two paragraphs.

Xiao’s gas is so gasping: "Master, you have done so many things for the emperor these years, and you only got a second-class count. Han Jianye did not have any merits, but he was also a second-class count. Master, this It’s too unfair.” Han Jianye has also made a lot of achievements in these years, especially when attacking Shandong, it’s really hard to fight. It’s just that there is a big army with Du Fu and 6 Fei, and he is not very conspicuous.

Yuan Ying’s blue veins were all out of the air, but he still suppressed the anger of his heart and said: “What is it? What can you change if you are noisy?”

Xiao’s stalked his neck and said: "Master, are you willing to have such a hereditary generation of three generations?" She is not reconciled anyway.

Yuan Ying held his fist and said coldly: "How can you not be reconciled? Can you still run to the emperor and fight with the emperor?"

When Xiao heard this, tears shattered: "Master, Han Jianye is the brother of Queen Empress, but he can't compare it. But Xu Wu? He is not a good man, but a Marquis." In fact, even the Marquis, there are differences. . Like Cui Mo is also the Marquis, but he is the second class of hereditary replacement, and Xu Wu is the three waiting for three generations.

Yuan Ying was very impatient and said: "Xu Wu is the loyal loyalty of the emperor. Can I compare this?" Whether it is Han Jianye or Xu Wu, they all rely on the mountains.

Xiao's uncomfortable extreme: "I don't mean that the emperor rewards and punishments clearly, why is it so unfair now? I am not satisfied, I have to hand in the sign to enter the palace to ask."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Ying roared: "You are looking for the queen for this matter, afraid that even the current title is gone." The woman said that she was not allowed to go to the trouble, so that she could kill the chicken and the monkey. And he, don't want to be the chicken.

Xiao cried and cried: "What should I do? Just endure it? If this is tolerated, then it will be impossible to change."

Yuan Ying said: "In the future, we will slowly plan." As long as the merits are made, this title can be promoted. Just staying in the back, there are few opportunities for meritorious service. He can take the soldiers to fight, he has not been on the battlefield for so many years, afraid that the emperor will not trust him.

Xiao is still crying.

Yuan Ying is extremely annoyed: "Cry, cry, cry, cry can solve the problem?" Yuan Ying also succumbed to his heart. Xu Wu's grade is lower than him, and his merits are smaller than him. The result is that the title is higher than him. But what else can I do besides accepting it?

Not to mention that Xiao’s heart is not flat, that is, Qi Hao feels that Feng Wu’s marriage to the Marquis has been somewhat overdone.

After the dinner on this day, Kai Hao asked Yuxi privately: "Mother, why did Uncle Xu Wu get the Marquis?" Han Jianye's military strength is enough to make him a secret. The main reason is that Han Jianming, the country’s grandfather, is in front of him, so he is particularly eye-catching. However, Xu Wu never went to the battlefield, but he did not stand the inch but was sealed. Kai Hao felt that it was not normal.

Xu Wu won the Marquis, Guo Xun won the count. Although Xu Wu and Guo Xu also contributed a lot, but they did not have military strength on the battlefield, Yuxi said that it would certainly cause a lot of dissatisfaction. Ke Yunqing said that these are the brothers who followed him to death. Now he is the emperor who must be favored to survive the Feng Dajun and Xu Wu and others. Otherwise, he is sorry for the group of people who died for him.

Qi Hao was a little surprised: "Guo Xun's uncle was sealed, I haven't heard about this."

"Guo Xun has a special status, so this matter is not open." Moreover, a Xu Wu is enough to make people eye-catching, so don't add a Guo Xun. She can understand that Yunqing has a compensatory mentality to do so, but others will only feel unfair.

After Qi Hao listened, he did not discuss this matter. Instead, he talked to Yuxi about another thing: "Mother, I listened to the Chinese cousin and said that I want to separate my family from the second."

"You haven't told me about this yet." After that, Yuxi smiled and said: "But the tree is big, you can already support the door and divide the house."

"Mother, why do you want to be a Korean public mother? I think it would be better to give the Marquis a hereditary replacement. You will be criticized." He sometimes has feelings, but he is a mother. Acting has been very calm. This time, he was somewhat surprised.

Yuxi said: "Qi Hao, you dare to leave everything to go to the mother. Now I have won you the world with you, I want to pay you the same title." People are selfish, Yun Qing wants to treat him with him. Brothers who live and die together, she also has the same idea.

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