The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1410: Daydreaming

A double prince, the news spread out, Han suddenly became the focus of everyone's discussion. Eight?? One Chinese W?W (a) W. 81ZW. COM

Yu Rong also got the news very quickly, and immediately told people to send a message to Han.

The political buddy said: "A double-star, mother, and my family are now afraid of being in the market."

Upon hearing this, Yu Rong stunned and then said with a smile: "You are most cautious when you act, fearing that you will close the door and thank you."

Zheng Geer shook his head and said: "Mother, such a big happy event, should not be closed to the guests." Friends and family will still entertain, those who come to climb the relationship may not take care of it.

Yu Rong said with a voice: "You go back to the house to read the book!" During this time, Lingtongpu was too busy to go home, so the political brother was staying at home.

Yu Rong sat in the chair.

The safflower asked: "Mrs. What are you thinking about?" The more prominent the Korean family, the better for the wife. With such a strong family, even if the orphans and widows are not afraid of being bullied.

"If the Queen's Empress is not out of the family and has not been adopted, this title..." The words did not finish, Yu Rong shook his head and said: "Forget it, don't say this." The big room is now infinite, the three rooms are seven zero eight. Falling. But who can blame this? To blame, blame her ruthless and unrighteous relatives.

Ever since she knew that Wu was dead by Han Jingyan, Yu Rong hated her.

The safflower heard the meaning of Yurong: "Mrs. No one can expect such a thing."

Yuxi said with a wry smile: "The title of the big house is not falling out of thin air. When the big brother went to the empress of the empress, but nothing, there is no penny to the city. Today's family, it is later embarrassing. "From the country's grandfather to nothing to rely on people to help, this gap is generally unbearable." However, his lobby brother, he is coming out of a new path.

Yu Rong sighed and said: "Forget it, don't say this. I have to hope that Jiancheng can be safe and peaceful, so that our brothers and sisters still have a day together."

As he spoke, he saw the red tone coming in: "Mrs., the Ten Commandments and the Ten Commandments came, saying that I want to see you."

Yurong’s mouth showed a sardonic smile: “I’m afraid I heard that the lobby brother and the two brothers have won the title, so they came over.”

Han Jianxing was held by Li after he became a relative. Li made him go east and he did not dare to go west. And Li’s woman is not only greedy for her power. Jiang Wenrui was sinned and died. She avoided Jiancheng, and Han Jianxing and Li’s head were afraid of being implicated and had not come to see her and her brother. When the limelight passed, she invited her to do food business together, and said that the grain business was in the gold. She is not stupid, really profitable business, Li does not want her family to find her? So I immediately refused, but Lu Yao voted for five hundred and two. As a result, these money buns hit the dog and there was no return. Lu Yao also had a complete relationship with Li because of the five hundred and two silver things, and the two had no contact. And since that incident, she also hated Han Jianxing and Li. She has been avoiding these two years in these years.

The safflower said, "Mrs. I let the governor fight them."

Yu Rong nodded.

After a while, the safflower came back: "Mrs., the Ten Commandments and the Lady of the Ten Commandments said that if you don't see them, they will not leave on the door."

Yu Rong said with a smile: "I want to see, what do they want to do?" In the past few years, Han Jiancheng moved out and Han Jianxing and Li went to the door to let her live with them. She didn't leave any room for a while, and Han Jianxing and Li were directly taken out.

Han Jianxing and Li were taken to a feast living room, and then the woman went out.

Li looked at the huanghuali wood furniture in the banquet room, and his eyes turned hot. Last year, she and Han Jiancheng came once. At the time, the living room of this feast was decorated with rosewood furniture. This time, the furniture has been changed. I want to come, this five sisters are really rich.

When Yu Rong entered the house, he saw Li’s eyes thief squinting at the living room. She knew who Li was, so there was no fluctuation at all.

Sitting in the position, Yu Rong asked coldly, "What are you doing over?"

Li smiled and said: "Four sisters, I am coming to see you."

Yu Rong would not give Li's face, he asked: "Now you have seen me, you can go back."

Lee’s face was stiff and he made a look to Han Jianxing to let him talk. Han Jianxing saw Yu Rong looking at him with a sullen look. He couldn’t say anything when he got to his lips.

"Since you have nothing to do, then go back! Don't come again later, I have a lot of things, not as leisurely as you are." After that, Yu Rong got up.

I can't count on Han Jianxing, Li can only go out on his own: "Five sisters, the lobby brother and the two brothers, you should have heard about it?"

Yu Rong's eyelids don't move: "What is the relationship between the lobby brother and the two brothers?" Li also wants to have a relationship with Lu Xiu, but Lu Xiu simply ignores her. After hitting the wall several times, Li also died.

When Han Jianxing heard this, he couldn’t help it: "Five sisters, the Queen Empress is our three-bedroom, and it is also to reward us for the reward. Why should they be rewarded?"

Li is busy saying: "Five sisters, I am the younger brother of the Queen's Empress, and this title should be given to him."

Yu Rong wanted to laugh, but unfortunately he couldn’t laugh. He said, "Say? Come over and look for me, what do you want me to do?"

Lee’s stunned Han Jianxing, but Han Jianxing did not give force, and he did not speak. Li can only go on his own: "Five sisters, only you can see the Queen Empress. Five sisters, you can help us with this matter."

Yurong was furious when he heard this. He pointed to Han Jianxing and said: "Let me go and tell the Queen Empress that I will give you the title. The Queen Empress agreed, and you will get a knight. The Queen Empress does not agree, I will offend the lobby. Brother. When I am a widow, I have no trust, but I will be flattened by you. You are good to calculate. But you don’t look in the mirror to see if you have such a big face, so that I can ignore myself. You?" She didn't like Han Jianxing when she was young, because Han Jianxing was overbearing and selfish. Growing up and smashing Lee, she is not willing to follow them again.

Han Jianxing said: "Five sisters, I didn't think so."

It is also the interest that has been brought by the title. Li’s strong argument; “Five sisters, if I got the title of a master, it would be of great benefit to everyone...”

Yu Rong is too lazy to take care of Li: "To be a daydream, roll back to your own home to do it."

Seeing Li’s entanglement, Yu Rong directly called two women to come over: “You will call her out.”

When the two women were holding Lee, Yu Rong looked at Han Jianxing and said, "I don't have a brother like you. You won't come to the door anymore. I won't see you when I come."

Both husband and wife were smashed out of Jiangfu.

Yu Rong knew that the virtues of Han Jianxing’s husband and wife were not sad. It’s just the behavior of the couple. It’s really difficult for her to understand: “Is it so stupid, is it calculated by them?” The problem is that Li’s has not been cheap in her life, and I want to know this time. She can't promise.

"They are interested in their interests." After a pause, the safflower said: "But it does not rule out what they are doing. Too much, it is better to guard against one or two."

Yurong thought about Han Jianxing and Li's virtue, and immediately called Deng Pozi: "Commanded to the concierge, they are not allowed to come to the door. If they dare to make trouble, they will go directly to the government and go to the government." Looking uncomfortable.

Deng Pozi should be down.

The politician opened the curtain and walked into the house. When he saw Yu Rong, he was relieved: "Mother, why don't you tell me when you come to Shiyan? What should I do if I lose?"

Yu Rong said with a smile: "This is in the family. If they are still bullied by them, it does not mean that the mother is very incompetent." If she is timid, she will not be able to protect her political grown up. However, the son worried about himself, Yu Rong is still very happy.

Thinking of the young look of the Queen, and then looking at the look of Yu Rongxi, the political brother is a bit sad: "Mother, I have grown up, you will let me deal with such things in the future."

Yu Rong shook his head and said: "Government, this thing can't be handled by you. I don't care what you are doing with me, even if you let go of the relationship, you can't. You can't, you are a younger, if you messed with him, what happened? Your reputation is hampered. You have to go through your career in the future, and you must not let these people lose your reputation."

Seeing the politician’s face frustrated, Yu Rong said with a smile: “When you get the fame, you will be the official in the future, and no one will dare to bully me.”

The politician immediately said: "Mother, I will work hard."

"That's not going to hurry up." There is Enke, but there is no news yet. Yu Rong did not think much more, just waiting for the next spring to let his son off.

While safflower pinched his shoulder to Yu Rong, he said, "Mrs. After the young master and his wife and children, you will enjoy it."

Yu Rong said with a smile: "The marriage has not yet landed. It is too early to say that." When the political brother got the fame, he told him to kiss him. When the daughter-in-law entered the door and gave her a grandson, she would No matter what happens, only the grandson.

Deng Pozi, who sent the post, quickly returned. Deng Pozi said with a smile: "Mrs. Han will hold a banquet after five days. When the second lady said that he would bring the young master to the past." It was also decided today to greet friends and family, so the invitation was not sent out so quickly.

"Whenever I go, I will go." This is also an important channel for expanding communication. The politician is still not married. She needs to know the situation of each family, and then know whether there is a girl of the appropriate age and the character of the girl. When she says her, she will have a bottom.

In the middle of the night, Yu Rong wakes up from his dreams.

The safflower fell asleep under the bed, and when he heard the movement, he stood up and asked, "Mrs. What happened to you?"

Wiping the sweat on his forehead, Yu Rong shook his head and said: "Nothing, it is a nightmare. You give me a glass of water."

After drinking the water, Yu Rong said with a worried heart: "I dreamed that Jiancheng was locked up in a dark place and always called me a life-saving."

The safflower was busy saying: "Mrs. You are too worried about your lord, so you will have such a nightmare."

"Maybe!" However, Yu Rong made up his mind and waited for a while to finish the fight. She sent a reliable person to Shengjing to take a trip. Otherwise, you can't feel at ease.

On the second day, the Korean post was delivered to each other. Mrs. Feng’s post received a post, and after a moment of indulging, he called out: “Go and ask.”

Cui Wei came over soon.

Mrs. Feng handed the invitation from Han to her and said, “When you go with me to attend the Korean family dinner.” Han Jianming originally did not intend to entertain guests, but only prepared for family meals. Only after Qiu knew that the two sons had to be separated, they said that they would have a banquet. Han Jianming and Han Jianye saw her insist, and did not refuse.

Cui Wei looked stunned and said: "The Han family is a grandfather, a grandfather, afraid that no one can compare them with the capital. The righteous father has been following the emperor for so many years, and he was born and died, and he only got a marquis." The two brothers got the title, and Cui Wei couldn’t help but hold up for Cui Mo.

Mrs. Feng smiled and said: "Your father is the Marquis of hereditary replacement, but the Earl of the Han family is only passed down for three generations. The two are not comparable. I also asked you to seal the uncle, he said Han Jianye these years He also made a lot of merits, and he got this title to be a deserved name." The only favor is Han Jianye. Or it should be said that the Queen is in her own family. However, this is also a human nature, as she is now rich and has been helping her family. And what is the request of her family, as long as it is not reasonable, she will generally agree.

Cui Wei really didn't understand this. I was embarrassed to hear this and said: "I have a shallow knowledge."

Chang gave Cui Wei universal knowledge in this area: "The title is divided into seven levels: Prince, King, Guogong, Hou, Bo, Zi, and Male. Each level has three levels, the highest is first class, and the lowest is Third class..."

After listening to this explanation, Cui Wei smiled and said: "There are so many doorways in it! I thought the Duke was better than the Marquis!"

Chang smiled and said; "I didn't understand it before, but I naturally understand this step."

After that, Chang’s looked at Cui Wei and said: “There will be three more days to attend the banquet. Now it’s too late to make clothes. I will take you to the street tomorrow to add some clothes.” Since I went to the party, I’m going to dress up. Beautiful and bright.

Cui Wei said with some hesitation: "Aunt, isn't the emperor and the empress not advocating frugality? It's not too good to dress too well?"

Chang smiled and said: "I can't always go to other people's home banquets, still wearing old clothes and wearing old ones?" That is not saving, but rude. However, it is the little girl who wears new clothes and wears new decorations, which is not related to the extravagance.

Cui Wei thinks about it too: "Auntie, Hanban holds a banquet, should the big princess come to participate?" On the road, one month, Cui Wei got along well with the date. It is a pity that after I arrived in Beijing, I never saw it again.

"If there is no accident, it should come. Hey, when you come to Han, you have to perform well and don't hide." I plan to take Cui Wei to go out and move around this time, let the outsiders know that Cui has an undecided girl. If the family has boys of the appropriate age, these ladies will definitely help to speak.

Cui Wei understood the meaning of Chang’s words and blushes his face.

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