The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1411: Toon 1

The sky is cloudless and sunny, the birds are soaring in the blue sky, the birds are singing happily in the trees, the cranes in the pool are stroking their wings leisurely in the water, everything looks so peaceful and beautiful. August 1 Chinese W ≤ W ≤ W =. ≥8≠1≥Z≤W=. ≈C=OM

"Liuer..." The sound of thunderous sounds, the birds on the tree fluttered and fluttered away; the cranes also panicked and swam toward the depths of the water.

Liu Er smiled and turned and said: "Big sister, are you not going to practice? How come?"

Jujube said: "If you are tired, you want to come out and go. Listen to the guards in the garden and say that you are here, you will find you."

Liu Er did not believe her. Unless there is something, the jujube is waiting to read or practice in Zhang Huagong.

Jujube said with a look of trouble: "Mother is not asking us to participate in the Korean family's banquet in the morning. What do you think we should send?"

Liu Er said with a smile: "It’s just a heart, what the big sister wants to send, and the grandmother and the big sister will not take care of them."

"The words are like this, but they can't be rude. Liu, I am not very proficient in this kind of thing, you can help me choose!" She is the most trivial thing about these people's feelings, and is not willing to learn.

Liu Er laughed and said: "Big sister, now I can help you choose, but in the future, when you are married, it is impossible to ask me everything?" The matter outside is very easy, but the task is a mess, Liu Er Some worried.

Jujube dates are not worried about saying: "Mother told me that when I got married, I would let Zhang Aunt help me with my chores." This aunt, Zhang, was the one who recommended it to Yuxi after being rescued by the whole river. . Over the years, she has been assisting her mother to manage her affairs.

When Zhang Li-nang first arrived at Yuxi, she always wanted to avenge her dying child. Last year, Yunqing occupied Quanzhou, and she wanted to retaliate against her ex-husband. When I sent someone to check it, I realized that the surname of the money was as high as the grain during the natural disaster, and was killed by the imperial court. The surname of the surviving family was too much and had not been married. After his death, his son was killed by the enemy. Because of the righteousness of Mao, the 12-year-old daughter was sent to be a child-raising child. She returned to the city to help people wash clothes and live. Those people will not be poisoned by an old woman. However, after the little daughter was dying, Mao also plunged himself into the river.

When Zhang Li-niang heard this, she said that she had a good report, that she had not reported it, and that she had not left it.

"If this is the case, then I really don't have to worry about it." Although it is said that the mother of the song is in charge of the affair, but because the mother of the song is old, she only cares about the big things, the specific thing is Zhang Li Niang cooking. Later, she gave the jujube to the inner house to manage the lady, and there is really nothing to worry about.

After a pause, Liu Er said: "I said that apart from a few people in the second room, I am not familiar with a few female nieces in the big house. There is also a big aunt, as if I heard that it is very bad." Liu Er said that after the birth of his son, Xiang’s heart was big. He also wanted to leave the relationship between Chang’s brother and Zhong Minxiu’s father, but he did not succeed.

Jujube said that he didn't care about it: "It's not easy to get along with us. We won't deal with her in the future."

Said such a small half-session, jujube dates to ask the question just now: "You have not said that you are ready to send a gift?"

Liu Er said with a smile: "I will prepare for you. If you have something, you will be busy. I have to practice the piano." The picturesque garden is full of scenery. She now likes to practice the piano in the garden. Change to a place. That feeling is too cool.

"Right, I will go to Shandong in a few days." Shandong’s suffering is very serious, but it has been solved for so long, and now only some tails are left.

"Going to go again?" She really hopes that jujube can stay at home all the time. In this way, she does not have to worry about it. Of course, jujube is not alone at home.

Jujube said with a voice: "I originally wanted to go to Changzhou, but I didn't agree with my mother." Changzhou is the boundary between the Liaodong Army and the court.

Although he said that he is better than going to the front line, Liu Er still wants to work hard: "Big sister, the marriage period has not yet been fixed, you do not ask the question and the mother?" The marriage period is fixed, and the date can be detained at home. Go to the front line. Whether it is squatting or snoring, it is very dangerous.

"Mother said, the wedding will be scheduled to start next spring." After that, the date jujube said happily: "Your marriage with Feng Zhixi should be scheduled for the next year."

Liu Er heard this saying: "Big sister, let her talk about letting our house be together. This way, the door is also convenient." Because after marrying, I have my own princess house, and I don’t live with my in-laws. Not worried about the life after marriage.

This proposal is very much like the date of jujube: "As long as you are willing, I naturally can't ask for it. When I have a daughter, let her learn the chess and calligraphy with you." Although I don't like to study, I still want her. The daughter can become a versatile talented woman in the future.

Liu Er will not refuse, but only deliberately smiled and said: "Big sister, you don't let the niece of the future martial arts?"

"Wu Gong also wants to learn. But I don't force her. I like to learn what I like." If you force it, you can't learn it. Like studying, she also wants to read well, but she can't read it.

Liu Er nodded: "Big sister can think like this." In case the child is not willing to practice martial arts, it is necessary to force the study, how hard it is!

The two sisters said a conversation and they were busy with their own.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the Korean banquet.

Qi Hao and the triplets were prepared early, and they have been waiting for jujube and Liu. The result was a quarter of an hour, and the two sisters had not yet come out.

Rui Geer said irritably: "What about the big sister and the second sister? Is it still so good for so long?"

Kaiyou put the book in his hand on his lap and said: "The second sister wants to dress up, it won't come out without two quarters of an hour." He prepared, so he carried a book with him.

Rui Geer is a bit discouraged: "Woman, it can be really troublesome." If his future wife is so slow, he is not willing to wait.

Kaiyou said slowly and slowly: "What do you want to tell me? You have to say this in front of the second sister." He is not willing to wait, but today the situation is special and can only be endured.

Rui Geer waved his hand and said: "This time, even then, I will leave the next time."

It took nearly two quarters of an hour, and the jujube and Liuer appeared. The jujube is dressed in a black brocade with gold inlaid with a gold thread. The belt is worn with a large oval eye and a pair of soap boots.

Kaiyou said with a smile: "Big sister, you have crossed the British, and will definitely grab the limelight of the big brother." On the appearance, it is definitely better than Qihao. It’s just that the jujube is originally British, and then it looks like it’s more than Qihao.

Qi Hao said with a smile: "After delaying, I am afraid that I have already started to go to Hanfu." It doesn't matter if you go later, you must get it before you start, or you will be rude.

Jujube dates are not reasonable to help your brother, while walking and talking to Qi Hao: "I heard Ms. said that you have to go to Changzhou in a while?"

Qi Hao said with a smile: "I went with you." Going alone, his mother certainly did not agree.

Liu Er couldn't help but rushed up: "Hey, I told you, he won't go to war again later?"

Qi Hao explained: "It is not to fight, but to inspect the military. However, there have been too many things in recent times. I am afraid that I may not be able to go." It is only this plan that has not yet been settled.

Rui Geer grabbed the jujube before saying: "Big brother, when you go to Changzhou with you, you must bring me." He was very excited when he went to the ban. It took less than two months to get tired. It’s not ruthless to arrest the thief.

"I can't do this with the Lord. When you go to the aunt, you can say it." If the mother did not agree, Rui Geer could not go.

Out of the palace gate, Liu Er was alone in the carriage, and the jujube was riding with four younger brothers.

Walking to the street, Xuan Geer said very uncomfortably: "Why do these people always look at us? Is there anything wrong with us?"

Jujube and juggle laughed and laughed: "The third brother, after more, go out and leave, don't always study at home. Otherwise, you will definitely become a nerd."

These words are rarely said, but You Geer often recites. To this end, You Geer has just been invited to go out to play Xuan Geer, but Xuan Geer is not interested in this often shirk. After a long time, Kaiyou will no longer call him.

Xuan Geer said with a bitter face: "Big sister, stayed in the Qianwei camp for so long, and dropped a lot of homework." He actually wanted to say that it was a waste of time. I completely forgot that my body was better than before when I came back from the Qianwei Camp, and I rarely relapsed.

Jujube dates know that you can't tell Xuan Geer. However, I remembered this matter in my heart, and I am ready to go back and talk to Yuxi well, but I can't let Xuan Geer become a nerd.

At this time, Qiu is chatting with several son-in-laws in the pavilion in the garden.

Tu Qingmei looked at the crystal clear lake and said with regret: "I used to listen to the Empress of the Queen, and the lotus in the lake is beautiful. At this time, she will play with the sisters at home. Unfortunately, we have no chance to see it now." For more than a decade, I have not lived, and the lake has dried up. Or Lu Xiu asked people to clean up the mud of the lake, and then led the water in.

Zhao Hao was transferred to Yunnan, and Tu Qingmei took the old man into Beijing. In these years, Zhao Hao made some merits, so he was sealed a viscount. However, there are several other ladies in the pavilion. The lowest is the Hou, and her Viscount is obviously not enough. Only she was a close friend with the Queen Empress, and several of the ladies present were from the bottom, and no one looked down on her.

Xu Wu’s wife, Ling’s wife, said with a smile: “I also listened to my family’s master and said that Wang Hao’s flute is very good. Unfortunately, I have no chance to appreciate one or two.”

Qiu’s cheerfully said: “That’s all rumors. Yuxi’s flute is not bad, but it’s not so good.” This is the truth, Yuxi has no music cells, and the flute is barely able to enter the ear.

After the election, Qiu’s initiative said: “But she is very talented in embroidery. No one teaches, at the age of eleven, she only studied the embroidering method of double-sided embroidery with a pair of embroidered embroidery. ”

Yuxi will embroider the double-sided embroidery. Everyone present knows, but the self-study is the first time I heard about it.

Chang’s praise: “The Queen’s maiden is really ingenious.” This is not something that can be done by smart people.

Du Fu’s wife, Bao’s wife, said with some regrets: “Unfortunately, I have never had a chance to see the Queen’s wife’s masterpiece.” From marrying to Yucheng to now, Yuxi only embroidered a pair of double-sided embroidery works, which was given to Liuer. The embroidered piece of peony. That embroidered willow baby, ordinary people can not see.

"I still have a pair of screens inserted by Yuxi embroidery." In the middle of the pavilion, Yuxi sent a few double-sided embroidered pieces of Qiu. However, only this small screen is retained until now. Others are either ruined or lost.

At this time, a woman was shouting outside: "Old lady, grandmother of five aunts came with the young master."

If you are a guest, unless you are a guest, you will usually arrive as early as possible. Yu Rong did not take long to prepare for the breakfast, but did not expect Han Jianxing and Li to bring a few children, and wanted to come to the Korean government with Yu Rong.

Yu Rong did not pay attention to them, Han Jianxing and Li were at the door. Dealing with this matter, the mother and son returned home and changed their clothes, so it was late.

Qiu’s smile said with a smile: “Come and ask her to come in.” Yu Rong’s temper was broken in the shack, and he did not do anything evil. Qiu’s impression of her is not bad. The last time I came across the door to accompany Qiu’s chat, Yu Rong also specially talked with her about some interesting things that were born in Beijing these years, so that Qiu’s like it.

Yu Rong today wore a red-tone gold-brocade brocade peony plait, embroidered with a flower-dressed robes, a peony plaque, a pair of emerald-set ruby ​​gold steps, and a pair of gilded silk-embedded gemstones. With a pair of hollow beaded gold earrings, dignified and extravagant.

As for the politician, he wore a white brocade brocade with a dark blue jade belt around his waist. The belt was adorned with a flower and a rich scented jade jade. The head was shackled with an agarwood hibiscus. It looks good and looks good.

When people are old, they will like children very much, especially those who are good. Qiu took the hand of the political buddy and carefully looked at the smile on his face: "This child is really a talented person." The more I look at it, the more I like it.

For the first time, the government was praised so straightforwardly that the face was red.

After saying two words, the political buddy was taken over by a group of people of his age.

Qiu looked at Yu Rong and asked: "How old is the political brother this year?" Hearing that the political brother was sixteen years old this year, Qiu couldn't help but ask: "Is there a kiss?"

Yu Rong shook his head and said: "No. I want to wait for him to come out next year and get a fame and say goodbye."

A person who grows well is dominant. And the political buddy was polite in front of everyone, and he did not show up at all, so Chang’s impression of the political buddy was excellent. Now that she heard that she was not dear, there was a thought in her heart. However, she will not open her mouth until she understands the details. When I first wanted to tell my relatives about Ding, not only Ding Sanyang was eager to do it, but Ding’s old aunt was also very good at the time. Before marrying, he said that he would treat the lotus fog as a relative. As a result, only a few years later, the nature was exposed. Although Cui Wei is not her niece, she is not willing to let her suffer from these losses.

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