The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1412: Toon 2

The six brothers and sisters soon arrived at the entrance to Han.八?一中文?网?W(一)W?W. 81ZW. At this time, the front of Hanfu is very quiet. There is no such thing as people who are expected by jujube and jujube.

Jujube dates wondered: "This is not a guest should be a door, why is there a carriage?"

Qi Hao said with a smile: "Big sister, don't you look at what time is it now? Do you think anyone else will be later than us?" They are late and no one is taking care of them. But if other people come to the banquet, the main family is definitely not happy.

You Geer said: "I heard that the honoured people in the capital and the writers who have contact with Daxie have requested. The passenger carriage, I think it should be arranged in other places." Jujube bickering, but that is when the brothers and sisters alone get along. There are outsiders, he never clashes with jujube. Because he is so measured, Yuxi did not blame him. Brothers and sisters can bicker and even quarrel, but they must be united.

After the meal, You Geer said: "However, the guests invited this time are not afraid." If you have invited hundreds of guests to attend the banquet, the National Government will not be able to put in so many carriages.

Xuan Geer said with a voice: "There are not many guests, so I will know when I enter the house."

Jujube white has a look at Xuan Geer, but outside she will not say that Xuan Geer is not good.

It’s going to be a feast in less than half an hour, but the big princes haven’t arrived yet. Xiang Shi was in a hurry and lowered his voice and asked Lu Xiu: "Sister, grand prince and big princess, will they not come?"

Lu Xiu laughed and said: "Da, since the Queen Empress said that the big princess will come with the big prince today, I will definitely come. I think, there should be something to delay!" He played with Yuxi for so many years. Dealing with it, knowing that Yuxi is a must, she has nothing to worry about.

Xiang Shi didn't know about Yuxi and Qi Hao. She didn't have such a good attitude: "Sister, if they are the big princes, they can't come, what can they do?" At that time, Han Jiake had no face.

Lu Xiu did not understand this kind of anxiety of Xiang, and asked strangely: "What to do?" It didn't come when it didn't come, it was not a big deal.

Xiang’s eagerness could not be done: “If the big prince and the princess did not come, Han’s family would not be a joke.”

Lu Xiu looked at Xiang’s and didn’t know what to say. Han Jiasheng Qianlong is not only because of a queen empress, but also because the country grandfather and his husband are both middle and heavy ministers. However, Lu Xiu has no intention to teach Xiang Shi. When Ye was alive, she worked hard to help her daughter in the big room, and finally she could not get a good one. Not to mention, Xiang Zixin’s attitude towards her is not good.

Lu Xiu dropped his eyes and said: "There is no way." Anyway, after the banquet, she will be separated, and she will not have to pay attention to the big things.

Xiang Zixin originally came to find Lu Xiu's idea. I didn't expect to have such an answer. I immediately looked bad.

Spring Mom came in from the outside and smiled back and said: "The big lady, the second lady, the big princess and the big prince are coming."

Lu Xiu asked as he walked: "Is it all coming? Are you saying that the emperor's emperor is all coming?"

"Yes, all come." The emperor's emperor came to see it, but if the Queen's Empress came, it would be better.

The jujube jujube is handsome and handsome, the Liuer is beautiful and moving, the Qi Hao is warm and elegant, the Rui Ge is hard and bold, and the Xuan Geer is full of books, and the brother is strange and clever. Six younger brothers and sisters each have their own characteristics.

Xiang Shi had seen Qi Hao and You Geer before, but this time I saw six younger siblings appearing at the same time and all of them were very good, and some of them were immediately stunned.

Lu Xiu was watching the six brothers and sisters grow up, so it was as profound as touching Xiang. After the ceremony, Kai Hao asked: "Two aunts, grandmother?" On the third day of Qiu’s arrival in Beijing, the two sisters, Jujube and Liuer, came over, and Qi Hao and the triplets did not come.

Lu Xiu said with a smile: "I am waiting for you inside!" Because they are going to open soon, they all returned to the feast.

The six brothers and sisters entered the house with Lu Xiu.

She was left behind in the heart of Xiang’s heart, but she did not dare to say anything ugly. However, in my heart, I remember Lu Xiu.

When the six brothers and sisters entered the living room, they suddenly became the focus. In addition to jujube and Qi Hao, Liu Er and the triplets are slightly unfamiliar.

Qiu’s six people, jujube and juvenile, were very happy and asked six people to sit next to her.

After sitting down, Qiu asked: "How come you come so late?" In this case, only Qiu’s dare to ask.

Jujube dates will not be said to be delayed by Liu Er, and said with a smile: "A little accident has delayed the time, but it didn't come too late."

When I heard this, Qiu’s kindness said: “I can come.” So late, she didn’t come. She thought that the jujube and sister would not come. I didn’t expect six of my brothers and sisters to arrive.

Liu Er said with a smile: "Today is a good day for Daxie and Erqi. How can we not come? Grandma, mother is really unable to open, or she will come."

"It's all right." For so many years, Qiu has been used to Yuxi's busyness. Moreover, Yuxi also came to see her during her last busy schedule.

Jujube looked at Chang, who was sitting in the first position on the left, and asked, "Aunt, what?"

Chang is very happy to say: "She is talking to the girl of the same age in the room next to her." When the jujube came over, he asked, stating that the sisters had not forgotten.

Liu Er explained next: "The last time I told you to go shopping, but because I have something, I can't go." Now the palace is Liuer is taking care of it, so there is no time to go out to go shopping in the palace some time ago.

"It doesn't matter if you don't go shopping. She just remembers you. I originally planned to take her to the palace in two days!" In order to deepen friendship.

Jujube dates, they came late, just sat down and said no words, Lu Xiu went out from the outside and said: "Mother, the dishes are already on the table, you can invite the ladies to attend."

Zhong Minxiu stumbled in the garden yesterday afternoon, although the lotus pulled her, but the man fell to the ground. It was not heavy, but the person was frightened and the stomach was a little uncomfortable after going back. On such an important day today, she can only go out to bed and not be able to come out to the banquet.

The lotus flower came in a bowl of bird's nest. When Zhong Minxiu finished eating bird's nest, he whispered: "Grandma, the big prince, they left, the big county lord and the second county lord are still talking with the old lady."

After Zhong Minxiu put down the bowl, he said: "No problem." She had seen jujube and Liuer, and the four emperors had never seen it. However, I want to come to her and the four emperors have no chance to deal with it. It doesn't matter if I don't see it.

The lotus looked at Zhong Minxiu’s stomach, and her face appeared suffocating. She said, “Mother, this is definitely the ghost of the big lady.” So smart, her grandmother went to the walk when there was water on the brick, she Grandma stepped on the slip.

Although Zhong Minxiu wants to suppress Xiang’s, he still said very aptly: “It should be just an accident. It’s basically impossible to find something on the garden road that we can’t find.” The garden is so big, people come. Towards, if you are here, it is easy to be seen.

The lotus can only give up when he hears this.

I touched my stomach, but fortunately the child is fine, otherwise she has to regret it. Zhong Minxiu said: "When I go out, we will bring more people to follow." This incident was frightening her, and I dare not take it lightly.

The lotus flower nodded and said: "Grandma, just listen to the people in the house and say that the four emperors are very good looking, and the big prince is the most handsome."

Zhong Minxiu said with a smile: "In this way, the four emperors will be able to confuse the girls in the capital."

"I heard that after the four emperors entered the house, the ladies present at the scene kept watching them." These ladies saw how the Kaihao four brothers could not move their minds. Especially if I have a daughter at home, I don’t know how many turns have been made in my heart.

"The four sons are all excellent, and the Queen's Empress can really teach the children." This kind of skill is not for everyone. With the opportunity, she must take the scriptures with the Queen Mother.

The lotus said: "Mother, the girls who married four emperors will be especially lucky."

When Zhong Minxiu took the blanket away, he asked: "This may not be the case, the royal family is not so good to marry." The royal rules are large, and the intrigue is even worse than the average big family.

The lotus said: "The emperor is only a queen empress, a few emperors are deaf, and will definitely be very good to his wife in the future. And the queen of the empress must not give his son a woman."

"The emperor is only a queen. It does not mean that a few emperors will not be jealous in the future. With the Queen Empress, it is true that she will not be a woman for a few emperors, but she does not mean that she will stop a few sons from being jealous." This is a common problem for most men. She never expected her husband to guard her alone, but Chang Geer hooked up other women during the wedding, which made her particularly angry.

"This is also true." Under the sun, it can only be like the emperor, just like the empress of the empress, it seems that there are few to find.

Zhong Minxiu sighed and said: "How the four emperors have nothing to do with us, but the second master... Why is it not the second master who grew up in the Wangfu?" If Han Jiachang had the ability, it would not matter if there was such a title. Han Jiachang has nothing to do, and then lost the title, what will she do with her children in the future. Now she can fight, but when her children are older, it is difficult to marry a good family.

The lotus is also very depressed, but if you grow up, you won’t make your grandmother so difficult.

After Zhong Minxiu finished speaking, he shook his head and shook his head: "But then, if the second master is as capable as the four masters, the public will not choose me." Zhong Minxiu's biological mother is a beggar, because he looks good and is watched by Zhong Rong. After that, I was taken over. However, she is very honest. When she is pampered, she is not only arrogant but arrogant. Instead, she takes Mrs. Chung as her first priority and never interferes with Mrs. Chung’s eyes. Otherwise, even if Zhong Minxiu is more intelligent, Mrs. Zhong will not take her to teach her personally.

The lotus look is stunned, but it still says: "Mother's grandmother will get better and better in the future."

Touching the stomach, Zhong Minxiu said with a smile: "I will train them and enjoy the blessings of my children in the future." The husband does not rely on it, but as long as the children are filial, it is also very good.

For example, Zhong Minxiu and the lotus master and servant thought that many of the ladies had their minds after seeing the four brothers of Qihao.

After Du Fu’s daughter-in-law, Bao’s return, she said the day’s affairs. After the talk, she said to Du Fu: “Master, Aya is 13 years old, just like the eldest son.” If the daughter can marry the great emperor In the future, it will be the mother of a country.

Du Fu said very directly: "You don't think about this, the Queen's Empress does not look at Aya."

Bao’s face changed instantly: “How can the Queen’s maiden not see Aya? My family, Aya, is worse than the people, will you be so ruined by your relatives?”

Du Fu had very little time at home, and this time it was the emperor who came to the throne to return to the ceremony. Because he was not at home for a long time, the emperor had extra money and let him stay at home for a month.

After being repeatedly bombarded, Du Fu’s look unchanged: “Aya Qin chess and paintings are equally unreasonable, and these are not enough. Even female red cooking is not good at her, but the housekeeper is even more confused.” Ya Changxiang is very ordinary, even the Qingxiu can not be counted, what can be seen without any Queen Empress, after this sentence he did not say. Anyway, that is also my own relatives and daughters, how to say this.

When Bao Shi heard it, he immediately became discouraged: "Cough, it is as good as I saw the great emperor, so I couldn't help but feel my heart." Just because she knew that her daughter had no special skills, she wanted to marry her to a simple population. .

Du Fu said: "Not alone, I am also heart-warming, but I can recognize the reality."

Upon hearing this, Bao’s heart moved and said the situation of the political buddy: “The child’s length is outstanding. I heard that I have learned well and my family is not bad. Master, do you want to send someone to inquire? "When I look at Yu Rong's dress, I know that she is financially affluent." This is also the purpose of Yu Rong. If the dress is so shabby, even if the son is better, these ladies will not be able to.

After listening to this, Du Fu refused to think about it: "No. Is this widow's sorrowful daughter-in-law still hearing less? I am a girl who is a big girl, how can I send it to people for bad practice." Although the daughter has no special skills. But it is also the treasure in his hand.

Bao said helplessly: "Not all widows will be ruthless daughters." She also started this idea, and did not go in detail to find out the situation!

"No, I can't take my daughter's lifelong event to take risks." The son-in-law does not have to be a good man, but he must be good to his daughter.

Bao Shi said with a smile: "It seems that my daughter is not mine." Marrying a daughter, it is natural to inquire the details of the man in detail, especially the mother-in-law's temperament is even more important. If the mother's temperament is not good, the other party can't marry her daughter.

Du Fu also smiled and said: "Aya is still young and not worried."

Bao Shi is so angry and funny: "Let me start looking at you, now you are not anxious, and you will be told by someone."

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