The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1413: Toon 3

It’s normal to have a daughter’s temper, but I’ve got the same mind without my daughter. (8) (1) (中)(文)(网)|(8)WWW.8(8)1(1)Z(中)W(文).COM

After Xiao’s return, he regretted talking to his daughter-in-law, Jieshi: “It’s a pity that I didn’t have a daughter.” If there is a daughter who marries her daughter to the great emperor, then the family will have a queen.

Xie’s knows the meaning of Xiao’s words: “Mother, there is no way. A dish cousin looks cute and can take her over.” Xiao’s brother has a brother, but she and her eldest brother Xiao Yongzheng can’t get together. It is relatively rare to travel, but it is very good with his brother Xiao Yongchang. Only when Xiao Yongchang was punished, when Xiao Yongchang came back, Yuan Ying would not allow her to contact with Xiao Yongchang. It is Xiao Yongzheng's loyal and honest husband and wife, Yuan Ying has more to them.

Xiao Shi listened to some temptations, but he quickly shook his head and said: "Acai is a good child, but unfortunately her identity is definitely not married to the emperor." Her daughter may not be able to become a great emperor. His brother is a small official from the seven products, how can the Queen Empress see it.

Xie Shi said: "I can't do it right, there are good people, as long as I have a child and a half daughter, and wait for the Prince to be the Princess."

Xiao’s hesitation: "Can this be done?"

Xie’s soft voice said: “If you are doing things, you will be in the sky. If you don’t prepare, we will not be able to wait for future opportunities.” Yuan’s family has only been castiged for three generations, and her son’s generation is gone. For the sake of the children and grandchildren, I still have to fight.

"I will discuss it with my grandfather first." This is too big and must be discussed with her husband. If the husband does not agree, this can't be done.

Jieshi nodded: "This is natural." In fact, Jieshi has his own mind, that is, he wants to send his sister to the house. When you are ready to adjust, wait until the big emperor chooses to send it.

Although the family had gone to Yunqing in the past, they could not solve the problem with the Zhao family. These years, it is not too warm. It is also the strong under the cloud, such as the cloud, like the big army, Du Fu Xu Wei, which one can pull out to guard one side, so the generals who rely on the rear are hard to come. If the family is no longer looking for a way out, it is afraid that it will gradually decline.

Of course, Jieshi is not so great to support the entire family, she just wants to support her family. It is mainly that the two younger brothers of Jie's are not used. It is not a good thing to study martial arts. If you don't think about other methods, you will be afraid that the next generation will fall. Her sister had a very good job, so his father moved this thought.

It’s just that both parents and brothers are there. She’s not a good sister to pick up her sister and live in the house. But if the girl from Xiao’s family picks it up, it’s not the same. When I pick someone up, others won’t say anything.

That night, Xiao Shi said this to Yuan Ying: "Master, I think this method is good, you see?"

Yuan Ying listened to Xiao’s words and shook his head and refused. After thinking about it, he gave Xiao Shi a bottom: "Mie is nine years old this year, and she is asked to teach her to teach her rules. It is not too late for her to send it to the East Palace." Yuan Ying has two skeletons. They were Rong Yu Niang and Feng Yu Niang, and each of them gave Yuan Ying a daughter, called Mier and Keer. Mi is nine years old and looks like a beautiful mother. She is very beautiful.

Xiao is most tired of these two embarrassing, but the two are very well-regulated, so that Shaw’s handle can’t be caught: “I’m still six years away from Mier and Yu, and when she is sent to the palace, isn’t the daylily cool? "If you let the little hoof into the Donggong and give birth to a half-girl, will there be her position in the house?" Therefore, Xiao is determined not to agree.

Yuan Ying said: "After six years, it is just right." Mier is a prostitute, and certainly cannot be a prince. Now sent, I am sure I can't beat my wife. After six years, the Prince will have a son, and Mier will enter the East Palace to be able to give birth to a child.

Xiao didn't know that Yuan Ying had this plan. She felt that she was moving her own feet. However, she did not dare to disobey Yuan Ying’s meaning, but vaguely said: “This will be said later, who knows what it will be like at the time.”

As Jie said, everything must be prepared. Otherwise, the opportunity will come, and I will not be able to grasp it. Yuan Ying said: "Let Mier move to the main courtyard, let her follow you later." Rules and manners can be taught, and social entertainment must be carried out by Xiao.

Before Shaw wanted to hold Yuan Mier to raise, she could ask Yuan Ying for Yuan Ying. This is no longer the case. Now that I want Yuan Mier to raise her side to raise her worth, Xiao is not willing to: "I have recently been in a bad mood and always feel very tired. Let Mier move over and I have no energy to take care of her. Rong Rongni is not a chess and calligraphy. Will it be? Let her teach, not right." Rong Yu Niang is a beggar, Yuan Mier really entered the East Palace in the future is also awkward, followed by Rong Yu Niang is not just right.

Yuan Ying is aware of Xiao’s temper. When she sees that she is not willing to teach Yuan Mier, she is annoyed: “Since you are in a bad mood, take a rest!” Then he turned and went out.

Yuan Ying has long disliked Xiao’s, but the eldest son has a good future, and Yuxi’s man who hates wealth and forgot his friendship, so he dare not be too fond of Rong Yuniang. Otherwise, with the means of Rong Yuniang, I have already climbed to Xiao’s head. However, now that you know the door, it is also a means to solve it. Rong Yu Niang is right with her, not cheap.

The heart whistle and winter rain said: "Mrs, why are you bitterly gone to the uncle? To be a slave, you should first go down, and then give the big girl to the grandmother to teach with a poor spirit. It is not right." Smart, certainly will not do things that make Shaw unhappy. ”

"I won't be as sultry as I want." I want her to become Yuan Mier's pedal and dream.

Winter rain did not persuade, things have been said so much no benefit: "Mrs, this thing still has to say to the grandmother."

Xiao’s head whispered, “This will be said tomorrow, now I will help me to rest.” Her head hurts a little.

Just now, Xiao said that the spirit is not good. It is not entirely an excuse. She has always had a headache in recent times, and people are very annoyed.

After a few days, Yunqing went to the suburbs to inspect the military. After returning, I was proud of it.

Yuxi saw it, and his face was suspicious: "What a happy event? Let you be happy like this?" It is rare to see Yunqing like this, and I don't know what a happy event.

Yunqing said with a smile on his face: "Today, a few people in the 6th Fiji asked me what kind of wife I was going to choose for Kaihao. I have always told me about the advantages of their niece."

Others are a woman who has a family, and not only his daughters are eager to go home, but the son has also become the scent of the crowd. Such a beautiful thing, Yunqing can not be happy, not attentive.

Yuxi smiled and asked: "What do you say?"

Yun Qingle said happily: "I told them that Kaihao and their four brothers must be at the age of sixteen to say pro." Of course, if you look at it, you can set it privately. When you are 16 years old, you will directly decide to kiss, then you will marriage.

Well, after Kai Hao became a relative, he will soon be able to take up his grandson. Think about it, it’s pretty.

Yuxi smiled and asked: "What did they say when they heard this?" These people, it is so easy to give up.

Yunqing Waner said: "They said that some days, let their wives bring the children into the palace to ask you to be safe." 6 Fei they are not stupid, the key to the marriage of the Prince is Yuxi. As long as Yuxi agrees, this marriage is also nailed.

Yuxi does not exclude, saying: "Alright, take this opportunity to look at the disposition of each child."

"I thought you would refuse it?" Seeing Yuxi’s selection of Liu’s husband, she knew how high she was. But they are all following him from the city, the foundation is not thick, the girls in the family have their own shortcomings.

Yuxi knows what Yunqing thinks and says: "The daughter-in-law who chose Qihao not only has to be born in a famous way, but also must be wise, filial, and generous."

Yun Qing said, "This request is too high?" He was afraid that he could not find such a girl.

"Qi Hao is the emperor of the future, his wife will be the mother of a country, and the requirements are naturally higher." After the meeting, Yuxi said: "Of course, it is okay to have a little low birth and talent, but it must be filial and filial. Otherwise, waiting for Rui Geer to marry their wives may lead to brothers' disharmony." The woman's pillow-side wind is also very powerful.

"That Rui Geer, what about them? What are your requirements for their daughter-in-law?" I thought that Yuxi had asked for more women, and I did not expect more conditions for picking up daughter-in-law.

Yuxi had already thoroughly understood the temperament of the three sons: "Rui Geer thinks that things are simple, and he has some impulsive actions. He has to choose a calm wife. Xuan Geer’s ear is soft and likes beauty. He picked a beautiful wife; You brother, he had an idea since he was a child, and he asked his wife to let him decide."

When I heard Xuan’s favorite beauty, Yunqing couldn’t help but frown his brow: “I like beauty? What is wrong with this.”

"Green vegetables and radishes have their own love, just as you like to eat meat and do not like to eat vegetables, as long as you act with scale, it is okay to like beauty." Mainly this preference, there is no way to correct it.

Yunqing said: "When they get married, are they going to move out of the palace?" Seeing Yuxi nod, Yunqing said: "When the palace is left, we are two people, so lonely!" Or the family is very busy. .

Yuxi said with a smile: "When they get married, with children, it will inevitably lead to contradictions. If you are afraid of being alone, let Kaihao stay in the palace and don't move to the East Palace."

"Is this a matter of conformity? If it is not in compliance, the people of the Ministry of Rites must be embarrassed again." The most annoying thing he is now is Gu Taining, who sees him with a black face.

Yuxi smiled and said: "After Kai Hao, I lived in the East Palace or lived in the Imperial Palace. It is a state affairs to the big, and it is a family matter when it is small."

"It is you who say that everything is about rules. Finally, you are not talking about rules." After that, Yun Qing laughed: "If Gu Taining objected, you told him to go."

Yuxi’s mouth swelled up: “The rules are not static. Just like the law, there is no law outside!”

Yun Qing said with a hand: "In any case, you are reasonable." But it is so good, it has dealt with those who are slippery.

After talking about the gossip, Yunqing talked with Yuxi about the war in Yunnan: "The army is going to Yunnan, how do you feel?"

"What do you think?" She generally does not mix well with the war. Yunqing will ask him, fearing that he is hesitating.

Yunqing said: "There have been three generals. I am worried that the change will affect the military. Then Huang Liyong is familiar with Yunnan terrain and stayed in Yunnan for five years. If he does not cooperate with the army. Even if the army is good, it will not win. ""

The war in Yunnan has always been unsatisfactory. It is not that the Lord will have problems, but that the terrain is complex and the ethnic minorities are allied with the building.

Yuxi said: "The key issue in Yunnan is not in Louheshan, but in the Yi people. If they return, it is easy to annihilate the building of Heheshan. If they do not return, even if they annihilate the Louhe Mountain, this is also a huge hidden danger." Living in the mountains all the year round, the complex environment is not a problem for them.

Yun Qing asked: "What do you mean?"

Yuxi smiled and said: "Run the school and let them learn the path of Confucius and Mencius. However, this will be a long transition. Now that the imperial court has just been established, it will be a waste of time. The things in Yunnan can only be put aside."

Yunqing is not very happy.

Yuxi said helplessly: "He Rui, the national treasury has no money, and it is not appropriate to fight again. If not, the last bitter is still the people." Although the attack on the capital, a lot of money. But these silvers are now almost the same. If it is to reopen, it is necessary to increase taxes, but it is not to increase the burden on the people.

Seeing that Yunqing is hesitant, Yuxi said: "He Rui, it is harder to rule the world than to fight the world. No matter what you do, you must consider it from the overall situation."

"Okay! Let's put it down beforehand, and wait until the Treasury has money to solve the problem in Yunnan." Changzhou is fighting and it costs a lot. Shen Chunting told him that he had no money all day long, no money, and he heard his ears smash.

Yuxi nodded and said: "The urgent task now is to let the people recuperate, and it is not appropriate to fight again within five years." Every day, the young and the young are gone, and whoever goes to cultivate the land. No food, how to live.

"The things in Yunnan can be put aside. But the problem in Liaodong still needs to be solved earlier." When you get Liaodong earlier, you will be able to unload the eight pieces of Yan.

"It is very expensive to fight. I believe that Yan Wushuang can't support it for a long time. If he does not take the initiative to provoke war, we will not provoke." As a matter of urgency, it is necessary to resume productivity as soon as possible. Others are secondary.

"Listen to you." Although the heart is unwilling, but Yunqing still nodded. Since sitting in this position, everything is based on the overall situation, and personal grievances must be put aside.

Seeing Yunqing’s face is not very good-looking, Yuxi has shifted the topic: “Qin Tianjian has given the jujube date three days, one is the twelfth lunar month, the other is the twenty-eighth of the first month, and the other is the fifth day of March. Which do you think? Good days?"

Yunqing asked: "When the lunar month and the first month are the most things, choose the fifth day of March!" It is scheduled to be in the fifth day of March, when they are not busy, Yuxi can also have time to exercise the marriage of jujube.

Yuxi is also preparing to be selected in the fifth day of March.

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