The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1414: Shopping 1

The sun came out, and the burning sun shone on the ground, making people afraid to go out. August 1st? Chinese W?W?W. 81ZW. COM

The seven-seven body is heavy, but it is afraid of heat. It was only in early June that she was too hot.

Lying on the wicker chair, the seven-seventh side wiped the sweat and said: "It's so hot now, how can you pass in July and August! When you have fruit, you don't have so much sweat."

Shi Qin said with a smile: "This time must be a young master." Although the master of the family is tough, it is safe to have a young master as soon as possible.

"This is also not allowed." In fact, the seven seven also think that this fetus is a son, because the pregnancy and the reflection are not the same as the fruit. But before the child is born, this is hard to say. After all, there is no one hundred percent.

When I was talking, I heard that the girl Niangniang hurriedly came in: "Grandma, Qingguo girl asks for it." Winter Niang is the dowry brought by Qiqi, helping the seventy-seven management, and the most stable day. .

The seven-seven look was cold and asked: "Let her come in." Green fruit is the close-fitting scorpion around the big aunt. It is not a good thing to go to the door this day.

When Qingguo saw seven or seven, he cried on the ground and said, "Grandma, please save the girl! My girl, I will be killed by my grandfather."

Qiqi immediately stood up and asked: "What happened?" He actually moved his hand, and that can bear.

Qingguo said while crying: "Grandpa wants the girl to tell the country to the capital, but the girl is not willing. Then the two quarreled, and the grandfather hit the girl."

"Reading the car, going to Dingjia." Being bullied into this way, if the family members do not come out, they do not know how to practice.

Shi Qin looked at the stomach of Qiqi and looked worried. Grandma is still pregnant with her body. What if she goes to Dingjia to touch it? But she doesn’t dare to let the seven or seven don’t go. The grandmother is bullied like this. If her master does not come out, When the lady and the uncle will definitely blame their own master.

When he walked seven or seven, he changed his name to Winter Niang: "You go to Cui's house and ask my mother to go to Ding's family." She is going to go, but in case she is prepared, she will let Yan and the Ding family negotiate.

Dong Niang was busy and went away.

On the carriage, Qiqi looked at Qingguo and asked: "Is it your own, or is the big sister letting you come?"

Green fruit hanged his head and said, "I came by myself."

Seven or seven raised their brows and they were all beaten. They didn’t even send someone to tell her, it was intended to swallow the grievances.

Qingguo tears brushed and said: "Grandma, you must be the master of the girl! Ding family is not something. My girl is lying on the bed, that Ding's wife actually took us to take care of the girl, the big master took it. In her yard."

Hearing this, seven seven could not help but sigh. Her great aunt's temper is strong and strong, and Ding Sanyang was going to be jealous at that time. There are many ways to deal with this matter, but she chose the worst one. After that, the husband and wife disputed constantly and became more and more stagnant. I don't even think about it. You are a woman's house and a man who does not suffer from doing something. But no matter how the mother-in-law persuaded, it was useless.

At the entrance of Dingjia, Qiqi did not enter.

Green fruit is anxious: "Grandma, why don't you go in?" It won't be a sudden change of mind, no matter what your own master!

He took a look at the green fruit and did not speak. The master is an acute child, and the ankle is also an acute child. It is really a headache. It was also that Daguzi had married before, but she would have suggested that her mother-in-law should replace this cockroach.

Shi Qin said: "Grandma is pregnant, if it is going to go out with Ding's theory, what should I do?" It is necessary to support the aunt's grandmother, but the premise must protect themselves.

The green fruit dough is somewhat stiff.

After a while, I arrived. Seeing that Qiqi is waiting for her, Yan Shizhen said: "Let's go in!" If it was seven or seven, regardless of the rush, what happened, she could not explain it to her nephew.

Mrs. Ding did not want to see Qi and Seven, but the situation was stronger than the people, and they did not want to come.

When Mr. Ding saw Mrs. Ding, he asked: "I heard that the prostitute was beaten by a prostitute. What is going on?"

Mrs. Ding did not deny that this matter could not be denied: "The husband and wife quarreled, Sanyang did not control his temper for a while, but he did not care."

Seventy-seven sneer: "Is there a heart? If it is a heart, is it that my older sister will be killed by her?"

Mrs. Ding had seen seven or seven times before, and her seven-seven impressions gave her a warm and gentle speech. Mrs. Ding is somewhat annoyed: "What about the younger couple, where can I be a mother-in-law?"

Seven Seven stood up and said: "Isn't the tube coming? My eldest sister was beaten in the front foot, and then you will go to the buddy. What kind of heart do you have?"

Mrs. Cui did not understand why the seven-seventh became so aggressive, but she could not dismantle the stage and looked at it.

Mrs. Ding’s mouth said hard: "She is lying in bed, I am afraid that the child is shocked, so I hugged it."

Seventy-seven face smiles and said: "What do you want to play, really I don't know? I only tell you, you want to practice my grandmother, but also have to see my husband and husband do not agree." Finished, seven seven to see I didn’t look at Mrs. Ding’s wife and said to the green fruit: “Take me to see the big sister.”

He felt that this was not the same as imagined. She originally wanted to come to the theory of Mrs. Ding, and then let Ding Sanyang apologize to Lianwu. But obviously, Qi Qi is not such an idea.

Mrs. Ding’s little daughter-in-law said with some worries: “What do you mean by Han’s words?” This seems to be like a break with Ding’s family.

Mrs. Ding said: "What is the meaning of her? This is the Ding family, she is not allowed to let go." What is the power of the family, can you still care about Wang Fa.

Looking at the lotus fog lying on the bed, Qiqi sighed and said: "Big sister, can you see the doctor?"

Lotus fog was a little embarrassed, and said with a low head: "It is just a little swollen, just apply some medicine." Asked the doctor, no one in the whole city for two days knows that he is playing back, she can not lose this face.

He is not angry, he said: "What is the medicine? Just why is it now? Is it beaten, even if you dare to send someone to tell the family? If your mother knows, is not digging her. Heart?"

Lotus mist is red.

Green fruit busy said to the lotus fog: "The lady is not at home, only the grandmother is at home. The girl thinks that her grandmother is still pregnant, she does not want her to hurt."

When he heard this, he sat down at the bed and looked at the lotus fog and said, "Big sister, I just went to see Mrs. Ding. She said that she can’t control your husband and wife. Big sister, you told me, how are you? Thought?"

Lotus mist said with a painful face: "I don't know."

Yan looked at the redness and swelling on the face of the lotus. When I heard these words, I couldn’t get angry. "I don't know? It's like this. You still don't know what to do? Do you still have a little bit of good luck in the city?" ”

Seventy-seven said: "Ding Sanyang hit you, Mrs. Ding does not comfort you, but even dare to steal the brother. Big sister, you are weak again, I am worried that you will have a life risk." Do not regret a family, but such a man without morality, do not pay attention.

Shi Qin looked at the seven seven, and lowered his head.

Lianwu grabbed the arm of Qiqi and said, "If I leave, what should the two children do?" She also wanted to leave, just thinking about the two children hesitating.

He said: "Then you have never thought about it. If you are killed by them, what should your two children do? You think that the Ding family has killed you, and you and your mother will let them go. Family? And do you think that by that time, will your mother still have two children?" Ding Jiaru is being shackled by the family to seal the army's temper, and certainly will not help the two children. Who knows if it will raise two white-eyed wolves. Most of them are also handed over to others.

Seeing the lotus fog face struggle, Yan said: "You and Ding Sanyang and away, the children's things we think of other ways." Cui Weiqi's affairs, Feng Dajun and Chang's dedication to help her. Now that Lotus is out of this kind of thing, she naturally has to stand up.

"Is there a way?" The child's father and grandparents are there, even if they are a lawsuit, they will not return to her.

At this time, Qi Qi finally stated: "As long as you think about it, there is always a way."

He added a sentence: "If you want to stay in Ding's family and suffer, then we can't do it for you."

"When we all leave the city, I will leave you alone here. If you have an accident, there will be no one in the first place." After the meeting, the seven seven said: "If you have something, the big brother and the big sister will become orphans." "Lianwu is the temper of reporting good news and not worrying about it. When it happened, it was really a problem. They were also in the capital."

Lotus fog is not a masochistic physique. If it is not remembered that two children have left the wolf nest early: "I am, he will not agree with me."

Some of the seven seven are awkward: "When did the public tell you this?"

The lotus mist fell down and looked disheartened: "He didn't say it, but with his temper, he must have felt that it is normal for a man to have three wives and four wives. If I am separated, then it is the doorstep that corrupts the family. He Will not agree."

Before the 7th and 7th, I heard that Feng Zhijun said that the relationship between Feng Dajun and Lianwu was not harmonious, but she did not expect the gap between the father and the daughter to be so deep.

"Big sister, if the public servant hears you, it will be very sad." Seeing the lotus mist and looking at himself, the seven seven said: "The public sorrows you not less than the husband and the uncle, you say this, let him hear no Is it equal to digging his heart?"

"You, this child, is really into a puzzle. This is awkward, how can you care about your daughter's life and death?" Moreover, the lotus is still the only daughter of the army.

Lotus fog looked at the two unbelievably.

He is so angry and annoyed that the child looks so smart on weekdays, how can he know that he is so confused.

Seventy-seven thought about it and said: "Big sister, if the public servant knows that Ding Sanyang dares to do this to you, will you agree with you and leave?"

"Really?" Lotus is really not confident.

Seventy-seven said: "When I go back, I will write to Beijing. You don't need to lie to you for ten days. Big sister, you are going with me now."

Lotus fog did not promise: "I am here to wait for news." In case she does not agree with him and leave, I will come back later. Instead of this, it is not as good as the news at Ding.

For the grandmother's stubborn seventy-seven is also very helpless, can only leave two stout women, and then left with the family.

Ding Pozi heard this news very proudly and said to the children's daughter-in-law: "The two children are in my hands, she can't turn the palm of my hand." When this matter passed, he forced Qian to go back and ask for help from the family. Go to the capital.

Out of the Ding family, Yu’s spit out a sigh: "This child, why are you so embarrassed!"

Seventy-seventh smiled and said: "The husband said that the big sister and the public are misunderstood very deeply. Now it seems that it is true."

"Your elder sister's temper is completely like your public servant. Forget it, don't say it, wait for your public letter to arrive, let her and leave." Knowing this after the saga of the great army will definitely make the lotus fog and leave. Only the lotus fog itself, caught in a puzzle.

On this day, the two sisters used the early morning meal from Kunning Palace. The jujube said: "It’s been a long time since I came to Beijing. You haven’t seen it outside. Today’s weather is good, let’s go to the market.” Mainly She will go to Shandong the next day, so she wants to accompany Liu to go shopping.

"Okay! By the way, I will scream." I promised that Cui Wei would go shopping with her, but I couldn’t go back. Six brothers and sisters, under the influence of Yuxi and Yunqing, are the people who have promised.

"That, I let people first inform her, and then go to the government to pick her up." This girl's family, go out to dress up, so, must be notified in advance. However, this does not include jujube dates.

The two sisters are going to go out of the palace, and they must tell Yuxi and Yunqing. The husband and wife did not object, but told him to let him arrange more guards to follow.

Jujube and jujube took Yuxi’s arm and said: “Mother, I am so big, I haven’t gone out to go shopping with you! Mother, do you want to go with us!”

Yuxi pointed to a pile of memorials in the book case and said: "These folds have to be read today, and I will go shopping with you. I have to be busy until the middle of the night."

Jujube jujube said, "That is still true. But when I come back, you have to accompany me to go shopping."

Yuxi nodded and agreed: "Okay."

When the two children went out, Yun Qing said with a smile: "It’s rare for children to be so high, and the discount can be reserved for tomorrow!"

"Several children go out shopping, I will be uncomfortable to follow." This is not to go out after buying things, and now go out at night to come back. With so many things, she can put it down.

Yunqing heard this and said: "After two days, I will accompany you to go shopping." For so many years, he seems to have visited Yuxi twice.

Without waiting for Yuxi to speak, Si Bo Nian said outside: "The emperor, the queen, Ling Daren asked to see." Yuxi is ready to open Enke, but the time has not yet been fixed. If it is fixed, you have to announce the world.

Yuxi smiled and said: "I will have no time to go shopping after a while." She is not interested in going shopping.

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