The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1415: Shopping 2

Liu Er wants to go shopping, not to buy anything, she just wants to see what is the difference between Beijing and Yucheng. August 1st? Chinese text W≥W≠W≤. ≥8≤1=Z=W. COM

After a round, Liu Er said with the jujube: "Big sister, I feel that there is nothing different from the city here. There is something here, basically there is a city."

Jujube said with a smile: "There are some here in Yucheng, and there are also no ones in Yucheng. For example, roast duck."

Cui Wei smiled and said: "I also heard that the roast duck in the capital is a must. If you don't eat a roast duck in the capital, you will regret it."

Liu Er is not very interested in eating: "What else?"

"The decoration here is much more beautiful and beautiful than that of the city." Simply put, the things in the capital are more complete than those in the city.

These, Liu Er are not interested. The decoration outside, where is the palace.

Yin Zhaofeng happened to be sitting next to the carriage. He heard the conversation of the three people laughing and said: "There are a lot of books in Beijing, and there are many shops like calligraphy and music. The two princesses are interested. Let's go there and have a look." Ornaments and antiques As long as the two county owners want it, they can go to the Queen's Mother, and they still need to go to the store to buy. Only the things that are not in the palace can touch the second princess.

Liu Er has some heartbeats, but still said: "Let's go to the shop and the satin shop first, then go to the music store. Hey, can you see this?"

Cui Wei shook his head and said: "No, the second princess, we go directly to the musical instrument shop."

Liu Er knew that Cui Wei couldn't understand the temperament and said with a smile: "Since my older sister said that the decoration here is more refined than that of the city, then we will go and see. Even if you don't buy it, you should open your eyes." The kind of decoration has not been seen, but it is an excuse.

"Okay." This time, Cui Wei is really planning to buy some decorations for himself.

Into the shop, the little two ones squatting on the clothes of three people, immediately led them to the elegant room.

Xiao Er said while pouring tea: "Please wait a moment, and things will be sent soon."

The treasurer took out all the good things in the store, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, anklets, gold jade gems, everything.

Liu Er saw a jasper bracelet in one eye. This jasper bracelet is covered with green oil and clear, round and round.

I still have a little bit of coolness in my hand. Liu Er looked at the shopkeeper and asked: "How much is this bracelet?"

The treasurer’s hearing of this is a boast: “The girl’s good vision, this is the best and most authentic emerald green bracelet, it is the treasure of our town shop.”

Jujube dates are the most impatient to listen to these nonsense, and directly ask: "Don't be so much nonsense, how much is it directly?"

The treasurer said: "Two thousand two, no counter-offer."

Cui Wei’s hand trembled.

Jujube jujube smiled and said: "Just a bracelet is two thousand two, why don't you grab it?"

The shopkeeper was well-informed, and there was no difference in seeing jujube and jujube women: "Girl, this is the authentic emperor green jade, there is no price. If you don't see a few girls are noble, I will not take it out." Although the jujube is not wearing any accessories, but only looking at the woven gold material used for clothes, and then with so many followers, this is definitely a noble person.

"There is no market for price? You are also jealous of those who have never seen the world. I have two sets of jade ornaments that are more positive than this color." Jujube dates are two sets, not two.

Liu Er said with a smile: "The treasurer, you give a real price, we will buy it."

Cui Wei didn't want to buy it at all, so much money, it was not enough for her to save all her savings!

The treasurer's bite, said: "Since a few noble people sincerely buy, then I will take a cost price, one thousand eight hundred and two."

Jujube is best at bargaining, and immediately said: "Buy price, three hundred two. If you want to buy, you don't want to." If you change to her, two hundred and two silver she is not willing to buy.

Not to mention the treasurer, even Cui Wei was shocked. One thousand eight hundred and two silver, even to three hundred and two, this price is too powerful.

Liu Er used to get used to the price of jujube and jujube, and said with a smile: "The treasurer, this bracelet is not the emperor green, but the second-class water. This price, the difference is not one star and a half. Three hundred two silver Buying this bracelet is expensive." If it is in Yucheng, this bracelet can be bought in three hundred and two. However, this is the capital, and the price is naturally not the same.

Yes, this is a meteor.

The treasurer looked down at Liu's hand without a trace of suet jade bracelet, and then looked at the date and dress of the man's dress, immediately did not hesitate, nodded and said: "Okay, it is three hundred and two. I only hope that the nobles will take care of my family in the future." Business." It is not much to know the clear water and the emperor green.

This bracelet sells three hundred and two silver, but it is a loss. The second child who was waiting next to him was anxious: "The treasurer..."

Seeing the shopkeeper shaking his head toward him, the second child will swallow back to the mouth.

Cui Wei took Liu’s hand and said, “I didn’t bring so much money?”

Not waiting for the opening of the jujube, the shopkeeper said: "Girl, you can tell us the name of the house, we send people to send things to the house." By the way, the account will be closed.

Cui Qianqian really likes this bracelet, hesitated and bite his teeth and said: "Sent to the British government." The main reason is that the price is relatively large. If it is two thousand and two silver, she is hard to buy.

Liu Er took a pair of jasper orchids from the chair tray and inserted the night pearl flower buds. He smiled and asked: "How much is this pair of flowers?" This flower bud, is very delicate.

I heard that the flower had to be one hundred and eighty-two silver, and the date was expensive. After a while bargaining, the final cut of sixty two silver.

After paying the money, the three people left the shop with satisfaction.

The shopkeeper wiped a sweat and said: "Fortunately, I did not take out the treasure of the town shop." The bracelet was not the treasure of the town shop, just to make the price too high. Later, I saw that the price of jujube and jujube was so powerful that he did not let people bring in things. Otherwise, you have to die.

Xiao Er asked inexplicably: "The treasurer, selling such a low price is obviously a loss!"

"Do you know what? If you want to earn less, you have to make these two masters happy." Seeing the doubts of Xiao Er's face, the treasurer said: "The two masters must be the big princess and the second princess." I heard that the big princess is dressed up, this should not be on.

Xiao Er said: "That is not afraid, but the Dong family is the grandfather of the two princesses."

The treasurer of the treasurer can't knock the head of Xiao Er: "Just because the Dongdong family is the two masters, the price is guaranteed."

Going out of the shop, the date jujube said happily: "I didn't expect this shopkeeper to speak so well. I thought that this bracelet should be five or six hundred!"

Yin Zhaofeng took a look at the jujube and said: "This shop is the industry of Anyang Bo!"

“Ah!” The jujube was very unexpected and said: “Is this shop actually an industrial property?”

Yin Zhaofeng chuckled: "Dasheng Commercial Bank, in addition to the caravan, there are 18 shops in the capital. The use of food to wear is involved."

“Is that the grandfather is a rich man?” So many valuable industries have millions of dollars.

Yin Zhaofeng shook his head and said: "I heard that Anyang Bo gave these 18 shops to the Queen's Mother..."

After waiting for the words, the jujubes interrupted him and said: "I can't, my mother won't want to be a shop."

Yin Zhaofeng said very helplessly: "I haven't finished talking yet, what are you doing so urgently? Anyang Bo wants to give the shop to the Queen Mother, the Queen Empress did not agree. As for the follow-up treatment, I am not sure." This acute When can I change it!

Giving the shop to Yuxi is also the result of careful consideration by Tie Kui. All of what he did was a business that came to the money. If he was alone, he would definitely attract people’s attention. When it comes to unnecessary trouble, it is not to be given to Yuxi. Anyway, this money is in the hands of Yuxi, and will eventually be used on the right track. However, Yuxi didn't want to, and then he couldn't go to the shackles of the industry, and it was hard to hear. Yunqing sees Tiekui insisting on not wanting these industries, and proposes that the shop will continue to operate by Tiekui, but the proceeds will be taken out to do good deeds. Other than that, the charity hall's annual expenses are a small amount.

"In any case, my mother is a shop that will not want to be a grandfather." Although she is awkward, she is very principled.

Yin Zhaofeng said with a smile: "This is natural." He specifically told the jujube date that the jujube was known to be her own cheap, so she was not very proud.

When I got on the carriage, Liu Er handed the flower to the donkey and said with a smile: "We have known each other for so long, and we have not sent you anything. This is a flower, it is a treat of our sisters." Liuer wanted to send Cui Weiyi The fulcrum is Tsui, but Cui Wei said that it is too expensive to live and die.

"Thank you for the big princess, the second princess." Knowing the value of this flower, Cui Wei put up no pressure.

Later, the three went to the biggest bookstore in Beijing. Go inside, the existing woman.

Cui Wei was very surprised and asked: "Isn't it true that the girls in the big Beijing family are not the door to the door?" These books are extremely expensive, but they are not affordable for ordinary people. Therefore, the girls who can come here are not. Rich is expensive.

Jujube dates are also somewhat unexpected, but after looking at them, they said: "These girls should be from the city."

As mentioned in the date, the women who came to the bookstore basically came from Yucheng. Because Yuxi is in power and she has always been interested in improving her daughter's status, she encourages women to study more. To this end, I have specially organized a women's school. After more than a decade, it still has some results. However, if you want to realize your wishes, you will have a long way to go.

Cui Wei has been studying at the Women's Academy since she was six years old. She has never been to the age of twelve. It is because she has read so many books that she does not want to marry a military commander who wants to marry a scholar.

It took more than half an hour, and after the jujube was repeatedly urged, Liu Er gave the chosen book to Molan.

Jujube dates are so dizzy that I am very depressed and said: "I have said that after lunch, you will not listen."

Liu Er said with a smile: "I didn't expect the book bureau to enter a new batch of books." After that, he apologetically said to Cui Wei: "Oh, sorry! Let you wait so long."

After picking the book, the three went downstairs. Just walking down the stairs, I saw two young men coming in from the outside. Among them, the man wearing a light blue fine cloth and directly adoring the robes is clear and clean. Not to mention jujube dates, that is, Liu Er could not help but look at his eyes. As for Cui Wei, I will see it directly.

Seeing the jujubes and the three men, the man in the fine cloth was first glimpsed and then walked straight.

The man's graceful appearance, walking like a walk, not too slow, let people look pleasing.

Jujube and jujube shook his eyebrows, hoping that people are like them, not to talk, otherwise she is not welcome.

Liu's look is normal. If the man grows out of the crowd, he will look at his eyes and have no other thoughts. It was Cui Wei, who was nervous and the whole person froze.

Two steps away from Yin Zhaofeng, the man in the cloth stood up and bent down, then looked up and said: "The big cousin, the second cousin."

When jujube dates to hear this, he asked with a suspicious question: "Are you?" Since she can call her cousin, it must be her relatives. The problem is that she doesn't know this person!

"My name is Jiang Yizheng, my cousin and my second cousin may have never seen me." The political brother was also at the banquet of the Han family. They looked at the two people far away and did not have direct contact.

Jujube and jujube bloomed with a bright smile: "It turned out to be a political cousin. I said how to look so familiar!"

After two words of cold, the date is going to eat. Before I left, I said: "I am a political cousin, A Xuan always swears at you, have time to come to my house to play!"

Jiang Yizheng smiled and nodded: "Okay." The problem is that the palace is what you want to go to!

The companion is Zhao Jingzheng, who is also an introductory student at Lingtongpu. After the three jujubes left, Zhao Jingzheng asked Jiang Yizheng: "Teacher, is this a Korean girl?" The woman dressed in a non-negative manner, but the other two are very beautiful, especially in the middle. Let him be heartbroken.

Jiang Yizheng shook his head and said: "No." No matter how much, he would not want to say. Since they did not reveal their identity, they would not be able to disclose it.

This is not a Korean girl, Zhao Jingzheng said: "Teacher, you only tell me who this girl is." Others, he can inquire.

Jiang Yizheng was not stupid. He looked at Zhao Jingzheng’s anxious appearance immediately: "My big cousin and the second cousin have already decided to kiss." Any ideas can not be realized.

"Cough, it's a pity." My lady, the gentleman is good. But the lady has already promised someone, then she has no chance.

Jujube dates with Liu Er and Cui Wei went to the Yuelou, and ordered six special dishes, including the trotters and roast ducks mentioned by Qi You.

After eating the meal, Cui Wei said: "The food here is really delicious, and it is not inferior to the Fufu Restaurant." In Yucheng, she followed a few people from the family to go to Fufu Restaurant.

Jujube and jujube put the toothpick down: "It's delicious, but it's not cheap. I have a meal here, I have no one year of Lulu, and when the Fuyun Restaurant is opened, we still go there to eat." Dinner at Fuyun Restaurant, The dishes are delicious and don't need money.

Cui Wei heard this and said: "The big princess, I will come to this meal."

Before the opening of the jujube, Liu Er said: "We ask you to come out, how can you treat you, please ask again next time." Although their sisters are not bad at this meal, but there is a difference. The way. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not dare to come out with them in the future.

Hearing this, he smiled and said: "Okay."

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