The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1416: Innocent disaster

After eating and drinking, the three went on. August 1? Chinese W?W?W?. (1) 81ZW. COM afternoon jujube and Liu children did not buy anything, but Cui Wei bought a lot of things.

Cui Wei took out a rouge that traced the roses and handed it to Liu Er. "Two princesses, this is for you." This box of rouge is not cheap, full of twelve silver.

Liu Er smiled and picked up: "Thank you." Liu Er will make rouge gouache, so she never bought these things. However, this is Cui Wei’s intention, and she does not refuse. And can sell such expensive rouge, it must have its uniqueness, go back and try it. If you study well, look at it and see if it can be made.

Cui Wei pinched the corner of the clothes and pretended to be a chatter. "The second princess, was the man just a relative of your family? How did I have seen it before in the city?"

Liu Er himself is also coming over, how can you not see through Cui Wei that careful thinking. However, she pretended not to know the words: "It is the son of my aunt. He and my aunt have been in the capital. Not to mention you, I am the first time I saw today."

Cui Wei pinched the hand in his hand and asked, "Why did he know you and the big princess?"

Liu Er said: "I don't know this, but my older sister often walks outside. He should have seen her big sister!"

Seeing that Cui Wei’s hand was not wrinkled, Liu Er originally did not intend to say more. It can be seen that she couldn’t help but feel soft: “Although I have never seen him, I have heard Xu Xuan mention him. Said that my aunt thought that he had a fame, and then told him to kiss." As for Xuan Geer said that Jiang Yizheng asked these words, she did not say.

Cui Wei’s eyes lit up, but he quickly bowed his head.

Liu Er transferred the topic: "I don't know how my big cousin is in Yucheng? It is definitely boring to leave her alone in Yucheng." Marriage still needs the elders to be the master, so there is no news she will not Leaked. If the two have no fate, the more they talk, the more they will get Cui Wei.

Cui Wei is also a wise man. He knows that Liu Er doesn't want to say more, and he doesn't ask again: "My mother is with the big cockroach, and there are fruit, the scorpion will not be bored."

Liu Er was waiting to talk, suddenly heard the sound of the horse outside, and then there was a cry: "Look for death."

Liuer’s face was instantly white, and this is an assassin.

Cui Wei is not clear. So, looking at Liu's look, he asked: "Two princesses, what's wrong with you?"

A lot of patrolling officers and soldiers on the street, there is a movement here, officers and soldiers will come soon. Thinking of this, Liu Er quickly stabilized God, and then said with a serious face to Cui Wei: "No matter what is born outside, we can not go out." She can not help, but definitely can not delay.

Cui Wei took the spot.

However, the two waited for a while in the carriage, and did not hear the sound of a sword intersecting outside. Liu Er also felt wrong. Yang asked: "What happened?"

A guard next to the carriage said: "There is a person who has stopped us. I don't know what it is?"

Not an assassin, Liuer is relieved.

The road was blocked by Qu Chi. At this time, he was kneeling on the ground and looked at the date and said: "The big princess, the great princess's life-saving grace, I am willing to report the grass." He suddenly rushed over from the roadside, and the guard will take him. As an assassin. If it wasn't for Yin Zhaofeng to stop it in time, Qu Chi had become a dead soul under the knife.

Jujube did not expect that Qu Chi would block the road and said with a cold face: "No need, let the way out. If you are not giving way, be careful that my sword has no eyes."

Qu Chi’s face was unbelievable. This is not the same as what he thinks. However, Qu Chi strain is also very fast, tears fall: "The big princess, I have nowhere to go. If the big princess does not accept me, I can live tomorrow."

Beauty is always pitiful. Although Qu Chi is a man, it is easy to feel distressed.

Jujube jujube Yang said: "At the foot of the emperor, who would dare to be so daring to ignore the Wang Fa murder? If so, go directly to the capital city to report the case."

If Qu Chi did not hear the date, he always squatted on the ground and cried: "The big princess, ask the big princess to take it in. I don't eat much, just need to..."

Jujube does not want to entangle with him, wait for him to speak and immediately called a **** to drag him away: "Someone wants to harm you, you go to Tuen Mun to report the case. Then I will dare to stop my way next time, don't blame me for treating you. The assassin killed."

The guards stepped forward and dragged people to the side.

Qu Chi wanted to break away from the guardian's restraint, and shouted "The big princess, the big princess..." The cry, bleak and lingering, really smelling the sad listener crying.

Liu Er couldn't help but hear a chill.

Liu's face is not good, but she doesn't know what is going on, and she doesn't dare to open her mouth.

After Cui Wei was sent to Fengjia, Liu Er let the jujube date on the carriage: "Big sister, what happened just now?" But don't be a big sister with any man outside, or else I don't know how to marry my mother. Angry.

Jujube said with a look of anger: "The person who just stopped the road is the person I saved in Baoding. I knew it was a neuropathy. I shouldn't save him on that day." She stopped her halfway and asked her to take it. If you grow up to five big and three thick, it will be so beautiful and pitiful. You have to take him to let Jin Yu think about it. Can not make Jin Yu sad for a person with a brain.

Liu Er quickly reacted: "Is that the person whose heart grows to the right?"

"This person does not believe that the heart is different from the human, and even the brain is different from the normal person." Otherwise, run on the street to stop what she does.

Liu Er took a look at the jujube and said: "Big sister, isn't that he going to vote for a family? How can he say that someone killed her? Is it because his relatives want to harm him?"

Jujube dates do not believe, said: "He has no penny, who would want to harm him?"

"I still send someone to check it out and see what is going on. If someone really wants to harm him, it will be a life." After a pause, Liu Er said: "Maybe the person who wants to harm him is the gang of gangsters." not always?"

Jujube dates feel that this is justified, busy calling Yin Zhaofeng, let him arrange people to stare at Qu Chi.

Yin Zhaofeng said: "The big princess, I have sent people to stare." Look at what kind of tricks this person is playing.

Originally shopping, the two sisters are in great mood. As a result, Qu Chi was so troubled, and both of them were in a bad mood.

Back in the palace, it was time to use dinner. Yuxi looked at the two sisters and asked: "Is this ugly face, what happened?" If you are tired of shopping, you should be tired, not this look.

Jujube dates and vomits, saying: "There was a neuropathy on the road."

After talking about the things of Qu Chi, after the completion of the jujube, the jujube was depressed: "Mother, you said that he was so made by him, would the outside people make me a moan?" I was not afraid of the past, now I am going to People who are married, there are still many scruples.

Kaiyou said happily: "Big sister, are you afraid of being known by the big brother-in-law?"

"Go on the side." She was annoying, how can I have a mood to bicker with the buddy!

Yuxi smiled and said: "There is definitely a gossip. As long as you have a clear conscience, how do you say it. But if you don't want Jinyu misunderstanding, you will tell him about it tomorrow." Jin Yu is a child who is simple, as long as he says it Believe. Jujube is different from ordinary women, so Jin Yu’s trust is especially valuable.

Liu Er hesitated and said: "Mother, should this matter be clarified? If not, there is a gossip outside, which is a hindrance to the reputation of the big sister."

Kaiyou feels that Liu’s method is awful: “Second sister, haven’t you heard that the explanation is to cover up? If it is clarified, these people are more energetic.”

"As long as Jin Yu believes in me, other people say nothing, I am too lazy to take care of it." The most dislike of these seven aunts and eight women, nothing can stir up the storm.

Yunqing looked at the jujube and said with a sharp voice: "You are right to save people, but you should not see him alone."

"Hey, he insisted on seeing me, I thought there was something?" Yunqing did not believe him, and the jujube said it was very sad.

"If the purpose of this person is to assassinate you, you have to be embarrassed." Seeing jujube and looking at her, Yuxi said: "You have touched this kind of thing before, so you should be careful in the future. These people are doing things, If you are not careful, you will be recruited. The mother used to be soft, almost a corpse and two lives. "Save people is right, but these things do not need to do it yourself, let the following people go.

Jujube jujube looks awkward and says: "Hey, mother, I will definitely have an idea in the future."

Yunqing looked at Kaihao and the triplets and said, "You are the same. Be careful when you go out. Yan Wushuang is still not dead. I don't know what kind of tricks he will use to deal with you." Yan Wushuang does not die. He can't be at ease in one day.

Qi Hao and the triplets are nodding their heads: "I am relieved, we will be careful in the future."

It’s too late and it’s not convenient to go out. Jujube dates let Yin Zhaofeng send a letter to Jin Yu, and I will see you tomorrow.

Jin Jinyu knows that the date will be departed to Shandong after the date of jujube. Seeing the jujube date, he thought that he was saying goodbye, but he didn’t think much.

On the second day, I used breakfast, and Yuxi said in front of the jujube and Liu Hao that the jujube said: "Now the rumors outside say that you have abandoned the Quchi." The spread of the gossip is commonplace. Imagine.

Jujube dates are dumbfounded.

Liu Er is called Jujua Jujube: "This is too outrageous. My older sister has seen both sides of the surname song, and the time for meeting is two or three minutes. Why did it end up being abandoned?"

"The rumors are all like this." She also suffered from it, but as long as she doesn't care. The reason why this is mentioned in front of several children is to remind them that they can't be impulsive.

Qi Hao looked a little ugly and said: "Mother, this is the reputation of wanting to ruin the big sister, or the degree of spread will not be so fast." No one is manipulating behind, it is impossible to make such a rumor overnight.

"There have been sent people to check." In fact, only a small group of people now know, but if they do not come out to suppress, it does not take three days, this person who is full of Beijing knows that the date of jujube is abandoned.

Jujube said with a murderous look: "If it is for me to catch someone who is behind the ghost, I will not dismount her."

Yunqing finally got the chance: "If you don't act properly, you will see Jinyu in the day and look good, regardless of whether you rush to your hometown, and there will be no such thing." Jujube jujube is famous for its male color, so Being stopped by a beautiful man, people will open their minds and think that this man is tired of being dated. If this matter is replaced by Liu Er, there will be no such rumors.

Yuxi took the opportunity and looked at Kaihao and said: "You can't do things with you in the future, or else you will not only destroy your own reputation, but also bring the atmosphere of the entire capital." Change, Rui Geer, they are not doing the right thing, the following people will have the same kind of learning.

Yunqing screamed: "If you do things in the future, but throw our faces outside, I will interrupt your legs when I arrive."

Although not named, the face of jujube is still hot. Cough, this is really innocent.

Kaiyou asked: "Mother, who is this Qu Chi? I feel that this person has a problem." Saved him to ruin the reputation of the big sister, this person can not be light.

"I have already let Yu Zhi check it out. I should get the news at noon." Yuxi also felt that this person was acting strangely, otherwise he would not waste manpower to let Yu Zhi check it.

After going out, Qiyou said to the jujube: "Big sister, you can rest assured, I will help you revenge." If it is not this Qu Chi, his older sister will not be splashed with water. Therefore, this person must not let go of it.

"Okay. When I come back, I invite you to go to the moon floor to eat the trotters." The main reason is that she will leave tomorrow, she can't solve this problem herself.

Kaiyou smiled and said: "Big sister, the sauce trotters will be fine. If you can, you will borrow me five hundred and two silver!"

"When your business is on track, you will be short of money." The shop is not fixed, and borrowing money, she will not borrow.

Back to Zhang Huagong, the jujube dates and goes out. When I arrived at the agreed place, I saw that Jin Jinyu was fiddling with a grass.

"Golden jade, why are you so early?" She had arrived a quarter of an hour earlier, and she did not expect Jin Jinyu to be earlier than her.

Jin Jinyu stood up and smiled and said: "I have nothing to do anyway, I will come early. You will leave tomorrow, will things be packed?"

"I have already packed it up." She brought some clothes when she went out, and nothing else was needed. If not, it will not be late to get it.

Handing a purse to the jujube, Jin Jinyu said: "This is the peace sign that I went to the Imperial Temple to ask for. You have to take it with you." Knowing that the jujube is going to Shandong to continue, Jin Jinyu went. Huangji Temple asked her for a safety sign.

After picking up the peace symbol, the jujube was hung on the waist: "Jin Yu, I met a madman yesterday." Immediately, he told the story of Qu Chi, 1510. After that, Jujube said: "Jinyu, you don't believe the rumors outside, it's all nonsense."

Jin Yu showed a bright smile: "Princess, I told you that unless you say that you like other people, I will not believe anyone."

The jujube was moved, and he took a kiss with Jin Yu.

In the distance, Yin Zhaofeng met, and coughed quickly: "The big princess, the time is not early, we should go."

Jin Jinyu's skin was very thin, and he quickly pushed the date and said, "I'm going back soon! If you go back late and delay, the Queen will punish you."

Jujube and jujube promised.

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