The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1417: No desire, just 1

On the way back to the palace, jujube dates complained: "Can you follow me next time?" It is so annoying, every time you are close to Jinyu, you must be interrupted. August 1st???? Chinese W(1)W?W?. 81ZW. COM

Yin Zhaofeng said with no expression: "The Queen's maiden commanded, can't let you do something." Yuxi is afraid that one of the jujubes will not hold back, and will give him a golden jade. This is ugly if you make a child. Therefore, she told Yin Zhaofeng to follow, and they were not allowed to get along with each other alone.

Jujube dates can't be said.

"However, when you are married, you want to know what to do with the big hummer. Before that, you still have to restrain yourself, don't make any trouble." I want to see the jujube for the first time. His three views fell off the ground. This kind of thing, originally supposed to be a man initiative, fell to the date.

Jujube and jujube are not depressed: "If you are there, what can you do?" Kissing will not work, let alone others.

Yin Zhaofeng immediately yelled at her: "When are you willing? You don't feel embarrassed, I still feel hurt your eyes!" It is a small matter to hurt the eyes, and the most important thing is to ruin the three views.

Jujube dates are eaten.

When Jin Jinyu returned home, he was called to the main courtyard. As soon as I entered the house, I saw that both the wide and the Fangs were sullen, as if something was happening.

"Hey, mother, what's wrong?" The atmosphere is so dignified, it must be an accident.

Fang’s strong smile: “Nothing. Jin Yu, what did the big princess ask you to do in the past?”

"She will go to Shandong tomorrow, and I want to see me before I leave. Mother, what happened? Is there something wrong with the big brother?" Besides the big brother, he can't think of anything else that can make parents like this. look.

He shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter to your big brother. Jin Yu, the big princess saw you talking to you about a person named Qu Chi?" He also heard the rumors outside, and his look was so ugly.

"Hey, mother, Qu Chi's business was born yesterday afternoon, so soon you heard the rumors?" In these years, he was too rumored about the rumors of the date, he was numb.

Fang hurriedly asked: "Jin Yu, what does the big princess say?" She can be tolerated if she is too arrogant, but if the big princess really raises a man, she will have to retreat.

Jin Yu walked down to Fang’s side and sat down and said: “Mother, those outside are nonsense, don’t believe it. The big princess has seen Qu Chi twice, once asked his gangsters, and once again it’s yesterday. "When the day sees Qu Chi to see this, jujube dates can not be said silly."

When Fang heard this, he asked: "How did this matter get caught up with the criminals?"

The date that the jujube was told to him was repeated. After the completion, Jin Yuyu said: "Hey, mother, the big princess will not lie to me."

Yan Wei apparently believed this and looked at Fang’s words: "If you say nothing, you just don't believe it, you are still here." He was also nervous.

I don’t think it’s the same as Fang’s. If the date of the date is three or four, the child is not sure. Then he can make a big loss.

Fang does not say that the hole does not come, it is really too much rumor about jujube. However, jujube dates are justified, and it is not difficult to check this matter. Fang said: "Master, send someone to check this Qu Chi, to see who is it?" As long as you find out the details of Qu Chi, jujube is really good to judge.

Jin Jinyu said: "Mother, I believe the big princess, you should not check it."

Fang Shi said with Jin Yuyu: "After we have checked it, we can help the big princess to blame. You don't want the big princess to be stigmatized and made infamous?"

Jin Jinyu nodded: "Good."

After saying two words, Jin Jinyu returned to his yard. This time, I came to Yucheng, and most of the flowers and plants were given away. Only a few pots were left to be especially precious. Two of them were 18 bachelors who were cultivating.

He said widely: "Don't be surprised at the future." Make him nervous too.

"What surprised me? What do you think is the ordinary thing?" Even if she heard the big princess killing again, she would be worried at most, not as uncomfortable as this time.

He did not argue with Fang, and stood up and said: "I will let people check this Qu Chi now."

Fang's face is ugly.

Her mother advised: "Mrs., the big princess is also a bit embarrassed, the character is still credible. This time, it must be someone who wants to smear her."

"Hope! Or else I will fight this life and I will retreat to this door." She can't let her son be a living king, and then live in inferiority for a lifetime.

Her mother thought about it and said, "Mrs. Do you think this is very strange?" Seeing Fang turned his head and looked at himself. Her mother said: "In the past, there was something outside, and the old man told his wife. But this time. The thing is that we got the news first, I always feel that there is something wrong."

"Do you mean that this is the ghost of Ji Ji Niang?" In addition to her, Fang Shi no longer wants a second person.

It is impossible for two nephews to do business, so in the end, it was decided to let Jin Jinbo take care of the business at home. Fang’s objection was useless.

Her mother nodded and said: "Ten are eighty-nine. Your wife thinks about it. The big princess has always been very fond of the princes in the past few years. He has never provoked the right and wrong." This is right and wrong, which means that the jujube has not provoked other men.

Fang is also eager to love, so when he knows this, he is somewhat irrational. Now that Her mother has analyzed this, she immediately said: "This monk is really a good calculation. She wants me to stir up the marriage between Jinyu and the big princess. At that time, not only the old man hates me, but Jinyu will also blame me."

Hearing this, He’s mother is relieved. She didn't know if it was related to Ji Ji Niang, but it was to divert her attention. How can the wife hate Ji Yanniang all right, but Wan can not have a knot on the big princess. The lord is now more and more biased towards Jiu Niang and the three young masters. The wife has already had a gap with the little girl, and if she lost the big princess, she will be unable to walk in the house. Therefore, she must not let her wife misunderstand the big princess, leading to disharmony in the future.

Ji Yanniang really took the black pot this time. She only got the news after lunch.

Shen Xiang told Ji Ji Niang this news: "I didn't expect Erye to be married to the big princess. The hat on this head is green." Fang has been using various means to suppress Ji Yu Niang, because the life is not familiar, Ji Yu Niang I have endured it at first. After a long time, I will slowly be able to compete with Fang’s Chamber. But Aquilaria is still indignant about the previous events.

Ji Yanniang said with a smile: "My wife is most proud of the fact that Erye and the big princess have set a kiss. I know that this is definitely not good. Go, let us comfort and comfort my wife." Comfort is a fake, it is true that the fire is on the fire.

At this point, Fang Shi happened to hear the letter from Jin Bao. Unfortunately, Jin Jinbao only came with two letters, one for Yukuo and one for Xiaofang.

"This child is hating me." If there is no hand written by Xiao Fang, Fang does not believe it anyway.

Ying He said outside: "Mrs. Ji Yaniang asked for it."

Seeing that Fang’s eyes are red, Ji Yan’s heart is happy, but the face is not obvious: “Mrs, what's wrong with you?”

Seeing Fang’s not answering her words, Ji Yanniang said with concern: “Mrs. You are not angry because of the rumors of the big princess outside? Too, those are born out of nothing, you have to believe the big princess, she will never be sorry. The Lord’s business."

If this is said to be exported from a close person, it is a concern. It can be said from the mouth of Ji Ji Niang, that is irony.

Fang’s strong smile: “But it’s just out of nothing, how can I believe it.”

Ji Yaniang smiled and nodded. "Mrs. I can think like this. The handsome man is handsome and handsome, the big princess is handsome and handsome. The two are the perfect match. The outsiders want to break them up. It is a delusion." Jujube gave a green hat to Jin Jinyu, and Fang’s and Jin Yuyu could only bear it.

Fang squinted and said: "I am not feeling well, go back!" 邬 护 护 护 姨 姨 姨 姨 姨 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 姨 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护 护

Ji Yanniang does not do much entanglement, and some things are just right. If not, it would be her to provoke Fang’s loss of reason and loss: “Mrs. You have to relax. So when the big princess gave birth to a child, you can enjoy the interest of having a grandson.” The princess can now give a golden cap to the jade. Son, who knows if the child born in the future is not a golden jade.

This idea is the same as that of thinking.

Fang’s patience has reached the limit. Fortunately, his mother said first: “Mrs. I have to rest, and my mother will go back!”

Ji Yanniang stood up and said with a smile: "That's a good rest, I will go back first. If the wife is bored, send someone to come and chat with my wife." Finished, he went out.

Fang's gas is so gasping: "Shu people..." She suppressed the Jiyu Niang several times, but let the old man pity her. In the dark, I don’t know how much money to make up for her.

I thought that Jin Jinbao didn't even give her a letter, Fang Fang couldn't help it, and tears rushed to the ground: "I worked hard for this family, but I ended up with such a stop." Against her, the eldest son complained that she was an eccentric son; Chang Yan also hated her. After paying so much, I got such a return. Fang’s more thoughts are more sad.

Her mother gave her a look at Yingchun, and then walked out of the house and said to Yingchun: "Go to the second brother."

The courtyard where Jin Yu lived was only a few steps away from the main courtyard. When he entered the yard, he heard Fang’s crying. Stepping into the house, Jin Yu asked: "Mother, who bullied you?"

Fang’s glimpse, and wiped his tears and said: “No one is bullying the mother. Mother wants your grandfather and grandmother, and thinks a little sad.”

These words can only lie to three-year-old children.

Jin Yu clenched his fist and said: "Mother, don't lie to me, you tell me who is bullying you?"

He mother saw Fang's not saying, she stood up: "Second Lord, just now Ji Yanniang ridiculed her wife to climb the royal family for the prosperity of the royal family. As a result, the big princess did not marry and let the second brother wear a green hat. The wife did not dare to argue with her. I am afraid that the lord is not happy, I can only secretly cry. Erye, you..."

Fang’s words broke his mother’s words and said to Jin Yu: “This matter has nothing to do with you, you don’t care.”

Jin Yu’s eyes were red, and he said to Fang’s: “Mother, I can’t care about this.” Looking at his mother’s grievances, is he still a person?

Seeing Jinyu go out, Fang’s anxiously can’t do it: “Jinyu, what are you going to do? Don’t you do stupid things? Come and stop him.” If you go to find Ji Niang’s time, the outsiders won’t say the season. My mother is not good, she only says that her son can't hold her mother and her brother.

Jin Yu looked at the two cockroaches close to her and said fiercely: "Who dare to stop me? I immediately asked someone to sell you."

The two scorpions were frightened, and when they returned to God, Jin Yuyu had already left the house.

Fang was going to chase, but was stopped by his mother. Fang’s anger said: "Hey mother, what do you want to make Jin Yu come over? If you annoy the master, Jin Yu will be beaten again."

Her mother shook her head and said: "Mrs. Grandpa now has a few words at most, and will not beat him."

Fang is also a smart person, how can I not know what this means. The big princess is a lawless one. If she knows that the master has played Jin Yu, she will definitely be embarrassed.

"I have nothing to do with Ji Yuniang, Jin Yu is not allowed to intervene." The dispute between wives and wives, let Jin Yu intervene not only seems to be very incompetent, but also spread the reputation of Jin Yu.

Her mother said: "Mrs., the second master is a person with a sense of proportion, and will not make reckless things." If he is wronged, he should vent it, always screaming that she is afraid of Fang's illness. She is Fang's confidant, doing a lot of things for her, not only offended the Ji Yan Niang was regarded as the thorn in her eyes, even Xiao Fang also hated her. If Fang is gone, her end is worrying. Therefore, even if it is for herself, she can't let Fang's accident.

Jin Yu did not go to Ji Xi Niang, but directly to find a wide: "Hey, I want to take my mother out to live." Jin Jinyu, the two most important people in this life, one is Fang, one is jujube. Ji Yanniang not only smeared the date, but also bullied his mother, which made him tolerate.

The wide face was black in a moment: "Good end, what are you making?" The younger son moved out with his wife, and he did not know that he was separated from Fang.

"I know that you like Ji Xi Niang and Jin Bo, and I haven't had my mother and my mother in the heart. If so, then my move with my mother will not hinder your eyes. This way, your family can be happy." At that time, Jin Jinyu will completely ignore Jin Bao and Xiao Fang.

The more I say, the more outrageous I am. If I used to say it, I would use it for him. But now, I don’t think this way: "What happened?"

Jin Jinyu did not explain to him, just said: "Hey, the family industry you want to give to whom, I don't want it, I just want to move out with me." Anyway, the money earned by flowers is enough to feed their mothers. Both.

I also know that Jin Jinyu is a rib. If it is not solved from the source, I am afraid that Jin Yuzhen will move out.

Ps: There are three chapters at eight in the evening.

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