The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1420: Rage of the Great Army 1

Jin Bo’s impression of Fang’s is a smart, eager, well-intentioned and well-behaved child. ??八一? Chinese W≈W=W≤. =8=1≈Z=W≠. Although COM is disgusted with Ji Yu Niang, she does not hate Jin Bo. But now Jin Yu’s words are overturning Fang’s cognition.

After hesitating, Fang asked: "Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

Jin Jinyu said aloud: "Mother, can't make a mistake." Jin Jinbo, afraid of hating them. However, he also hates Ji's mother and son.

Fang's face changed slightly, but he did not expect to look away. However, it is also true that the child who is cultivated by Ji Yanniang will be really good.

Jin Jinyu is not afraid, he said: "There is nothing wrong with him, he does not dare to do anything, let them move out after the separation."

Fang smiled and shook his head: "Hey Jinbo, they are still small, you will not agree to let them move out."

Jin Jinyu thought of this for a long time and said: "If you don't let them move out, then you will live with me in the Princess House."

Fang is not willing to: "You are not a big man, and you have to fight over Ji's. If I leave, isn't it the world of their mother and child?"

Jin Jinyu does not understand: "Mother, it is sad and sad for this arrogance, does it make sense?"

Upon hearing this, Fang looked suspiciously at Jin Yu: "Who did these words teach you?" She never complained to Jin Yu before, but she knew that Jin Yu ignored the foreign language and was not good at words. But this time, I feel that Jin Yu has changed into a person.

Yan Jinyu shook his head and said: "Mother, no one taught me. I think that you are not worth it. Ji Niang and Jin Bo are certainly not good, but it is embarrassing to cause all this. If he does not care, there will be no So many things." This is what the jujube said, and Jin Jinyu seriously thought that this was true.

No amount, Jin Jinyu did not say: "Mother, I have been married for more than half a year, you think slowly."

When Fang heard this, he grabbed the hand of Jin Jinyu and asked: "The marriage period has not yet been settled. How do you know that there are still more than half a year to get married?"

"The big princess said that the wedding period has been selected, in the fifth day of March. But the Queen's Empress is very busy these days. If she is free, she will call you into the palace to discuss marriage." This is the morning jujube telling him.

Ji Yu Niang and Jin Bo were immediately thrown away by Fang. Fang Shi stood up and said: "Go and call the lord." The wedding period was finally settled. Although there were more than half a year, it was time to do it. When Jin Yucheng kissed her, she also had a thought.

Jin Jinyu sighed reluctantly, did not say anything, went back to continue to serve his flowers and plants.

After cooking the palace, Liu Er leaned on the chair and said: "I don't know where the big sister is?" When the jujube did not leave, the two sisters lived together for a whole day. Now that the jujube leaves, Liu Yi feels somewhat lonely.

He smiled and said: "It must not be so fast to Shandong. Princess, if you feel bored, you can call Cui girl to accompany you." Liu Er has two good girls in Yucheng, but one is in Yucheng. Did not come to Beijing, a married person at the beginning of the year.

Liu Er felt that this idea was good, and immediately nodded. Cui Wei is very temperamental to her, whether she is a character or a way of doing things.

Cui Wei heard that Liu Er invited her to the palace, changed her clothes and went to the main courtyard, ready to say aloud with Chang. I didn't expect that I just heard the roar of Chang's when I walked to the entrance of the main courtyard: "The beast, the old lady..."

丫鬟 Mung bean sees Cui Wei wants to go in, busy pulling her arm: "Girl, still ask what the malt sister is, and it is not too late to go in."

"It must be the matter of the lotus mist sister." The old lady who can make the aunt of the aunt, except the Ding old woman, has no second person.

Mung bean immediately released Cui Wei’s hand.

Chang Shi was born in the city. Although his personality is generous, it is also very powerful to pick up people: "I was really blind and I chose such a beast."

Cui Wei walked in and asked: "What happened to Auntie, Lotus Mister?" It must be a big deal.

Chang’s red eyes said: “The animal actually hit the lotus fog. I raised her so much that she didn’t touch her a finger. Now she is unable to get a bed by the animal.” The more I think, the more sad I want, the more I want to Sad, tears could not help but roll down.

"What? Dare to do it?" Cui Wei's eyes are almost spurting out the fire: "Auntie, can't let the lotus sister stay in Ding's family again, or else Lianwu sister has a life worry."

Chang rubbed her tears and choked: "This time I must let her stay away. That is, she does not want to, I am tied to tie her back." I used to be afraid of forcing the lotus to complain. Seeing that the lotus mist does not mention and leave, she has no such heart. But now, it can't be done anymore.

Cui Ying sighed: "Auntie, is this telling my uncle?" Such a big thing must be known to the uncle.

"I have sent someone to call him." Feng Dajun also has a month off. Because she owes herself to Chang, she has been with her at home for some time. But there are some things on Zhuangzi this morning, he used to deal with it.

"I have already sent someone to call him." I remembered that Qiqi said in her letter that she was afraid that her husband would not let her away, so that she would not leave Dingjia to return home. Changshi would not be angry. It’s just this kind of family affairs, and she is not good to tell Cui Wei.

Xin mother said with relief: "Madam, don't be upset. It will be good to wait for the grandmother to come to Beijing."

Chang’s calmed down and said to Cui Wei: “The princess invites you into the palace, you don’t want her to wait!”

She is not without liver and lungs. At this time, there is still a mood to enter the palace to accompany the princess.

Seeing Cui Wei not going, Chang said: "I am fine, you don't have to worry. The princess rarely calls you into the palace, you are not good enough."

Seeing that Cui Wei still refused to go to the palace, Chang said: "You can't help you if you stay here, don't go to the palace to accompany the princess!"

At the strong request of Chang, Cui Wei finally went to the palace.

When Liu Er saw Cui Wei's look wrong, he asked: "If you are uncomfortable, let people know what it is. How can it be reluctant?" This is not good, and there are some sufferings in the future.

Cui Wei shook his head and said: "I am fine, it is a matter of the lotus fog sister." Anyway, it will take a few days to spread, telling Liuer is no problem.

Liu Er raised his brow and asked: "What kind of moths are there in Ding?"

Cui Wei said: "Ding Sanyang will not be able to fight the lotus sister, and the old wife will take the opportunity to take the brother away."

Liu Er squatted and turned his head and said: "How can there be such a stupid mother and child in this world?" Lotus is the girl of the National Government. She is the same as the British face.

"Auntie is so angry that she is crying." The daughter was abused and replaced with a mother who was not sad.

Liu Er asked in silence: "Is there a plan for the aunt to talk about the lotus sister?"

Cui Wei shook his head and said: "This aunt did not say. But the lotus sister is still in the Ding family, did not follow the Yingzizi back home."

Thinking of it, Lotus is still unwilling to leave. Liu Er said: "My mother often said that if a woman can't stand up, it would be useless for others to help." Poor people must have hatefulness, they are willing to be abused, and others want to help it is useless.

"I hope that the lotus sister can figure it out!" Lianyin himself is not willing to leave, and her family can't help it.

Liu Er listened to this matter and his mood was not good. He said to Cui Wei: "The house is stuffy, let's go outside and breathe." But if the lotus is foggy, it will not be bullied.

Full of heart, beautiful scenery also makes Cui Wei unable to raise interest: "Princess, how do you say this person is changing face faster than the day? When Ding Jia came early, Ding's wife also told her aunt that she would be a lotus sister. When the daughter waited the same. Nathan Sanyang also vowed to say that he had to live with Li Yu’s sister for a lifetime. It’s only a few years, it’s all changed.”

"When you raise a relative, you naturally say the same thing as a flower! People who have returned home feel that they are their family, how to sharpen people who are his family." After that, Liu Er asked inexplicably: " How did I choose the Ding family for the lotus fog sister?"

Cui Wei thought about it: "It seems that Ding Sanyang's father and his uncle have a very good relationship. I don't know the specifics. But there were three candidates at that time. After seeing the face, Lianwu Sister chose Ding Sanyang." At the end, Cui Wei said with a low voice: "This Ding Sanyang looks handsome and sounds very good. Just married, I am very considerate of the lotus fog sister." When she first saw Ding Sanyang, she also wanted to be a lotus sister. My eyes are so good, I marry such a handsome and considerate husband.

When I heard this, Liu Er couldn’t help but think of Jiang Yijun. Jiang Yijun looks good and his voice is very good. Jiang Yijun also has a difficult mother, and he himself has many shortcomings. Fortunately, her mother did not agree with this marriage, or else she would marry Jiang Yijun’s life.

Cui Wei is a little embarrassed: "Princess, why do you have to marry this woman? What is good for married people?" The main reason is that the risk of marrying is too great. If you marry well, then you will live better than Huang Lian. Still bitter.

Liu Er smiled and said: "You can't be so pessimistic. You see my mother, not only love and love others, but also calm down the world together." Because Yuxi and Yunqing have a feeling of harmony, so whether it is jujube Or Liu Er, the two not only do not reject marriage, but are full of yearning for marriage.

Cui Wei listened to this, and the mood suddenly improved a lot.

Feng Dajun got the news and rushed back home. After listening to Chang’s words, Feng Dajun’s look was calm and said; “Let’s? Come and show me?”

Chang’s original blame was a big blame, but he wouldn’t have to be like this when he had a snack on his daughter. Can look at the look of Feng Dajun, she blame the people who blame, and quickly handed the letter to him.

After reading the letter, Feng Dajun stood in the spot for a little while, then left the letter and turned around.

Chang’s busy call: “What are you doing? Waiting for you to reply?” The child of Lianwu is the most gluten. If the husband does not open his mouth, he would not leave Ding’s family if he died.

"Into the palace." Drop this sentence, Feng Dajun walked out to the outside.

Chang’s fell into the position and said, “How is my lotus fog so hard, I have encountered such a heartless scream!” The daughter was killed, and he was still indifferent.

Xin’s mother said in a busy manner: "Madam, the grandfather should be the palace for the big girl."

It was also that Feng Dajun suddenly said that he was going to enter the palace at this juncture. She was saddened by this, and she did not expect this embarrassment.

Yuxi was talking to Ling Tongpu about Enke, and he heard that Si Bo Nian was screaming outside: "Queen Empress, the British public is seeking to see." Yun Qing went to the cavalry with Qi Hao and Rui Geer in the morning. Camp, now only Yuxi is in government affairs.

"Please come to the British public." I don't know why the military is coming over.

When Feng Dajun entered the Imperial Study Room, he squatted on the ground. He did not say anything. He first smashed three heads toward Yuxi.

Yuxi saw the move of Feng Dajun and knew that it was not a small matter. He immediately said to Ling Tongpu: "Ling Daren, this matter will be discussed again, you will go on first."

Ling Tongpu was not blind, not asking, and immediately retired.

Yuxi asked: "What's the matter?"

Feng Dajun stood up and did not need Yuxi to ask: "I am going to go to the city to pick up the lotus."

Lianwu had a bad relationship with her husband. This matter Yuxi listened to Lu Xiu. Yuxi looked at the sullen face of Feng Dajun as if it were going to rain, and asked: "Is the lotus fog bullied by the Ding family?"

Feng Dajun gnashed his teeth and said: "The animal, playing the lotus fog can not get up the bed." Lotus fog how to rebel against him, he did not want to play, but did not expect Ding Sanyang this animal can not afford to bed. If Ding Sanyang is here, Feng Dajun will definitely unload him eight.

Yuxi was silent for three seconds and couldn't help but ask: "How did you choose such a husband for the lotus in the day?" Without seeing this person, Yuxi knew that he was a brainless person. Have a brain, do not dare to play lotus. The lotus fog is not an orphan who is bullied by him. On the contrary, the three fathers and fathers of Feng Dajun are people with temper.

The anger in Feng Dajun’s heart dissipated, and replaced by infinite embarrassment: “It’s all my fault. It’s my eyes that I think that Ding Sanyang is a good one.”

"It's not that you look away, but some people must expose their nature after the accident." I think that Cui Weiqi has been in the Ming Dynasty for so many years, and she has not shown the nature of her pity. However, Yuxi was more cautious in dealing with children's marriage than Feng Dajun, so this marriage did not happen.

When Feng Dajun heard this, his mood was better.

Yuxi put the cleaned sheep's brush on the pen holder and asked, "What do you want to do?"

The fist held by Feng Dajun screamed: "I want to kill this beast."

Yuxi frowned, but soon relieved. If she is replaced by jujube or Liuer, she wants to be ruthless. But thinking about it is one thing, doing it is one thing. Yuxi did not agree: "Ding Sanyang is guilty of beating his wife, but he is not guilty of death."

Feng Dajun understands that as long as he is not dead, what else is done: "Queen Empress, I want to sue a month off."

This Yuxi did not refuse, and it was best for Feng Dajun to pick up the lotus fog in person: "The British public, the lotus fog has suffered such damage, the most needed is the care and companionship of the loved ones."

Feng Dajun Shen Sheng: "Thank you for reminding the Queen Empress."

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