The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1421: Rage of the Great Army 2

"Wow..." The cry of the baby passed to the lotus ears that were resting in bed. ?八一?中?文W≈W≥W≥. ≠81ZW. COM

Before the lotus fog, I couldn’t sleep all day, and I accidentally got cold. After a few days, I am now sick and can't get up in bed.

"Oh..." The words have not been finished yet, and it is a fierce cough.

Green fruit said: "Girl, not the voice of a buddy."

Ms. Li looked at Ding Sanyang and the spring girl next to him who was still pity and still holding a child, said with a loud voice: "Grandfather, my aunt's grandmother is uncomfortable and needs a good rest. I am not disturbed." The dowry brought by the seven, the character is very hot. Therefore, July 7 deliberately let her come over to guard the lotus fog, in case the Ding family came to bully the lotus fog.

Ding Sanyang saw that Li’s mother did not give him a gift, and the voice was very rushing. The heart was in the fire: “Get out.”

When Ms. Li got the words of seven or seven, she immediately said, "I said that my aunt's grandmother is not feeling well. It is not appropriate to see anyone now." Anyway, I have to rip my face and offend this person.

Ding Sanyang's face is dark, this is a naked provocation.

Chun Yan Niang said with a sullen look: "Mom, I just want to take a buddy to give my grandmother a head."

Ms. Li seems to look at Chun Yan Niang, and she dismissed: "If you don't want to leave your man, you can't live without it. It's also for my grandmother. Don't dirty my grandmother's land."

Chun Yan Niang was so scared that she cried on Ding Sanyang, and the appearance of the pear flower with rain did not mention much better. And she cried, causing the child in her arms to cry more and more.

Ding Sanyang kicked in the past, and Li’s mother did not guard that he was kicked to the ground.

Li mother couldn't care for the pain. She climbed over and held Ding Sanyang's thigh and burst into tears. She also cried and said: "Grandfather, grandma is not stimulated, you can't go in. You have to go in, just want her life!" ”

Although crying badly, but Ms. Li saw Ding Sanyang had to kick her, and immediately let go.

Going to the door, Ding Sanyang was stopped again. At the door are two women in their thirties, dressed in indigo-colored clothes called Auntie, and another dress in Hunan called Du Sanniang.

Du Sanniang stopped the way of Ding Sanyang with a blank expression and said: "You are not allowed to go in." This is harder than the mother said.

When she was seen, she saw a smile on her lips. She knows the temper of Ding Sanyang, not only to die, but also to eat soft and not hard. Sealing the lotus fog to him will only provoke his disgust and hatred.

Ding Sanyang took a shot in the palm of his hand. The average woman suffered this slap, fearing that she would pass out. Unfortunately, Ding Sanyang was miscalculated this time.

Du Sanniang held Ding Sanyang's hand, and his face did not fluctuate a little. He said: "The next time, don't blame us for being welcome."

Draw back the hand that was pinched, Ding Sanyang glanced at Du Sanniang coldly, then turned and left. When the expert takes a shot, he knows the depth. Du Sanniang may have played, but he can definitely do it. When it is time to spread out, there is no face.

Chun Yu Niang did not disappoint as she expected the show, but looked at her mother Li and others, scared to chill, and then hugged the child to Ding Sanyang.

I immediately walked over and helped Li to go to the medicine. In the yard, the peace was quickly restored.

Auntie said with a black face: "I don't know when the reply of the country's grandfather can come?" In this place, she didn't want to stay longer.

Du Sanniang said: "Calculating time, it should be in these two days!"

It was also feared that Ding Sanyang shot and beat people, and only sent two servants to go unsafe, so he went to the Escort and asked two female darts to come over. Of course, the people of Dingjia naturally say that they are female guards in their house.

Outside the movement, the lotus mist heard clearly. She didn't talk, but from his red eyes, she was angry at the moment.

Qingguo wiped her tears and said: "Girl, let's go back home!" Staying here, she is really worried that the lotus will be dead.

Lotus fog shook his head.

Green fruit burst into tears: "Girl, why are you so stubborn? If you stubbornly, you will die."

In a whispering voice, Lianwu said: "You don't understand." She and Ding Sanyang have been together for a few years, and I know the person's temper. He won't agree and leave. To be separated, you have to tear your face. The problem is to tear the face, she can get away from the wolf's nest and return home, but what to do with two children! Without her support, she could not take two children. Two children can stay in Ding, and both children may not live long.

Green fruit can not know what the lotus fog thinks, immediately no longer persuaded, pick up the peanut red dates porridge on the small table next to the lotus.

After eating the porridge, the lotus mist squinted. The green fruit is seen, and the bowl is ready to go out.

As soon as he turned around and saw the man standing at the door, he shook his hand and the bowl fell to the ground, making a harsh sound.

Lotus mist opened his eyes and asked, "What happened?"

When I saw the person approaching her, the lotus mist said softly: "I am dreaming?" If you are not dreaming, why do you see it?

At this moment, Qingguo was already lying on the ground, tears flowing into the face: "Master, Master, you are finally here. If you don't come again, the girl will be killed by the Ding family."

After that, the green fruit turned and pulled the lotus hand and said: "Girl, not a dream, the master is coming. Girl, the lord came to pick you up."

Lotus fog cried carefully: "Hey..."

Feng Dajun endured and endured, but still couldn't hold back the anger of his heart, and angered: "At home, you dare to stalk your neck and do it with me. How did you get to Ding's home?"

When I heard the voice of Feng Dajun, Lianwu was sure that he had no dreams: "Oh, it is my daughter who is useless, and my daughter has sent you a face."

Feng Dajun held the sword in his hand and took a few breaths before he said, "I will bring you home."

Lotus fog has long wanted to go home, but she can't put up two children: "Hey, I want to take a faint walk with my nephew."

I am afraid that the army will not be willing, and the lotus fog said: "Hey, Ding Sanyang has only his own heart in his cold heart and cold lungs. Ding's wife is mean-spirited. They will leave their children in Dingjia and they will die."

If the lotus fog dares not to go home, he is afraid that he will not be able to control a slap in the face of her. This will be heard that the lotus fog is not unwilling to go, but can not afford to leave two children, Feng Fengjun's expression eased a lot.

"Take them all back. At that time, let them change their family name and enter the genealogy of the family." These two children are the family members, and have nothing to do with the Ding family.

This is like an immortal, so that the lotus fog is full of strength. Without someone to help, she sat up on her own: "Hey, are you telling the truth?" If the two children enter the family tree, then there is no worries.

Feng Dajun swept the lotus fog and said: "The same thing, don't let me say the second time." Would rather be as arrogant as the big princess, and not a prostitute who is only in the nest, tired.

Lianwu knows the temperament of the army, and will say it if it is said.

Qingguo reminded: "Master, girl, brother is still there old lady. The slave is afraid to hug, she will not let go."

Feng Dajun said: "You don't have to take care of this. Pack things up and wait for them to go."

After listening to this, Qingguo immediately rest assured.

Lotus mist was moved and groaned: "Oh, sorry, I am worried about your mother." She knew that sending the letter to Beijing would definitely make Feng Dajun angry with Chang, but she could not do anything. She really can't leave her children and leave.

Feng Dajun thought about Yuxi’s words and slowed down his tone and said: “Let’s say nothing in the past, as long as you are good in the future.” I once heard Yunyun sigh that my children are debts, he still doesn’t think so, now is Have a personal experience.

At this time, Chun Yu Niang is calming Ding Sanyang: "Ye, this woman can not be sour and jealous. My sister must be sad, so I don't want to see you. I will blame myself for giving my sister a sin, she will definitely It will be deflated."

A calm appease, Ding Sanyang said: "If she can have half of your understanding, then it is good." A married woman, the family is restless.

As he spoke, Ding Sanyang’s little **** ran sweating in his head: “Not good, not good...”

"What is the matter, what is the flustered?" Ding Sanyang was very upset, and even ran in without going through the night, it was really unruly.

Xiao Yan said with a sad face: "The country grandfather came, the country grandfather came..." When he said this, Xiao Yan’s legs were shaking.

Ding Sanyang squatted and asked: "What are you talking about? Who is here?"

"The country's grandfather is coming. Grandfather, the country grandfather has already gone to the main court." If the country grandfather saw the grandmother's immortal appearance, I still don't know what it will be!

Ding Sanyang’s heart flashed a trace of panic, but he thought that he had been in trouble with the lotus fog for so long. He did not ask a question. He wanted to come here because she was sick.

Chun Yan Niang saw Ding Sanyang push him out and thought that he would not want to follow up.

Ding Sanyang turned his head and looked at Chun Yu Niang: "You stay here with a buddy." See Yuezhang, how can you take a diverticulum!

At the entrance of the main courtyard, Ding Sanyang was stopped by Guo Fei: "Wait a minute, I will go to the national grandfather." Just watching Feng Dajun personally come from the capital, I know that this is impossible. In addition, the man who beats a woman, he is very unspeakable. Therefore, Guo Fei has no homage to Ding Sanyang.

In his own home, he has always been unimpeded, but he has been frustrated one after another. Just now he dared to take Li’s mother out of breath, but now she dare not. Feng Dajun is not only his father-in-law, but also the father who wants to give him three points. He can only endure it if he is angry.

Feng Dajun heard Ding Sanyang coming over and looked at the lotus fog and said: "Let him write and leave the book, we will go back."

"Good." The relationship between husband and wife has been almost exhausted in the noise of more than a year. And that slap, knocked out the last point.

Feng Dajun got this, and strode out. Going to the yard and saying to the outside: "Let him come in."

Ding Sanyang went to the front of Feng Dajun and respectfully called: "Father."

"Oh..." A slap in the face of Ding Sanyang, hit him down. Did not wait for him to stand still, Feng Dajun another foot in his heart, and put him on the ground.

When Mrs. Ding walked to the door, she saw that Feng Dajun was kicking her son hard. Immediately ran into the hospital and rushed to Ding Sanyang.

Feng Dajun stopped his foot. However, looking at Mrs. Ding and Ding Sanyang, it is like watching two dead people.

Ding Sanyang spit a blood, and the blood contained two teeth. Although Feng Dajun played awkwardly, but it is very measured, it will only hurt but not dizzy.

Mrs. Ding looked at Feng Dajun and said: "Pro-family, what are you doing? Even if there is something wrong with Yanger, you can teach him well, how can you get such a poisonous hand?" If it is not because of Ding’s identity, She is desperate.

Feng Dajun is not willing to talk nonsense with Ding's wife: "What about my grandson?" Even if the lotus is not said, he will also take the two children away. The child also kept his blood in his body, how can he keep bullying for the Ding family.

First, I killed my son half-heartedly. Now I have to hold my grandson again. Mrs. Ding’s intuition is wrong. Immediately watching the army, he asked with vigilance: "What are you going to do?"

Feng Dajun did not talk nonsense with Mrs. Ding, and said to the green fruit standing at the door: "Go to the deaf."

Green fruit was prepared for the accident, and he called Du Sanniang and Auntie Aunt to go to the upper house to hold the children.

Mrs. Ding immediately understood that this was to take away his grandson: "Don't go..." I wanted to drag the fruit, but I was stopped by the guardian of Niu Gaoma.

"Come to people, stop them..." Unfortunately, the descendants of the Ding family looked at the knives pulled out by the guards of Feng Dajun, and all of them were retracted.

Guo Fei put the pen and paper in front of Ding Sanyang and then retreated to the side.

Ding Sanyang looked at the paper's huge ‘and the book’, and his face was white.

"Father, I won't leave with the lotus." He never thought about going away with the lotus, deliberately cold and close to the lotus. Spring is like trying to force her to bow, don't ride on his head because of her family's strength. on. Two people quarreled a few days ago, and it was too difficult for him to talk to him.

When Ding’s wife heard this, she shouted and said, “I can’t live with you. She is a man of my family, and death is the ghost of my family.” Ding’s old man doesn’t know one, only recognizes Lao Li. Entering the door of her house, it is the life and death of her family who have the final say.

Feng Dajun directly pulled out the sabre at the waist, and a sword pierced Ding Sanyang’s left hand, then said coldly: “Write, live. Don’t write, die.” Even if the lotus fog is so angry that he is half dead, he Not willing to move one of his fingers. Now, it’s been beaten by this pocket, this tone

Ding Pozi climbed up and wanted to fight with Feng Fengjun, but it was unfortunately dragged back to Ding Sanyang by Guo Fei.

Knowing why he couldn’t seal the army, Ding Pozi cried to Ding Sanyang: "Son, you have written and left the book."

Seeing Ding Sanyang’s life and death, not writing and leaving the book, Ding’s son burst into tears: “What do you want her to do with such a mourning star?”

Ps: Recommend the good friend of the big fruit of the "Night Emperor strong pet: 陛下别乱来来":

The stranger was leaning back against the wall, and the voice trembled: "Your Majesty, I am a man!"

His hand was held in her ear, his eyes burning: "Let me check it out personally to see if you are a man or a woman?"

"... bastard, don't mess!"

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