The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1425: Kaiyou was cheated 1

The people on the North Street are very popular, but the shops at the corner are the door to the door. Bayi Chinese Network W (eight) W? W?. (8) 8?1?Z?W (1). (8) C (eight) OM

Xiao Er stood at the door with diligence and saw two women wearing satin clothes screaming and shouting: "The two big sisters, we have new decorations in our store, the style is novel and affordable."

The second child is twelve or three years old, and the two women are thirty or forty. He was called the big sister, and the two women were very happy.

Seeing that the two women had some heartbeat, Xiao Er was busy saying "two big sisters, you must not miss the passing, and you will regret it if you miss it."

The two women entered the store, and after a while, the two men smiled and walked out. Upon seeing it, Xiao Er knew that the business was done.

Entering the store, Xiao Er asked the shopkeeper: "What did the two big sisters bought?"

The shopkeeper said, "The two bought a silver plaque." If you buy a silver plaque, you can cut it with him for half a day, almost at the cost price.

"The treasurer, this can not be done!" Opened a month, in addition to a few days ago there is a big discount business is good. After that, there are no guests. It can be said that every day is losing.

The treasurer is also very helpless, said: "I have already said to the East, he said that he will find a way." You brother did not use his real name, but the name is Han Jiaxuan. The treasurer of the shopkeeper did not know his true identity, but signed the contract.

Xiao Erzhen took his head and said: "If you don't want to find a way to shopkeepers, you will not be able to close the door for a long time." The rewards given by the club are still good, and it is certainly not so good to find another job.

The shopkeeper was very embarrassed and said: "There is no way!" Generally, the opening shop is the main family who brought the source of the guests. Then the reputation spread and the business is getting better and better. However, they are the owner, let alone bring the guests, and they all appear every other day.

You ge, too, he rented the shop for three years, and bought gold and silver money and hired craftsmen. These expenses cost him almost the same amount of money. Now that the business is so bleak, I don’t want to solve it. The two thousand and two silvers invested in the previous period have all gone.

If you want to come and think, there is no good way to help your brother. You can only ask Yuxi: "Mother, my shop is losing money. What can I do?"

Yuxi stopped and said with a smile: "Ayou, what did you forget before?" They said that their husband and wife did not object to the business of the brothers, but they would not provide any help.

You Geer lowered his head and said: "Mother, it’s definitely going to be closed when I go down the store. Mother, I still owe my big sister and big brother a lot of money!"

Yuxi Waner: "Don't worry, jujube and Liuer will not remind you to pay back the money."

But with so many debts back, You brother is upset: "Mom, would you help me this time?"

Yuxi shook his head: "I told you that since I said that I would not give you any help, I can't quit. Ayou, you still have to find your own way!"

You brother has a bitter face.

In a blink of an eye, it has been another half a month. The business of the shop is still not improving, and the brothers are almost dying. People who love to say that they love to laugh on weekdays are always looking at their faces.

The first thing I can't help is Xuan Geer: "Adi, this business is not done." Looking at You Geer **** frowning, he is not in a good mood!

"If you don't do it, you can't pay back your money." With more than two thousand foreign debts, he will spend ten years without spending a penny.

Xuan Geer said busyly: "Adi, my eight hundred and two silver you don't have to pay back." In order to support Yougeer, Xuangeer not only took out the monthly money accumulated in these years, but even on the holidays. The red envelopes were all given to him. Now Xuan Geer is also a penny at hand. Of course, Rui Geer is the same as him, and the money is empty.

You brothers are busy shaking their heads and saying: "That can't be done, my mother often said that my brothers are clear accounts. I owe you, I must still. But now there is no money, I owe it for the time being!"

Xuan Geer did not argue with him. The money was given to You, and he did not intend to come back.

Yunqing also talked with Yuxi about the matter of Yougeer: "When did you say that the child can close the shop?" He is very reluctant to help his brother to do business.

Yuxi can't smile: "If you let Youg know your thoughts, I am afraid it will be more depressed."

Without their support, the business of You Geer must be lost. Yunqing said: "Doing business is not a legitimate business. If he feels idle, he will arrange a errand for him at that time." Rui Geer is now in the Guards, and You can also get a copy. Bad business.

"Let's talk about it!" To the sorrow of the brother, it is decided not to go to the door.

After two days, You Geer went to the shop again. Every shop has people coming in and out, and only their shop doors have no personal photos.

Into the shop, seeing the shopkeeper and the second child are dozing off, but one is sitting at the counter and dozing off, one kneeling at the door. You are too angry to be angry: "As you are, the guests are scared away when you enter the door."

The treasurer and the second child were scared and hurriedly screamed: "Small owner, we are not doing bad, it is really no guests." The first two have been sipping at the door, but half a month has no effect, and his throat is shouting Dumb. In this way, he will not have this strength.

You buddy endured and asked the shopkeeper: "The business is not so bad, is there a good way?"

The shopkeeper glanced at the rain silk robes on the buddy, and whispered: "East, you can ask your sisters to bring people to buy things." In fact, doing business, especially doing this business, is the first to start Leaning on the guest. When the name is loud, it will not be embarrassing.

If his second sister came here to buy something, he would have to leak out without a day's identity. He is the third chapter of the law with the niece, and if the promise is violated, the shop is closed.

You brother said: "This is not good, my sisters are not at home, went to the field."

The treasurer also asked the person to inquire about the identity of You Geer. He only knew that he was a Korean family member in the capital, and the most prominent Korean public in the Han family had already been a family. Nothing more, it is not clear.

Xiao Er said: "The East, not a small crow mouth, and then you have to close the shop."

When you listen to the words, you know that this kid has an idea: "There is any good idea, even if it is said."

"Beijing is now fashionable to wear jade ornaments, if the East is a jade business, it will certainly make money." Gold and silver shop, selling gold and silver ornaments, work can only be considered average. Without the convenience of identity, You Geer could not find a master with a high skill. The rich people look down on the things that are in this home decoration shop, and they can't afford to buy them without money.

You brother asked the shopkeeper: "Do you think this business can do it?"

The shopkeeper hesitated and said: "The East, because the Queen Empress and the Second Princess like to wear jade ornaments, this is the only time in Beijing to bring a wave. Or ordinary people, still like gold and silver."

The preferences and words and deeds of the superiors directly affect the people below. Yu Xi often said to several children that this would help the brother finally understand.

When I paused, the shopkeeper said: "But if you can find a good jade master, and you have a good material, you can earn it." A shop decorated, even the pieces of the town shop are not decorated, saying that it is shabby.

You brother hesitated and said: "Let me consider it."

From the second day, Yugeer went out of the palace every noon, and then he came back to the dark.

Liu Er asked Xuan Geer: "What is Ayou doing during this time? How can I not catch up with dinner every day?"

Xuan Geer shook his head: "I don't know, I don't want to ask him." It is too hard to do business.

Liuer was somewhat worried, and said to Yuxi: "Mother, don't let Ayou do business! After doing business, I feel that Ayou's brother has changed personally."

"Let him suffer setbacks!" Living for the rest of his life with Yunqing's wings, this child never knows the cruelty outside.

Liu Er worriedly said: "I am afraid that he has moved the temperament." In the event of a business failure, You brother drilled the horns, and then he could not get there.

Yuxi smiled and said: "Reassured, Kaiyou is not a person who can't afford to lose. Moreover, such a setback can't bear it, and can do anything in the future."

A person's energy is limited, even if his brother is smart, but his mind is placed on business, and the school will naturally not be able to take care of it.

Mu Jingjing punishes the buddy twice, seeing that people have no effect, can only talk to Yuxi.

Called Yougeer to come over, Yuxi asked: "How did you guarantee me with you at the beginning?" On the same day, I promised that my brother would not hesitate to delay his studies. Yuxi agreed to let him do business. .

You brother is a bit shy: "Mother, this shop is not good business, I am really a lack of skills now."

Afraid of Yuxi let him turn off the shop, You Geer said: "Mother, I lost so much money, I have to earn money back."

Yuxi leaned back in the chair and asked: "Then you give me a deadline." Instead of looking at both ends, and then doing both ends badly, it is better to focus on one thing.

"Mother, give me another three months." If it hasn't improved yet, he can only recognize it.

Yuxi nodded and said: "Good! Give you three months. You don't have to go to the study in these three months."

You brother said that he was overjoyed: "I know that my mother is the best." He must do business, so that he does not support his support.

After knowing this, Yunqing looked very ugly: "Is it important to study, or is it important to do business?"

Yuxi said with a smile: "You brothers started from the age of three, and at the age of six, they followed the gentleman. After seven years of study, the things in the class were also learned."

Yunqing was so depressed that he said, "You are a few years old, you said that he does not need to learn? Who said that there is no end to learning the sea?" Because of Yuxi’s words, he is now reading in his spare time. Of course, it is more uncomfortable to start, and it seems that it is not repulsive.

Yuxi patiently explained: "I didn't say that he didn't need to learn, but he didn't have to learn with him. Let him go outside and experience, knowing that people are sinister, can really grow up." Those officials are more slick and cunning. You brothers are smart again. If they are like a blank sheet of paper, they will not be their opponents in politics.

Yunqing listened to Yuxi’s explanation and wondered: “Three months, is that enough?”

"There is money and no backing, and it is still a half-large child. This is not the fat in the eyes of some people." There are good people in the world, but there are also many evil people.

Yunqing listened to this and said: "The person who protects in the dark has to double." Otherwise he is not at ease.

Although the six children were restarted, the other five were also his treasures.

Yuxi smiled and nodded.

Yunqing thought about it: "Rui Geer is in the Guards Army, and the buddy is also doing business outside, then that Xuan Geer?" Qi Hao followed the pasting and studying, and was in the afternoon in the household. Yuxi has promised that he will be familiar with all the processes of the six tips and let him help with some of the government affairs.

Yuxi laughed and said: "Xuan Geer is determined to become a university student, so he can study with peace of mind."

"I am afraid that he will become a nerd if he goes on like this! You see their brothers talking, Xuan Geer is always slow." Then I don't want to change this situation. Xuan Geer will be a nerd in the future. .

Yuxi also noticed this and thought about it: "How do you feel that sending him to the college? There are many people in the college, and they can learn from each other." At home, it is not a good idea to build a car behind closed doors.

This method is quite good, Yun Qing asked: "Take him to the White Sandal College." Bai Tan College is the largest and best college in Beijing.

Yuxi nodded: "Yes."

"Let him change his identity like Yu Geer." Going to the college as an ordinary person is more pure.

Yuxi smiled and nodded: "Yes. If you don't go to the academy, you can't use your real name." Most of the people who study at the White Tan College are the children of the bureaucrats. These people, the news is very well-informed. With his real name, they will definitely find out the news soon.

Yunqing is a little surprised: "Would you like to send him to the White Sands College now?"

Yuxi smiled and shook his head: "Opening the Spring White Tan Academy will hold an exam. If you pass the exam, you will be able to enter. Waiting for the spring of next year, let him pass the exam into the White Tan College!"

In a blink of an eye, it has been more than two months. Although You Geer didn't say anything, but only to see his slightly relaxed look, Yuxi knew that the business of decorating the shop had improved. However, You Geer did not take the initiative, Yuxi did not ask.

On this day, Liu Er found Yu Xi and told her one thing: "Mother, the paintings hanging in the study room of Ayou are gone."

Yuxi asked: "I remember that Li Sixun's "Jiang Fan Pavilion" is hanging in his study." Li Sixun's paintings are extremely rare. His paintings mostly depict magnificent palaces and strange natural mountains and rivers.

You Geer is an authentic foodie, and he is not very interested in the antiques of calligraphy and painting. However, the study was bare and ugly, and Yuxi gave him the painting of Li Sixun.

Liu Er nodded and said: "Yes! Mother, how do you deal with this?" The palace man is sure that there is no courage to steal the painting. Now the painting is gone. It is only possible that You Geer took it away. So this thing, she can't handle it.

Yuxi thought about it and said, "You don't know about this." Let's know that Yunqing knows that he is afraid of fire.

Liu Er said with some worries: "Mother, will Ayou get the painting to pay back the money?" A painting is nothing, and her family still does not lack such a painting. But if you really took the painting to change the money, this thing can be big or small.

Yuxi nodded: "You don't have to worry, I will deal with this matter."

Ps: Add more tomorrow.

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