The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1426: You brother is cheated 2

You brother took the picture and came to the gate of the largest **** shop in Beijing. August 1 Chinese? Network W (eight) W (eight) W. 81ZW. COM stood at the door, and the buddy hesitated for a while, and finally went in.

When the shopkeeper is a 50-year-old man, he looks savvy.

The name of the shopkeeper, Chen, is particularly sharp, and he has a glance at the identity of the other party. This will only look at You Geer, I know that this is definitely a child of a wealthy family.

Chen’s shopkeeper asked with a blank expression: “I don’t know what the guest officer wants to be?” So small as a **** shop, I’m afraid that the family has already fallen.

When you heard this, You Geer took off the skein of the three-ring Fulu Changshou jade, and handed it over from the counter: "When this piece of jade."

Chen's shopkeeper took over his hands and carefully examined it. He worked exquisitely and used the material of the sheep fat jade.

Gently put Yu Pei down, Chen’s treasurer asked: “Is the buddy still alive?”

"Live." Before I came here, I asked about the rules of this **** shop. I naturally know that death is more money and less money. However, he originally needed a sum of money to turn around, so he was not prepared to die.

Chen’s treasurer said: “How long?”

You brother calculated a bit, said: "Half a year." Half a year, should have money to come back to redemption.

"Two hundred and two silver, when is it wrong?" The voice is as peaceful as ever.

When You heard this, he almost jumped up: "What do you say? Two hundred and two silvers? This is the material of the sheep fat jade, and it is built inside. How can it be worth only two hundred and two silver?"

There is no slight fluctuation in the look of Chen’s treasurer. He said: “If you die, you can be five hundred and two silver.”

I heard that the **** shop is very dark, and now I have a deep understanding of the brother. Such a piece of jade, whether it is workmanship or superior materials, is the price of the price.

You brother said with patience: "Live, five hundred and two."

Chen treasurer did not refuse, just said: "Three hundred two." When it came to the **** shop, it was natural to die.

You brother feels that he has suffered a big loss: "five hundred two, willing to give it, not willing to give it." Big deal and then borrow money. It’s better to lose face than to be slaughtered.

Chen’s shopkeeper will look at people most, and when he sees the look of You’s brother, he knows what he is thinking: “Well, five hundred and two.”

After that, Chen’s treasurer took it again: “Every three months, three months of interest, ninety-two, giving you four hundred and eleven silver.”

You brother is still very good at studying mathematics. After listening to Chen’s treasurer, he immediately called it: “The interest of 30% a year, why don’t you grab it?”

Chen’s shopkeeper took a look at the buddy. This son is not a student who has never learned anything: “People who have come to the pawnshop know that this is the rule of the pawnshop.”

You buddy wants to go, but the business that wants to make a steady profit does not endure this tone.

Take the picture out of the box and hand it over, saying: "This is Li Sixun's "Jiang Fan Pavilion", live, five thousand two."

Chen shopkeeper is not familiar with this calligraphy and painting, then took a look at it and said: "Come, please ask the guest to sit inside!" Generally only large customers are eligible to enter the negotiations.

Xiao Yan came over and asked your brother to go to the private room. This small room is elegantly furnished with tea and pastries.

When you ate a bite, You vomited it out: "This is too bad."

Xiao Yan said unceremoniously: "Objective, this is the pastry of the fragrance, we just bought it soon." The pastry made by the fragrance is still very famous in Beijing.

“How about the fragrance home? It’s far worse than the cook made by my family!” In fact, the taste of this pastry is still very good, but compared with the top chefs in the palace, it is naturally much worse. Not only cooking, but also the materials used.

Xiao Yan did not dare to talk back, but his heart despised the help of the brother. Even if you have a pastry made by the cook, it is a thing of the past. It’s not going to be a thing to live now, but what to do.

Normal people think that if they don't go on, they won't go to the pawnshop to be a thing.

After a while, Chen’s treasurer took the picture and entered the box and said: “Guest, we can only give one thousand and two silver for this painting.”

You Geer said with a cold face: "Li Sixun has not many works in the world. This "Jiang Fan Pavilion" is one of the masterpieces. One thousand two, you dare to speak."

Chen’s shopkeeper was a little scared, but the face was not obvious: “Han Gongzi, the pawnshop has the rules of pawnshop.” The main reason is that they can’t confirm that this thing is authentic, and they know the bottom of You’s, so they deliberately The price is extremely low

You brothers are not willing to talk nonsense, picking up the painting from the hands of Chen’s treasurer: “I don’t want to do this business, I just waste my time.”

The treasurer did not want to lose this business: "If there is a guarantor, the price can be negotiated." Of course, this guarantor must have status and status. In this way, they can go to the guarantor if something goes wrong.

The painting was collected, and the buddy said with a black face: "Yes, I will not be a jade, and give it back to me."

Although the treasurer unfortunately has such a single business, he is even less willing to take risks: "Good."

You brother picked up things and screamed away. Because I was too anxious, I hit a person at the door. The man was knocked back two steps.

You brother said with a look of apology: "Sorry, I am too anxious to see you."

When you came to see the buddy, you were surprised, but this look flashed: "It doesn't matter."

After that, the guy glanced at the box on the back of the brother, and smiled and asked: "Why is the little son coming to the **** shop, why is it not?"

"They can't afford it!" Such a precious painting turned out to be a thousand dollars, when he was a fool.

The person smiled and said: "I am the big shopkeeper of this **** shop. If you don't mind, you can follow me. As long as the things are good, the price is good."

You buddy looked at him suspiciously, but looked at A San next to him, but he was not afraid of his fraud: "Yes."

Chen’s shopkeeper saw chrome, some accidents: “East family...” Here, the owner is sometimes called the big treasurer. When You heard this name, you know that this person has not lied to himself.

He chrome smiled and said; "The little son said that he wants to be a thing, but we can't afford to go to the pawnshop. You tell me, what is going on?"

Chen treasurer will roughly say the story.

佟 笑 笑 smiled and said: "Little son, can you show me the picture?"

When Yugeer hesitated, he handed the painting to him: "Be careful, don't touch it!" He still loves his own things.

The enamel chrome took the picture into the room, and the Chen treasurer followed up. When the door was closed, Chen’s treasurer said his concern: “East family, the two gentlemen are not sure about the authenticity of this painting.” The main reason is that there are too many fake paintings, in case it is fake, five thousand two silver I just hit the water.

Chrome enamel gently placed the painting on the table next to it and said with a smile: "Reassured, this painting is definitely true?"

I didn’t even look at it, but I knew it was true. Chen’s shopkeeper is also intelligent, and he is busy asking: “Do you know this little son?”

He smelted the chrome and said with a smile: "According to the price he said."

Some of the Chen treasurers hesitated: "East, this is a fake, what can I do? Five thousand two silver, is not a small number!" Five thousand two silver, almost a **** shop for four months of income.

This **** shop chrome and his brother accounted for 40% of the shares, the other 60% is Anyang Bo. The Chen treasurer is the person of Anyang Bofu.

"It won't be fake." Seeing Chen's treasurer looking at himself, 佟 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Certainly not fake."

Chen’s shopkeeper opened his mouth and said after a while, “Do you want to tell the grandfather?”

"Tell me! When the Queen's maiden asks, the grandfather is not too confused." The four princes are really tossed, and dare to draw from the palace. I don't know what the emperor and the queen know.

After succumbing, 佟 说 said: "This painting is well placed, don't make a mistake. If you can't say it, someone will come to pick this picture soon."

Chen treasurer knows the identity of You Geer, who dares to disagree, and said: "Good." You must know that the young master is still the companion of this little ancestor!

When I got the money, You Geer took A San away. At the corner, You Geer stared at A San and said: "This is not allowed to say it." You brothers do business, Yuxi does not allow Xu Chengze to follow him with Ning Zhan, but to find him another three-in-one. Follow the ground.

Ah San said with a smile: "The little son is relieved, I will not say anything about this." That smile, can not tell the embarrassment. It seems that it is very harmless. It is precisely because the outside is too deceptive, and the martial arts of this person is also fine, Yunqing will choose him to follow Yougeer.

"But I am afraid that if you don't say it, my mother will know it soon." But even if he is scolded, he will not regret it. As long as this single business is made, the money owed will soon be paid off.

After lunch, Yuxi knew that You Geer took the painting and went to the **** shop to change the money.

Yu Zhi said: "Under the small hall, I don't know who passed the jade dealer who surnamed the money. This trader entered a batch of rough stones a few days ago."

Yunqing just walked in from the outside and heard this and said with a black face: "Do you mean that you can go to the gambling stone?" If this stinky boy dares to gamble, come back and cut him.

Yuxi's face is also somewhat dignified.

Yu Zhi shook his head and said: "The original stone that was imported into the capital will be unleashed. The small hall is to buy this part of the jade that has been solved." The original stone and jade, although the word difference, but the meaning is not at all same.

Yuxi’s brow stretched out: “The child is raising money everywhere. It seems that he wants to make a fortune in the New Year.”

Yu Zhi nodded: "Yes, this is going to be a month soon. The people under the small hall will think that there will be a lot of people who buy the decoration. The small hall wants to seize this business opportunity, so I am going to buy this jade and go back to make it." In addition, the brothers also invited two jade masters. Take advantage of this time to make more jade ornaments and sell them at a good price.

Hearing is to buy jade, not gambling stone, Yun Qing's look has eased.

Yuxi asked: "How is this trader with the name of money?"

Yu Zhi said: "I sent people to check it out. This trader called Qian Xiao has been doing jade business for many years, and his reputation is still very good."

Yuxi let Yu Zhi thoroughly investigate this person.

Yu Zhi nodded: "I have sent someone to check, but it takes a little time."

After Yu Zhi went down, Yun Qing asked: "Do you think this person has a problem?" Otherwise, Yuxi will not let the investigation.

Yuxi nodded and said: "You brothers are not people who listen to the wind or rain. They can let him take things from home. It is obvious that they can make money."

"You said that you can take the things of your family to do? What happened?" When he heard that he took a picture, Yun Qing’s face was dark again: "I said that I would not allow my brother to do business. How long have I dared to steal the things at home to be money. This world is long, I don’t know how."

Yuxi said with a smile: "This surnamed money can encourage the buddy to take the things of the family. It can be seen that it is a deep-minded and thoughtful solution. Planted in such a person's hands, you can't lose money." You Geer is smart again. In the end, young people have no experience, and they are even more sinister.

Yunqing is convinced that Yuxi’s judgment: “When I find out that he really has problems, we will arrest him when I arrive.” Even dare to count his son, he is really impatient.

Yuxi shook his head and said: "As long as we do not endanger the life of the brothers, we will not intervene in other things."

Yunqing asked with some hesitation: "Looking at Yougo is being cheated?"

"This child is too confident and too proud to let him suffer frustration. Otherwise, he really thought he was the second smartest person in the world." In the eyes of You Geer, the first wise man is Qi Hao.

It is because of knowing the shortcomings of You Geer that she will agree to help the brother to go outside to do business. Which of these is doing business is not savvy. Although the buddy is smart, but the experience is shallow, what is the opponent of these people.

Yun Qing actually realized that You Geer was very confident, but he did not think much.

"There are people outside of the sky, and self-confidence is overwhelming. If you suffer from it later, it is better to let him suffer frustration now." At least they watched, and they would not really lose anything.

After hearing this, Yunqing did not say that he would not want to do business.

In addition to the calligraphy and the jade, You Geer also took the store and the things in the shop as a mortgage, together they raised a total of six thousand two silver.

On the way to find money and laughter, Ah San reminded: "Young master, you are too risky to do so." Ah San's duty is to protect the buddy, and the others are not within his powers. However, with the long time around Youge, watching him work hard for business affairs, he could not bear to remind him. Although Qian Xiao is not suspicious, but this person does not know the identity of the small hall, how can unreasonably endlessly send money to the small hall to earn.

You Geer said: "How can I take risks? I am not the original stone to buy. This jade is bought back and only earns no loss."

The authorities are fascinated, the onlookers are clear, and there is a good thing about falling pies on this day. It was only the small hall that was stunned by the surname of the money. Ah San knew that nothing was useless, and he simply stopped talking.

Ps: Power outage in the morning, so the second will be late, everyone will see it tomorrow!

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