The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1427: You brother is cheated 3

Ah San’s words have an impact on You Geer. August 1st? Chinese W?W?W?. ?8?1 (eight) Z?W (a). ?C (eight) O (eight) M? When the delivery, he checked all the goods one by one. It was determined that the jade in the box had not been dropped, and he gave the six hundred and two gold to the money.

Qian Xiao confirmed that the gold is no problem, laughing with a Maitreya Buddha: "I hope that the younger Korean will take care of my business in the future."

Made this single business, You Geer is also in a good mood: "Reassured, I will take care of the money boss's business in the future." In fact, Yu Geer started to be money, but during this time he felt that doing business is quite good. interesting.

Qian Xiao Gong said: "That is here, the old man first thanked Han Shao."

Since I met Qian Xiao, I have benefited a lot from his help. This will also be true and sincere: "Thank you for the help of the money boss during this time. If the money boss has something, as long as it is within my power, it must not Will be shirked." Under Yunqing and Yuxi's eyes and ears, the children of the Yun family easily refused to promise, and promised to do so will be done. If Qian Xiaozheng asks for a door, he will definitely help if he is not a traitor who violates the law. Of course, it is not indefinite, only one chance.

Because Yu Geer’s words were too certain, Qian Xiao’s brow couldn’t help but jump, but he quickly disguised the past with laughter: “That’s a thank you little brother!” He knows the brothers. The bottom is fine. I have been following my parents in Jiangnan before, and my parents have passed away before returning to Beijing.

After waiting for the brother to leave, the long side of Qian Xiao’s voice said with a low voice: "Master, this kid is very calm when he said that he helped you. Master, will there be any problem?"

Turning the hand in the hands of the ink jade Buddha, Qian Xiao said: "The most prominent thing about the Korean family is that the Korean public is in the same position, but the two have already been out of the family. You think they will spend a lot of time on such a hairy boy. Can't you go with me?" How can he not feel what he can feel? Just finished this single business, he left the capital. As for the next time, there is no next time. After finishing this order, he will no longer sell goods to Beijing.

Long followed: "Master, anyway, we have all the goods on hand, or go back earlier!"

"Well, let's go early tomorrow." In these years, he relied on the cautiousness to go to today. The last time, he didn't want to overturn.

Long with this will be assured. Yunnan is their territory, and there is no fear of the king.

Put the jade in the warehouse behind the shop, You Geer married three masters, and then took Ah San back to the palace.

When using dinner, Yu Geer saw Yu Xi and Yun Qing look normal, and the hanging heart was released.

After using the dinner, Yuxi said to Yougeer: "Ayou, take me outside."

You buddy’s heart jumped, but soon he pretended to respond easily: “Okay.”

Yunqing glanced at him. This kid could still hold a bad thing, and the quality of this heart is really good.

Although it is the winter season, the spring flowers on both sides of the road are now very popular.

After walking for a little quarter of an hour, Yuxi did not say a word. You brother immediately knew that the painting was made: "Mother, I took the painting of the study to go to the **** shop and exchange money. Mother, I don't want to tell you, just afraid that you don't agree."

Yuxi did not continue to move forward, but stood in the same place and said with a blank expression: "Then you know, don't tell if you want to steal." This is a bit heavy, but it is not wrong. Taking advantage of the things at home to sell does not violate the law, but if you let people know, you will think that the child has a problem with the character.

You Geer’s face was instantly red, but he knew that he had no excuse for his loss. He bowed his head and said, “Mom, I am wrong, but you can rest assured that it will not be in the future.”

Well, Yuxi did not have too much entanglement on it. If you have a hard time, you don’t have to keep on urging: "This jade, are you so sure you can make money?"

You brother said: "Mother, this jade I have checked one by one, certainly no problem. Several masters are very good at craftsmanship. When I make it, I can earn at least half." Yuxi and Liu Er Like to wear jade ornaments, causing the following people to follow suit. Now that jade ornaments have risen by 50% compared with the beginning of the year, they will definitely rise more by the end of the year.

Yuxi glanced at the buddy and said: "He sold the jade to you at a price lower than the market price. Are you afraid of being a trap? You brother, you have to know that there is no good thing in this day." ""

"No. Mother, you have to trust my eyes." You brothers have always been confident in themselves.

Yuxi smiled and didn't continue this thing. He said that it was useless. He only learned that he was taught to understand the pain. Yuxi transferred the topic: "You should know, you don't like you doing business."

The attitude of Yunqing’s opposition is so obvious, how can you know if you can help!

You Geer said: "Mother, when the business of the shop is on the right track, I will hand them over to the shopkeeper." He just wants to earn some pocket money and does not want to do business as his main business.

Upon hearing this, Yuxi deliberately smiled and said: "I thought you were happy, not willing to let go!" This is also good, can save her a bit of tongue.

"Although it is very interesting to do business, it can be done as a sideline business." As a prince, he can make money regardless of the business. Without such a challenging thing, he will not do it!

"What do you mean by waiting for you to go to the military department at the time of the year, how do you feel?" Seeing the buddy frowning, Yuxi said with a smile: "If you don't want to go, the following tips are except The court is in charge, and other departments are yours."

You brother did not want to go to the bad, very strangely asked: "Mother, next year, I am only 14 years old, so go to Tuen Mun so soon, is it not right?"

"Rui Geer is already in the ban, the Xuan Geer will go to the White Tan College next spring. Your three brothers will leave you, do you want to stay in the palace?" The guidance of meditation, it is not difficult to get into the White Sands College.

"Mother, I have to go to the academy to read." He didn't want to go to the bad, but he was still tired and tired.

You brother, this little ninety-nine, how can you get through Yuxi’s eyes: "I am not asking for your opinion, but letting you prepare. If you don't want to choose, go directly to the Ministry of War."

You don’t want to go to the military department, but now there are a lot of things to fight in front of the army. It is said that at the busiest time, there was no time for dinner. You Geer thought about it and said, "Then I will go to the Ministry of Industry!" The former dynasty was full of people, but the new dynasty was different. No matter which trick, everyone has his responsibilities, so no one can spare.

During this time, for the things on the shop, the brothers are running and running, and they are really tired. So he took a day off before he went to the shop.

When Liu’s treasurer saw him, he said with a sad face: “East, you are finally here!” From noon yesterday, he has been looking for a buddy, and he has been unable to find it. It’s going crazy.

You Geer’s heart showed a bad feeling: "What happened? What happened?"

Liu’s treasurer said: “There was a problem with the batch of goods and the jade. The teacher’s two pieces of jade were good, and all of them were stones.”

"Only two pieces, the other one?" He bought two boxes of jade, six of which are the most valuable. Although jade ornaments are now on the rise, it is only a jade ornament that is relatively good. If the quality is not good, you can't afford it.

"The remaining four pieces of jade, a few masters dare not open, just waiting for the East to make a decision." Last night, he did not close his eyes all night!

Into the backyard, looking at the two stones placed next to the box, You Geer's face is very difficult to see: "The remaining four pieces, all open." If the first two pieces are solved, the jade inside is not good. Said that he was unlucky. But the stone inside can't be irritated.

The remaining four pieces were quickly unraveled, and they were all stone. You know at this time that he was cheated.

Picking up a stone from the ground, You Geer studied the spring belt color for a long time, and did not see it. Finally, You Geer asked Master Li, the most advanced shop: "How did this happen?"

Master Li shook his head and said: "I have heard that some vendors have ways to make the surface of the stone colorful. It is just what this method is, and I don't know it."

You Geer looked at the Liu treasurer who was lying on the floor and said, "Go to the newspaper."

Liu’s shopkeeper wiped a tearful tear: “Dongjia, the surnamed money left the capital early in the morning, and the inn’s people said that he had already returned to Yunnan.” It’s difficult to leave the capital and find this person again. Such as the sky.

You brothers didn’t feel right when they heard this. They said, “I’ll go to other shops and ask about their goods.”

As a result, the other three imported goods were fine, and only the goods from the brothers had problems.

You brother asked Liu treasurer: "Why are there only problems with these jade I bought?"

Liu’s treasurer did not speak.

However, Master Li was picking up the words: "The people who can open the shop in the capital are all people with heads and faces. If the surname of the money is to buy fakes for them, even if they return to Yunnan, they will be retaliated by them."

You buddy chuckled and said: "This is the name of the money, it is because I have no background, so I dare to bully me?" When it came here, You Geer looked at Master Li and asked: "But he lied to me and spread it out. Not afraid of breaking the reputation?" The most important thing for a business person is fame. The reputation is broken, no one will dare to do business with you in the future.

Master Li said: "The other three shopkeepers know this. They only say that you are bad luck in the club. You don't think that the surname of the money is deliberately damaging him." The jade on the surface looks good, the inside is bad. common.

You are smiling at the face of your brother: "I am afraid that it is not only that! My peers are the family, I have robbed them of their business. They want me to close the door as soon as possible." The other three shops are small-scale. Those big shop shops have their own purchase channels, and they will not go to a small trader to buy materials.

When I paused, You Geer sneered: "I can't tell you, this time I was cheated and they have their own pens! Or else, how come I know the surname money so skillfully?"

When Liu’s treasurer heard this, his face was white. Because this surname is the money he introduced to the buddy through the introduction of people.

You brother said to Liu’s shopkeeper: “Follow me to Jingzhaofu.” He still wants to go back to the days of freedom, and where is the good thing.

Ps: The eyes can't open, and the manuscript will be revised tomorrow. Good night, good dear.

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