The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1428: lesson

As soon as it was built today, it was clear and clear. August 1 Chinese? Network W (eight) W (eight) W. 81ZW. COM Liu shopkeeper drumming for a while, there are servants coming out from inside.

The attitude of the servant is very good. Seeing that the buddy stood still, he said to him: "This little son, the complaint must first be handed over. You should go outside and ask someone to write a good name, come again." .

You brother did not really know the process of the lawsuit, said: "Yin Baipei? Take me to see him." Yin Baipei, is the Jingyin House's Fu Yin.

Liu’s treasurer heard this and looked at Youge with horror. Even dare to call the name of Fu Yin, what is his little owner?

Although I feel that the buddy is too big, but the servant is still very eye-catching: "I don't know if the little son is?"

You Geer also has no intention of being a servant: "When I see Yin Baipei, he knows who I am."

The servant hesitated, and took him into the government. If it is a noble person, he is offended and can't eat and walk. If not, when he punishes himself, he will swear two sentences.

Yin Baipei did not put on the shelf, and got the news and soon came out to see Yougeer. However, he had only seen Yuge once, and he did not recognize it for a while. However, Yin Baipei’s attitude is still very good: “I don’t know which house is the little son?”

You brother did not circle, and directly reported his name: "My surname is Yun, the name is Kaiyou." If the official, if his name does not know, then it is time to go home to farm.

Yin Baipei listened to the name and squatted for three seconds, then hurriedly salute: "The lower official has seen the four halls."

With the help of the brothers who came over, he also quickly squatted. At the same time, I was fortunate in my heart. Fortunately, I brought my four halls down, otherwise I would be unlucky.

Putting his hand, You Geer said: "Get up, and quickly send me a person to grab the money-filled bastard. To be late, this idiot will definitely run back to Yunnan."

Yin Baipei stood up and said: "The four halls, please inform the lower official about the cause and effect of the matter." If only the grievance between the two does not violate the law, he dare not take over.

You can say that the process of being cheated is roughly said. After you say it, "You will send someone to pick him up." When he was so big, he was deceived for the first time. Losing money is a trivial matter, the key is to lose face!

Yin Baipei immediately called the general catch of Tuen Mun, let him personally take people to hunt down Qian Xiao.

When you come to Jingzhao, you can let them send and catch people. If the purpose is reached, he will go home.

Out of Jingzhao House, Liu’s treasurer said with a bitter face: “The East House, if the **** shop knows that we are being cheated, it will definitely take away the shop and the shop.” The shop is not a brother, but there are three years of contract. They can also sublet to other people if they accept it.

You Geer said: "You will go back to the shop and I will handle the other things."

"East, don't go back to the shop where are you going?" When the pawnshop came to collect things, he couldn't help himself.

"This does not need you to control, if the pawnshops come to tell them, I will return the money to them tomorrow." Such a large sum of money can only help the mother.

I used to sell the ancestral calligraphy and paintings for the six thousand and two silvers. I don’t know what the Dong family is going to sell now. I think that Liu’s treasurer is guilty.

Back to the palace, You Geer went directly to the royal study. When I saw Speren, You Geer asked: "Is there a minister in the royal study room?" Without the minister, he can go straight in.

"Zaifu adults and Shenda people are doing something wrong." After that, Span asked with concern: "If you have something to do, please give me all the time." Although there are eunuchs in the palace, the clouds I don't like to use it.

You Geer shook his head and said: "There is nothing big, wait for them to handle the business, I will go in."

After a while, Tan Tuo and Si Bo Nian came out. When the two met Yougeer, they were a little surprised.

You brother did not say hello to them, hurried into the royal study.

Yunqing and Yuxi were talking and saw the accident of Yougeer’s face: "How come you?" It is the first time that You brother came to the Imperial Study Room.

"Hey, mother, I was deceived." After that, Yugeer lowered his head, so don't say how pitiful.

Yun Qing glanced at Yuxi, and it was really expected by Yuxi. You brother was really deceived.

You brother waited for a long time and didn't wait for a few words. He looked up at Yunqing and Yuxi. He was very wronged and said: "Hey, mother, I have been cheated. Why don't you have a word?" Others don't say, At least comfort and comfort him, and nothing at all.

Yuxi spread the shackles at hand and said faintly: "I didn't tell you yesterday that there was no pie in the sky. How did you answer me?"

You brother is a bit shy: "I did not expect that they could make fake jade to deceive people." He had never heard of it before, and jade can also make fake.

"If you want to buy jade, you should ask an expert to go along with the inspection. The result? You actually inspected the goods yourself. You said, he doesn't pit you?" Just after touching the jade, I dared to check the goods myself. That is to say, the brothers are their sons. If they do not go to do business, then the big family business is not enough for him.

You brothers understand it: "Hey, mother, you know this money has a problem with laughter?" If not, the two will not be so calm.

"I don't know if you have a problem with this surname, but if you do business with your temper, you will be deceived sooner or later." There are no other people who have surnamed money.

You brother lowered his head and didn't say anything.

Yunqing is a short-term guard. He asked: "Have you sent someone to arrest him?" You brother is acting improperly, but that is also his age and experience, but people who deceive him can not be forgiven. .

"The surname of the money left the capital early in the morning, saying that it was back to Yunnan. I have already reported to Jingzhaofu. They sent a hunt to hunt down. I want to come and I will catch up soon."

After listening to this, Yunqing was satisfied with the position.

Yuxi asked: "Now all the money is cheated. What do you want to redeem the calligraphy and jade?" The matter of life has not changed, and now it is time to solve the problem.

You brother looked up at the two people and said, "Hey, mother, you must use my six thousand and two silver coins to give me a turnaround! If you catch this surname, I will return the money to you." If it is now Turning off the shop is tantamount to admitting, which makes him unwilling!

After the accident, I can find a solution for myself, not crying and crying for them to be the master. In the attitude of rushing to the brothers, Yunqing decided to give the six thousand and two silver.

Yuxi looked faintly and said: "You brother, if the money laughs, can't you come back? So big money, what do you take us?"

On the way back, You Geer also thought about this problem, and immediately said: "The monk who ran can't run the temple. If he can't catch him, he will send someone to Yunnan to find someone who wants money."

Yuxi laughed and said: "Where do you want to find someone from the money house, what is the name?"

"He lied to me with fake jade, is this reason not enough?" Why is there a feeling that his mother does not want to give money.

Yuxi asked: "Only those stones can't be evidence, but they must also have a contract. The contract must specify the characteristics and size of each piece of jade you buy. In addition, there must be a certificate. You have these ?"

"What? The contract also needs to mark the characteristics and size of jade?" The contract he signed with Qian Xiao, only briefly wrote the number of jade, even the varieties did not write.

Yunqing heard this and asked: "What about people?"

There is a middleman, but this person is present when he talks about buying and selling, but he is not present when he delivers. Without asking Yuxi, he knew that this person is not a witness.

You ge, this will happen, he jumped into the pit that others had dug. And the most unbelievable to him is that he was stupid enough to jump.

No one can criticize people as evidence certificates, and the same can make money laugh to spit out the money. However, Yunqing knows that Yuxi is teaching Youge, so he did not interrupt.

You brother asked: "Mom, do you mean that my money can't be recovered?"

Yuxi did not answer this question, but said: "You have no evidence of possession, even if you grab the surname, he can also deny it."

You brother clenched his fist and said, "Then I can only recognize it?"

"He saw that you are an orphan, and there is no backing in the capital, so I dare to count you." Calculated very well, it is not good luck. However, it is estimated that he did not expect a prince to go to be a small businessman.

You brother immediately understood: "Mother, you are not allowed to use my true identity to be an orphan to do business, is that this identity will certainly be calculated?" He initially thought that Yuxi was not allowed to use him. It’s a shame to make a real name to do business.

Yuxi did not answer and asked: "You have to use your identity at a time, your shop can't open up." You brother did not come out, but let Xu Chengze help. I am afraid that they are both husband and wife, and they are relatively insidious. Unfortunately, all of this can't escape the eyes of Yuxi.

Silence for a while, Yugeer said: "Mother, you should lend me money for a few days! Otherwise, the pawnshops will definitely come to the store soon."

"You can rest assured that the pawnshop will not come to collect your shop." After the meeting, Yuxi laughed and said: "Ayou, don't tell me you don't know the reason? I don't know if you don't know, but don't know." "If you don't know the identity of You Geer, the painting must not be five thousand and two silver, and it is even more impossible to promise to take the shop as a mortgage." How can such a bright person like You Ge think about why the big change before and after the pawnshop!

For the first time, You Geer felt that it was not a good thing to have a mother who was too smart, because it made him stupid.

"Mother, there is no working capital in my shop." He took all the money to buy the jade.

Yuxi said: "I will not borrow you money."

You brothers have a life without a love.

Yuxi couldn't help but smile: "I won't give you money, but you can go to Tianyang to buy materials. If you don't have money, you can make a profit." Tian Yang's business is spread all over the country, what to do and what to do. However, he only had a profit of 10%, and the others all entered the pocket of Yuxi.

You brother immediately turned to worry: "Thank you." From Tian Yang, I don’t have to worry about the goods, the most important thing is that the price is cheap.

"You don't have to think about jujube Ahao's money, give them one person and one share. After making money, give them dividends." The cost price of the goods, You Geer's shop is determined to earn Money is just a question of earning more and earning less.

You Geer originally had this plan, but he didn’t make money before the shop, and he didn’t dare to open his mouth: “I’m listening to my mother’s.”

It’s also a matter of seeing the treatment of You’s brother, and being deceived can still handle things calmly, instead of screaming and yelling. Otherwise, Yuxi will not be so refreshing: "Well, you can continue to do the work during this time. But after the Lantern Festival is over, you will go to the Criminal Department."

You ge, a sigh, asked: "Mother, is not to say that I am going to the Ministry of Industry, why is it now changed to the Ministry of Punishment?"

"The criminal department is in charge of various cases. You should go there for a while, so that you won't be fooled by people in the future." If you experience it, it is not easy to calculate him.

"Good!" This time, it can be said that he has no experience and credulity, but the next time, that is, he is stupid.

When the buddy entered, he looked heavy, but when he came out, he was full of joy. Out of the royal study, he did not go out of the palace, but went to find Xuan Geer.

Yunqing said with a smile: "I thought that after he was deceived, he would come directly to help us!" Unexpectedly, the child went directly to Jingzhaofu Yin and never thought about letting them come forward.

After all, Yun Qing said: "Your persistence is right. In the past few months, You brother has matured a lot."

"This child is originally intelligent, but lacks experience. When he stays in the criminal department for two years, it is not so easy to count him." If you are not smart, you will not let Rui Ge and Xuan Geer listen to him. It’s too proud to be too confident. This lesson will make him change his mind.

Yun Qing said: "Xuan Geer? Let him go to the college can really change his temper?"

"Under the eyes and ears, it should be changed." The so-called Jiangshan easy to change the nature is difficult to move, want Xuan Geer to become like the brother, she did not have the ability.

Yuxi is not willing to continue this topic and said: "How come the jujube has not come back? It's been half a month." At the beginning of the month, Yunqing ordered her to return to Beijing.

"I am afraid that I am on the road." I thought that the jujube would be marryed out in the spring of this year. Yunqing’s heart was somewhat lost: "The original date is less time spent at home, and it is not easy to see the side after marrying."

"I can still see it during the holiday season. If I don't fight, I will transfer her back to Beijing." After Liaodong hit it, there was basically no beating.

Yun Qing asked aloud: "The dowry is ready?" Han Jianming brought back half of the dowry of the jujube.

"All are ready, the wedding dress has to let her try on, if you don't fit, you have to change it." After that, Yuxi laughed: "She is free, nothing, exhausted me." It is a small cotton jacket, and this daughter of jujube is a debt collection.

Ps: There is one more around eleven and a half.

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