The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1429: Marriage 1

When Qian Xiao was arrested, he was still lucky. When he was arrested, he would bring him back to Beijing. He knew that things were wrong. ?? Bayi? Chinese network W (eight) W? W?. ?8?1?ZW. Although COM is now clear and clear, he is doing his best, but it is impossible to take him to the road overnight. Unless the pressure is applied above, these ambiguities want to take him back to cross as soon as possible.

When I saw You Geer, Qian Xiao’s heart sank to the bottom. At this time, he did not feel guilty and asked: "Who are you?" How can there be such a great energy for an orphan who is helpless? The background of this person is definitely amazing.

I asked the key point, and You Geer smiled and said: "It really is a smart person, planted in your hands, I am not embarrassed."

Qian Xiao looked at the sea swan swan jade worn by You's waist, and the pupil shrank: "You said this wrong, it should be that I planted on you. I just didn't expect that the young master of the Korean government office turned out to be Will pretend to be orphans to do business." He thought that You brother is the son of Han Jianming.

You buddy smiled: "This time you can guess wrong, I am not a Korean family."

Qian Xiaolu was suspicious, not a Korean family. How could it be that such a large amount of energy meant that Jingzhaofu Yin?

Deliberately paused, You Geer said: "Han Jianming is my sister, not me. I am surnamed Yun, single word engine."

Yunqing, that is the emperor of today. His son is not the prince.

The smile on the face was pale, but he quickly said: "If you want to kill, you have to listen to the respect, just hope that you can raise your hand and let my family." Too many evils, I know that he will not survive if he does. may.

You brother did not answer this question, but asked: "I have no enmity with you, why do you want to harm me like this?"

Qian Xiao thought and didn't want to say: "I lost 10,000 yuan in the gambling house. If I can't pay the money, the old family will use the family law."

You brother said with a smile: "Do you think I will believe? Since you are not cherished, don't blame me."

Qian smiles down and he is telling the truth. It is a pity that the other party believes in the falsehood, but the truth is used as a lie.

Going back two steps, he said to a big man next to him: "Let him tell the truth."

The big man in the shape of the dragon said to Yougeer: "The four halls, the scenes will be more bloody, you are still waiting outside!"

Hearing your old words, a group of crows flew over the head of You. Although he knows that the big man is respected by him, he is only fourteen years old!

Qian Xiao was a little scared when he heard this: "His Royal Highness, you want to know what I said." I thought that I was a good talker, at least when I was dealing with it. I didn't expect to change my face in the blink of an eye.

You brother sneered: "It’s late."

Out of the jail, You Geer has some puzzling: "A San, this scam is not very clever, why am I going to be fooled?"

Ah San said very aptly: "You will be fooled because you trust him and think that he is a kind-hearted and kind-hearted elder who is willing to bring his younger generation."

You Geer thought about it and said: "You only say half right." Half of them are eager to make money, but they are seen by the profiteers. They have used his eagerness to seek success. trap.

After all, I have some self-deprecating words: "I used to feel very smart at home. I didn't expect such a simple scam to fool me. Cough, or my mother is right, I am too self-righteous."

"His Royal Highness does not have to be arrogant. Can do this step, His Royal Highness is already very powerful." In order to make the business better, the brothers pull down the humility of asking for advice, even if they are not angry, they still persist. Only this point, Ah San felt very valuable.

You brother said with a smile: "Well, if you have this sentence, I am not too bad."

After about two quarters of an hour, the big man came out of the torture room and handed two pieces of paper to You Geer: "His Highness, this is a confession, you please look over."

Knowing that I was cheated, I am not angry. But after reading the first confession, his face was not good. Qian Xiao is not the first time to commit a crime. The people who cheated in these years have more than a dozen. Most of these people who were deceived were ruined and ruined.

After reading this confession, You Geer asked A3 incomprehensibly; "How do people like this person say that he is doing business fair and fair, and that children are not deceived." This is not evaluated by profiteers. This person is completely a A liar, a villain.

Ah San said: "The people in the line must know his details. But as long as it is well covered, and with the propaganda of the people, it is okay to deceive the layman." And the brothers belong to the outside.

In fact, Qian Xiao is also well hidden, and he specifically deceives people who don’t know how to do it or who can help them.

"Xia Liangshan has done this for more than 20 years. Doesn't he know the details of this person?" Xia Liangshan used to do jade business before, and has been doing this for more than 20 years. It was not until the first two years that he closed the mountain. This person is the cousin of Liu’s treasurer.

After that, Yuge’s face changed.

Ah San said: "Your Highness, you look at the second confession, which should be detailed."

After reading the second confession, You Geer laughed at himself: "I didn't expect that I was planted in my own hands." Losing him so much believes in this Liu Gushan, I did not expect this person to dare to count himself.

Ah San picked up the confession that fell on the ground. After reading it, he shook his head and said: "Your Highness, this Liu Gushan looked like an honest man. He could not participate in it. This time, he was afraid of not knowing. "The main reason is that there is no mention of Liu Gushan on the confession, so he feels that this matter should have nothing to do with him.

You buddy will seriously doubt his own vision and IQ, so he said swearingly: "It is too early to say that there is no problem. After I have asked Xia Liangshan, I will know."

After interrogating Xia Liangshan, You Geer also knew that Liu Gushan was really ignorant. However, Xia Liangshan did participate in it, and he also divided fifty-two gold.

How did these people deal with the help of the brothers, but they gave it to Yin Baipei and let him dispose of this group of people according to the law.

After waiting for the brother to leave, Yin Baipei touched his goat and said: "I thought that His Royal Highness would kill these people." You brother killed these people, and at most, he took a few words in the royal history. Unexpectedly, even the culprits did not kill, all were handed over to him.

The master said: "This is all good for the emperor and the queen. Adults, with this precedent, it is a good thing for us." If you have the right to ask him to do things in the future, legal can be accommodating, illegal can completely use this as An excuse to refuse.

Yin Baipei nodded.

You brother took back his six hundred and two gold, first went to the **** shop and redeemed the shop and jade, as for the painting he did not redeem. Although the materials can be credited, the store still has to pay some money to turn around, and then ask two good craftsmen.

Although Liu Gushan did not participate in the scam, Yu Geer still doubted his ability. However, looking at the hard work of the past few months, he did not fire him, but the treasurer could not do it, and he was reduced to a man. The new treasurer is recommended by Tian Yang, called Gu Jincai.

As soon as I heard the name, I wouldn’t be satisfied. After Gu Jincai proposed to renovate the store, he agreed without any hesitation.

He did not manage the decoration, and he gave it to Gu Jincai. He went to the street for a walk and bought some food to go back to the palace.

I also cherished him, gave him a cup of hot tea, and said, "His Royal Highness, the big princess is back."

After I took a sip of tea, I asked: "When is the big sister coming back?" It will be married in a few months, but his big sister is good, not in a hurry.

"Come back before lunch." As soon as the date of jujube became black, she did not say it.

After drinking tea, You Geer went to Zhang Huagong. At the door, he heard a hearty laugh.

Entering the house, this is now except for him. You brother laughed and said: "big sister."

Jujube and jujube looked up and down the buddy, and said with a smile: "Listen to A Rui, you were cheated?"

Although some shame, but this thing can not be avoided, You Geer nodded and said: "Yes! Was fooled, but this liar has already caught. I have already handed it to Yin Baipei, let him dispose of it."

Jujube dates the shoulders of the next brother, and it is very gratifying to say: "Ayou, you finally grew up."

You buddy squinted his eyes, which is completely different from what he thought. He thought that jujube dates to see him, it must be a sneer to attack him!

Jujube dates do not know what Youkeer thinks, but she talked about one of her own experiences: "When I first entered the military camp, many people could not understand it. I felt that women entering the military camp would bring suffocation. A village bought some fresh fruits and vegetables, and I somehow called me. When I returned, the leader told me that he had left something in the village and asked me to go back."

You brother asked: "And then?"

Liu Er and Kai Hao several people, also read the jujube dates.

Jujube said with a smile: "Then lost, and delayed some time. When I returned to the military camp, it was already dark. Because I didn't get back before dark, I violated the military regulations and hit ten army sticks." The person knows the identity of the jujube, which makes it a clever one, so that she can still train as usual the next day.

Qi Hao's face is not good-looking: "Big sister, why didn't you tell me about these things?"

"Tell you, what is the use in addition to worrying you?" After that, jujube looked at the buddy and said with a smile: "Ayou, no matter what you do, it is not easy. But as long as you stick to it, you will be able to Do a good job." When she first entered the military camp, she did not know how many martyrdoms she suffered. Only she was resolved one by one, and later on the battlefield to make a contribution, only slowly get the recognition of these people.

You brother was very moved after listening to these words, and then I was a bit shy when I thought about the previous things: "Sister, I am sorry, I should not say that often before."

Jujube date accepted the apology of Yougeer: "No matter. My brother and sister, it is fine to play two jokes." She knew that You Geer just said it, and there was nothing wrong with it.

After the meal, the jujube and the judging said: "It is also my luck to say it. I have a backing, and I am not afraid of doing anything." Even if I have a hole in the sky, I will help you fill it.

You Geer grinned and said: "Big sister, do you know? Mother said that she must owe you in my life, so you will come to collect debts in this life."

Jujube and jujube said, "I am not collecting debts. I am a mother's intimate little cotton jacket!"

These years, jujube dates do not know how many disasters, every time Yunqing and Yuxi help the aftermath, even better said that they are intimate little cotton jacket. Not to mention the four brothers and brothers, even Liuer can't stand it.

However, the jujube dates are so easy to make the atmosphere come to an instant.

You Geer took the opportunity to say: "My shop has been reopened in two days. This time I will get the goods from Tian Yang. I will definitely make money. So if you borrow my money, I will be your share. Five hundred and two count, I will give back more money."

Jujube is very refreshing this time, saying: "Yes, if it is not enough money, tell me, I will lend you."

"No. Big sister, wait for you to marry me and send you a beautiful set of ornaments." It is also his heart.

Jujube dates and said with a smile: "Don't you know that I never wear ornaments?" Yuxi gave her a bunch of ornaments at the bottom of the box, never seen the light. Sometimes she even feels violent.

After patted the head, You Geer smiled and said: "Look at me, I forgot it for a while. But the big sister, you can rest assured that the gift will not be less." Anyway, no hurry, there are still three months, you can slowly think .

This is a wish of Yougeer, and the date will naturally not refuse: "Then I am waiting."

Because the weather was getting cold, Yuxi, who had used the dinner, did not take the jujube to go for a walk, but went to Zhanghua Palace with her.

Jujube and jujube took the hand of Yuxi, the whole person squatted on her, and said cheerfully: "Mother, I haven't seen me for so long, have you missed me?"

Yuxi pushed the jujubes away and said, "Let's walk." This is too much image.

As for the date of the jujube, the face of the injured face, Yuxi refused to ignore her.

Zhang Huagong is not far from Kunning Palace, and it will take a few minutes to arrive. The mother and the daughter entered the palace of jujube, and Yuxi said to the yam: "Bring the wedding dress out and let the big princess try it." The peony has been married, and the yam is newly brought up.

Jujube jujube said with a bitter face: "Mother, how can I try clothes after I have finished eating?" I ate a lot at night, and this will still support it!

Liu Er said with a smile: "Big sister, it is because you just finished eating, so I specifically asked you to try."

However, jujube can only be picked up with a wedding dress. After wearing it on the body, the jujube said: "Mother, this dress is a bit wide, I have to change it."

Yuxi shook his head and said: "It's just a little wider." Seeing jujube and looking at her, Yuxi said: "This time, you have to make up for it." Before this time, she wants to let Yufang give jujube conditioning. Lower body. Try to adjust your body to the best when you marry, it is best to be pregnant. In this way, you will be able to hold your grandson the next year.

Jujube dates do not know what Yuxi thinks, and busy said: "Mother, I am very good, do not need to make up."

"If you want to marry like such a black charcoal face, then I have no opinion." Although it is only three months, if the jujube is willing to cooperate, it can still make her white.

After touching the face, the date was hesitated for a long time, and finally compromised: "All listen to the mother."

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