The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1434: Help

Jujube dates against the chair, and both feet are tilted up. Bayi Chinese Network W≈W≠W=. =8=1≥Z≠W≥. ≈C≤O≥M≈ Liuer endured and endured, and finally did not hold back.

"Big sister, can you sit well, this is too indecent. If you don't want to sit, you can go to bed." Although only two sisters, it is too ugly.

"You are too particular." complained on the mouth, but the jujube still put the foot down and sat upright.

Also said newly: "The big princess, the second princess, the girl is coming." It was the cockroach who took the initiative to hand the sign into the palace. The matter has been solved, and it should be said to the sisters.

Looking at Cui Xiao's eyebrows with a smile, the two sisters knew that things had been solved satisfactorily.

Liu Er said: "Is it solved so quickly?" This is only a day, and it is too fast.

Cui Wei said the process.

After listening to it, the jujube said: "Because the aunt's attitude is tough, the family and Ling Grandma will give up? Even Ling Tongpu has come forward. If there is nothing wrong with this, I will take the head down and give you the ball. Kicking." The first trouble was so bad that the result was three thousand and two silver, how could it be.

Liu Er also feels wrong.

Cui Wei lived: "The big princess, what do you think is there?"

Liu Er also looked at jujube dates.

"If I didn't guess wrong, it would be Feng Bo's appearance." After that, the jujube smiled: "Feng Bobo had a lot of cockroaches before, and then tired of giving them a rich dowry to marry them." Therefore, she felt that this should be the handwriting of the army.

Liuer seriously thought about it, and felt that there is a reason: "I don’t want to see the attitude of Jiang’s family before I’m afraid of it.” It’s exactly the attitude of Jiang Yizheng. Now Jiang Yizheng has said that he will not be blamed for the new softness, and there is no need to wait and see.

Cui Wei smiled bitterly: "I thought my idea was useful!" I didn't expect it to be the uncle's credit.

After that, Cui Wei said with gratitude to the date and said: "The big princess, thank you for telling me, if not, I will always be in the drum." Chang Shi and Feng Dajun did not tell her, she never knew this. .

Jujube and jujube put on the hand and said: "There is a small matter. But you have to let my aunt and the political cousin know about it. Can't force it, but let the party be in the dark." But the force is not telling the other, it is the most stupid of.

Cui Wei is hesitant: "Is it not good? Mrs. Jiang’s wife knows that she will definitely think more."

"She even thinks that it is her business. If you do something, you have to let them know, let them bear your feelings." This trick, jujube is learned from Yuxi. Yuxi is tired and will talk to Yunqing.

After that, the jujube date added another sentence: "Right, if you are a pro-God, if you encounter something in Jiang Yizheng, unless you are alive or dead, otherwise he does not open your door to help you back home, you should not care."

Cui Weiran, she really didn't want to do things after marriage.

Liu Er thought about it and said: "Hey, these words are the words of my older sister. You think about it!" Jujube dates in the military for so many years, they should understand the man's thoughts. So this suggestion, Liu Er is also in mind.

When using dinner, jujube dates tell Yuxi about this gossip. After the talk, the jujube shook his head and said: "I don't know what the aunt thinks, there is a mother, you give her support, what are you afraid of?"

Yuxi smiled and said: "When you are a mother, you will know your aunt's scruples." Jiang Yizheng's work, it is easy to think that he is not standing right, so Yu Rong does not dare to let her Know this.

Liu Er’s heart has doubts: “Mother, I heard that the political cousin has a very good relationship with Xin Xinru. Even before the relatives, I also received the purse of the girl. Mother, do you think that the political cousin really does not want to be a new soft, or do not want to Lost Cui's family?" She suspected that Jiang Yizheng did not want to lose the family of Cui, instead of really wanting to be jealous of Xinruo. Only this, she can't say to Cui Wei.

Yuxi said with a smile: "How does Jiang Yizheng not matter, you only need to know that Axi is really sincere to you."

Seeing Liuer still asking, Yuxi shook his head and said: "You don't know if you ask me. However, there is no need to go deeper into these things. The relationship is good, and the emotional things are not to be managed." The interests are good, but the results are all happy.

Jujube dates also think that Liu Er thinks too much: "What do you do with so many hearts? Even if Jiang Yizheng is illusory, he is as smart as he is, and he can make his life too good."

Liu Er did not speak.

Jujube thought about it and said: "Liu Er, have you ever thought about doing something?" She thinks Liu will think so much, completely idle.

Liu Er asked inexplicably: "Do something? Do something?"

Jujube said with a finger: "A Hao will not say it, A Rui wants to be a general, Xuan Geer wants to become a university student, even the uncle who has never been motivated to go to the criminal department. Liu Er, the six brothers and sisters will do nothing for you!"

Yuxi laughed and said: "Why didn't you do it? Your sister was very busy some time ago, and it was a little empty these two days."

"This palace is handed over to the mother of Qu, they just have a good meal." Jujube is that the palace is not a serious matter.

Liu Er laughed and said: "Big sister, do you want me to be like you? I have this heart, and I don't have this ability!" Moreover, she did not have this thought.

Seeing jujube and jujube still want to say, Liu Er shook his head and said: "Big sister, I have no ambition, I thought about my little life." After marrying, Xiangfu teaches children.

"Then what you learned is not a waste?" Jujube is a pity that Liu Er’s body is like this: "Look, your piano is so good, don't you want someone to know, don't want someone to inherit you." Clothing?"

In this case, Liu Er was really asked. After a while, Liu Er said: "If any of our children want to learn in the future, they can teach them!"

Jujube dates can not convince Liu Er, and finally can only help Yuxi: "Mother, you also advise her! Can not live in the house for a lifetime?"

Yuxi did not persuade: "People have their own aspirations, and you should not use your own ideas to impose on Liu."

Jujube dates a sigh.

However, Yuxi followed up and said: "Liu Er, I am going to run a women's college in Beijing. You have to be interested in helping Zhang Luo." In the early days of the founding of the country, there were too many things, she was too busy, this The plan has been put on hold. If Liuer is interested in helping to do it, then it will be fine.

Jujube date said happily: "Mother, it’s great. So there is a place for this woman to miss the book."

Liuer was hesitant and asked: "Mother, run a women's college? No need for imperial examinations, what to teach?"

"It’s not just for the imperial examinations.” Yuxi’s heart has an idea that the female officer can choose from the college in the future. After all, the female officer is going to read the book, and there are not many books in the palace. However, it is too early for the college to say this without doing it.

Jujube and jujube inserted a sentence: "In addition to teaching them to study, they can also teach them to master the cooking skills of the house. In addition, the chess and calligraphy can also be taught in the tea. So, everyone can choose what they like."

Yuxi laughed and said: "The rice has to be eaten bit by bit, and it is too quick to eat." The beginning is not smooth, and it is very difficult for the college to do it later. Therefore, she is ready to step by step.

Liu Er shook his head and said: "Mother, I can't do it." The main thing is fear, what if I don't do it.

Yuxi said with a smile: "I can't give it to you, just wait for the person, and when you get there, help me to get started." Liu Er didn't know anything about giving her the office, she still hadn't So big.

Liu Er saw himself misunderstanding, and some were embarrassed.

Jujube was pushed to push Liu, and said with a smile: "I think Niang is a good idea! You can't be the dean of the college in the future, you can also be a vice president! Well, you should be interested, you can also teach the girl. Playing the piano."

The wedding dress is almost embroidered, and other things are almost ready. It seems that there is nothing worth worrying about for the time being. However, Liu Er was used to it, although some intentions, but still did not immediately decide: "Mother, big sister, let me consider."

After using the dinner, You brother said happily: "Hey, mother, do you know how much I have earned these days?"

Yuxi asked the face very much: "How much money did you earn? Have you ever had two thousand?"

You brother said happily: "Mother, I have earned more than 1,500 yuan in two days." In the New Year, he will be able to earn back the cost, and all of them will be profitable in the future.

Both Han and Fengjia took care of the business of Yougeer and went to his shop to buy something. Otherwise, in just ten days, how can you earn so much? However, Yuxi did not dismantle it, but said with a smile: "It’s good to make money." Save the child from scowling all day long.

You buddy actually has an idea in his heart, but Yunqing did not mention it in him.

Yunqing said something to Yuxi: "When I have finished the year, I am going to let Ruigeer go to Changzhou."

Although there are now two sides of the truce, there are often frictions. Most importantly, Changzhou is at the forefront, and it is the most dangerous place to fight there.

Yuxi said in silence: "You decide." In the heart, she does not want her son to go to the front. Snoring, there are always casualties. Ke Rui's dream is to be a general who is going to fight with the soldiers, and has been clamoring to go to Changzhou. She is worried again, and she can't stop her son's way.

Yun Qing took Yu Xi and gently patted her back and said, "You don't have to worry, you and Liu Yongnan will take care of Rui Geer."

Yuxi nodded and asked: "Why didn't you think about adjusting the army to guard Changzhou?"

Yunqing said with a smile: "This is not anxious. Wait until the opening of the squad, and let the army stop. It is not too late. These years of the army have not been at home, and the daughter has been alienated from him. Taking advantage of the truce, let him stay at home for a while. Let's go!"

Yuxi nodded: "This is also good."

The politician knows that the matter of the family can be solved so quickly, and it is the British public. This made him somewhat surprised, but it seems reasonable to think about it.

"Mother, this time we can owe a British government a favor. Mother, do you want to prepare a gift?" The friend and the girl she admired calculated, let the political brother grow up quickly.

Yu Rong shook his head and said: "Since this thing has not been said by the British public, we should not deliberately mention it, but you should keep it in your heart." This is the benefit of setting up the family of Cui.

Political politicians think it makes sense.

Yu Rong said with a smile: "You still have to participate in the test for more than two months. You have to work hard during this time." Nothing is important to try.

"Mother, the teacher is also busy trying to do things next year. I have rarely returned to the house recently. Mother, I want to study homework at home before I take the exam." He was so angry that he didn't want to go to Lingjia. It is.

Yu Rong asked: "Is it sure?"

No one dares to say that he is sure of this kind of thing. Zheng Geer said: "Mother, Ling Caile of the day is also involved, but he denied it afterwards. Mother, I don't want to go to Lingjia." The reason why the political brother is so angry is because he was with him before the accident. Ling Kaile's relationship is not bad, I did not expect to count myself. Until now, the political brothers don’t understand why Ling Kaile will help the new soft calculator.

Yu Rong said: "If you don't go, don't go! Lingjia, except Mr. Ling, other people's character is not good!" Lingjia Erlang Roche is a daughter of a wealthy businessman, smart and sleek, and always take the interests first.

Yu Rong had two conversations with Roche and she didn't like her very much. Before I thought that Ling Jiada’s grandmother was generous and embarrassed, she could do this. She didn’t want to deal with Ling’s people anymore.

Of course, this can only be thought of in my heart. It is impossible to really deal with people in Lingjia. After all, Mr. Ling is the teacher of the political brother.

"I knew..." Because the candidate is recommended by Yuxi, Yurong is not good enough to talk about it anymore.

The politician knows the meaning of Yu Rong and said: "Mother, Mr. Ling has learned a lot and taught me a lot, which has benefited me a lot." Mr. Ling, he is very respectful.

Yu Rong said: "Mr. Ling is naturally a good one, but Ling's next generation..."

In fact, this can also be understood. In the past, Mr. Ling hid in the mountains and forests for refuge, but the children could not go with them. At that time, Ling parents had already married Yu, but the younger son had not yet married. It happened that Roche had taken a fancy to Ling's younger son. At that time, Lingjia couldn't eat too much. He heard that the matchmaker said that Roche would come with a large dowry, and Mrs. Ling immediately agreed.

The political buddy said with a smile: "Mother, as long as Mr. Ling is good." It is also that Mr. Ling is rarely in Lingfu during this time, otherwise he will not like it any more, he will also go to Lingfu.

The mother and the son were talking, and the red tone came in from the outside: "Mrs. I came outside, and he said that he had a letter from the six-year-old man." Liu Yi, referring to Han Jiancheng.

Yu Rong stood up and asked, "What about the letter?"

The red voice said: "Mrs., that person said that he must give him five hundred and two silver, and he will give us the letter."

The politician took the arm of Yu Rong and said, "Mother, let me go!" The matter at home, he should have solved it.

Yu Rong hesitated and said: "Okay." Also in his own home, or she is not at ease.

Ps: The second should be around 11:30, and the parents can wait until tomorrow.

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