The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1435: Separate

When the politician went to the living room in the front yard, he saw a middle-aged man wearing an old cotton jacket and looking awkward in the middle of the room. ???? Bayi Chinese W (eight) W (one) W (eight). ?8 (one) 1 (one) Z? W. COM

The butler introduced the identity of the political brother: "This is my young master. If you have anything, you can tell him."

The political buddy’s heart showed a bad feeling: “How did you know me? Where are I?”

Although the man was afraid, he still said: "Give me five hundred and two silver, I will tell you."

Seeing the politician's face calmly, the man tangled and said: "Do not give five hundred two, give two hundred and two."

Although the mother and son moved out of Han Jiancheng's family on the same day because of Lushi, Han Jiancheng was good to him, and the political brothers always kept in mind.

The politician nodded and said, "Come in!"

When the words fell, I saw a red tray and came in.

The politician pointed at the five gold in the tray and said: "The capital of one or two gold in the capital can be exchanged for eleven silver. Each gold is twenty-two. You can go to the bank to exchange five hundred and fifty-two silver." Not worried that this person is cheating on him.

The man put a five-in-one piece of gold in the tray and took a bite in his mouth, making sure that all were true gold and then ecstatic. Now, this is down.

The political buddy asked, "What about the letter?"

The man came back and said, "My name is Ada, and I came to Beijing from Panshan."

When he finished, he took out a piece of paper from his sleeve: "This is a person named Aliu who gave it to me. He said that as long as I give this letter to you, you will give me five hundred and two silver. "The man swears that as long as the letter is sent here, the other party will give five hundred and two silver. The fortune is touching, and the five hundred and two silvers are not earned by him for the rest of his life. Thinking about it, if it is true, then it will be rich. With the money, he can buy a house after returning to his hometown, and then he will be married. If it is fake, it will cost nothing. Unexpectedly, he gambled to win.

After reading it, the political buddy crumpled the paper: "I said in the letter that he is now in the iron mine of Wangjia Town, Panshan? Is this true?" He did not follow Liaodong, how could it be in the iron ore mine? Dig the iron. The work on this iron ore is arduous and difficult, and it is not good to eat and not warm, and I don’t know how he is doing now.

Ah Da said: "Yes. I am a Tangshan native. I used to work in the iron ore mine." Ah Da was a soldier with no match. After being defeated, he was arrested. He wanted to escape and was arrested. He was sent to the iron. Mining iron.

Fortunately, the new management of the mine was his cousin who did not have five clothes, so he was released.

The politicians know that many people in the gold mines and iron mines are captured prisoners. He did not expect that he was taken prisoner and was sent to iron ore to dig iron.

A local general reported that he had settled down and said, "If there is anything, you can come to me." Although Ada looks awkward, he is not stupid. If you live in such a large house, there must be A powerful person. It is not an easy task to find him. Therefore, it is better to take the initiative to report to the home.

The politician did not let people leave, but said: "If you are willing to lead us, I can give you one hundred and two silver." Also because of the exact location, they can find people if they don’t take the road. . However, certainly not so fast.

You can earn one hundred and two silver with only one road. Ah Da has something unwilling: "Good! But I have to go back to my hometown first!" There is still an old mother at home, I don't know if I can still be safe now.

The politician asked the butler to take Ada’s rest and turn back to the backyard.

Yu Rong was restless and met with the political buddy and asked: "Is it true that you are a political person?"

The political buddy said: "With your handwriting, you should write it." The main thing is that the word is not written with a pen, but written with black charcoal, and it is still written on straw paper. Therefore, he does not dare to be absolutely certain.

Yurong’s tears came: “Don’t you go to Liaodong? How could it be in the iron ore?” Is the iron ore left? I don't know how much suffering I have suffered and how many crimes I have suffered.

The political buddy appeased: "Mother, as long as you live, it is better than anything." Last year, the emperor moved to Shengjing, but he heard that robbers and bandits were on the road, and many people were on the road. I am very lucky to be able to survive.

Yu Rong wiped his tears: "The politician, now the winter is cold, and I can't wait for a moment. I have to send someone to pick you up."

The political buddy also thinks like this: "Mother, let the two families go to winter!" The distressed moment did not abandon them in winter. After the peace settled, Yu Rong married the red tone to him. .

Yu Rong nodded.

The next day, Yu Dong took two people and went out to Panshan with Ada.

Time passed quickly, and Yuanxiao was released in a blink of an eye.

You brother said: "Mom, do you want me to go to the criminal department?" See Yuxi nodded, You Geer said with a bitter face: "Mother, I went to the criminal department is not the smallest, then what do they do when they bully me?" ”

Jujube and juggle laughed out: "Bully you? Are you the kind of bullying? Ayou, you don't want to go to the criminal department to find a better excuse."

You brothers hang their heads, although they are not afraid, but to go to the criminal department, he is really flustered.

Jujube jujube looks like a buddy, not happy: "Ayou, are you afraid? Ayou, the criminals are not tigers, what are you afraid of?"

Yuxi touched the head of Yougeer and said: "Don't be afraid. You just go to the criminal department to learn things. You can read more and listen more. If you don't want to intervene, you can't intervene. You can really look at you. You can ask you." As a friend, no one will bully him without long eyes.

Thinking about the previous things, You Geer regretted not to do it: "Mother, I have sinned before, how can he not teach me not to teach me?" Not teaching is a small matter, most afraid to train him.

Jujube dates and asks: "Ayou, when did you offend you, why don't I know?"

Liu Er also looked at Youge with a curious look.

Qi Hao said with a smile: "Ayou, Daxie will not be so small and intestines. Moreover, you didn't do anything when you were in Jiangnan on the same day." He didn't think that he had done the same thing on the day, because Han was then It’s really too extravagant. At that time, from the top to the bottom, from the advocacy of frugality, the work of the Governor’s Office seriously affected the atmosphere.

Yuxi laughed and said: "Ayou, you are a big belly chicken. You have something to ask him, he will teach you well, it will not hide. In addition, Jiangnan’s affairs are not well thought out. It’s thanks to you in time to correct it.”

You brother asked some unbelief: "Really?" It is not that Han Jianming is too narrow-minded to go with him. It is Yu Ge’s own guilty conscience.

Qi Hao laughed and said: "Hey is an adult, how can you pass a child with you?" The other brothers are princes, even if they are elders, they dare not give them a face, and it is even more impossible to wear them. Otherwise, the mother-in-law can't get through.

You Geer is most convinced of Qi Hao, and the other things in Jiangnan are also involved. So when I heard this, he really didn't worry: "Big brother, saying that I am a child, then are you also a child?"

Yuxi laughed and said: "You are all children." Only her children are precocious, all without children.

After talking about it, everyone is ready to go. Kaiyou stayed, and said to Kaihao and Jujube who looked at him: "You go first, I have something to say to my mother."

The house left two mothers and sons. Yuxi smiled and asked: "What? Tell me!"

"Mother, do you know about whitening cream?" Jujube dates have used this whitening cream for more than a month, a lot of white. You buddy saw this thing actually had this miraculous effect, and it was already itchy.

Yuxi’s savvy person laughed when he heard it: “How? Want a secret recipe for whitening cream?”

You brother did not hide, nodded and said: "Mother, you see this whitening effect is so good, take out and sell will definitely benefit a lot of people."

Yuxi Waner, this stinky boy is very likely to talk: "Are you afraid of pursuing your purse?"

"It can make money and make many women beautiful. Mother, such a good thing, you will definitely not object!" If this whitening cream is sold out, it must be earned!

I also did a decoration business. You know that this woman’s money is best earned. In addition to the decoration, there are clothes and rouge gouache best sold. As long as things are good, the price is no longer expensive.

Yuxi said with a smile: "Fangzi can also give you, but you must be in the penalty department. If it is not good, everything will be free."

"How long?" Hearing a year, You Geer said with a smile: "Okay, it is limited to one year. Mother, you have to give me more recipes!" The more secrets, the more The more you earn money!

"Look at your performance." Good things, it should be used together.

"Mother, rest assured, I must study hard." Even for his own purse, he will seriously learn.

After I paused, You Geer asked: "Mother, what are you doing lately? You can’t see people after eating, is there so much?"

"Being busy!" As for what happened, Yuxi did not say anything.

On the second day, Yu Geer went to the criminal department. When I came back in the evening, I went to find Qi Hao and excitedly told him that it was nearly half an hour.

Looking at the excitement of You Geer, Kai Hao’s heart moved. It seems that this criminal department is really right.

When the first month came out, the Han family was separated. Because they have left the clan, the separation is decided by Han Jianming and Han Jianye.

Han Jianming divided the family property into two, and the two brothers each got half.

After Han Jianye looked at the list, he strongly disagreed: "Big brother, these things are all earned by you. If I took it, I will be a good person."

Han Jianming has always been ignorant of money. It is also that he has not lost money since he was a child: "What is the income I earned? This money is earned by us together, so it should be divided equally." Han Jianye’s spoils and rewards are all included. In the public.

Han Jianye shook his head and said: "Big brother, I have a lot of money in my heart, and I have decided not to have so much." And my wife and children are in the house, which is also a big expense.

Seeing that Han Jianye is unwilling to live and die, Han Jianming can only let Qiu come out.

Qiu looked at Han Jianye and said: "In the past, the eldest son was inherited 70% of the family business, but the inheritance was basically passed down by the ancestors. Now this family business is earned by your brothers, you should divide ""

Han Jianye shook his head and said: "Mother, big brother, I have a title in the title, even if I can't separate the family, I can let Axiu and Jiashun have a good time."

Han Jianye is not saying that he wants to do it. He said that he has to get 30%. More, he is determined not to.

In the end, Han Jianming gave back one step: "Then you have 40%, I have 60%." Seeing Han Jianye still refuses, Han Jianming said with a black face: "If you treat me as a big brother, you will accept it."

Qiu also said: "Industry, your eldest brother has made concessions, and you should stop squatting."

Han Jianye still does not accept it.

Han Jianming has no choice but to make a killer: "Jianye, you have to think about it for me. If you only divide your family property, spread it out and let others see me? Do you want people to criticize me? "This temper, I don't know who it is."

When it comes to this, Han Jianye can only compromise.

After the property is divided, the second house will soon be moved out of the government office to move into the royal family of Dingyuan.

Qiu thought that the second room had to be moved away, and his mood was very low. When people are old, they like to have a family.

Lu Xiu saw a smile and said: "Mother, Ding Yuanbo is also a distance from the government office. Half of the street. If you send someone to say a word, I will come right away." After the family came to the government office, That is a guest. She does not have to mix and worry about the affairs of the National Government.

Qiu’s mood was a lot better when he heard this, but he still said; “It’s not convenient to live in the government.”

Before moving away, the two brothers had a deep talk. Han Jianye said: "Big brother, when I move into Dingbo, I am going to give the rites a slap in the face of the family." Jiashun is his eldest son, and the position of this world is not his own. It is also because Han Jianming did not ask for the seal of the world, so he has been pressing and not on the fold. But now I am separated, and I won’t be afraid of being a family.

Han Jianming is silent.

Han Jianye said: "Big brother, although Changgeer can be flat, but since ancient times, the eldest son has inherited his family business. If not, it is the root of the chaotic home." No rules are not square, if Han Jianming himself is chaotic, then the country The government will fight for the title.

After a pause, Han Jianye said: "Big Brother, I know that you want to ask Feng Huaer as a child, but the Queen Mother will not agree."

"I asked the Queen's opinion before, the Queen's Empress did not say anything." Obviously, Yuxi is not satisfied with Chang Geer. But after all, this is not the same, so Yuxi remains silent.

After that, Han Jianming said with a bitter smile: "Jianye, the government office handed him in his hands, I am afraid that when I am gone, the government office will be defeated. It took all my efforts to revitalize the door. When I arrived in Changge's generation, I lost. How can you make me happy?"

Han Jianye listened to this and immediately did not know what to say.

Ps: Sorry, it’s ten minutes late.

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