The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1442: Mawei

The eastern sky floated a white belly, and the earth gradually lighted up. ? Bayi Chinese Network W (eight) W (eight) W (eight). ? 8? 1? Z (a) W (eight). (1) C?O?M

Jujube dates are awakened by the sound of a bird gar. When I opened my eyes, I saw the golden jade lying next to me. I couldn’t help but sip a bite.

Jin Jinyu also woke up, watching the jujube dates and remembering what happened last night, his face was a little red: "The big princess..." Jin Jinyu is really a piece of white paper, and the couple's affairs are not at all confusing. Last night, it was completely jujube and took the initiative.

Pinch the ears of Jinyu, and raise the brows of the jujubes; "How come the princess, how did you tell you last night? Um..."

"Hey." Jujube dates hope that Jin Jinyu can call her unique, so let him call himself awkward.

Looking at the skin of the golden jade, such as satin, the date of the jujube is tight, waiting for something to do, the voice of Aunt Zhang outside will ring.

"The big princess, 驸马爷, it's time to get up." After the meeting, I took a shower, combed the makeup, and the sky was bright.

Although it is said that the status of jujube is not afraid later, it is not good at all.

Jin Yu got up and said: "The big princess, I will give tea to the goddess, let's get up!" Tea for the in-laws, this is what every daughter-in-law will do when she enters the door.

Anyway, I moved to the Princess House three days later, and when I want to sleep, I will be able to sleep. Thinking of this, the jujube has endured.

Zhang Aunt looked at the jujube and the golden jade look normal, and the heart suddenly fell down.

After the shower, the jujube looked at the clothes holding the hands of the ink, and said: "Will you wear a skirt?" She really didn't want to wear a skirt, and she didn't panic.

Zhang Aunt said with a smile: "To see my in-laws today, I still have to wear a skirt. In the future, you want to wear whatever you want." Yuxi made three sets of skirts for the jujube, letting her wear in the first three days.

Jujube dates down and there is no objection.

The people of the family gathered in the main hall from the dawn of the sky. I could wait for a while and didn't wait for people.

Xiao Fang said with a smile: "Hey, mother, is it time to send someone to look at it?" It’s almost time to use early breakfast. If you don’t come, you can’t always wait for them!

He said with a blank expression: "If you don't want to wait, you can go back to the house!" He is now more and more suspected of this daughter-in-law. I knew that I didn’t let her enter the door that day. I regret now, and it’s too late.

As he spoke, Her mother came in from the outside and said with a smile: "Master, my wife, the big princess and the second master." This is a name, not awkward.

After a while, the jujube and the Jin Jinyu entered the hall together.

Jujube is dressed in a large red woven gold phoenix waist dress, stilted with a sorghum, wearing a nine-tailed red gold point emerald ruby ​​phoenix, graceful and luxurious.

As for Jin Jinyu, he wore a royal blue robe. There are no patterns on the robes, and they are very plain. However, in this way, the more it is lining up the golden jade and the gods like jade.

Jin Jinbo only glanced at the jujube when he entered the door, then immediately dropped his eyes and covered all the emotions.

Jujube dates to the middle of the room and stands still, and his face looks ugly and looks at Fang.

Jin Jinyu was a bit strange, and asked softly about the date: "The big princess, what happened?" Hey, just a private name. Outside, he is still called the jujube grand princess.

Jujube dates a bit strangely looked at Jin Jinyu and asked: "You didn't think it was wrong?"

Jin Jinyu swept the middle of the room, his face stunned.

Jujube smiled, turned to look at the wide and Fang, and asked: "Where is the adult, where is this palace?" After that, the jujube smiled and pointed to the two empty positions on the left side: " Why, this is where you left me?"

The elders are respected, not to mention the parents of Jin Jinyu. She was sitting on top with Fang, and she had nothing to say. But on the left, there are three mothers and daughters, and on the right, Ji Niang and his three children. Let her sit in the last position with Jin Jinyu, this face is really big.

When I realized that it was wrong, I immediately stood up and said: "The big princess is angry. We used to sit like this, so I didn't think much. In neglect, please ask the big princess for forgiveness."

Yuxi’s eyes flashed in a weird color, and stared at the wide open question: “I used to sit like this?” Then, look at the woman on the right. Needless to say, she also knows that this is Ji Ji Niang.

I was so watched by the jujube, I don’t know why I feel a lot of pressure: "Yes."

Jujube and jujube laughed and said nothing, and said to Jin Jinyu: "Let's go, we enter the palace."

Jin Jinyu lost, I don't know what is going on. It was still good before entering the door, but it turned into a face.

Fang has just been on the wall, but the office is eager to stand up and say: "The big princess, you have to use the breakfast before you go to the palace!"

Ji Yu Niang and Jin Jinbo and others all stood up.

The other party, jujube or jujube still left the face: "No, we go to the palace to eat." Then, she is afraid that she can't control her temper.

Although Jin Jinyu does not understand why, she also knows that jujube is not a person without innocence. There was no hesitation at all, and went out with the date.

Looking at the jujubes and simply went out, the house fell into a strange silence.

After a while, I screamed and said: "Who is the location?" Obviously, the big princess is annoyed by the improper arrangement of the location.

Fang’s face flashed a sigh of relief: “Is this not what you asked for?”

At the beginning of the day, Ji Yanniang sat on the right side, and Fang’s disagreement. It is a pity that it is useless. Fang's decision can't be changed. Over time, everyone will become accustomed to it. Of course, if the jujube is not so eager to listen to Jin Yuyu yesterday, then it will not be like this.

邬 语 语 。.

Ji Yanniang said with a look: "Master, they are all embarrassed. If you don't come out with Jinbo Jinshi, you won't make the big princess angry."

邬金珠 annoyed: "Mother, what does this have to do with you? To blame and blame, I have not arranged the seat."

Xiao Fang’s bitter face said: "It’s the fault of the daughter-in-law." There is no explanation. Because she knew that the more she explained the public anger, the more angry she was.

Fang's sarcasm said: "It doesn't matter to you. A cockroach wants to sit in front of the big princess. It's a big face."

After listening to this, I asked with a blue face: "Are you deliberate?"

Fang Shi said very contemptuously: "I just deliberately. When the big princess gave us a gimmick when I visited the church yesterday, you really want her **** to be a generosity." If the princess is so good, she can become a collar. General of the soldiers.

Including the wide and wide, it is seen that there is a problem with the location arrangement. However, no one has proposed it and corrected it. Because everyone has their own big calculations.邬 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 想 想 想 想 想 想 想 想 想 想 想 想 想 想 想 想 想 想Ji Yu Niang is trying to see where the bottom line of jujube is. She thought at the time that if the date was unhappy, she immediately apologized and gave up the position. I did not expect that jujube dates go directly.

He was so sullen and full of anger: "The big princess is annoyed, what good is it for you and me?"

"It's not good for me, but it doesn't hurt." She is not so good, she used to be strong. I originally wanted to endure the separation, but I can’t stand it anymore. Turning his face turned his face, and when he was too big, he moved to the Princess House with his son.

First, the son rebelled, and now it is the turn of Fang’s name. It’s going to be crazy all the time.

Ji Yanniang was busy with the past and gave her a sigh of relief: "Master, can't be angry, gas hurts." Master can't have an accident. The lord has a long and two short, Jin Bo is still not an adult, and Fang will not abuse them.

Jin Jinbo also stood up and said: "Hey, now I have to think about how to make the big princess gas."

After glanced at Fang's, he walked out with a big step, and Ji Xianniang followed Jinbo and so on.

Xiao Fang also stood up and said: "Mother, then I took the music and went to breakfast."

Looking at Xiao Fang’s back, Fang’s face leaned on the chair and asked: “You said that I am staying in the house for Jin Bao, is it worth it?” I don’t know what Xiao Fang’s said to Jin Bao. During this time, Jinbao was not writing to Fang. Now she is obviously in a bad mood, but Xiao Fangshi not only does not come up to comfort her, but instead takes the child away. For a time, Fang was somewhat disheartened.

Her mother said: "Mrs., you write to the young master to tell him about your difficulties, he will certainly understand you." With Fang's so many years, how can I not know that she can't let Jin Bao and two grandchildren. She now encourages Fang to go to the Princess House, which is useless.

Seeing Fang’s hesitation, He’s mother continued to persuade: “Mrs. How can this mother and child have an overnight vengeance? The young master is stubborn and unwilling to take it soft. Mrs., you take the initiative to write a letter to the young master.” Xiao Fang’s and Ji Yuniang She couldn't accommodate her, so Her mother really wanted Fang to go to the Princess House, so she didn't have any worries. Selfish she knows that Fang will not go.

"Don't write." She was so worried about her eldest son that the result was because his wife had to provoke a few words, and even the letter did not write to her. Now she still needs to be soft, she can't do it.

Her mother said: "Mrs. Why are you?" Don't bow now, there will always be a day to bow.

The four mothers of Ji Yanniang returned to the Xiangliyuan, and Jin Jinzhu couldn’t wait to say: "Mother, will the big princess enter the court and let the emperor punish us?"

Ji Yanniang shook her head and said: "No. The emperor's emperor has a lot of things, and he will not care about such trivial matters."

After that, Ji Yanniang asked Jin Shi to go back to his room with Jin Jinzhu. She wants to have a good talk with Jin Bo.

"Golden wave, you saw it just now. The big princess is not a good person." Yesterday, he squatted down to the old man, and today he turned his face. To provoke her, I really don’t know what will happen.

Jin Jinbo laughed and said: "Mother, the big princess did not put us in the eyes. In her eyes, I was afraid that we were ants." Disdain or disgust, but they are a few big The living person is being used as nothing, which makes the heart-warming Jin Jinbo unable to accept.

Ji Yanniang said: "For the big princess, we are indeed ants, a few ants that can be pinched to death at any time. Jin Bo, you must dispel the thought. Otherwise, we will be dead."

This is really true of jujube dates. Although the expensive is golden branches and leaves, jujube dates never kill innocent people. But for those who hate it, she chooses to ignore it.

Silence for a long time, Jin Jinbo said: "I listen to my mother." In fact, he did not give up at all, just did not want Ji Ji Niang to worry about it.

Out of the government, Jin Jinyu took the carriage with the date. At this time, Jin Yucai asked: "Hey, are you angry for the position?"

"A mother-in-law is actually sitting on it, she is more honorable than your nephew!" Jujube dates very little against the big red pillow, took a clean strawberry in the mouth, and said after eating. "I used to be unable to control it, but now I still want to climb on my head. I have to see if she has this face." She is disgusted with Ji Yanniang, but she hates it.

Jin Jinyu hesitated and asked: "The big princess, a position, not so serious?"

"It’s more serious than you think. Since ancient times, it’s not the east wind that overwhelm the west wind, or the west wind overwhelm the east wind. Ji Yanniang has suppressed your mother in the family, and Jin Jinbo and the Jinshi brothers are even higher than you! Do you think they are willing to fall under you?" Not waiting for Jin Yu to open, jujube said: "No one wants to be subordinated. If this continues, Jin Jinbo will definitely want to replace your brothers."

Jin Jinyu lived, and thought about the next date and said: "Hundred, he looked at my eyes when carrying people, full of resentment and unwillingness."

Hearing this, there was a murderous murder in the eyes of the jujube: "You should pay more attention to the shogunate in the future, and don't take his calculations." Only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no reason for a thousand days to prevent thieves. It seems that we need to find an opportunity to play Jin Jinbo far away, so that it will not harm Jinyu.

When I saw Yuxi, I had a bitter face and said: "Mother, is there any food in the kitchen? I am starving to death."

"Don't eat breakfast?" Seeing jujube nodded, Yuxi told Meilan to go to the kitchen to eat, and then asked: "What happened?"

Jujube dates will simply say: "Mother, I am so big or the first time I see such a ruleless person." Han Jianming also has a scorpion. Only if the general family feast is not present, it is calculated that they are all standing behind the main mother. As for the blind man, it is under the guise. Today’s family’s affairs have really refreshed her three views.

Yuxi didn't want to evaluate the things of his family. He just smiled and said: "No rules are not square. You shouldn't be so messy in your house."

Afraid of Jin Yuyu is not comfortable, Yuxi transferred the topic: "Jin Yu, what do you like to eat? I let the kitchen do it for you."

Yunqing is not there, and Jin Jinyu is more comfortable: "Nothing can be." He is not picky eaters, what is he to eat.

Jujube dates ask: "Why are you doing things in the dry house?" Otherwise, it won't come out for a long time.

"Well, there is a military report sent in front." After finishing, Yuxi explained: "I don't know if you will come so soon, so I will let you deal with it first. After half an hour, you will follow Kaihao." They will come over." Who can think of jujube dates without breakfast?

Ps: There is something today. Sorry, I have kept you waiting.

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