The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1443: Grace

Jujube and Sui Jinyu just sat down to prepare for breakfast, and Liuer came over. Bayi? Chinese network? W? W (a) W (a). (1) 8?1ZW. COM

Yuxi said with a smile: "Let your big sister eat first, if there is anything to wait for the meal, then ask."

Liu Er can only endure the doubts of the next stomach.

After using the breakfast, Jin Jinyu said carefully: "After the mother, I want to go to Master Yu." Master Yu, now responsible for the flowers and trees of the Royal Garden.

Liu Er is stunned. In the eyes of this big brother-in-law, it is more important to explore the skills of raising flowers and raising grass than to see the father-in-law.

Yuxi hasn't opened yet, and the date is vetoed. He said, "No. I am going to come to Ah Hao and they will come and see you. When do you think about it?" He was not satisfied with Jin Jinyu, etc. When I come, I don’t see anyone afraid to open up.

"Then I will wait." In fact, he is Yunyun, and some want to escape. It’s just that the date is not allowed, and he can only endure it.

When the words fall, I listen to a strong footstep outside. Don't ask, you know that it is Yunqing.

Looking at the jujube spirit is very good, Yunqing nodded and said: "Is everything going smoothly yesterday?"

Jin Jinyu is a little nervous.

Jujube said with a smile: "It’s very smooth. Hey, you are waiting to hold your granddaughter!" The album that her mother sent was really too powerful.

The face of Jin Jinyu is instantly red like the monkey's buttocks.

"Cough, cough, cough..." This is too fierce, and Yunqing was taken over by the Lord.

Yuxi gave the Yunqing a smooth breath, while licking the jujube and saying: "You can't talk well? Let you make a good meal, I unveiled your skin."

Jujube jujube busy water to Yunqing: "Hey, I can't help, I will pay attention later. Hey, you drink."

Yunqing is so good and funny.

Jin Jinyu stood aside and looked at the interaction of jujube and Yunqing with envy. In his memory, he is not a jealousy, he is beaten, he has never laughed at him, and he does not care about him.

Yunqing said with a smile: "Since everything is fine, then I will go back to the Qing government to handle government affairs." A lot of things have accumulated in the last two days, and now I have to work overtime to solve it.

"Hey, I still have something to say to my mother!" It means that Yunyun can go, Yuxi can't.

"That, let your mother stay." After that, Yunqing said with a smile to Yan Jinyu: "A Hao, they will give it to the meeting, and let Ahao talk to you." No more, now They are already married and can only accept it.

Jin Yu was somewhat flattered and busy: "Okay."

After Yunyun left, Yuxi said with a smile: "Jinyu, don't you say you want to go to Master Yu? Let the ink scent take you there!" Jin Jinyu and Kaihao several brothers estimated that there is no topic, not yet Let him do what he likes.

Jin Jinyu looked at the jujube, and when he saw the jujube nod, he smiled and said: "Xie mother."

Jujube dates to Meilan: "Send someone to go to Kaihao Axuan and say, let them come back to dinner at noon."

After Liu Er and other Jin Yu left, he asked: "Big sister, what happened? Why didn't you have breakfast at home? Are they bullying you?"

"There is no bullying, but there are some rules. Before the mother said that the wife is not the root of the chaotic family, I have a deep understanding of it now." The family is not the wife and the wife, regardless of whether they are indiscriminate. Upper eye.

Liu Er listened to the story of jujube, and it was speechless. Do not say go out to be a guest, that is, at home, jujube dates are sitting next to Yuxi. After a while, Liu Er asked Yu Xi: "Mother, this adult has not been so confused before!" If it is so confused, it will not be as big as the business in Jiangnan.

"Just see the jujube date to give them a hoe, I want to try again, see where her bottom line is!" After that, Yuxi smiled and looked at the jujube and said: "If you give them today,跪 茶 tea, and then no disagreement on the location of the arrangement, then they must let you live in the government." Later requirements will be more and more.

Jujube and jujube have some regrets: "I knew that I shouldn’t give them a gimmick yesterday." I also thought about the fact that Fang’s parents were after all, and the three heads should be. Unexpectedly, I let these people think that she is a good temper and wants to pinch her.

The past is no longer useful. Yuxi said: "Yu Jinyu is extremely filial to Fang, you go back and make up this cup of tea." As for the wide, still forget. Anyway, Jin Jinyu does not care about this 爹, jujube dates can be ignored.

"Good!" Family, Jin Yu also cares about her mother. Looking at the golden jade, she will also be good to her mother. Moreover, her mother-in-law is a clear person and not difficult to get along with.

After the meal, the jujube said: "Mother, I want to move to the Princess House today." She really didn't want to live in her family.

"These trivial things don't need to ask me, do what you want." However, Yuxi reminded the jujube: "If Fang lived in the princess, you can't let her work."

Jujube nodded and said: "Mother, you can rest assured, I have a sense of proportion." Fang Shi came to the Princess House, she will be delicious and delicious, other things can not be done.

“What else is there to tell me?” Seeing the jujube and shaking his head, Yuxi smiled and said: “I’m going to the royal study room when I’m fine. These days, busy with your marriage, the folds are piled up.”

There is nothing wrong with jujube and jujube, and those who are bad at home can solve it themselves without having to worry about Yuxi.

After lunch, the jujube and the golden jade returned to the house. First go to the main courtyard to see Fang's, and by the way, make this cup of daughter-in-law tea.

After the party’s drinking tea, the jujube said: “When we move, we will move to the princess house. If you live here, if you live here, you can move to the princess to live.”

Fang hesitated and said: "Princess, today is the first day of the wedding, moving to the Princess House is not safe. Princess, can you go two days."

After that, Fang Shi looked at Jin Jinyu.

Jin Jinyu said: "Mother, if you want to miss me, you can send someone to say it to me. I will come back to see you when I arrive."

In addition to Fang's, he has no feelings for the rest of the family. Among them, including his two nephews. This can not blame Jin Yu, Jin Jinbao and Xiao Fangshi feel that Jin Jinyu only knows that raising flowers and grasses has no interest, and does not let the two children get close to him. Even if you are a pro-uncle, you can never get along with one day, and where you come from.

Fang listened to this and didn't persuade him: "Then you have to come back often to see me."

Jin Jinyu nodded: "Good!"

Afterwards, he knew about it and shouted to Fang’s: "I will move to the Princess House on the first day of marriage, and what do you think of us when we go out?"

Fang’s sarcasm said: “Then you go to the big princess and Jin Yu!” If she didn’t want to guard the family business for her eldest son, she would like to move with her.

"You want to disperse this home, are you satisfied?" Now that the other side is getting more and more dissatisfied, not only has the temper become bigger, but also has no good face for him.

From knowing that she was squatting in the south of Jiangnan and giving birth to a child, she died. I used to breathe, but it was for my grandchildren. Now Jin Jinyu does not need her to worry, and Jin Jinbao has done such a thing to hurt her heart, and Fang will no longer have any concerns.

Fang’s sneer said: “This family has long been scattered.” Each has its own calculations, which is a family.

He is too arrogant, but he can't help Fang. If he is mad at Fang, Jin Yu will definitely find him desperately.

Back to the flower garden, Mo Xiang and others began to pack things. Seeing Jin Jinyu standing in front of the window, the jujube came over and asked softly: "Is it reluctant? If it is reluctant, then we will move in two days?"

Yan Jinyu shook his head and said: "There is nothing to be reluctant, that is, I worry that my mother will be alone here." At home, he can also chat with his mother. When he is gone, the mother wants to find someone to talk and chat!

Jujube dates ask inexplicably: "How come? You dare with two nephews? Will they not accompany their mother-in-law?" I want her aunt, the grandmother is warm and cold, and there will be nothing to accompany the chat. Now that the second aunt moved out, she was replaced by a big watch.

When she mentioned Xiaofang, Jin Jinyu coldened her face: "She is going to go to my big brother all day long, but I am afraid that she will follow the big brother and not agree."

Jujube dates and said: "The husband and wife are separated for a long time, and it is really bad. If you tell me something, let her go to your eldest brother."

Jin Jinyu is hesitant.

Jujube dates are funny: "Where is your big brother, you will be taken badly. Besides, you have gone to your brother, and the two children are left to take care of their mother-in-law. Something can be done, and they will not think about those." Not happy."

This idea is good, but Jin Jinyu is worried that Xiao Fang will take the two children.

Jujube and jujube laughed and said: "You can really stay. Two children are studying, can the husband of this state be compared with the capital? Unless you dare not want your son to have a good future, the children will be left behind." Moreover, if she does not agree, she is not allowed to go to your eldest brother. Choose one of them, and see how she chooses."

Jin Jinyu nodded and said: "I will go and talk to you later." He did not mix these things before. Speaking of Jin Jinyu's temper, there is actually some cold feelings. People who care about him will put it in his heart. If he doesn't care, he will be nothing.

Pulling the hand of Jin Jinyu, the jujube smiled and said: "This matter, after the separation, mention it later!"

I don’t know if Jin Jinyu didn’t listen to him, and I didn’t come from it. Therefore, the husband and wife both packed up their personal clothes and went to the Princess House.

When the husband and wife go to the Princess House, they naturally come to say goodbye to Fang.

The son has to leave his side and think about it. Fang’s red eyes shouted: “You and your husband and wife should respect each other and love each other, don’t quarrel for small things.”

Jin Jinyu just nodded.

The Princess House is just two seconds away from the government. I want Jin Yu to come and visit at any time. I don’t understand why it’s different from life. Jujube thought this way, but did not say it: "Mother, if you want to get empty, come to the Princess House for a few days."

After the husband and wife left, Fang said: "I hope that the big princess can give birth to the child as soon as possible." Long ago, she knew that Jin Yu had some cold feelings, but the date was placed on the apex of his heart. Therefore, she has been worried that if the date is a case, the son will not be able to follow. And with children, it is equal to care, even if there is no fear.

"Mrs., you think about it. The big princess is the general who leads the war and fights. It doesn't have to be charged." This is equal to the big princess going to war, and there is no danger of life.

"When you fight, how can you be 100% safe?" This is true, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and everything can be born.

As he spoke, Ying He ran into the face with excitement and said: "Wife, there is a sacred purpose, the lord asked you to change clothes to pick up the sacred purpose."

"Quickly let people ask the big princess to come back with Jin Yu." This must be the implied decree of the golden jade.

Except for Fang’s prediction, this time it was not a reward for the golden jade, but a wide reward.

It was sealed as a first-class baron and hit three generations.

After the sacred rites are finished, I am very excited. After receiving the imperial edict, he shouted: "My emperor is long lived."

Ji Yu Niang is not qualified to appear in such a room, but Jin Jinbo is with Jinshi Stone. The two of them saw that the reward was wide and they could not help themselves. Although the title has nothing to do with them, but the status of the family is high, they naturally rise.

Xiao Fang is also happy, her husband is the eldest son, and this title must be passed to them later. Although the baron is the lowest of the titles, it is one day and one more than before. After going out, others will honor her as a lady.

The official who sent away the decree, said that he would put the sacred sacred on the incense case and said: "Send someone to ask the princess and the hummer to come back for dinner at night."

As a result, the people who sent them returned.

Yan Shumo said: "Master, the second master said that it is not necessary to eat, he will come back when he is separated."

If you have a good mood, you will not have one thing: "The birth of such a barrier is to collect debts." From small to large, Jin Jinyu did not kiss him. But I was afraid of him before, but now I ignore him.

If you are in a bad mood, you will not go back to the main courtyard, but go directly to the pear garden. On the one hand, he is an old wife who sneers at him and does not put him in his eyes. On the other hand, it is a gentle and pleasant explanation. It is self-evident.

Her mother came in and said to Fang: "Mrs., the second master said that he would not come back for dinner. The master knew that he was not happy and went to the pear garden."

Fang’s hand holding the beads fell, then continued to turn the beads.

Her mother hesitated and said: "Madam, you can't keep up with the lord! If the master passes the title to the three young masters in the future, what can I do when I get there?" may.

Fang Shi dismissed: "Even if he wants, this thing can't be done. The title of the title is not that he has the final say, and the emperor agrees to become a master." Not to mention that Jin Yu is a Hummer, only that the Queen is tired of the room and the scorpion. It is impossible to agree.

Her mother was relieved and said: "When the season, I convinced the lord not to be separated, what should I do? Or, the lord thinks that Ji Ji Niang and the three young masters have been wronged and secretly gave them a sum of money. Make compensation.” The more money Ji Xianniang has at hand, the more unfavorable they are.

"He wants to be beautiful." But when he said this, the beads in his hands obviously turned faster than before.

He Ma did not continue to talk. She only needs to remind Fang, how to do it is Fang's business.

Ps: It will be added today, it will not be very late, everyone will see it tomorrow!

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