The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1444: Good deeds

The sky is gray, just like the mood of Ji Yanniang at the moment. ?八一中文网W=W≠W. 81ZW. COM is today the day of separation from the government. As the mother said before, Ji Niang did not want to separate. It is a pity that no matter how she said, she did not change her mouth and said that she would not be separated.

Although he is a spoiled wife, he is not really confused. At this point, if he said that he would not be separated, Fang would definitely be overwhelmed. If you are not afraid before, now he has scruples when he has a title. If it is a joke, it will be taken over by the imperial history. When the title is taken back, what should I do? This is what he has worked for so many years.

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"Good!" Jin Bo has not yet married, and Jin Shi is still sullen, and now it is very unfavorable for three children to be separated. However, she is reluctant, and she has no choice but to change her mind.

On this day's breakfast, I had nothing to eat with Ji Yanniang and others. Fang Fang, also eats not as happy. If it weren't for the widening of the season, she wouldn't want to be separated from the family. After the separation, Jinyu will be harder to come back later. If she does not separate her family, she can let Jin Yu come back to live after the big princess goes to war.

More than half of the time, the jujube and the golden jade came over. This time, the jujube is wearing a purple-red brocade silk robes. The four-clawed dragon embroidered on the robe is very powerful.

Everyone saw Qi Qichang face.

Asked carefully and carefully: "Princess, your clothes, is the emperor and the queen prepared for you?" Generally only the emperor can wear a robe embroidered with four-jawed dragons.

In fact, I also guessed that this dress was prepared by the empress of the emperor, and the princess was not so daring. However, it is still safe to confirm.

"It was my mother who prepared for me, what happened? Is there a problem?" Jujube dates like a man, so it is easy to move. If the embroidered phoenix on the clothes is not the same, it is better to embroider the golden dragon, so it is more powerful to wear on the body.

Of course, no problem, the higher the date of jujube, the better for them. He said widely: "The big princess, please come to the seat." This time, the last two positions are empty.

There is no hesitation in the jujube, go to the left position and sit down. Jin Jinyu hesitated and sat down.

He said to the crowd: "There are six shops in the capital, two houses, twenty fields of Liangtian, and 600,000 silver. Two thousand two are given to Jinzhu as dowry, and the other Jinbao and Jinyu are divided into four. Cheng, Jin Bo and Jin Shi are each one." This distribution is fair. In general, the scorpion is only about 10% of the property.

Xiao Fang’s reluctance, boldly said: “Who is the eldest son who inherits 70% of the industry, why can we only get 40%?” Jin Jinyu occupies such a big bargain, and now has to produce so many products. She is not willing.

Jin Jinyu immediately said; "Da, I don't..."

When the jujube breaks the words of Jin Jinyu, he smiles and says: "So, Dahao is not satisfied?"

If Xiao Fang does not directly pick up the date, he just said: "This is not the rule."

"I also feel that I am not in compliance with the rules." After that, jujube and jujube looked at the wide, smiled and said: "My mother often said that no rules are not a square. Hey adults, everything is still in accordance with the rules!"

Fang’s thought that if Jin Yuyu said that he did not want a family property, he immediately did not speak.

I asked Ku Jinyu: "Golden jade, if you follow the rules, you will only account for 20% of the eldest son."

Jin Jinbo heard this and suddenly became young. Jin Jinbao got 70%, and Jin Jinyu took 20%. So he and the Jinshi Stone together can only make up one. Although he is confident that he can earn more money by his own ability, he can be bullied in this way.

Jin Jinyu originally did not want this property, and he did not disagree.

After re-allocation of the industry, I asked everyone: "Is there no objection now?" After that, I also looked at Xiaofang's deliberately. This is warning that Xiaofang is not allowed to talk too much.

Xiao Fang’s own thoughts, and there will be disagreements.

At this time, Fang opened: "Wangnan's Buzhuang and two tea gardens, as well as twenty-five farmland and three houses, why not included?" She did not know all about the vast industry, but most of them were also clear.

After a while, he said: "There must always be an entry in the house. Moreover, Jinbao and Jinyu will not operate." If anything is divided, what should he eat in the future? I can’t always ask for money from my son.

Jujube dates are open at this time: "I don't want to run, I can find people who know it! Just like my mother doesn't understand the astrology, she doesn't understand it. It doesn't matter if the supervisor of Qin Tianjian knows it." She doesn't like it. Drinking tea, you can also know that the tea garden is the hen that will lay eggs. The family properties that I just divided are not worth two tea gardens. Not willing, but also said to be separated, do not know what medicine to sell in the wide gourd.

It’s all mad, but he still said with anger: “When I die, the two buzhuangs and the two tea gardens will each have one Jinbao Jinyu. Now, I am in charge.”

Jujube has no objection to this. It is not easy to find someone who knows how to trust and trust: "The industry in Jiangnan can be managed by you first, but you have to give us the dividend." For the jujube of love, such a large pen Money, how can I let go.

If this is what other people say, it will be a long time ago. Unfortunately, he did not have the courage to jujube dates: "Good. Give you 20% bonus every year."

Bargaining is the strength of jujube dates: "Three percent." 30% of the dividends in the two tea gardens, how come there are tens of thousands of silver in one year.

For this ancestor, you can only compromise.

Xiao Fang feels that he has suffered a loss, and he has taken the rules to say things: "According to the rules, the second uncle can only get 20%."

Jujube and jujube said like a smile: "That is the case, I don't want to go to the jade industry, I will give it to you." This big aunt, at first glance, is insatiable.

Xiao Fang certainly wants all the property, but she is not stupid, how dare to say this. Annoyed the big princess, the family feared that she could not stay.

Pulling a smile, Xiao Fang said: "The big princess is laughing, how can you want your industry, then I am a person."

Jujube dates on the chair and does not speak again.

Fang Shi took a look at Jin Jinbo and 邬金石, and said: "According to the rules, you can not have private property. Ji Xianniang in the East Street and North Street two shops, as well as the suburbs of the Grange, have to withdraw. ”

The gilt stone is still small, does not understand this, and does not have an opening. Instead, it is a golden pearl, annoyed: "Mrs., the shop and the field are the dowry of my mother."

Fang Shi dismissed the road; "The family was so poor that they couldn't open the pot at the time. How could it be possible to have money to give you a dowry?" Because Ji's family was lost, Ji Yanniang would do a lot of work.

Ji Yu Niang is because there is ample money on hand, which is the wave in the house.

Fang’s attitude is very firm and he said: “The shop and the farm must be taken out.” As for the money in the hands of Ji Yanniang, it’s not coming back.

The eyes wide open and the fire is coming out.

Jin Jinbo said: "Hey, family and everything, don't quarrel with silver money. Money can be earned again, and the family can't buy it."

Jujube dates to hear this, turned to look at Jin Jinbo. Little young, my mind is quite deep.

The wife and the nephew sweared for money to force him, but the scorpion was filial and intimate, and he pleaded for him. When I was moved, I was so moved, and I was determined to make it better for Ji Ji Niang and Jin Bo in the future.

After finishing the family, the jujube stood up and said: "Nothing else, the palace went back to Jinyu." She was not willing to stay in her house for half a moment.

Yukuo said: "Tomorrow, the government will host guests, but also ask the big princess to come over." Jujube is their signature. If the dates are not coming, their faces will not look good.

Fang also helped to talk. If the jujube and Jinyu do not appear, what would others think about how to see the family! For the eldest son, she also asked the jujube to come over.

I glanced at the golden jade and saw him nod. The jujube smiled and nodded and said, "Good!"

After walking and leaving, he took Jinbo’s three brothers out and went to see Fang’s eyes. The behavior of today’s way is to completely anger the singularity.

Fang’s holding the beads is tight.

Xiao Fang’s mood is excellent. Although not all the two tea gardens were returned to her, it was much better than expected: "Mother, let's go back!" After that, I went forward and wanted to go to Fufang.

Fang avoided the hand of Xiao Fangshi and said, "Let's go back and take care of it!" Then he got up and went back to the main courtyard.

On the carriage, Jin Jinyu said: "Hey, I don't want to go to the home industry. Hey, let's give these industries to our big brother!"

Jujube smiled and asked: "Why don't you want these industries?" Her brain didn't get into the water, how could hundreds of thousands of silvers be given to Xiaofang.

He actually didn't want to make a lot of money, but he couldn't say anything about it: "Without the money, we are doing very well."

Jujube dates are seen, shaking his head and saying: "If you give this money to you, they will not appreciate you, they will only feel that they deserve it." No wonder why Xiao Fangshi went abroad. . As for the virtue of death and money, going to a foreigner will definitely bring disaster.

Jin Jinyu grabbed the hand of jujube and said: "Whatever they think, I don't want this money. Hey, we don't need money, just give it to Big Brother!"

Jujube said with a smile: "If you really don't want this money, then we can take it to do good deeds."

I thought about it, the jujube said: "The children of the charity hall and the women in the almshouse are not enough to wear and are not warm, and they are ill and have no money to heal. Instead of giving this money to your brother, it is better to help these. The person you need."

Seeing Jin Yuyu hesitating, jujube said: "Jin Yu, this is a matter of merit. Why do you disagree? Buddha said that saving lives is a victory for the seven-level floating squad. We have to donate these money, I don't know if I can save it. How many lives are there?"

Upon hearing this, Jin Jinyu no longer hesitated and nodded and said, "Well, listen to you."

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