The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1445: Will try

I will try three consecutive tests, three days each, and take a day off in the middle. August 1? Chinese W=W≠W=. ≤81ZW. COM

This time, Enke is open to select the right talents to use. Yunqing and Yuxi attach great importance to it.

In a blink of an eye, the test will be over. The six officials selected by Ling Tongpu and Mu Jingsi began to read the papers.

On this day, Liu Er invited Cui Wei into the palace and asked her to frown. "What happened?" The marriage period has been fixed, and there should be no more changes.

He said: "A policeman fell ill. Listen to my mother said that after the second game, it would be uncomfortable." How can Jiang Yizheng give up when he is at the door. Even if he is not comfortable, he still chooses to continue to take the test. After he finished the test, he fainted and was carried out by the soldiers of the examination room.

Yu Rong saw Jiang Yizheng, who was burned by people, and was almost scared to death.

In the memory, Jiang Yizheng’s body is indeed a bit thin. Liu Er asked: "Nothing serious?"

Cui Yuqing said fortunately: "Fortunately, Jiangfu has already invited the doctor, and this has not delayed the disease. If you don't ask the doctor, you will be delayed." No one knows what will happen.

"Please ask the doctor first? Does the aunt know that the political cousin will fall ill?" This is too much for the prophet.

Liu Er is very confused.

Cui Wei shook his head and said: "I also know now that every time I try, I will fall ill. Some people even fainted directly in the examination room, and they have to be lifted out of the examination room."

Liu Er was very puzzled and asked: "How can this be?" One or two of the bodies are not well ill, but the big ones are not quite right.

"You can only wear a single coat when you take the test. You can't wear cotton jackets and big hair clothes. The quilt is thin. You have to stay in it for three days and only eat raw food. There are several people who can stand up in nine days." Cui Wei did not know the imperial examination. It will be so difficult. After understanding, it also felt incredible.

Liu Er was very surprised to say: "How come?" It is too exaggerated to wear a single coat. The days of mid-March are still relatively cool. In the evening, she still has the quilt!

"Who said it is not! I heard that the township test is also like this." Only this time the township test is scheduled for October, the weather is still hot, so it is not so obvious.

Liu Er asked: "Would you like to let the doctors go to Jiangfu to see the political cousin?" The medical skills of the Tai doctor are definitely better than the doctors invited by Jiang.

Cui Wei was not polite, nodded and said: "More two princesses." Tai doctor's medical skills are superb, certainly better than Jiang Fu's doctor.

Liu Er is in charge of the palace, and it is only a matter of words for the doctor to go to Jiang.

Yu Rong heard that the doctor came, and initially thought it was sent by Yuxi. When I knew that it was Cui Yu’s Liu, the mood was a bit complicated. A big daughter-in-law is very helpful to my son, but if you can't hold it, you can see your daughter-in-law's face live.

After hesitating for a long time, Yu Rong told the political buddy in the end: "Hey, this child is also interested." If she is not doing well with Cui Wei, the two are in conflict, the most difficult is the political brother. child. In order not to make the son difficult to do, still get along with Cui Wei. If she is strong, she will give up.

The politician ate the medicine and sweated, and the spirit was a little better than yesterday. I was delighted to hear that Cui Wei entered the palace for medical treatment. However, thinking about the exam, his mood has dropped: "Mother, I am afraid that the results of this exam will be bad."

"No, I will definitely be able to test the dimethyl." The political buddy is very solid, and Ling Tongpu can't say that he can make a mistake.

The political brother has no confidence in himself. This person is sick and negative emotions come up: "If the ranking is too bad, I would rather fall out of the list." It is now that he regrets it. He knew that he would not give up and give up. Falling the list is also stronger than the top three in the exam.

"Don't think about it, the most important thing for you now is to take good care of the disease. Others will come out after the results come out." After that, Yu Rong gave the politician a good horn: "Government, even if it is really the top three, you have to give it to your mother." Mother, you are such a child. You have to have a three long and two short mothers can not live."

The political buddy said very shyly: "Mother, it is the fault of the child, the child makes you worried."

"It doesn't matter if you can't be an official. As long as you are safe and healthy, your mother will be content." This is the true heart of Yu Rong. She has no big ambitions. As long as the child is safe and healthy, she does not care if she does not have a commandment.

The political brother nodded: "Mother assured, I will get better soon."

After drinking the medicine, the political brother fell asleep.

Before the dinner, Liu Er said that Jiang Yizheng fell ill with Yuxi and Yunqing: "Mother, I said that this candidate eats and drinks Lazarus in a small space that can't even turn around. Mother, this is really?"

Yuxi nodded.

"No wonder someone will faint in the examination room, and many people will fall ill after the exam." If it is replaced by her, it is estimated that it can not hold.

Yunqing does not agree with Liu Er’s words: "When you say it, these people are too bad. They were chased by enemy soldiers and hiding in the depths of the jungle. In order to avoid the enemy's pursuit, we If you are hungry, you will eat bark leaves and various raw meats; if you are cold, you will hold a piece of warmth. After half a month, the chasing soldiers will give up. Like this group of scholars, they died early. Hundreds of times, how many of your sisters and brothers."

You Geer looked at Yunqing very admiringly and asked, "Hey, what kind of meat have you eaten raw? Rabbit is still a blind man?"

"Some rabbits and scorpions eat that is good luck. Most of them are worms. If you want to catch a mouse or a snake, you can eat it." Some pick, grab what to eat.

Looking at the face of the Liuer, Yuxi was busy stopping the buddy, and he was not allowed to say it.

"Mr. Pang said that those who live outside have eaten fish fillets and drink blood directly!" After that, You Geer looked at Liuer and said: "Second sister, it is not for you to eat, but to listen to what "His second sister is the most delicate." When people are in desperate circumstances, in order to survive, they still wonder more.

Liu Er is not willing to bicker with the buddy, whether it is losing or winning, in the end she is suffering.

Yuxi said to Yunqing: "The day is really a bit cold, I think this test time should be changed."

Yunqing did not agree: "A test can be ill, but you can imagine how bad the body is. How can such a person be an official?" The body is not good, how to deal with government affairs at that time.

Yuxi said with a smile: "You said it easily. Three days and three nights are nestled in a big place, eating and drinking Lazarus. You think about how bad the environment is. Change it to you, nine days down. It is estimated that it will not hold."

"Speaking of it, or they are too bad. If you change to Kaihao or Yougeer, you will see if you will fall ill." The bodies of several of his children are very good.

Yuxi said with a smile: "Is this really not allowed, or else Xuan Geer and You brother to try it?"

You brothers don’t want to be abused. They are busy saying: “I think it’s inhumane to wear only a single coat. You can put them on a cotton coat or a big bang!”

Qi Hao said: "Don't let them coat their coats. They are afraid that they will hide things in them. Let them eat and drink. Lhasa is in a number. It is afraid that other people in the examination room will contact them too much to facilitate cheating." The matter of Kaihao is much better than that of the brother.

You don’t say it, you said: "I didn't do anything wrong, but I don't want to be in the nine days and nine nights." Drinking cold water to eat raw food and wearing a single coat and cover is not sin!

Yuxi crossed Yunqing and looked at Qihao and asked: "A Hao, will change the day of the test, do you agree or disagree?"

"When does that mother want to change?" Although Yunqing said that there is a certain truth, the poor test environment is not conducive to the candidates' swing!

Yuxi thought for a moment and said: "May is not cold or hot. If the examination time is scheduled at that time, candidates can be less guilty."

You Geer interjected and said, "That boy is trying to be in February, isn't it colder? Do you want to change it?"

Yuxi laughed: "The child test does not have to be in the number for three days and three nights, what has changed."

Yunqing said: "This matter is still discussed with Tan Daren and Shen Daren!" They are all people who have passed the exam and have the most authority.

Yuxi nodded.

In a blink of an eye, the results of the test will come out. The Imperial List has not been posted yet, and it is crowded with people outside.

Shi Bing had already occupied a favorable position. When the Emperor List was posted, he began to look down from the first place. I haven't seen the name of Jiang Yizheng for a long time, and my heart is half cold. Shi Bing’s heart is chanting, but don’t be a top three, or else his family will be afraid of being unable to withstand the disease.

Yu Rong also anxiously waited at home: "When you go to see if Shi Bing is back?" It was a long time that she had not returned yet, and her heart was upset.

Safflower said: "Don't worry, my clerk is so good, I can definitely be in high school."

"The light is not good, it must be dimethyl. If it is the top three, the political brother is afraid that it will be hit." Although the political brother said that he would rather fall. But this exam has removed her son's half life, and she can't ask her for another test.

As I spoke, I heard the shouting of Shi Bing outside: "In the middle, my wife, we are in the middle."

Soon, Shi Bing ran into the living room and said to Yu Rong: "Mrs. We are in the middle of the Lord."

Yu Rong asked nervously: "What is the ranking?"

"Eight-two." Will try to take a total of three hundred people. One armor, three hundred and twenty-eight, three hundred and sixty-nine. In the political examination of Jiang, there were 82 people in the list of dimethyl.

Although the rankings are relatively late, it is good for dimethyl, not for the top three. Yu Rong first let Shi Bing tell the good news to the political brother, and then called the woman: "Go to the Cui family."

The political buddy heard about 82 of her own, and some disappointed said: "More than 80 people?" Originally wanted to stay in the Imperial Academy, this time is not to think about it.

Shi Bing said: "Ye, it is better than the top three." Since he was a child, he was not afraid of jealousy.

Upon hearing this, the political brother laughed: "You are right, although the ranking is worse, but it is better than the top three!" Although he did not learn from his own question, he really can’t say that the next test will be better than the present. it is good. The nine-day encounter, I was scared when I thought about it. That place is really not for people.

On the same day, I heard that the political brother was taking the sick to take the test, and I felt that there was no hope. Now that I know that I was so happy that I was not happy, I immediately rewarded the people who reported the letter. The people of Cuifu can also receive more than one month.

Telling Cui Wei this news, Yan took her hand and said, "Hey, you are now a wife of Jinshi." In this era when everything is high, it is the matter of Guangzong Yaozu. Although Cui is now a hereditary marquis, they are still very awesome to the scholars.

Cui Wei is also very happy: "I thought it would be down this time."

After that, Cui Wei said with regret and another face: "If the A-government is not sick, maybe it can be one of the ones!" If you are not sick, the results will definitely be better. One is not impossible.

Yan smiled and said: "The exam is very good. A political knows that he has been tested, and his heart will be relaxed. This body will naturally get better soon." The wedding period is scheduled for May. If Jiang Zhengzheng was not good at that time, he would not delay the marriage.

Cui Wei gently clicked.

Ms. Qian walked in and said: "Mrs., I sent a letter over the city." After that, I handed the letter to Chou.

After reading the story, Mr. Cui said with a smile on his face: "You said in a letter that she will leave for Beijing on March 8. This will be on the road." During this time, she thought her granddaughter thought Great. I can see my granddaughter soon, how can I be upset.

When he first gave birth to a younger son, he wanted to have another prostitute. Who knows that life and death are not enough. After knowing what the family had, I wanted to pass her daughter to her, but I didn’t agree. It is a trouble to do this badly. Later, Cui Wei went to Cui's family, and she used it as her biological daughter. So after Tang gave birth to a prostitute, she was very happy.

Tang Jinxiu departed in early March, and she would definitely be able to go to the capital before she married. Cui Wei was naturally happy: "This is really a double happiness."

Unfortunately, at night, Cui Wei is not happy. Because her mother-in-law, Zhu, came to the door.

Cui Wei said, "I want to see her." In her heart, Zhu died long ago.

He touched Cui Wei’s head and said, "Hey, she will give birth to you in October. If you don’t see her, outsiders will definitely say that you are not filial. When you pass to Jiang, how do you let Mrs. Jiang and Azhen look? You?" When Cui Wei was ten years old, her mother-in-law wished to see Cui Wei, and she knew that she would get her dog's head and blood. Now that she has scruples, she will let people lead Zhu’s door.

"She can really pick the time." After saying this, he showed a mocking smile: "If you can't avoid it, then see it!" If you don't see this time, who knows if the woman will go to the Jiang family to recognize it? Dear. At that time, her face will be thrown away.

Hei hesitated and said: "Your mother is not alone, she also brought a boy." As for the purpose of this trip, I did not ask. It’s too big, and it’s time for her to deal with it.

Cui Wei whispered: "Mother is relieved, I will handle it well."

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