The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1446: farce

Cui Wei did not go directly to see Zhu, but returned to the room and changed clothes. Eight? One Chinese W (one) WW. 81ZW. COM

Mung Bean looked at Cui Wei’s white dress and hesitated and asked: "Girl, is it so bad to wear?"

"Nothing is bad." Finished, put a silver plaque in the shackles.

After the Cui Yu entered Cui Fu, Mung Bean came to the side to serve. She was not very clear about the previous events.

Dressed up, Cui Wei went to see Zhu. Standing at the door, looking at the woman who still has the charm in the middle of the room, Cui Wei did not have a trace of expression on her face.

Zhu Shi saw Cui Wei's white, his heart slammed. However, considering the purpose of this visit, Zhu’s wish to hug it, but it was stopped by the woman who was brought by the beggar. I wish you a heartache, crying loudly: "Niu Niu, I am a mother! Niu Niu, you do not recognize the mother?" Niu Niu is Cui Wei's nickname. Later, when he arrived at Cui's family, he gave a big name to him.

Cui Wei didn't talk, so she looked at Zhu's crying. The look on her face was the same as when she entered the door. It was cold.

I cried for a long time, I wish you don’t talk, and you can’t cry: “Niu Niu, you don’t know how to recognize a girl. Niu Niu, can you be so guilty?”

When she saw that she was not crying, she finally spoke up and said, "After you rolled my pension and left me to remarriage, and then suffocated my grandmother, you are already dead in my heart." It is true that Zhu’s heart is a dead person in her heart.

The face of Zhu’s face is instantly colorful. She did not expect that Cui Wei would have said so much about the original.

Followed by Zhu’s young man, toward Cui Weidao: “You are nonsense, my mother is not such a person.” After that, the young boy said to Zhu’s: “Mother, let’s go back! Since she does not want to recognize us, I am not too rare for her sister."

Zhu’s crying again: “Niu Niu, mother’s remarriage was forced. But your wife’s pension is not taken, it’s all your milk! Niu Niu, the money must be filled with two uncles by your milk. Then deliberately told you that it was taken by the mother. "Remarriage is an unchangeable fact, but she can not recognize the pension.

Cui Wei is extremely disgusted. Her milk has been gone for more than ten years. This woman has been smashing a dead person in order to shirk her responsibility: "You probably don't know, when you took my milk out and went to her room to find money, I happened to be. At home, I watched you with my pension, and the three ingots of silver were stuffed into your parcel. "All the grandmothers are grandchildren who want grandchildren, but her family is the opposite." Grandma Cui will treat Cui Wei as a painful liver, but she may have suspected that she is not a son who is not playing on her.

Zhu’s face changed slightly, but soon she cried: “Niu Niu, you smashed the innocence of a girl in the neighboring village. If you don’t give a twenty-two dowry, they will kill you. Niu Niu, mother is also no way."

Mung beans moved in from a chair and came in.

Cui Wei sat in a chair and said with a disdain: "I didn't care about my life and death, now I am looking for a door to do something? Is it because I am a girl in Houfu, I want to come to help me find money. I tell you, I The money is more willing to give a flower to the Hana, and will not give you a copper plate."

Zhu's face was a stiff, she did not expect Cui Wei to be so strong. Fortunately, she was early to prevent Cui Wei from recognizing her: "Niu Niu, I am not coming to ask you for money."

Cui Wei did not believe it at all. This is just a strategy for Zhu to retreat.

Zhu told the young man next to him and said, "Hey, this is Shanzi, he is your brother."

Cui Wei’s whole person trembled a bit, but quickly convinced his emotions and smiled and said: “Don’t tell me that he is my apostle.”

I wish you a look of how to know: "Yes! Niu Niu, he is really your child. I only know that I am pregnant after I got married."

Seeing Cui Wei’s sardonic look, Zhu’s excitement pointed out that Shanzi said: “Niu Niu, Shanzi looks exactly like you. You look at it, you have a good look!”

For thirteen years, the appearance of the father is very vague for Cui Wei. So this teenager named Shanzi really looks like her, she doesn't know.

Cui Wei asked faintly: "And then?"

Zhu Shi blurted out: "Nature is to recognize the ancestors to return to the sect. Niu Niu, Shanzi is the only seedling of Cui's family, you can't care if you are a sister." This is the key.

Cui Wei did not say anything to refuse, but said with a smile: "If he is really a child of my family, I will definitely manage it. But if you dare to lie to me, don't blame me."

Zhu’s heart suddenly screamed and said with a strong smile: “How can I lie to you! Shanzi is a brother who is a close relative of you.” The brother-in-law of the same mother, that is also the younger brother. But Cui Weilian is not willing to recognize her mother, and her half-brother is even more impossible to recognize.

"Is the evidence?" Seeing the appearance of Zhu Shizhen, Cui Wei smiled and said: "When you touch the upper and lower lips, he said that he likes me to say that he is my younger brother. Is he really my brother?"

Shanzi shouted loudly: "When you are a rare person who is your Cui family?" Since childhood, he is also a child who loves her mother. Suddenly, his father has another person, and he is very upset. Holding a fire, it is now vented.

Zhu hit the mountain and said, "What kind of nonsense do you say about this child? You are the child of Cui's family, and some people don't recognize the ancestors!"

Cui Wei does not want to entangle with Zhu's again: "I will send someone to check, if it is my brother, I will recognize it." If the mountain is really a legacy, it will certainly be born in advance. In addition, I went to Yucheng to find someone who grew up with him to identify. If Shanzi really looks like him and the time is right, it is her younger brother. If it is not right, I wish to lie to her.

After that, Cui Wei will let people drop off.

Zhu Shi stunned, she did not expect Cui Wei would not care about her, and now cried: "Niu Niu, mother to bring your brother to the capital to spend money. Niu Niu, you let us go, where can we go? ”

Cui Wei slid the silver bracelet on his wrist and said: "This bracelet can be used as a forty-two silver. It is enough for your mother and son to spend two months." Two months is enough for her to do things. Check it out.

I don’t want to leave at all, she wants to stay in Zhongyong Hou. Stay here, you can definitely eat spicy and spicy. Unfortunately, the imagination is very beautiful and the reality is cruel. Not much will, the mother and son were driven out by the woman.

When he looked at him wearing a plain-colored dress, he sighed and said, "Hey, don't be sad." She already knows everything, and she can only admit that she is unlucky.

"I am not sad. However, I would like to check if the son named Shanzi is really my brother." If it is her brother, then it can continue the incense for the Cui family. It is also because of this idea, she will give Zhu's silver.

Hei hesitated and said: "Hey, don't expect too much." Seeing Cui Wei looking at her, Yan said: "Hey, I wish you five years without giving birth, waiting for you to leave. She is pregnant, there is such a clever thing in this world. In addition, Zhao Pozi said that this boy named Shanzi is very tempered. Hey, only the children who are spoiled by parents will have a big temper. If he is really your apostle, And it looks like you, who can marry him after he married? She got this out, and she wants to get money from your hands."

Upon hearing this, Cui Wei said with a wry smile: "Mother said it makes sense. When I was able to take my pension and drop the younger one, I would remarriage, how could I really raise my brother!" To the mountain is really her brother. I wished that she had been sent to her more than ten years ago.

On the second day of breakfast, he said with Cui Wei: "Zhu's personal recognition that the mountain was born to her man named Guo, not the child of Cui's family." The truth is told, and Shi’s did not speak.

With yesterday’s words, Cui Wei was not surprised to hear this: “Mother, let her stay in Beijing, I am afraid she will go to Jiang’s home later.” She now regrets that she should not give silver bracelets yesterday. It’s gone.

"This need not worry, she will start her journey back to the city early this morning. In this life, she should not step into the capital again." The life is gone, and she can't spend more money. No need to say how to choose.

Cui Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan smiled and said: "Use the meal to change clothes, wait for the palace to see the second princess!!

Jiang took the political exam, and did not need Cui Wei to say that Liu Er would know. When I met Cui Wei, Liu Er said with a smile: "Congratulations, you." The more I get along, the more she likes Cui Wei. It looks weak, but it is very important and has principles.

Cui Wei said with a smile: "I also want to thank the princess for sending a doctor to the A-government. Now A-government, can already get out of bed." This is the news she had before.

"That's good." After that, Liu Er asked: "How do you think that you have something to look like?" Such a happy event, it is reasonable to say that Cui Wei should be very happy.

Cui Wei whispered: "My mother brought her son who was born with other men to tell me that it was my child, let me follow him."

The woman who abandoned her husband and she heard that it was the first time I heard about it with the son who had remarried.

Cui Wei smiled, and the smile was full of bitterness: "You said, how can I have such a biological mother? How can she be so big-faced and feel that she brought a so-called brother, I will follow her thoughts? Do you do it?” Grandma’s anger was gone, and neither of her uncles ignored her. The awkwardness and fear of those days have not been forgotten. If it happened that she was adopted by Cui Mo, she would be sent to the Kindergarten.

When she first arrived at Cui's home, she was afraid that she couldn't do it. She didn't dare to say that she was acting cautiously. Even the rice didn't dare to eat too much. She was afraid that she would be too much to be sent away. That kind of uneasiness and uneasiness lasted for a long time.

Liu Er said: "It's okay, it's all gone." When I met such a mother, it was really bad for eighteen generations.

As I said, my tears came: "Princess, do you know? I envy you, envy you can have the love of your parents, and envy your strong feelings with the big princess."

Liu Er hugged her and whispered softly: "All passed. You see, Cui Shu Cui Wei also treats you as a biological daughter. This is also God's compensation for you."

He loves her very much and treats her as her biological daughter. But this is not the same as the love of the biological mother. In the words of the biological mother, when the daughter can make a temper, she can still lick her face if she is unhappy, but she never dares to do such a thing. However, she did not say this.

After she had finished crying, Liu was busy letting the palace girl hit the water and gave her a clean face.

After I had makeup, I was embarrassed: "I am sorry for the second princess. I just lost control."

"You can cry in front of me but not inbearance, and I am very happy." No one wants to be rude in front of outsiders. This shows that Cui Wei treats her as her own.

After that, Liu Er gently patted her and said: "Don't think about the past, we think about the future. We will marry soon, and you will be very happy in the future."

Cui Wei nodded.

After sending away Cui Wei, Liu Er went to Kunning Palace. At this time, Yuxi is not there. She will stay and wait if she has not left. Just took the book and read the book on the soft collapse. Unconsciously, fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Yuxi sitting on the edge of the bed. Liu Er remembered the matter of Cui Wei, holding Yuxi and said: "Mother, can be your daughter, really happy."

Yuxi touched her head and asked softly: "What is this?" She heard that Liu Er was waiting for her at Kunning Palace, and she knew that the child was expecting something.

"Mother, I am fine." Now, I will tell Cui Wei's mother. After that, Liu Er whispered: "Mother, how do you say that there are such a hearty mother in this world?"

"In this world, what kind of people are there. There are mothers who don't want to live for the children, and women who give up their husbands." Zhang Liguo's father wants his life, at least he suspects that he is not a biological person. However, her life experience is not a problem, Han Jingyan also wants her life three times. When I came across such a heart, only my unscrupulous parents could only open it.

Liu Er will be more tight with Yuxi: "Mother, I am sorry, I used to worry about you." Now think of the previous things, Liu Er is not ashamed. She used to be too ignorant.

Yuxi said with a smile: "From jujube to Yugeer, you and my six brothers have not let me worry about it. But as long as you are happy in the future, don't let me worry about it." But Yuxi also knows This is basically impossible. Raising a child is one hundred years old and often worried about ninety-nine. Unless you close your eyes, you can't put it down.

"Mother, you can rest assured that I will definitely have a good time in the future." After that, Liu Er asked: "Mother, you are busy with your visit, I am fine."

Yuxi smiled and said: "It's not bad for a while. I have been busy for a while, and neither of us has spoken well."

Liu Er was very happy and said: "Mother, I have recently scored a new song. Mother, I will give it to you!"

Yuxi smiled and nodded: "The weather is good today, let's go to the garden."

Liu Er likes to play the piano in the garden, and she will refuse. Located between the landscape and the flowers, you are a kind of enjoyment.

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