The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1447: Temple test

Will try to change from March to May and get the consent of all courtiers. ?? Bayi? Chinese network W (eight) W? W?. ?8?1?ZW. COM

Yunqing was rare, and asked Yuxi: "Why didn't anyone object to this time?" Some suggestions were made by their husband and wife before, and there was always opposition. However, neither of them is a single speaker. If the reasons for opposition are sufficient, they will be considered. Like this situation, it is the first time.

Yuxi said: "They are all people who pass the scientific examination. How can they not know what the March exam is?"

Yun Qing does not think that these ministers will be so kind, people have a dark side, I was so hard in the past, you can avoid it by what. In fact, like the training of new recruits, this principle will bring the sufferings of the past and let these new recruits come. Yunqing affirmed: "There are definitely other reasons."

Yuxi nodded and smiled: "They are all from the imperial examinations, and future generations are definitely taking this path. The date will be changed and their children and grandchildren will benefit."

Yunqing stunned and laughed: "You know that they will not object."

"Where there are children in the family who want to do business, I hope that the time for the test will be put into the lukewarm season." If it is her, it is the same mind.

Speaking of the exam, naturally I also talked about Xuan Geer. Yunqing said: "I don't know if Axuan can go to the White Tan College." The exam at the White Sandal Academy was placed in late April, just after the test.

Yuxi shook his head and said, "Xuan Geer has a weaker temper, but his studies are no problem. This exam will definitely pass." I don't know if I can take the first.

After a pause, Yuxi said again: "He Rui, Xuan Geer later from the text, they are different from Rui Geer. You should pay attention to your attitude in the future, don't let the children feel uncomfortable."

Yun Qing wondered: "There are people who look at their faces. When they get to my house, they are reversed. I have to care about their feelings." He is so embarrassed that it is really a little majestic. However, Yunqing is happy.

"Whether it is strict or loving, you must have a bowl of water. You are not required to treat Xuan Geer as well as Qi Hao, but at least let him be treated the same as Rui Geer." Kai Hao is the eldest son, the future Heir. Therefore, the time she spent on Qi Hao was more energy-consuming, and the triplets knew that they never felt so thick.

Yun Qing said with a smile: "Know that you don't suffer from unequalness and suffer from injustice. Xuan Geer's business will be controlled by you later." Others said that it is too difficult for him to make a fuss, or give it to jade. Hee is better.

After talking about Xuan Geer, Yunqing said to Yuxi: "This time, I will try with you!"

"Okay." Although the previous examinations of the temple were all from Yunqing, the questions were all from her.

The temple test was held in the square outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony. On this day, the weather is sunny and the sun is shining.

After breakfast, Yuxi walked out of Kunning Palace and said with a smile: "This is a really good day."

"I hope that I can choose a group of talented people who have good character." If it is not for the lack of people, he will not want to be Enke, and he is very tired.

Yunqing and Yuxi just left for a while, Cui Wei went into the palace. Everything she got married was ready, and even the shoes and socks of Yu Rong and Zheng Ge were all done.

Liu Er saw Cui Wei's look relaxed and grinned: "I thought you would be nervous!" Today, the palace test, Jiang Yizheng is also among them.

"I believe that he will definitely achieve good results this time." With the sick test, all of them have passed the test, and the results of the test will definitely be good.

The reason why Jiang Yizheng was uncomfortable was because he was too nervous before the exam. This time I participated in the palace test, thinking about how the results would not be worse than before, but it was lightly loaded.

Upon hearing this, Liu Er smiled and shifted the topic: "Will you become a relative, will Cui Shushu come back?" The girl is married, and there is always a regret when she is not.

Speaking of this, Cui Wei showed a happy smile: "My mother told me last night that he would come back with his older brother." Although Cui Mo is not at home all the year round, he hurts her. So a careless person, every year when she was born, sent someone to send a gift back.

In fact, Cui Wei does not know that Cui Mo is learning with Yunqing! However, the effect is very good, at least Cui Wei is very happy every time he receives a gift.

"That's good!" After that, Liu Er whispered: "I told you, you don't want to tell Cui Wei and Cui Wei everything is simple." She persuaded her date for a long time, and did not change her mind. To this end, Liu Er is very depressed now.

Cui Wei said with a smile: "This girl is married once in a lifetime, of course, the more fun the better." She is not a big princess, not so high sentiment.

"Yeah! I don't know what my older sister thinks." Anyway, when she is married, she must be busy.

Cui Wei felt that this topic was not going deep enough. She turned to her and told her about the closure of her family: "Feng Aunt felt that she had always liked to think about her, and she thought about giving her something to do."

Liu Er felt that this idea was good. Once a person is busy, he will not always think about troubles. But looking at Cui Wei’s look, Liu Er asked: “Is she not willing?”

"Yes! Lianwu sister is not willing, but also said that Auntie is a burden to abandon her, she does not want her to stay at home." After that, Cui Wei sighed and said: "If you really dislike her, then you will let her back. My family. Now I am in this way with my aunt, and when the seven or seven scorpions are back, I don’t know what it’s like.” My mother’s eyes were forgotten, but this is what makes you so troublesome. .

Therefore, it is best not to intervene in such chores. Like Cui Wei agreed to let the lotus fog and leave home, she did not say anything. It’s easy to stay away from it. It’s not necessarily a good thing to stay with your two children. Sure enough, her previous concerns suddenly became a reality.

Cui Wei said: "It is not a problem to go on like this! Auntie has a lot of looks during this time." It is also that Chang's heart is good for her, Cui Wei wants to help her. There is no way for her, but she is even more difficult to start.

Liu Er was silent and did not speak.

Cui Wei said: "The second princess, I know that you have the most idea. You see, is there any way to make the lotus sister not like this."

Liu Er did not respond to this, but asked with a curious look: "She is so capable at home, how can she be bullied in Dingjia?"

Cui Wei smiled and said nothing.

"I remember that she used to be a girl when she was at home!" She had only seen two sides with the lotus, and she had not dealt with it. But in the impression, it is also a person who laughs.

Cui Wei also seriously thought about this problem and said: "When you are a girl at home, there is nothing wrong with being awkward with your uncle." Everything goes smoothly, and there is no temper.

Liu Er understands: "With the family's love for her, it is unscrupulous. For the outsiders, it is soft. To put it bluntly, it is a nest." Otherwise, only with the family, the lotus can press the Ding family It’s dying.

Thinking of what she told her before, Cui Wei shook her head and said with a helpless smile: "She knows that after she hanged herself, she said to my aunt, I am worried!"

Liu Er is silent and does not speak. This kind of thing is really hard to please.

Cui Wei said: "The second princess, I will casually say, don't take my words to heart."

Liu Er thought about it: "Merlan's sister took her two daughters and her husband. I don't have any family members to rely on. I have a good life with both children. She lives in her family and doesn't worry about anything. I have made so many things."

Cui Wei’s heart moved and said, “Princess, what do you mean?”

Liu Er is the most impatient to manage other people's affairs, but Feng Lianwu is the big sister of Zhixi and her future grandmother. If it is getting more and more in the future, it will be difficult to prevent her from causing trouble. Therefore, Liu Er still said a few more words: "Some people are used to it, and naturally they will do all kinds of things. No one is used to it, and naturally they will stand up." To say that, Fenghuan is not still adoring the parents' favor. Will it be like this!

Cui Wei did not understand what this meant.

"The reasoning like her does not work at all. It is only useful to use a heavy hammer." The temper of Feng Lianwu is left. If it is not at this time, it will only come and go. At that time, it is the time when the family is really a headache.

Cui Wei hesitated and said: "I am afraid that my aunt will not be reluctant."

Liu Er smiled and said: "Now I can't bear it. When I was troubled and I couldn't control it, I regret it." She only said two words and was not willing to take more control. Feng Lianwu has a father and a mother, and which round gets her to control.

Cui Wei couldn't help but say: "Every family has a hard-to-read scripture." Cui's family was turned upside down because of a cow. Today, because of the lotus sister, I haven’t heard laughter for a long time.

Liu Er said with a hand: "Don't say these things. I have a new song and I will play it for you." Before Yuxi listened, she gave Liuer some advice. She hopes to give her some advice after listening to it.

In the afternoon, Liu Er would like to cook the palace, so Cui Wei went home after lunch, and this day is no exception.

When I saw Cui, Cui Wei told Liu Er’s words to one side: "Mother, I think the words of the second princess make sense. If the aunt is like this, the son of Lianwu’s sister is coming, I am afraid that it will be the last government. There is no place for her to stand." Even the mother can not stand, the donkey not to say.

Qi’s nodded and said: “The second princess said it makes sense, and she can’t be hers anymore. Otherwise, you will cry after the aunt’s aunt.” Cui Weiqi’s affairs and the army did not stand by, and she was sure Also have to contribute.

"Mother, you must not say that this is the meaning of the second princess. Otherwise, the aunt thought that the second princess could not accommodate the lotus sister!" She is not willing to let Chang have a view on Liu.

Yan smiled and said: "Mother eats more salt than you eat. This is something you have to teach." The second princess is not in trouble, if not the family is her husband, afraid of being a The words will not be said.

Two days later, the results of the palace test came out. The champion is the capital of Beijing, the second in the list is Shandong, and the flower is Jiangnan.

The results of Jiang Yizheng’s test were much better than the test, which was forty-six. This achievement, if you are looking for someone to operate, there is still hope for entering the Hanlin Academy.

Mr. Gao and Yu Rong said: "Exploring the lotus is Chen Kai, the eldest son of the Yunnan governor Chen Ran."

"I didn't expect the emperor and the empress to actually order Chen Kai as a flower lang." Before Chen Ran was an official in the middle, she was very puzzled. This Chen Ran had a marriage contract with Yuxi, and the emperor did not mind. Later, Chen Ran transferred to Yunnan, she was relieved, and said that the emperor could not mind. This will, it is also unclear what the emperor meant.

Mr. Gao said with a smile: "It is also Chen Kai's young and handsome, and he was named as a flower lang." In the past, all of them have been the best.

Yuchen frowned and said: "This Chen Kai, before the reputation is not obvious." Chen Kai can take a 21-year-old age to explore the Hualang, enough to prove his talent and ability.

"I was afraid that Chen’s governor had long seen that the Yan dynasty could not last for a long time, so Chen Kai was shackled.” If he did not hide, Chen Kai had already passed the imperial examination. Once you enter the official position, even if you can re-examine in the new dynasty, the ranking will not be too much money, and it will have an impact on future careers.

Yu Rong said: "This Chen Ran is really hot."

Forty-five households, it is not something that ordinary people can do. The vision is naturally longer than others.

Mr. Gao looked at Yu Yu, who had less than forty, and said with kindness: "Wife, wait for the political brother to kiss you, you don't have to work anymore, you can take a rest." However, in these years, Yu Rong has not been easy.

Yu Rong smiled and said: "These years, thanks to the gentleman." Without Mr. Gao, she will not be so easy these years. Not sure, she will follow Han Jiancheng to Liaodong. I really went to Liaodong, I was afraid that my life would be gone.

Thinking of Liaodong, Yu Rong said: "I don't know if Acheng has healed?" Han Jiancheng stayed in the mine for more than half a year, and he was tired of leaving a bone. After being rescued by winter, he fell ill. I received a letter last month saying that Han Jiancheng’s illness is almost fine.

Mr. Gao’s impression of Han Jiancheng is not bad: “It’s been half a month passed, and it’s definitely good. If you’re not sure, you can catch up with the political brothers!”

"If he can come, it would be great." The first seat of the wedding banquet was sitting down. However, before she was not sure whether Han Jiancheng could return, she went to Han to seek Qiu and wanted Han Jianming to come to the table.

Han Jianming saw Yu Xi’s willingness to recognize Yu Rong’s sister, and naturally he did not refuse. However, it is said that if you are not busy, you will go in person. If you are busy, let Chang Geer go on his behalf.

Mr. Gao said: "Mrs., should we send someone to send a letter to Shengjing." Han Jiancheng has been missing for so long, afraid that Lushi and others thought he was gone.

Yu Rong’s face was suddenly unsatisfactory. If Lu Yao’s squat jumped down and gave him an official position, he would not be forced to go to Shengjing, and he would not be guilty of this crime. After thinking about it, Yu Rong said: "When Acheng comes back, ask his opinion!" In fact, I don't have to ask if Han Jiancheng definitely wants to send a letter. After all, it is his wife and children.

Ps: I have to rest today and add more tomorrow.

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