The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1448: Double Happiness (1)

On April 20th, the White Sandal College recruited. ??八?一中文?W(eight)W?W?. (1) 8?1?Z?W. COM because of the many scholars in the White Sandal College exam, so anyone who wants to enter the official from the scientific examination wants to go inside to study. Baitan Academy can enroll students once every three years, and only recruit 100 people at a time, resulting in every exam being overcrowded.

One night before the test, Xuan Geer was a little nervous: "Ayou, you can sleep with me!" He couldn't sleep when he was nervous, so he wanted to let him be with him.

You brother did not refuse.

By night, Xuan Geer couldn't sleep on the bed and turned to the opposite side. Xuan Geer was speechless: "Three brothers, are you as far as you are? But it is an exam. If you have been studying for many years, you can still test it." Xuan Geer is definitely the first, even Qi Hao can not compare. Although Qi Hao has never forgotten, he has to learn too much.

"If you didn't get it?" Xuan Geer said with concern: "I didn't test it, not only shame, but I don't want to see me."

You brother said that the heat will be kicked by the quilt, and then said: "Three brothers, you are too embarrassed. If you don't say you, I will go to the exam, and I will definitely be able to get it."

Xuan Geer can not believe this.

You Geer explained: "You think about it, the two gentlemen who teach us are all great Confucian scholars. This Mr. Baitan Academy is not as good as them. Therefore, this examination is certainly not difficult." Even the White Tan College can not test, I haven’t been so hard for so many years.

Xuan Geer is too nervous. As long as he is so big, he is still taking the exam for the first time! Because I know this, I will tell him so much.

You brother said: "Three brothers, you have to think about the first time to come back and let the mother happy."

Xuan Geer said with no confidence: "I have heard many people test, and there are many young talents."

You brother turned a blindfold and said: "Those are all blown out. It is also that Yan Niang has always let us keep a low profile, or else you will be the first talent in the capital with your third brother." In order to give Xuan Geer confidence, You brother is also fighting.

Xuan Geer is not happy: "Ayou, I didn't expect you to believe me so much!" You brother used to hit him, but he praised him for the first time.

"Your studies have always been very good. Even Mr. Du and the herdsmen often praise you. Therefore, you have to have confidence in yourself and believe that you will be able to take the first place." In order not to put too much pressure on Xuan Geer, You Ge The child added another sentence: "If it is not the first, then you have to take the top three."

Encouraged by the buddy, Xuan Geer erected his confidence: "I must try to get into the top three."

The White Sandal Academy began to be divided into three sessions, one per day. The contents of the examination cover a wide range of subjects, including four books, five words and eight rhymes, and texts such as scriptures. There are also astronomical geography and lyrics.

Two months in advance, Mu Jingsi began to open a small stove for him, just to cope with the exam of the White Tan College. Before the test, Xuan Geer was still uneasy, but after seeing the exam questions, he was relieved. Most of these questions have been done.

In order to accompany the Xuan Geer exam, You Geer specially invited for three days off. I know that You Geer is accompanying the exam, and Han Jianming has a quick leave. Yunqing and Yuxi knew it afterwards.

Yunqing frowned and said: "It’s just an ordinary exam. Who wants to be with you?"

Yuxi said with a smile: "I am afraid that Xuan Geer has some market, and You Geer specially gave him courage. This also proves that the brothers have good feelings!" The brothers have good feelings, this is a good thing.

"But he can arbitrarily leave without our consent. Is this a good thing?" The person who led the soldiers, the most hated is the person who left the job. Unless it is a dead person at home or something else, it is generally not granted.

Yuxi smiled and said: "Many parents have deliberately asked to accompany their children to the exam. We can't accompany them personally. Is it still impossible to stop the brothers?"

After the meal, Yuxi said again: "You brothers are also afraid that you are not willing to disagree, so I will play the game first."

It’s awkward for you to help your brother. Yunqing couldn't help but say: "Where is my son, I have a few debt collections."

Yuxi heard this and smiled: "If you come to collect debts, the jujubes are more appropriate." You brother is very intimate, unlike the jujube that dates back to the past three times.

Without comparison, there is no good or bad. After listening to Yuxi’s words, Yunqing said: “What is she doing at the Princess House every day? I have no time to come to the palace to see us?”

"Every day with Jinyu sticky together, one step is reluctant to leave! Both of them are fast-connected babies." With her husband, she will throw her side away.

Yun Qing mouth straight pumping.

Yuxi laughed and said: "I used to say that I want to go to Changzhou before, and I don't mention it now. This beauty is really wrong."

Yunqing coughed and said: "The two are newly married, when the honey is adjusting the oil!"

After that, Yunqing thinks about the date that the jujube and jujube newly married the Tianzhu family: "Is there any moths on the other side of the family?"

Yuxi said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about this. The people who are in the family can cope with it." The simple and straightforward means of dealing with the people of the family are actually quite good.

The test results will come out after three days. Xuan Geer’s psychological quality is not good, and he will be uneasy after the test. Worried that there is no appetite, just eat a few mouthfuls and do not eat.

Yuxi smiled and asked: "Is it afraid that I can't get it?" This child, compared with Kaihao, is not a star or a half worse than their psychological ability!

Xuan Geer looked at the serious Yunqing, hesitated and gently nodded his head: "Yes." Not only is it afraid to test, but even more afraid of being reprimanded.

Yunqing is the last one to look down on the weak chicken of Xuan Geer. Just want to open his mouth and reprimand, and see Yuxi is glaring at him.

With a deep breath, Yunqing said: "If you can't get it, you can't get it, and it's no big deal." This is a hard-won case, and people are awkward.

Yuxi did not say the words of appeasement, but smiled and asked: "Do you think that the test is not good?"

"It's all done." As for how he got the test, he didn't have a heart.

Yunqing looked at Xuan Geer like this. He felt that he shouldn’t be able to take the test. How can he test his exams? It’s not clear: “If you don’t take the exam, let Gu Jingsi recommend you to go to the college to study.” In addition to the exam, Baitan Academy It can also be recommended by Daru. Only two slaps that can qualify for recommendation are not available, and another big Confucian can only recommend one person.

Xuan Geer lowered his head and did not speak. If you didn't go to the recommendation of Mr. Shepherd, it would be too faceless.

Yuxi said with a smile: "Don't listen to your nonsense, I heard that she is more difficult to say that this exam is difficult. Many candidates have not finished. You will finish the exam, and you will definitely be admitted."

Xuan Geer was surprised: "Mom, have you asked Mr.?" Xuan Geer has been called Mr. Mu Jingsi as Mr., and You Geer called him a shepherd.

Yuxi nodded.

Xuan Geer showed a smile: "I thought..." Yunqing and Yuxi did not mention a word before the exam. He thought that the two did not care about his exam!

Yuxi raised his hand and touched his head and said: "Before the exam, you don't care about it, you don't care about you, but you are afraid of giving you pressure. You can rest assured that Mu Jingsi also said that your foundation is solid and you can definitely test it. Up."

With this in mind, Xuan Geer is in a much better mood.

Going back to the Qing Palace, there was no minister to come to the accident. Yunqing said: "How is this child so unconfident?"

This matter, Yuxi also seriously thought before: "This child is originally sensitive, and we don't care enough about him, so we develop this temper."

"We still don't care enough about them? You go to see who is like a child like a family?" To be exact, almost no one will be so used to children.

In other people's homes, this is the father's right to the child, and it is not strict. It was also the shadow of his dream that he had made that nightmare, so he was not able to spoil a few children.

Yuxi said with a smile: "Compared with Qihao and Yougeer, we spend very little time and energy on Aru and Ayou." It was originally busy, and with limited human energy, it was impossible to do everything. .

In this case, Yunqing is also not good to refute: "But A Rui is not very good?"

Yuxi said: "A Rui Zizi is like you, big, and many things are not in my heart. Xuan Geer is like me before, thinking hard, thinking more."

"What should I do?" Although there is always a dislike in the mouth, but when you don't want your child to be good.

Yuxi said with a smile: "So let him go to the academy. Let him know that he is also very good, and he has built confidence. In this way, he will not think much about it in the future."

Yunqing finally understood and said: "You mean that he has no confidence, he feels that he is very bad?"

Yuxi nodded: "Don't mention jujube and Liuer, this says that they are four brothers. Qi Hao will not forget to learn things and learn, and you will be praised by the eccentricity of your brother, and your martial arts are good for you. Only Xuan Geer, there is nothing to draw."

Think about it, Yunqing thinks that Yuxi is also reasonable.

Yuxi shook his head and said: "Fortunately, it has not been regenerated, or else it must be exhausted." Teaching children is really a profound study. Fortunately, every time she encounters something, she will reflect on it and then correct the mistake.

Yunqing was waiting for the opening, and he heard the voice of Si Bo Nian outside: "The emperor, Cheng Anbo seeks to see."

In front of the business, the chores can only be put aside for the time being. Yunqing said with a voice: "Let him come in!"

Yuan Ying came here this time, which is to say that the army is released and replenished.

After half an hour, Yuan Ying retired.

Yuxi smashed his temples and said to Yunqing: "The war will end soon, so there is no need to raise so many soldiers." Apart from the local army, they still have 1.2 million regular troops. The annual expenses of these soldiers are a heavy burden.

"In three or five years, I am afraid that it will not be completed." Yan Wushuang has managed Liaodong very well, and it is not so easy to win Liaodong.

Yuxi nodded and didn't speak.

Although Yunqing and Yuxi did not specifically ask the results of the exam at Baitan College, they still knew it on the afternoon of the second day.

Mu Jingsi said with a smile: "The emperor, the empress, the third emperor took the third place." There are more than 600 students who want to take the White Sandal Academy this year. In the end, only one hundred students will be admitted, and the admission rate is extremely low. As a teacher of Xuan Geer, she is naturally aware of his details. At that time, he and Yuxi said that if there is no accident, Xuan Geer will definitely be able to take the test, and the ranking will be higher. However, he did not expect to achieve a good result in the third place.

Yun Qing busy asked: "OK?"

Mu Jingsi said with a smile: "This is what Hu Yizhen said, there will be no mistakes."

"Don't you tell him the identity of Xuan Geer?" Xuan Geer's pseudonym Ning Xuan, the grandson of the pastor.

Mu Jingsi smiled and shook his head and said: "No. I still want him to accept the third temple as a close disciple, how can I tell him." Although Hu Yizhen is knowledgeable, but his temper is strange, he did not enter the DPRK as an official. If you know that Ning Xuan is the three emperors, you may not accept Xuan Geer as a disciple.

After receiving the sixth student, Mu Jingsi said that he would not accept his disciples again. Although he liked Xuan Geer, he did not accept him.

Yun Qing personally came forward to ask Hu Yizhen to go out, but was rejected. This matter, Yunqing Road still remembers: "A Xuan may not be willing to worship him as a teacher."

Pastoral thoughts, the emperor is vengeful for the original! However, he knew that Yunqing would not be like Hu Yizhen, so he did not give a good word.

In fact, if it is not Kai Hao, she is not willing to go out. Yan Wushuang’s propaganda is too much, so that everyone in the world thinks that Yunqing is a good-looking coward, and Yuxi is a deep-hearted, sorrowful woman. Preconceived, these readers naturally have no good impression. Whoever wants to wait for a few emperors to become teachers, he is not the case at all. Those who are wise will also be influenced by rumors.

Yuxi and Yunqing said: "I will tell Axuan this good news. He will be very happy after he knows it."

Not to mention Xuan Geer, Yun Qing is also very happy: "Send someone to call the jujube back, and eat dinner together at night." This stinky girl, with her husband forgot her mother.

"Really? I am the third place?" Although he had asked him to set his goal as the top three, he should have it, but he really didn't have this confidence.

Yuxi nodded and said: "Mu Jingsi said, certainly not wrong. Xuan, this time you have worked hard." You brothers this time is very hard, every day reading to the end of the Hai, and then start early.

Xuan Geer smiled a little bit: "I didn't give my mother a shame." So, it is worth the hard work.

When I heard this, Yuxi’s heart was a glimpse. The child really thought too much: “It’s so good, I’m going to reward you. Tell her, what gift do you want?”

Xuan Geer is somewhat hesitant.

Yuxi put his hand on his shoulder and said softly: "What do you want, talk to your mother." Even if it is difficult, she will try her best to meet the requirements of Xuan Geer.

Xuan Geer looked up at Yuxi and said: "Mother, I want you to take me out to play for a day." Yunqing has never taken him alone to play.

Yuxi is a glimpse.

Upon seeing it, Xuan Geer lowered his head and said, "You are so busy with you, I still mention this request. It really shouldn't be."

"You, this big thing, let you take you out for a day tomorrow." With the sorrow of the heart, Yuxi asked: "What else do you want?"

Xuan Geer shook his head: "Nothing."

Ps: The second is relatively late, everyone will see it tomorrow!

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