The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1451: test

Jujube dates are the mainstay of meatlessness, and Jinjinyu is just the opposite. It doesn't like meat. Bayi? Chinese network? W? W (a) W (a). (1) 8?1ZW. COM ate so much meat at noon, and at night he didn't pay attention and ate half a sauce duck.

After the meal, Zeng mother whispered the jujube and said: "The big princess, you must eat more vegetables and not only eat meat. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to go to the toilet."

Jujube dates also have some common sense, nodded and said: "Night you give me vegetables and meatballs to eat."

Unless it rains, both the couple will go for a walk after the meal. This day is no exception.

Walking on the road, jujube and jujube asked with some wonder: "How did you suddenly change your mind and let the big **** go to hn?" 邬金宝, now in hn as an official.

Before the date jujube still wants to let Jin Jinyu go to persuade the broad, let Xiaofang go to Jinbao. When she was separated, she saw Xiao Fang’s love, and she dismissed the idea. It is easy to get into trouble with Xiao Fang’s temper. The official wife is greedy for money, can have good things!

Yan Jinyu said in silence: "I asked her mother, and she said that she is not clear."

Looking at the golden jade, the look is wrong. Jujube asked: "What happened?" She was just curious and didn't think much.

Jin Jinyu said: "I can see the problems that you can see with me. I think that Jiu Niang and Jin Jinbo can also see it. I suspect that Ji Xianniang said something in front of him."

Jujube dates understand: "Are you worried about Ji Ji Niang's misconduct? Worried that you have gone to hn to give your brother a trouble?"

Jin Jinyu nodded.

Jujube said with a smile: "This is not easy. You write to your brother and wake up with him."

Already a husband and wife, there are some things that Jin Yuyu will not look at her: "Because I donated the 10 million yuan of money, my older brother not only blames the mother, but also has great opinions on me."

Jujube dates are wondering: "What does this have to do with you?"

For jujube dates, Jin Jinyu never concealed: "I am only trying to get me to meet you, so I donated money to the court." Jin Jinyu is no matter what, can you guarantee that there is a hexagon like the undercover? ! Regardless of whether the news he found is good or bad, he will tell Jin Jinyu.

Jujube dates and laughed: "I have nothing to do with your ten thousand dollars."

"What? It doesn't matter?" Jin Jinyu asked inexplicably: "Not because the donation of the 10 million silver, the Queen's Empress promised to let you marry me? Otherwise, I have to let me into it." He also has been I thought that jujube dates from being recruited to marry him, it is the role of the one thousand two silver.

Jujube is shaking his head and saying: "It doesn't matter. It has always been my own idea to recruit, and my mother does not agree. As for the silver thing, it is a coincidence. Even if I did not marry you, this money will be handed over to the state treasury. ”

Jin Jinyu whispered: "I thought..."

Jujube date laughed: "You said that you want to give your family to your big brother because you think he is suffering and want to compensate him."

"Yeah." In fact, there is another reason. Jin Jinyu feels that he has the ability to earn money to support his wife and children.

Jujube said with a smile: "I will tell you directly in the future, don't think about it."

Liuer went back to find Yuxi and said: "Mother, you still persuade the big sister, she is too big." After that, he said that the jujube jumped into the carriage.

"She is outside the palace, I don't think I can manage it." But let the jujubes go back to the palace, and the jujube is definitely not willing.

Liu Er was anxious: "What should I do?"

Yuxi said: "I am Yin Zhaofeng, let him stare. If the date is not obedient, she will be kept at home and she is not allowed to go out." As the date is still tossing at home, she does not want to take it anymore.

After thinking about it, Yuxi said: "You don't have to worry too much. Your 20-year-old sister is not a child. She has to be responsible for her actions. Whether I am with you or your brother or sister, May care for her forever." Even if she is willing to **** this heart, the time will be annoying. Not to mention, she has no time, and she is busy with a gyro every day.

Liu Er bitterly, no more talking.

Back to the palace, Liu Er couldn't help but say: "The brother-in-law is really true. Everything has a big sister." If Jin Jinyu is willing to persuade her sister, her older sister will not be so unscrupulous.

Lian Lian knew the troubles of Liu Er and said with a smile: "The second princess, this is actually not difficult."

"Hey, do you have a good idea? That's quick." When she thinks about the behavior of jujube, she can't do it.

Lian smiled and said: "I heard that Hummer is a big filial son. If Mrs. Yu knows this, she will definitely look at the big princess, and the big princess listens to the words of the Hummer." Although the Princess House cannot say a piece of iron, but The family still does not know that the date is pregnant and still so toss.

Liu Er laughed: "Why didn't I think about this?" I thought that Fang will definitely pay attention to this matter.

As Liu’s expected, Fang’s message immediately came to the Grand Princess House. As long as the jujube dates to the sword, Fang Shi always said next to him. Seeing jujube dates do not listen, she cried, crying Jin Yuyu can only come forward to persuade jujube. In two days, the jujubes couldn’t stand it, and the parcels went to the palace to live.

Yuxi does not object to jujube coming back to live, but there are conditions: "You can punch a fist, but you can't shoot a knife."

She was afraid of Fang, and said that she cried when she cried, and said while crying. In comparison, her mother is more than a hundred times better.

"Yes, mother, you can say anything." As long as she is not allowed to go back to face Fang, Yuxi said everything agrees.

Yuxi said with a smile: "This time, let my aunt give you more food."

"Don't you drink soup and water again?" She ate so much soup and water before marriage, she was afraid of eating.

Yuxi said with a smile: "There are more or less medicinal herbs in the soup water, which is a three-point drug. You are pregnant now, how can you eat those."

As long as you don't drink soup to eat medicated diet, everything else is fine.

Jujube dates moved back to live, the happiest thing is Liuer: "Big sister, after the niece came out, I will bring you." The date of the date of the date is at the end of the year, when she has not yet left the cabinet.

Jujube said: "When the child is three months old, I will go back to live." The palace is good, don't worry about her, but the problem is that Jin Yu lives in the Princess House.

Jin Jinyu does not have his flowers and plants, and certainly will not live in the palace. And she, do not want to separate the husband and wife.

Liu Er deliberately said: "It is no wonder that the water that the married daughter has poured out!"

"Cut, I won't say this after you marry." Cheng, I naturally hope that my husband will be with you.

After the Dragon Boat Festival, Xuan Geer went to the White Sandal College to study. In order to cultivate the independent ability of the students, the academy is not allowed to take a small entourage, so Xuan Geer has to go to the White Tan College alone.

Yuxi said to Xuan Geer: "I asked A Chang to rent a house outside the academy. If he was not used to the dining room, he would add a meal there." The dining room's food tastes good.

Xuan Geer heard this and asked: "Mom, can I come back when I am resting?"

Yuxi shook his head and said: "This time, I will study in the academy and wait for the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Thinking of not being able to go home for three months, Xuan Geer’s mood is not good.

You brother said with a smile: "Three brothers, when I am free, I will bring you a good past to find you."

Xuan Geer was speechless and said: "If you think that I am like you, I will remember to eat."

However, with the help of You Geer, Xuan Geer’s mood is much better.

On the same day, it was Qi Hao who sent Xuan Geer to the College with Yu Geer. On the way, Qi Hao and Xuan Geer said: "Second brother, you will definitely meet many people in the academy. I don't have to say anything else, only one you have to remember."

Qi Hao will tell him what needs to be paid attention to in the academy. Xuan Geer sat down and listened to his waist and said, "Big brother, you said."

"When you arrive at the academy, if someone asks you about your affair, you say you have already decided." Rui Geer and Yu Geer are not worried. Both of them are people with ideas. Can Xuan brothers are small and soft, and he is afraid that Xuan Geer is calculated.

Xuan Geer did not understand, and asked: "Big Brother, why is this?"

You buddy mouth quickly, said: "Why can you, afraid that you are being cheated!" Seeing Qi Hao looked at him, You Geer busy explained: "Three brothers, this person who wants to climb the branch is more than you think There are many people. When the college is watching you grow up and have a strong family, you will definitely want to marry your sister or sister. If you don't agree, let's make a beauty or bitterness. You The heart is soft, and if you are not sure, you will promise to marry someone else." It is really possible to have the **** of his third brother.

Xuan Geer frowned and said: "Ayou, don't you think that everyone is so bad? Again, the college is the place to study, not outside." The academy, in the eyes of Xuan Geer, it is clean. local.

Qi Hao is too clear about Xuan's temper, so I don't want to explain to him: "In any case, I just remember, you can remember."

Although Xuan Geer is not very happy, he is somewhat afraid of Qi Hao: "Big Brother, I know."

I sent Xuan Geer to the door of the White Tan College, and the two of the brothers went home. On the way, You Geer asked Qi Hao: "Big brother, in fact, even if the third brother is really calculated, as long as they do not agree with this marriage, the other party is eating a bear heart leopard and dare not scream." His mother-in-law usually speaks well, but if several of their brothers are counted, the first one is not allowed.

How can Kaihao not know this, immediately said with a smile: "I just give him a wake up."

You are a keen person who looks at Kaihao’s unspeakable smile and understands what he is thinking: “Big Brother, do you think that even if the third brother says that he is going to kiss, will someone still give up and count him? It should not be. !"

"Let time to prove." Xuan Geer received the best education since childhood, and his behavior is not comparable to the average person. And these are the things that are engraved into his bones. It is not a fake identity that can be concealed.

Someone will soon doubt the identity of Xuan Geer. And Xuan Geer has no anti-human heart, so it is not too late to let people speak out. A woman who can be a prince, even if she is a side squat, does not know how many people are rushing.

Qi Hao does not care about Xuan Geer, he just wants to see if Xuan Geer can have a deliberate heart on the premise that he has already reminded him, can he not be counted.

You buddy understands that "big brother, you are testing the third brother."

Qi Hao did not deny, but did not answer.

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