The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1452: Return

Jiang Yizheng’s wedding date is scheduled for May 16th. The marriage period is only four days. Jiangfu’s people are busy. Bayi Chinese Network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM

Yu Rong is checking the menu of the banquet. When he sees the red tone, he walks in and comes in: "Mrs. Hey, hey, the master is back."

These days, Yu Rong has been thinking about Han Jiancheng. Hearing this, he stood up and walked outside.

When I walked to the yard, I saw Han Jiancheng coming in from the outside. I saw Han Jiancheng's eyes sag deeply, and there was a thin yellow-skinned skin on his face. The navy blue dress is also very large.

Yu Rong tears down: "Acheng, how do you, how come this way?" Not adult.

Thinking about the days of iron ore, Han Jiancheng also cried.

Yu Rong, holding Han Jiancheng, said while crying: "Let you not go to Liaodong, you will not listen. If you listen to me, you will not suffer such crimes." I also know that Han Jiancheng must have exhausted these two years. It’s a bitter.

When Jiang Yizheng went to the gate of the courtyard, he saw the two brothers and sisters crying together.

Busy came over to separate the two, Jiang Yizheng said Yu Rong said: "Mother, what are we going to enter the house."

Yu Rong said, rubbing his tears again and again: "Well, break into the house and say." Anyway, people will come back.

Han Jiancheng looked at the rosewood furniture placed in the room, and then placed a variety of valuable ornaments on the Duobao Pavilion. Sitting on the soft couch, I saw a pair of flowers and a rich seat screen next to the soft collapse.

Yu Rong saw Han Jiancheng’s expression of words and thoughts and asked: "Acheng, what do you say?"

Han Jiancheng hesitated and said: "Big sister, is this house worth so much worthy of money?" The house's things are worth tens of thousands of dollars! If you are seen by someone with a heart, you will suffer.

Yu Rong immediately understood the meaning of Han Jiancheng's words: "There is no national government to rely on the mountains, no one who dares to remember my things without long eyes."

Upon hearing this, Han Jiancheng smiled bitterly: "Hey, I remember this. Before winter, I told you that you have resumed exchanges with the Korean government. I have forgotten it."

Looking at the white on Han Jiancheng's head, Yu Rong's tears came down again: "You don't think too much, you can live at home with peace of mind and take care of your body."

Han Jiancheng nodded. As far as he is, nothing can be done.

Jiang Yizheng asked: "Hey, how did you get sent to the iron ore to dig iron? As far as I know, the captured prisoners are basically put home."

Han Jiancheng said that he would enter the black shop. After that, Han Jiancheng looked at Yu Rong and said: "I didn't dare to go to Shengjing after I escaped. But the official road back to Beijing was blocked, and I could only walk the path. The result was caught by the imperial court. They decided that we were trying to sneak into the secrets of Changzhou to inquire about the news. I didn't explain how to explain it. After that, I was sent to the iron ore." In the iron ore mine, it is a heavy physical activity, although the daily meal is full. But people who have never worked hard have received it. At the beginning, all the whole body was bleeding, and I couldn’t walk.

After that, Han Jiancheng’s eyes were red again: “If I was in the same mine road as Ada, I asked him to send me a letter, fearing that I would not see you in my lifetime.”

Jiang Yizheng calmly appeased: "Hey, now that you have gone home, those things have passed."

Yu Rong stabilized his mind and nodded and said: "Yes! Acheng, it’s all gone, don't think about it again. Now, you are living at home with peace of mind."

Jiang Yizheng did not want to watch the two crying, and immediately transferred the topic: "Hey, you haven't been to Shengjing for so long, and your aunt and cousin will definitely be very anxious. Hey, do you want to send someone to send a letter to your aunt?" "It is more euphemistic to say that the urgency is that his aunt and his cousin thought they were dying."

This matter, Han Jiancheng also seriously thought before: "Don't send them a letter. Let people know that I am in Beijing, I am afraid that it is not good for their mother and son."

Yu Rong said in silence: "Acheng, still send the letter back! In case..."

"What if?"

"What if your wife thinks you are gone, what should I do if I am remarried with my child?" Although Lu Yao is a 32-year-old mother of five children, she is well-maintained on weekdays and does not look old. There are many single old bachelors in the Liaodong army. It is not difficult for Lu Yao to remarriage.

Some of Jiang’s political thoughts blame Yu Rong. I just came back, these words can't be said later.

Han Jiancheng is very confident: "Sister, you can rest assured that Ayao will not be remarried." Remarriage will not, but will definitely marry two daughters.

Yu Rong also reminded Han Jiancheng that he would not say more about it when he saw his confidence.

"Sister, I don't want to talk about it for the time being." It is also afraid that it will be passed to Shengjing, which is not good for his wife and children.

Yu Rong nodded.

Han Jiancheng is weak and wants to rest. However, Yu Rong was still asking him about things, and he had to answer his mind.

Jiang Yizhen couldn't help but say: "Mother, you don't look good, let's go to rest first! What's the matter, say later."

Yu Rong shook his head and said: "If you wait a second, the doctor will come over soon." She did not let the doctor look at Han Jiancheng, she was not practical.

Jiang’s political face is the color of the dew. He also thought that Yu Rong did not see Han Jiancheng's look is wrong. Unexpectedly, her mother is waiting for the doctor!

After the doctor gave Han Jiancheng a diagnosis and treatment, he did not drop the book bag. He said very directly: "The lord has a big loss of blood and hurts the roots. It needs to be well-conditioned, otherwise it will damage the life."

Upon hearing this, Yu Rong’s tears could not help but fall.

Jiang Yizheng said: "Ping Da, I also ask you to open the way to regulate the body of the body." In fact, looking at his appearance, he knows that the foundation has been damaged.

After the doctor left, Han Jiancheng also went to rest.

Jiang Yizheng comforted Yu Rong: "Mother, don't be sad. I heard that there are a lot of bandit robbers on the way to Shengjing. Many people are on the road. You can come back alive and be stronger than anything else." Bandit robbers are very mobile. When the officers and men came to visit, they did not know where to hide.

Yu Rong nodded: "You are right, you can live back and be lucky."

Since Han Jiancheng was mentioned, naturally, Han Jianjun and Han Jianxing and other people were mentioned.

Jiang Yizheng said: "Mother, other sisters have invited, do not ask the Ten Commandments, is it inappropriate?" Yu Rong Lian Wen's son Han Jianqiang invited, and did not ask Han Jianxing.

"There is nothing wrong with it. I said before that I broke off with him." Three times and four times, he also sent him an invitation. When she was muddy, she was bullied.

Seeing that Yu Rong was on fire, Jiang Yizheng immediately changed his mouth: "Mother, Queen Empress is so busy, certainly will not come."

This early Yurong expected: "People will definitely not come." I hope that Yuxi will not forget to give gifts.

Yu Rong is not greedy, mainly decent. Yuxi gave the ceremony, which indicated that she missed her sister.

In fact, Yu Rong is really worried. Even if Yuxi forgets this, the song mother will not forget.

Before the dinner on this day, Liu Er said: "Mother, I will marry in two days. I will go to Cuifu to give her makeup."

Jujube dates have forgotten this: "Don't remind me earlier, my things are in the Princess House!" Finally, you can go out and breathe, and every day in the palace, you are suffocating.

Yuxi looked at the jujube and said: "You can't go, add makeup and let Liu children take it."

Jujube dates immediately ask "Why can't I go?"

Yuxi said with a smile: "You are pregnant now, you should not attend the wedding, or else you will be with the bride."

Jujube is so depressed and said: "Mother, how have I not heard of it before?" These days, this can't be done. If you can't do it, you will soon kill him. If she didn't listen, Yuxi said she would go back to the Princess House. In this case, jujube dates are honest.

Yunqing is also the first time to hear about it.

"The capital has this custom." Yuxi also admitted that the capital is not only more rules, but also more taboos.

Qi Hao said: "Mother, the political cousin is married, should we send someone to eat the hi bar?"

Yuxi nodded and said: "Ayou, when you go to eat wine!" Qi Hao is not busy at the moment, but when he goes, there are some people who are moving. And You Geer is the most suitable person.

You brothers least like to go to the banquet, the food is very bad. However, this is a business matter and cannot be evaded. If Xuan Geer is there, then he will not have to go.

"Mother, don't you know how the third brother is?"

Speaking of Xuan Geer, jujube and jujube also asked: "The White Tan College is not allowed to take a small donkey, and everything must be done by yourself. Mother, can you adapt to it?" Six brothers and sisters at home, the most delicate one is Liu Er, followed by It is Xuan Geer.

Yuxi said with a smile: "You forgot, Axuan stayed in the Qianwei camp for almost a year, and he can cook himself."

Speaking of this, You Geer is worried: "Mother, you don't say I have forgotten, the third brother does not like to live with others."

"The White Tan College has a room for two people. The one who lives with Axuan is Lan Yanghui, the grandson of the university Shilande Yong." In addition to Mu Jingsi, others do not know the identity of Xuan Geer. However, the arrangement of the residence of the White Tan College is basically based on the rankings. The top 20 are two people living in a house. And can enter the top 20, certainly all aspects are not bad. Therefore, Yuxi did not have any extra arrangements.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to add makeup to Cui Wei. Liu Er looked at the bitter face of the jujube, and immediately felt soft: "Big sister, when you are full of March, I will accompany you to go shopping outside." He also heard that the doctor said that the three-month tire will be stable, so she will Say this.

Jujube dates are very depressed and said: "Now you can go!" Pregnant women who can't go out are all in poor health. She has no physical problems and no discomfort.

"Sister, be careful to drive for a thousand years." In case of a problem, crying did not find it.

Liu Er went to Cui's home to see Qi Qi, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Cousin, when did you arrive? Why didn't you tell me?"

Seven Seven smiled and said: "The night before yesterday, there are more things on these two days, ready to wait for the brand to go to the palace tomorrow!"

Liu Er and Qi Qi have known each other for so many years, how can they not know the nature of the seven seven? If nothing happens, going to Beijing will definitely inform relatives and friends as soon as possible. But this will come and go, she is not easy to ask.

In the capital, half of the honoured people of the city, and half of them have a relationship with Cui Mo. The ladies of these people will come over and add makeup. Therefore, Liu Er did not stay much, gave her a gift with jujube, and said two words with Cui Wei: "When you are free, we will talk in the palace."

Seventy-seven is the Cui House that came out with Liu Er.

On the carriage, Liu Er held the hand of the seven seven and asked: "Cousin, is there something wrong?" If nothing happens, it is impossible to come back for two days without signing the palace.

Seventy-seventh smiled and said: "Before the night, the older sister said that she would like to pass on Xiaoxiao to us."

I went to Beijing in the afternoon before yesterday, and everyone had dinner together at night. After dinner, everyone sat in a chat, and the lotus suddenly said that they would pass Ding Wei to their husband and wife.

Although the lotus fog was stunned by Chang's, it still angered Qiqi. That night, seven or seven all nights did not close my eyes. In these two days, my mood was also terrible.

Liu Er stunned and turned to smile: "I didn't expect her ambition to be so ambitious, she wanted her son to attack the prince." The British public is a hereditary title, and it has been in the throne for a lifetime. .

After that, Liu Er took the hand of Qiqi and said: "Cousin, she is not clear-headed, no need to be angry. Besides, this can't be done anyway." Not to say that Feng Dajun does not agree with Chang, even if they Agree, Feng Zhiyi is not likely to agree.

Even if things have passed for two days, Qi Qi is still a fire of the stomach: "She must have seen that I had two girls, and I was sure that I could not give birth to my son, so I only played this idea. I am adopting a donkey, I also The decision will not pass her child." She is now regretting death, knowing that the lotus fog has become like this, it is better to let her die in Ding.

"What nonsense, no matter what the body has, no son." After that, Liu Er said with a smile: "You forgot, my mother is also born after the big sister and me, only to give birth to Ah Hao. Your next child must be a son." Seventy-seven has always wanted to have a son, and this will give birth to a daughter who is sad. Feng Lianwu also said this to her, is not salt on the wound.

Hearing this, the mood of Qiqi is much better: "I hope to have the blessing of my aunt." I don't want to have four sons like my aunt, even if only one of her is satisfied.

Liu Er thought about it: "Cousin, I think I will solve her problem as soon as possible. In this way, there will be endless gas in the future."

Seventy-seven did not talk to Liu Er about something vain, and said with a bitter face: "It is impossible for her to move out with two children." Feng Yuwu is too much. Relatives and daughters, they must say in front of them that Fengfeng fog will be moved out, and the guarantee will be rejected.

Liu Er smiled and said: "Cousin, in fact, you think the problem is too complicated."

"Liu Er, do you have an idea?" She now hates not being able to get the lotus flower out of the house immediately. There is such a person at home, and there is her peace of mind.

Liu Er said with a smile: "It is just to marry her. She wants to bring two children to remarriage. It is natural. Unwilling, the National Government is not bad for these two pairs of chopsticks."

Some of the seven seven-seven minds said: "This idea is naturally good, once and for all, but she may not be willing."

"This depends on how the cousin did it." It doesn't matter if it hangs high. It is also afraid that when the lotus fog will come to her, it will be decided that Liu Er will not intervene.

Seven seven gently tapped his head. Although it is somewhat difficult to operate, it is always better than **** and Feng Lan.

Ps: Good night.

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