The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1458: Longevity full moon

The first day of the first month is the day of the full moon. ?? Bayi Chinese? W (a) W? W?. (eight) 81ZW. COM jujube was originally prepared to bring Changsheng to the palace to have dinner with the family. As a result, this proposal was unanimously opposed by Yunqing and Yuxi. In desperation, the jujube had to agree to hold a full moon feast. However, she only invites people who are close to the family, such as the British government and the Korean government, etc. And all the close to the jujube are military commanders, and there is no Wenchen.

July 7 represents the British government to attend the full moon feast of the longevity. Originally, this was also a happy event. I heard that Feng Lianwu asked her to take Ding Dandan, and her mood was not good.

Chang’s appearance, explained: “Seven-seven, Dandan is also five years old this year. It’s not good for this girl’s family to stay at home. Going outside and walking can also be more insightful.” Growth insights Secondly, it is best to know more about the same age. Dandan’s child is somewhat introverted and makes Chang’s worry.

Seven Seven smiled and said: "Mother, I can't take care of two children alone." She is preparing to bring fruit to participate in the full moon feast.

If Feng Yuwu is close to her, it will be forbearing to see Chang’s share. She can seal the lotus fog and dare to fight the title of the title, she does not need to leave face again.

Chang is a bit strange. When she was married to Fengjia, she always respected her and never rebuted her. Of course, Chang has never done anything to make it difficult. Sealing the lotus fog has something to do, and Chang has also stood up to stop it. But this is not enough for the seventy-seven.

Feng Lianwu did not want to say: "Sister, the fruit is here, I will help you with my mother."

The smile on the face of the seven seven is unchanged: "I went to see the big princess a few days ago. She always complained that I didn't bring the fruit. I promised her at the time, and I must have brought the fruit to the full moon. Since I agreed. I must not be able to talk about it. Otherwise, I will become a person who does not believe."

Feng Lian's face suddenly changed: "Which one can't take care of two children, and take care of it with a mother and a baby? If you go, you just don't want to take my Dandan."

After Qi Qi was married, she always took Chang as the first, and she was also warm and cold. And Chang is also very good for her. For a long time, Qiqi is really going to be Chang’s mother. After the return of the lotus fog, I will know that she is good at Chang’s, but she is also a pro-female daughter.

Looking at the seven seven, sitting there and not talking, just looking at her, Chang smiled and said: "The time is not too early, you have to go quickly, and the grand princess has been waiting for too long."

Seven or seven sighed, and then got up and went out.

Feng Lianfu was very dissatisfied and said: "Mother, she doesn't even listen to you, and she doesn't put you in the eye."

Chang's anger can't be said.

Feng Lianwu saw Chang’s not talking, thinking that Chang’s words were heard in her, and the more she said it: “Mother, she dares to fall into your face now, how can she be really filial in the future?” asked her This Han Ying is going to be installed. However, her mother is not to wear, and she will treat her as a biological daughter.

When Chang heard this, he endured a raging anger and asked: "What do you think the mother wants to do?"

Feng Lianwu heard this words and smiled, but soon disappeared: "Mother, my nephew is the most filial to you. You will pass Ding Yu to Zhixi, and then keep the children around. Later, Han Ying I still don't listen to you."

Chang's slap in the face.

Feng Lian smog his burning face and looked at Chang's incredulously. Since she was sensible, she was beaten by Chang for the first time.

Chang’s roaring said: “You are blinded with lard. This title is what you can think about? You have to dispel this thought for me, don’t say that your brother and sister can’t accommodate you, and Zhizhi can’t hold you. "Feng Zhixuan and Feng Lianwu have a very good relationship, but they can't stand the so-called toss." When the feelings are exhausted, I am afraid that the National Government has no place for her to stand.

Feng Lianwu cried and said: "Mother, how can you say this to me? I also watched Zhizhi without a son and would like to pass on the deaf to them. The empress of the empress is not allowed to be the emperor, and it must not be Oh, that's it. Isn't that a successor?"

Xin mother could not help but shake her head. Isn't this the son of the grandmother in the depths of the curse? It is no wonder that Grandma can't stand it anymore.

Chang’s sneer: "You feel that all the world is a fool, you are a smart person? You don’t think about the title, what do you want to do? Don’t say what your daughter is. Don’t say that you will have a son when you are young. Even if she was born to be a daughter, the title can also be passed to Zhixi’s good boy. No matter how much, it’s not a brother.”

When I paused, Chang’s stared at Feng Lian’s fog and said: “Although the brothers entered the genealogy of the family, the blood of Ding’s family in his body could never change. Even if he changed his name, he would not be qualified to inherit. The title of the family. "The original two children were changed to seal the name, in order to avoid the people of Dingjia to entangle. But who can think of it, because the change of the surname actually caused the lotus fog to have a thought that should not be. Knowing this early, she should stop this on the same day.

Feng Yan said while crying; "Why is it not qualified? It is true that the body of the child is keeping the blood of the Ding family, but Han Ying’s child also has the blood of the Han family. Why her child can inherit the title, my Can't you be a child?"

Chang's gas is so painful: "You can't pass it to your nephew if you fight for it. If you don't die, I will send Ding Xiao back to Ding." Medicine, it is impossible to dispel the absurd thoughts of lotus fog.

Feng Lianfu burst into tears: "Mother, how can you be so heartbroken, your son is also your grandson, you are so sent to death." It looks like Ding Hao will be sent back soon.

Chang Shi didn't want to talk to Feng Yuwu anymore, because she wouldn't listen anyway: "Don't dare, I will not only send Ding Xiao back to Ding, you can't stay in the government office with Dan Dan."

When I heard this, Feng Lan was scared to cry.

Xin mother quickly gave the young crops a look, let her bring the lotus fog back.

Chang's pharynx: "How did this child become like this?" It used to be a good girl at home. Married to Ding's family for a few years, it turned out to be personal.

After crying, Chang asked: "Ming Xin, why do you say this child will become like this?"

Xin mother said with a wry smile: "Where can this old slave know?" In fact, even the so-called old man of Xin mother can not see it at all, nothing more than not to say it.

The reason why Feng Lianwu wants to pass Ding Wei to Feng Zhiyi, in addition to wanting the title to make Ding Yi I Ronghua accident, but also because of the embarrassment, Grandma's grandmother has the dual love of her mother-in-law and her husband. And this is precisely what the lotus fog did not get.

Chang sighed and said: "I hope that today will make her wake up."

How can Xin’s mother not know what Chang’s thought: “Mrs, you have to say it. If the aunt’s grandmother mentions this again, you will send the three of their mother and son to Zhuangzi for a while.” Xin’s mother came to seal the house. How long does it take to know the contradiction between Feng Lianwu and Feng Dajun. Chang used this to persuade Feng Fengwu not know how many times, and even begged her to help. As a result, she also said a lot of bitterness, and all the good and bad are spoken, but the word lotus can not be heard.

At that time, Xin mother knew that the temperament of the lotus flower was somewhat extreme and it was easy to drill the horns.

Chang hesitated.

Xin mother explained: "It is not always let them live in Zhuangzi, as long as Grandma realizes her rough Owen, you will pick them up again. Madame, the second princess will marry after the spring. Mrs., the second princess is not Grandma."

Chang listened to this and fell into silence. Seventy-seven temperament is supple, even if it is angry, it is like tempering like today. If you look at her, you will not do anything with lotus fog. But the second princess is different. It is necessary for the lotus to provoke her to suffer a big loss.

There is an old saying that is good, people are being bullied by people. Where is the sentence, it is all right.

The lotus flower can be sent to the countryside, and Chang’s decision is not made: “Let me think about it.”

Xin mother did not speak anymore. It is impossible to change her lotus fog. Give her a profound lesson, nothing more than let her be honest. However, she said that she said that Chang’s failure to act as her can not be done. She did her part, just fine.

When I arrived at the entrance of the main courtyard, I heard a cheerful laugh. When I tightened the house, I saw Yuxi sitting on it.

Seventy-seven busy with fruit, gave Yuxi a trip.

Jujube dates see seven or seven with fruit and fruit come in, smiled and said: "Cousin, will bring the fruit to me." Failure to have a daughter is the biggest regret of jujube, but does not prevent her from taking other people's home The girl came to solve the problem.

Yuxi said: "You can play with fruit, but you can't hold her." Although it is out of the moon, it still needs attention, otherwise it is easy to fall down.

As soon as she reached the date of jujube, she kissed her in her arms and said with a sad look: "You said that I couldn't have a soft prostitute?"

When I heard this in 1997, the smile on my face couldn’t be stopped.

Yuxi smiled and said: "If the prostitute is like you, then you will slowly swear!"

Jujube dates can not bear this crime, immediately argued: "Mother, I have always been a good boy who has been a filial person since childhood, never let you go too far!"

Liu Er did not hold back and laughed. The face of her older sister is getting thicker and thicker.

Yuxi laughed and said: "When you were a child, you didn't do anything other than burning a house? If you are a little older, you will be in trouble. If you are big, you can't run around at home. You can't see each other. Well, if you don't think these are I have nothing to say about it."

See the date and date, Yuxi said with a smile: "Would you like to list a few good things you have done for everyone to listen to."

Jujube dates don't dare to scream.

Ps: Dear, good night.

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