The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1459: Business

The full moon ceremony of the longevity, although not particularly lively, is very warm. August 1 Chinese? W=W≤W. 81ZW. COM

Jujube is sitting next to Yuxi and smiles and says: "Mother, you see that although there are not many people coming here, everyone is familiar with it. Sitting on a piece of talking and laughing, how good!" Please so many people, not only tired People, not so happy.

Yuxi said with a smile: "Everyone has different ideas. You can't impose your own ideas on others." Jujube is too troublesome, but also against extravagance, but you can't because everyone wants everyone to be like her. Be simple.

Just like jujube dates, the wedding is simple, she wants it. Liu Liu hopes that the wedding will be very hot, and she will not violate her meaning. Of course, you can't cross the expectations of their hearts.

You Geer saw this deliberately and smiled: "Big sister, please ask more people, and receive more gifts!" He knows that jujube dates, although they love money, have always been well-founded and will not go so badly. of.

"Cut, I don't miss the two money. Besides, if I receive the gift now, isn't it a gift?" I am not familiar with it, and I don't collect money. Please ask so many people to do something.

After that, Jujube said with a smile: "Ayou, you shop very well to make money." Last year, she received a dividend of five hundred and two silver. It is necessary to know that the principal she invested is only five hundred and two. This is the year when the book was taken back. The dividends earned in the future can all be earned.

"The goods taken from Tianyang are low in cost and earned more." At this time there was no other person in the house. You brother said: "Big sister, I am going to open another rouge gouache shop. Big sister, do you want to enter? One?" He is a rouge gouache shop, and he is more confident than the shop.

Jujube and jujube asked with a smile: "How come suddenly want to open the rouge gouache? This rouge gouache shop is what the woman who sells it! You a boy, how can you think about doing this business?"

"Big sister, you don't know this. This woman doesn't pay attention to the appearance. As long as the rouge gouache is done well, how much they buy." It is also a jujube that has always paid attention to the appearance. Mother toss. It can be seen that any woman is very cherished for her appearance. Therefore, You Geer thinks this is very market. I have to say that the buddy is still very sensitive.

Jujube said with a smile: "You are very incisive. I really didn't expect you to have a business trip." Yunqing did not like to help his brother to do business. Others, including Qi Hao, support it. If you don't break the law, you can earn money by your ability. How can you not support it? After getting the dividend, the younger brother and the younger are both hands in favor.

Liu Er said: "The rouge gouache business is very profitable, but know how to do it?"

You brother said with a smile: "I will not, the person who is looking for it is. This person is not difficult to find, it is difficult to find the secret." After that, You Geer looked to Yuxi and said: "Mother, you promised I, as long as I am doing well in the criminal department, give me the secret recipe of whitening cream." He wants to make a lot of money, and he can eat what he wants in the future, and then don't have to pay for it.

Yuxi said with a smile: "Mother speaks."

Jujube date heard this and laughed: "Ayou, today is A Chang's full moon feast. You can't say nothing at all. You give him half a share, and spend money."

Waiting for the buddy to open, Yuxi opened his mouth to veto: "No. Now give birth to half a share, then will you still give Liu children a half share? Then Kaihao has a child to give? "I don't have to suffer from unequalness, and I don't give it to the back. I don't give it to the back. It is easy to lead to contradictions later." Yuxi is not allowed to live like this.

Jujube date grinned and said: "Mother, I am just joking, you still take it seriously."

"This kind of thing, don't make jokes in the future." Some things must be prevented before they happen.

Liu Er heard this and asked Yu Xi: "Mother, the prescription of the whitening cream is awkward. Give Fang to Ayou, do you agree?"

Yuxi smiled and said: "This recipe is the secret recipe of the court, not the ancestral ancestors." Therefore, this matter does not need to ask the whole story.

You brother asked: "Mother, what other things besides the secret recipe of whitening cream?"

Yuxi said with a voice: "This time I will give you the secret recipe of whitening cream, wait for this to be done and then say other." Suddenly, Yuxi said: "I can't eat a big fat man, take it slowly."

You brother said with a smile: "Know it."

Thinking of the letter written to her by all the cockroaches, Liu Er’s mood is not good: "Mother, will you really not go back to Beijing?" Liu Er is a big man with a big hand and a deep feeling. So when she wants to be a relative, she can come.

Yuxi shook his head and said: "He said that she was too old to be bumped, so she would not come." The whole family was prepared to return to their hometown and go to Beijing after their parents went to the grave. As a result, I accidentally stumbled and lay in bed for more than three months.

During this time, the whole family took good care of her, especially the two great-grandchildren, who were almost inseparable from the bedside.

The hearts of the people are long and the whole family is moved. They decided to stay in their hometown for the rest of their lives.

Liu Er said something uncomfortable: "Mother, I can't give up two children, I can bring them to the capital!"

Yuxi said with a smile: "Stupid children. Staying at home, the two children can not only live a prosperous life, but also have the respect of everyone. But when they arrive in the capital, they enter the palace, and that is a slave."

In this case, Liu Er is not willing to agree. In the whole family, the two children are the richest children who are a bit of an identity. The marriage is not expected. Can enter the palace, even if it is a slave, it is also a slave of identity. If you marry later, you can marry the official.

"People have their own aspirations, you can't force them." The whole family is not willing to be slaves. At that time, there was no way to enter the palace for survival. Later, if it was not for the rest of the family, he would not return to Beijing with his nephew. If she is going to be peaceful today, she does not want to support her in her hometown. Yuxi can refuse her request.

In fact, there is another reason for not coming to Beijing. Although Liu Er was brought by her own hand, if she was sick, Liu Er would definitely not be able to serve her. As for Yuxi, don't even think about it.

Liu Er said sadly: "I don't know if I have a lifetime, I can't see you."

"It’s not a life of death, it’s so sad." Jujube dates to tease his son and says: "If you want to be full, you have time to go to see the city."

"Where is there time?" There is no time now. After getting married, there is no more time.

Jujube said with a smile: "The so-called no time is an excuse, the key is to see your determination."

Liu Er did not speak. She has different dates and dates. She can't ride a horse-drawn carriage to the city, so she will get half a year. After leaving her home for half a year, her heart is not that big.

"It's easy to say. Married people, with children, how easy is it to go away? After I married you, I didn't leave home. I just quarreled with you on Zhuangzi, and brought a few of your sisters." After saying this, Yuxi said: "If you want to go back to the military camp, you have to wait until the child is one year old."

Jujube jujube agreed very quickly, and then asked: "Mother, that is the first year of life, I want to send him to the palace, then you will help me take care of him!"

Not waiting for Yuxi to refuse, jujube dates a bitter face and said: "Mother, if I leave the child to Jinyu, he must take my mother-in-law. Mother, I don't want to have a longevity like him, he is jealous. In fact, jujube is a child who wants to say that he is afraid of longevity and thinks about Jinbao’s children’s music. This Lele is not only very skinny, but also has everything to rely on him, very overbearing and arrogant. Let Fang take it, she is afraid that she will be the same as Lele after her long life.

You Geer asked very strangely: "Big sister, don't want to be a brother-in-law? Why?" Jujube dates like Jin Jinyu, but now they say that they don't want their son to be like him. This is not a contradiction.

Jujube said: "Do you want to know that when you are outside, you only know how to grow flowers and grass, do you know anything else?" This is the true heart of jujube. Jin Jinyu only knows that it is okay to raise flowers and plants, and she is! But the son is also like this, who will support the court in the future.

Yuxi is not able to help the jujube raise children: "I said that my children raised their own. Since the decision to marry Jin Jinyu on the same day, you have to solve these problems yourself." She and Yunqing are already busy enough. , Where is the time to take care of the children? Moreover, even if there is time in the future, they are not willing to take care of their children. After being tired for so many years, it is time to rest well.

Jujube dates try to convince Yuxi: "Mother, when you please, please have a good wife and aunt, you just have to look after you on weekdays. Mother, this is your grandson, you can't bear to see him afterwards?"

Yuxi is not moved: "Jujube dates, it is also your business to do nothing, you can't just care for your life. Don't mention it later, I will not agree with you."

Jujube dates are sad.

Yuxi saw it and sighed and said: "The child must not be put in the palace. I have no time with you. However, you can bring Jinyu with the children."

Jujube said: "Golden jade can't bear his flowers and plants." It's not that gold and jade can't be used, but the life in the military is hard. She doesn't want Jinyu to take her children to suffer.

Yuxi heard this and stood up and smiled and said: "It’s not too late. I should go back with Liu, and take a rest with your child!"

After that, I went out.

When Yuxi’s back disappeared into her sight, the jujube came back: “Zeng Mama, is my mother angry?”

"The big princess, you feel bad, my grandfather and old slave know, but what do you think of the Queen's Empress?" Grandpa reluctant to let these flowers and plants, let him go with the army. The Empress Empress is so busy, the Grand Princess wants them to help raise the children. This is replaced by her, and she will be upset.

Jujube is really not thinking so much: "There is no need to take care of the breast and the niece!" She is afraid of staying in the princess house for a long time, and has been in contact with 邬lele for a long time. Going to the palace, there is no such worry.

“It takes a lot of energy to care for a child.”

Jujube dates immediately said: "My mother used to handle government affairs, but also to take care of the government and take care of our six brothers. These are all very well done. Now I am also at home, my mother has time to help look after the longevity. ""

Ms. Zeng said helplessly: "The big princess, you are already married, and there is something to solve in the future. Only when you can't solve the problem can you find the emperor and the empress."

Jujube dates are incomprehensible: "Married, I am not their daughter." Also because of problems or troubles, jujube dates habitually find Yuxi.

Ms. Zeng said: "It’s not the same as being a prostitute."

Ps: There is one more in the evening.

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