The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1460: Long progress

Yuxi leaned on the carriage and raised his eyes with his eyes. Bayi Chinese Network W? W (a) W. 81ZW. COM

Liu Er walked over and pinched her shoulders. After pinching it for a while, she said carefully: "Mother, big sister, she always said something. Mother, don't be angry."

Yuxi opened his eyes and smiled and said: "What is your sister, I still don't know? I am angry for this, then I don't know how many times I am mad." Jujube and triplets, That is not the heart of the Lord.

Liu Er sighed with relief: "That's good, I thought the mother was angry!" She rarely saw Yuxi's face not talking.

Yuxi smiled and did not speak.

Liu Er hesitated and said: "Mother, the big sister does not want her brother-in-law to follow the army with her longevity. I want to come to fear that they will suffer." The places where the troops are stationed are relatively remote. Such local conditions can be imagined.

Yuxi asked: "If you are replaced by you? How are you willing to choose?"

Liu Er thought and didn't want to say: "I don't want to go anywhere, I will stay in the capital." After that, Liu Er's eyes lit up: "Mother, you let the big sister stay in the capital when the difference is not enough."

Yuxi laughed and said: "That is what she wants to be!" If the date is willing to stay in Beijing, there will be no such thing.

Liu Er, this does not know how to say it.

Yuxi said: "When she insisted on marrying Jin Jinyu, I told her that after marrying Jin Jinyu, everything should be done by herself. It is useless to say that it is useless to marry Jin Jinyu." This temper, even if he wants to help, he will not let him do it, because it will definitely help.

"It is estimated that this is the production of this time, so that the big sister is not practical." I felt that Jin Jinyu was quite good. After the date of jujube production, she felt that this was also unreliable. It’s not that he is bad, but he can’t afford it.

Yuxi shook his head and said: "I have told her that she has vowed to say that she can handle it. This is her own choice, and I can't blame me."

This is not a big deal, Liu Liu is busy asking: "Mom, do you really want to ignore your older sister?"


Liuer has no way to accept it. I can’t help but ask again: "Mom, are you really planning to care for your older sister?"

Yuxi turned to look at Liuer and asked, "When do you think I will take care of her with you? Will you close my eyes with you?"

Liu Er did not know how to answer the words.

"Since choosing to be a mother, we must take up the responsibility of being a mother. It is better not to live without regard to raising a living." After that, Yu Xi looked at Liu Er and said: "If I have no time to take care of you because I am busy with government affairs, What do you think about giving you to your grandmother and your aunt?"

Liu Er is a more sensitive person. Hearing this saying: "I will feel that you don't want me, so I will let me get off the fence."

"Yes, other people's homes are no better, and they don't live in their own homes. This is the old saying, Jinwo Yinwo is not as good as its own grass nest." After that, Yuxi shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, your big sister doesn't understand." It is not the same to say that jujube dates to marry, even if the son gets married after he gets married.

Liu Er said: "Mother, the big sister doesn't understand that you are slowly teaching her. You are like this, the older sister will be sad."

"It’s sad that I am jealous of you, not her. Raising her is so big, I don’t know if I can share it for us, but I will find something for us." After that, Yuxi shook his head and said: "What did you choose? I don’t have to pay for anything. If it’s so easy to raise a child, I won’t have a buddy on the same day. They will not be born.”

Liu Er said with a smile: "The older sister is also looking at Ah Hao, they are so good, I hope that the longevity can be like them."

"She knows that Qi Hao and Rui Geer are taught well, but how much energy did I spend with you, she knows?" After that, Yu Xi looked at Liu Er and asked: "If she will live forever Give me support, I promised. Later, you think that the child is not good to teach, will you want to give the child to me to teach?"

This is really possible.

"You think so, that Qi Hao and A Rui will definitely think so when they arrive. In this way, I am really tired to die with you." She would rather deal with government affairs than take her children. Not to mention that such a mischievous and unruly as the buddy is hard to discipline, it is that Qi Hao is so embarrassing, and it takes a lot of effort to cultivate talents. As she gets older, her energy is getting worse.

After a pause, Yuxi said again: "Just like your older sister said that you want Ayou to give him a half-share, I don't know if it is difficult for Ayou to do this?"

Liu Er said this busy and said: "Mother, the big sister is joking, don't take it seriously."

"I know it's a joke, but if you can promise it, then it's not a joke." Looking at Liu, Yuxi said: "I know that you must think that it is half a share, and I am too true." But you have to know that if you have a good job, you can definitely get into the gold. After half a share, the annual dividend is definitely not a small amount. You don’t think too much, but Qi Qi and A Rui’s wife Will you think more?"

Liu Er heard this and smiled and asked: "Mother, are you sure that the shop of You Geer can make money?"

"You are also using whitening cream, how is the effect?"

Liu Er nodded and said: "It's very easy to use, but its cost is also very high!" The medicinal materials used in the preparation of whitening cream are relatively expensive. A box of whitening cream, you have to have a few silver.

Yuxi Waner: "As long as the things are good, it is to price 52 boxes, and some people are rushing to buy."

Liu Er stayed for a while and then smiled and said: "Then I lost money, I knew I was going to open the shop." This is just a joke, she is not interested in doing business. When Fang Zi is in her hands, she is likely to be a gift.

"Don't feel that the mother is worried. If something is not taken precautions, it is easy to make troubles between brothers and sisters." After marrying their wives, they each have their own homes, and they all have their own calculations. If she does not adjust to Yunqing, it is easy to go wrong. In the long run, the relationship is getting worse.

Going back to the palace, Yunqing saw Yuxi, and some complained: "Why don't you take the longevity into the palace and show it to me?"

"Forgot." Originally intended to hold the longevity into the palace, but the jujube said that Yuxi would leave, and did not mention this.

"Forgot? What happened?" Yuxi’s memory has always been very good. It must be something that has shifted attention and will forget such an important thing.

After repeating the words of jujube, Yuxi said after depression: "This child is really spoiled by us. This is all a mother, and everything is pointing at us." Yuxi is not angry, but some angry. The behavior of jujube dates is not to consider them, nor to take the children seriously. Just keep alive, no matter what kind of mother.

Yun Qing smiled and took the hand of Yu Xi, and said: "The child is used to having something to solve, you have to give her a process of adaptation."

"From the time of marriage to the present, this has been a year, and I have not adapted yet?" After finishing, Yuxi said: "I will not be used to her again. I will not manage her things in the future." Before the appointment, the date is explained with the date. Now let's talk about this again, it's late.

Yunqing hesitated and said: "No matter what the housework is, other things still have to be managed." For example, jujube and jujube warfare, this can not be left behind.

Yuxi laughed and said: "This is a business, don't confuse it." Since jujube is going to be the pillar of the second house, it must be truly independent.

The next day, the jujube dates into the palace with a longevity. The child, the eyes are watery, the skin is white and full, the face is round and bulging, especially cute.

Yun Qingg hugged, the child showed him a big smile: "Yu Xi, you see how much the child likes me, I laugh when I see you."

Yuxi said: "Which child knows how to laugh in a month?" The children's current laughs are all unconscious.

Yunqing smiled and did not answer, but asked: "Yu Xi, look at this child like who?" It is not like a golden jade, not like jujube.

Yuxi can't see who it is.

Yunqing saw Yuxi without answering the words and said: "Like everyone, as long as it is not like him." The man is so beautiful, easy to cause trouble.

After that, Yunqing looked up and looked at the jujube and said: "The temper is not like his mother, or it is definitely a mixed king." Jujube was not a headache when he was a child. If the child's temper is like a date, she will have a headache at that time.

Jujube and jujube said: "I was very good when I was a child." Jujube dates to remember that she insisted on practicing in the hospital of Huo Changqing every day. He forgot the clean things.

Si Bo Nian said outside: "The emperor, the Queen Empress, Shen Daren has something to see you."

Yunqing got up and said to Yuxi: "I will go first, you will come back later!"

As a result, Yuxi had not spoken yet, and the jujube was holding her hand and said: "Mom, I am wrong."

Yuxi heard this and asked: "Where is it wrong?" Jujube dates from small to large, and the attitude of admitting mistakes has always been very good. The problem is that the mistake is restored.

Jujube nodded and said: "My child should teach by himself. Niang, I have already said to Jin Yu, he is willing to take the child with me when he arrives." Jin Jinyu said, wherever he goes, he goes there.

The look of Yuxi looks good: "This is right, the child should raise it. Otherwise, the child will definitely not be with you." How many children compare the mother to the mother. The main reason is that because the mother is inseparable from the child, the time with the mother is very short.

"I know." After that, the jujube dates and said with a bitter face: "Mother, it’s okay to follow me when I was a child. But when I am older, he has to study! I haven’t read many books with Jin Yu. How can I teach him when I am? ?"

"I finally grew up." When I was a mother, I naturally began to think about the future of the child. Yuxi said with a smile: "This is like a mother. You don't have much to read with Jin Yu. You can find him a good gentleman. When you are ten years old, send him back to Beijing."

Jujube dates immediately said: "Mother, then you can find me! Readers, I don't know one."

Yuxi shook his head and said: "You have to find it yourself. Your future affairs will be solved by yourself. I will not take care of you with you."

This is waiting for the real thing. However, jujube dates know that since Yuxi opened his mouth, there is no possibility of change.

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