The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1461: lonely

Snowflakes are still dancing in the cold wind. ?八一中文W≤WW. 81ZW. There are no pedestrians on the COM street except for occasional carriages passing by.

When the jujube is fed, the longevity will be placed next to it, leaning against the carriage, and the face will fall.

Molan followed the jujube for such a long time, and it was the first time to look at her look: "The big princess, what's wrong with you?" When I entered the palace, I was still fascinated, and when I came back, I was full of thoughts.

Jujube dates back to the gods, depressed and said: "Merlan, I will not take care of me after my mother."

"Ah..." Molan asked without confidence: "Impossible. The emperor and the queen are so hurting you, how can you care about you?"

"I said that when I grew up, I grew up and asked her to help a good gentleman. My mother refused. I said that after I solved my own affairs, she and I wouldn’t take it anymore." What have you been doing for so many years? Yuxi and Yunqing will help her solve it. Suddenly the two men let go, and the date was a little panic.

When Molan heard this, he smiled and said: "The big princess, the things in the house should have been solved by you. The emperor and the empress is not your manager, and everything can help you solve it. Even if they think, Not so energetic!"

Jujube dates also think a lot in these two days: "I know that they are not as energetic as they used to be, but I am very uncomfortable."

In front of Molan, jujube dates are not hidden: "After I got married, my mother-in-law had hurt me so much."

When Molan listened to this, he really couldn’t laugh and cry: “The big princess, you have seen the girl who married and returned to her family’s pregnancy.” The date was moved back to the Princess House one month before the production. In the months of the birth of the palace, Yuxi will ask her about her physical condition.

"I can feel peace in raising a baby in the palace." The conditions of the palace are good excuses, mainly in the princess house, she is not practical. Again, this woman is pregnant and has children, and she will be afraid in her heart.

Molan smiled and said: "Whether outsiders have a good mother. The Queen Empress must have seen this and agreed to let you raise a baby in the palace."

"Before I asked my mother to help raise a child, I didn't think about it, but I couldn't kill it with a stick!" The tree that has been relying on suddenly can no longer rely on it, and it will inevitably be afraid. The jujube at this time is full of uneasiness.

When Melan heard this, he immediately laughed. Before Lili moved out of Yangfu, she was also very upset. The big princess is now in the same state as her eldest sister: "The big princess, the emperor and the empress are just the daily trivia. To meet what you can’t solve, the emperor and the queen are not Will stand by."

After a pause, Molan said: "The big princess, you are married to a life, and you can't rely on the empress of the queen any more."

Now I want to rely on her mother, and his mother will not take care of her. Jujube said with a depressed face: "Why do you want to grow up? It’s really annoying when you grow up."

Molan laughed and said: "I am just the opposite of the princess. I am very happy now." Because she was a girl, she was rejected by Chen. If it weren't for Lily, she couldn't live without it. Later, she became sensible and was treated harshly by Yang. But now, she can not only protect herself, but also protect the lily and two nieces.

Jujube dates and says: "You are different from me." For the sake of his son, regardless of his daughter's life and death, Fu Tianlei is a scum.

Molan said: "There is no better parent than the empress and the empress. The big princess, you have to be blessed." Yuxi and Yunqing said that regardless of the date, it is just not willing to manage those small things. If the people of the family dare to bully her, the emperor and the queen will be the first to stand up. Of course, the ability to bear the jujube can not be born.

With Meran, jujube thinks that he grew up in a honey pot: "Are you still writing to you?" Last year, Fu Tianlei wrote a letter to Molan. Let Molan help me to say a few words in front of Yunqing and Yuxi, in order to be able to transfer back to Beijing.

When Yunqing took many generals to the south to fight the North, Fu Tianlei was busy with his son. When the son was born, he was finished. Later, he took a little credit for playing the capital, and when he was rewarded, he sealed a third-class who could attack three generations. After that, it was transferred to Guizhou. That place, the backcountry, does not say that Yang and her son Fu Han, Fu Tianlei are not willing to stay.

Molan shook his head and said: "No. But I heard my aunt say that Yang and Fuhan will return to Beijing after they start the spring." Jingcheng, Fujia also has the royal family.

"How did your aunt know?" Jujube dates, but because of the lily, Fu Qinglu and Fu Tianlei have fallen out.

Molan sneered and said: "I wrote to my aunt and asked her to help take care of Yang and Fuhan. Yang is as capable as it is, and I need my aunt's care."

Yuxi said with a smile: "You don't have to take care of your aunt. You should take care of it." I took the opportunity to find Yang's grief and reported the hatred of the year.

Molan shook his head and said: "I didn't want to take care of them. I didn't have to find a good time for myself." She had a good life and didn't want to have a relationship with Yang.

Yam inserted a sentence: "I am afraid that you will not go to find her, she came to you. Sister Molan, how Yang said is also your mother, what if she directly gives you a kiss?" Although it is a stepmother, but Young does have this right. Not to mention, Fu Tianlei is now following her.

Jujube date laughed when he heard this: "She must let her decide, let her marry herself." The vicious stepmother listened much, but she never got it.

When Molan heard this, the whole person relaxed. Yang gave her a dear, she has many ways to not marry, but in the end it will be very troublesome. When jujube dates out, there will be no troubles.

Because of the longevity, the carriage went straight to the second door.

When Zeng’s mother saw the jujube, she lowered her voice and said: “The big princess, the old lady brought the second master to come over. When I saw the grandfather, I began to cry and cried for a long time.”

Jujube dates frowning and said, "Do you know anything?" Before the marriage, Jin Jinyu said that he wanted Fang to move into the princess house, and the jujube was promised at the time. How can you be filial to your children? But Fang’s two grandchildren are reluctant to move to the Princess House, but they may come to cry every time they are wronged. More times, she is also a little annoyed.

Ms. Zeng shook her head: "I don't know exactly what it is, but it must be related to a few people in the mother-in-law of Ji Ji." After that, Ms. Zeng lowered her voice and said: "The big princess, you don't care about your family."

Jujube said: "I don't care about those broken things." When it comes to jujube, I don't understand what Fang is thinking. In the past, it was said that it was necessary to keep the family business for the two sons. But now they are all separated, and the industry has clearly delivered, why bother to stay in the house!

After a while, Jin Jinyu came over: "Hey, mother said that she wants to live in the house, you see?"

“How long does it take to live?” Seeing Jin Yuyu lived, jujube said: “How long does the mother-in-law live in the princess house? I don’t object to raising the old man now. But she is now with a lele, and we can’t Also help your brother raise a child?" Do not say that Jin Baobao and Xiao Fangshi and Jin Yu care about it, said that Le Le Le that temper, jujube dates do not want him to stay in the princess.

Jin Jinyu is hesitant.

Jujube said: "In-laws raise you, filial piety is what they should, but we are not obliged to raise children for your brother."

Jin Jinyu said: "Mother and the cricket quarreled, and it was very fierce. If the mother wants to live in the princess, she can't go back to Lele?" Jin Jinyu does not think that jujube is not close to reason, but afraid of her mother. unwilling.

Jujube does not want to talk to Jin Yuyu again, saying: "For half a month, let him go back for up to half a month."

Jin Jinyu said aloud: "Jujube, mother wants us to help you find a good gentleman for Lele. You see?" Lele is also six years old this year, when the original five years old, it should be enlightened. However, Mr. Fang was not satisfied with the search for Mr. Fang, so he said that he is now.

Jujube said: "Then go find it!"

When Jin Jinyu heard this, she looked sad and said: "I don't know a few people. Where are you going to find the gentleman?"

Jujube jujube looked at Jin Jinyu and said: "I told my mother today that after the growth of the same length, please ask her to find a good gentleman, guess what my mother said?"

"What are you talking about?"

"My mother said who is born who cares. The mother of Lele does not care about him, what do I care about with you?" If Jin Baobao has a good relationship with Jin Jinyu, Lele is also a well-behaved child, she said that she would not help. Now, she is not doing this!

Jin Jinyu looked tangled and said: "But I have promised my mother."

During this period of pregnancy, jujube dates deeply understand one thing. As long as Fang Fang opened, Jin Jinyu almost refused. A lot of things are not within his ability, he promised.

Because Fang’s mention is not difficult, the jujube dates have been helped to solve. The child can be born that day, so that the date has a flaw in the heart.

Jujube dates a look at the golden jade, said: "If you promised, you will solve it, I will not manage it." If there is no Yuxi's words, this time may also help. But now, she doesn't want to be used to Jin Jinyu and Fang.

Jin Jinyu lived.

Jujube said: "I will not take care of my family. I will not care for my long life, but I still have the energy to manage other people."

When Jin Jinyu heard this, he said with a look of apology: "I'm sorry, hey, it's hard for you." He thought it was not difficult for the date, so he agreed.

Jujube is talking, and I will cry when I grow up. This child's voice is particularly large, which is like jujube.

Jin Jinyu will hold up the longevity and open the diaper to see that the diaper is dry. He said: "It should be hungry." Although there were mothers and Molan and ink incense, this one-month long life was personally taken care of by Jin Jinyu. .

As soon as the jujube was picked up, Changsheng went straight to her arms, and the jujube smiled and said: "How long have you been hungry for this stinky boy?" The child's appetite is really big.

Ps:o(n_n)ohaha~, have you kissed your hands today?

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