The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1464: Difficult experience (1)

Huang Lin heard the jujube and asked him to teach him Lele, but he did not object. ?? Bayi? Chinese network W (eight) W? W?. ?8?1?ZW. COM anyway, the date is not out of the house, he is still idle all day, just to find a fun for himself.

The reason why jujube dates to make Lele let Huang Lin not only is that he has a good shot, but the main thing is that this guy always has a black face and can also get a hand. And if you want to take advantage of this temperament, you must kneel down.

This is not, 邬 Le Le is not obedient to the neck and is not willing to continue to squat, he was smashed by Huang Lin, and he still does not give meals. On this day, for Lele, it seems like falling from heaven to prison.

Every minute, for him, it is a torment. When he was about to despair, the sky was finally dark.

Going back to the backyard and seeing Fang, Xiaole rushed up and hugged her and cried: "Grandma, I want to go home. Grandma, I want to go home!" The cry was so miserable, I don't know if he thought his mother was gone.

Fang saw the scar on his body and slammed up. I heard that Lele said that I didn’t have dinner at noon. I immediately stood up and went to find the date and the golden jade.

If the mother is there, it will definitely stop. It is a pity that Ms. He was left in the government by Fang, and only brought a welcome. The welcoming **** is supple, but you can't stop Fang.

Ying He looked at the tears and snots of his face, and he did not give up. He took the handcuffs and gave him: "Two young masters, let's take a shower first!"

He said with joy: "You don't have long eyes, I am hungry and I am hungry and I have a back."

I have a good temper and I am not angry: "Well, slaves make people cook."

I have to say that the temperament of Lele is the one that Fang’s and Xiao Fang’s give. Of course, Yu Chengli is no better than him.

Looking at Fang's face, I didn't raise my brows.

Jin Jinyu asked: "Mom, how come you are so late?" He still doesn't know that Lele has not only played several times, but has not eaten at noon.

Although Fang’s stomach is a fire, he does not dare to fire on the jujube, which is a bad place for the high-ranking wife. Enduring anger, Fang said: "Lele's whole body is green and purple, and there is no good meat. This is no problem. Even if you don't give it to dinner, this martial arts will be hard, and you can't eat it if you don't eat. When Lele is a long body, how can I grow up without eating?"

Fang's brain is still awake, not directly tempered. If not, jujube dates will not give her face.

Jujube jujube said with a faint look: "A meal is not hungry and not dead." For a bear child like Lele, it is useless to leave a hand.

Fang’s face changed slightly. After a long while, he said: “The big princess, Lele said that he wants to go home, I will take him back tomorrow.” She did not want her children to suffer such crimes.

Jujube said without saying: "This is with you." Lele is not her child, and she is willing to look at the face of Jin Jinyu.

Jin Jinyu stood up and said to the jujube: "Jujube, I will send my mother back, and I will come back later."

The jujube dates to the bottom.

Out of the yard, Fang said: "Jin Yu, I know that Lele is not right to break your flowers, but can't torture the child like this?" The potential meaning is that jujube is for yesterday's event, deliberately tossing Lele.

邬金玉脸 looks very unsightly, just so many people around, some words are not good to say: "Mother, go back and say."

邬 Lele was tossed up today, and after taking a full bath, he went to bed after taking a shower. When Jin Jinyu and Fang’s return, he had already slept soundly.

Supporting Fang’s entry into the house, he retired, and Jin Yu said with a calm face: “Mom, what did you say just now? Is it difficult for a big princess to let Lele martial arts, is it wrong? You have to do this, later Don't bring Lele to my house anymore."

Fang knew that there was something wrong with the words just now, and he explained: "Le Le is all scars on my body. I looked distressed."

Jin Yu said: "Distress can not be abandoned halfway, unless you really want him to be a bully or a dude."

Fang's sorrow: "How can you say this?"

Jin Yu’s face said ugly: “You always say that Lele is still small, what is it? Is it a gift in the academy? It’s not a fight or a truancy. It’s not a good idea. You can’t make it. Do you want Lele to be like him?” Years old, it is also a headache.

The gentleman of the school has already slammed twice, and he said that he would drop out of school next time. To this end, the company has used the family law.

Fang also hopes that the grandson can have a good future, so he hesitated when he listened to Jin Yu: "But this is too embarrassing. Jin Yu, or you will say something to the Huang Daren, let him not take such a heavy hand. ”

"Jade is not a weapon, mother, want to make Lele talented, you can not be afraid of him suffering." After the meal, jujube said: "The big princess and the old master of the martial arts, the beginning of the whole body injury, but the queen is not Say a word. Once, the jujube sneaked out to play, and after returning, he was pumped ten lashes by Huo Laotai, and they all bleed. It was the medicine given by the Queen Empress. But that is the case, the Queen Empress did not say anything."

Fang’s breathe and use a whip to pump, which is awkward!

Jin Jinyu sighed a voice: "Not a big princess, the prince also smashed the whip. Two of them, they are not sinned. Mother, if the emperor and the empress are as reluctant to suffer as the children, you think that the Prince and the second are them. Can you become a talent?" I also know that it is impossible.

I also listened to many of the previous things that jujube dates said. Jin Jinyu also understands why Qi Hao and Rui Geer's four brothers can become talented.

Fang is still hesitating.

Jin Jinyu sighed and said: "Mother, I am Lele's uncle, will not harm him. Mother, you have to be really happy, don't take him back."

Fang made a concession and decided to observe and observe.

Yan Jinyu shook his head and said: "Mother, Lele is spoiled, and I can’t stand it at the beginning." Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as you squat in the past.

After thinking about it, Jin Jinyu said: "Mother, I will teach Lele to Huang Daren for three months. After three months, you will decide whether you want Lele to practice martial arts with Huang Daren. Mother, you can't repent if you promise. We can Can't make a person who is anti-Ir."

"Okay, I promised."

Jin Jinyu still didn't feel relieved. He thought about it: "Mother, you can't see Lele in these three months." He is also afraid that Fang will regret it when he arrives, but he will be halfway.

This condition, Fang does not agree.

Jin Jinyu said: "If you are not allowed to see him within three months, let him follow Master Huang. Just take the opportunity to change these bad things in him."

In the princess house, the master is still jujube and 邬金玉. Jujube dates only hold the mentality of doing good deeds to let Huang Lin teach Lele, and Jin Jinyu really wants to be happy. Therefore, after Jin Jinyu made a decision, even if Fang did not agree, it would not help.

Knowing that he is going to the Big Devil again, he is not willing to live and die, holding Fang’s crying. When Fang saw it, it was shaken again. Finally, the hexagon will hold Lele to the front yard.

I have never been beaten so long, but I was beaten three times by Huang Lin yesterday, and I am still awkward. I am afraid that I will be beaten again. I am happy to follow the requirements of Huang Lin in the yard.

After two quarters of an hour, Huang Lin saw that Lele was faltering. Then he said, "Let's take a break." Xiwu naturally has to follow the gradual progress and cannot be made.

On this day, Lele has been watching the sky. He never hoped that the sun would come to the mountains as it is now. When the sun goes down, he can return to his grandmother. At this point, he had already made up his mind, and he would go home with his grandmother, and then he would not be guilty of this crime. If the grandmother does not agree, he will sneak home. I don’t know if I can’t go back to Fang’s place at night, I can’t help myself, and I cried.

Huang Lin gave him another meal and said: "Frankly eat, or else you will be jealous."

Lele had to pick up the dishes and cried while eating. That looks like it is not miserable.

When Lele went to bed, Huang Lin went to see the jujube: "This kid is very tough." Although he was afraid of being beaten, he insisted that he did not fall for a day, and it was quite good.

Jujube said: "Then you teach him for three months, then decide whether or not to accept him as a disciple. However, even if he does not accept him as a disciple, he must change his stinking disease within three months." The child's current temper, wherever he goes, is irritating.

Jujube can ask Huang Lin to teach Lele martial arts, but it cannot be forced to accept the apprentice.

Huang Lin nodded and said: "Yes."

In a few days, I know that Lele and Huang Lin have learned Kung Fu. He is very happy about this. Even, he moved his mind and wanted Jinshi to follow Huang Lin. Can quickly, this idea was dispelled. Jin Jinyu did not let Ji Yu Niang and a few waves of them into the door of the Princess House, how could they agree to let Huang Lin teach the stone.

I couldn’t help but ask Yu Shun: "You said, why is Jin Yu so hostile to Jin Bo?" Jin Bo and Jin Shi are very respectful to Jin Yu, but Jin Yu has never given them a good face.

Hearing this, Yushun said: "Master, my wife and Ji Yanniang are not right, and the second is the most filial. Even if the three masters are better with the four masters, the second master will not like them." Moreover, Jin Bobo also Not a good one, just a comparison.

The so-called authorities are fascinated by the observers. Jin Jinbo was pretending to be pure, and Yu Shun also saw the nature of his haze. It’s just that he knows that even if he talks with him, he doesn’t believe it, so he never said anything right or wrong. On weekdays, he did not dare to slack off the three brothers and sisters of Jin Jinbo, but he did not pick up the olive branch thrown by the stone. When I was separated, I asked Fang’s family to let Yan Momo go to the Princess House with Jin Jinyu.

I sighed with a sigh.

He said cautiously: "Master, do you want to pick up the lady to come back?"

He shook his head and said: "She stayed at the Princess House, everyone is clean." He loves Ji Yanniang, but the wife of the other wife is also emotional. However, Fang’s behavior in the past two years has broken his heart.

Yushun’s novel said: "Master, my wife is the master of the family. It is no harm in the three or five days. But if you stay in the Princess House, you can leave it alone."

I don’t want to say it when I think about it: "Then let Auntie take control." Without Fang's, he still doesn't want to live.

Upon hearing this, Yushun said: "Master, if you let Ji Ji Niang take over the house, I am afraid that the second master will never come back." This kind of thing, Jin Jinyu really came out.

He was so angry that he said: "If you don't come back, you won't come back. When I am rare, he will come back." He must have made what he had done in his life, and he gave birth to such a son to collect debts.

Yan Shun smiled and said: "Master, the three young masters are so cute, you don't want to see him?"

He was the most painful and long-lived, and he gave a box of objects at the full moon. These things, that are good objects that are worthless.

When I heard this, I was so silent. After a long while, he said: "I knew that I would let Ice Butterfly and Jinshi stay in Jiangnan." When Ji Yanniang was in Jiangnan, Fang also knew that he had had a quarrel with him once, and then he did not mention. But after he brought Ji Ji Niang back, he basically quarreled every day. Now it is more unreasonable to argue with him. As for Jin Jinyu, he used to be a little cold to him, but he will be air when he returns from Ji Jiong.

If you are willing to be wide, you can send Ji Niang and Jin Shishi back to Jiangnan now. I can understand that the singularity is nothing but casual, and I am reluctant to separate them from Ji Jinniang and 邬金石.

It’s strange to say that it’s smooth. How old a savvy person, how to meet Ji Ji Niang since the change, just like a personal change.

When he was born for two months, the date and date brought him to the palace.

Liu Er is going to cook the palace, and he has to prepare for the monk, and he is very busy. So during this time, she did not have time to go out to see the longevity.

"Yeah! This has not been seen for more than half a month, has it grown so big?" When he was born, he was only five pounds and eighty, not fat. But now, it is chubby.

Jujube said with a smile: "Is there? I think it is about the same as when I was born!"

"You look at it every day, naturally, I don't feel anything." Finished, holding a small face with a long, rounded face.

Feeling uncomfortable, Changsheng turned his head to the other side.

Liu Er felt very strange and wanted to continue to tease her longevity. Jujube and jujube quickly stopped: "You can't wake him up. This kid is very tempered. He has to wake up and cry. He can't help himself." Just follow him and say anything, once he doesn't fit his heart, he will work hard. cry. Anyone who can't help crying, must cry enough to stop.

Liu Er smiled and didn't make a long life again: "Big sister, I heard that the flowers in your house are smashed by the brother-in-law's nephew? What happened?" The jujube-raised pot of orchids has no spirit, Yu The master is also helpless, she sent to the Grand Princess House to let Jin Jinyu see if it can be cured. After that, I also know that the flower house was smashed.

When I mentioned this, the jujubes were distressed: "There were more than 20 pots of flowers, and the pot of tea was destroyed. Thousands of silvers were gone."

"Is this child too wild?" She used to think that the buddy was too inferior, but now it is more than a lele, and that is more worry-free.

"Where can he compare with us?" Ayou is also a bit unruly, and the whole is still good. You can be a bear child.

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