The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1465: Difficult classics (2)

Liu Er knows the temperament of jujube and says: "Big sister, have you not beaten Lele?"

"No, I have to fight him. Not only will he lose his identity, but he will also be told." Eight? One Chinese network W=W≈W≤.≥8≥1ZW.COM" If it is replaced by Yugeer, she will definitely swear Beat it up. As for Lele, forget it. When my brother is jealous, it will be embarrassing. The children of other people are not good at it.

Liu Er asked some unbelief: "You just let him go?" This does not want her sister's style.

Jujube dates open, revealing a big white tooth, and a proud face said: "I let him and Huang Lin martial arts. Huang Lin is a black-hearted master, this time he was tossed by Huang Lin "This is much more fun than playing a lele."

After that, the jujube still said with pride: "Your brother-in-law is particularly grateful to me, and hopes that Huang Lin will teach him."

Liu Er said with a smile: "Big sister, it should be handled in the future." This kind of roundabout treatment can be much stronger than the date.

"Well, I will ponder over it later." This time, I really thought a lot of dates. Violently solving problems is naturally refreshing, but there are many after-effects.

After all, jujube dates are funny: "I don't know how Jinbao and Xiaofang's children are raised. Not only is Lele's inferiority, but also Chengcheng is not a good one. It is not good to study in the school, and fights all day." She also hated learning in the past, but she was honest in the classroom. The reason is very simple. If she dares to mess up in the classroom, not only Huo Changqing will clean up her, but Yunqing and Yuxi will also punish her.

"It must be spoiled."

The jujube had a bang, and dismissed: "My lord smashed my wife, and now the squatting house is already the world of Ji Yu Niang and his scorpions. I am not willing to step into the gate of the government." Not going back to the government, she will definitely not go to the government in the holidays.

Liu Er smiled and said; "Whoever has some bad things."

"Family can not be so chaotic at home." Feng Dajun and Chang's husband and wife are both clear and good to talk, seven or seven is their cousin will not make any moths. If Liu Er marries in the past, there will be no such bad things.

Liu Er said with a voice: "Compared with the family, it is much better to seal the family. But there is a lotus fog, afraid that it will not be able to live." This really should be a sentence, every family has a difficult experience.

Raising the lotus fog, the jujube couldn’t help but say: "It’s strange, Feng Zhiyi and Feng Zhixi are both human fine. How to seal the lotus fog is so stupid?" Feng Zhixi that stinky boy looks Humans and animals are harmless, and in fact they have a lot of hearts. As for Feng Zhiwei, let alone say it. The children of a mother compatriot have too many differences.

"Which do I know, I hope she is smarter?" Dealing with smart people, saving worry and saving trouble. Deal with stupid people and work hard.

Jujube dates are like a smile: "After you get married, you will live in the Princess House. You don't like her not to go with her." The two sisters want to live, but there is no suitable house next to them. As for the renovation of the surrounding houses, the cost is too great. Finally, the place where Liu Er was chosen is about a quarter of an hour away from the Grand Princess.

Liu Er said with a smile: "Would you like to go to the door, can you still fight out?" Feng Lian is a big aunt, and the face is also to be given. Of course, if Feng Lanwu dares to lick her nose, she will not be polite.

Jujube dates open their hands and fell on the bed: "It's still a good thing for us, no such mess."

Liu Er shook his head and said: "Now, there is no need in the future."

Jujube dates over and strangely asks: "What does this mean?"

"Qi Hao said that they would not be allowed after they became a relative." There are many people, and this is true.

Jujube jujube said happily: "That will not, there is a mother! Who wants to make a moth, mother must not spare her." She did not dare to make ghosts in front of her mother, not to mention other people.

Liu Er smiled and said: "As long as Qihao's daughter-in-law does not make mistakes on the big face, other things will not be taken care of."

Thinking about what Yuxi had said before, Jujube said with a smile: "They don't dare to get us on the head anyway, and they just have trouble."

As I spoke, I heard the sound of the new and other people being crisp: "Queen of the Empress."

When this words fall, the longevity will scream at the small mouth and wow.

Yuxi heard the cry of the longevity, and walked in and smiled at the jujube and said: "This door is as big as you." Jin Jinyu speaks softly, and the date is just the opposite.

Seeing the child crying poorly, Yuxi said: "It is estimated that you are hungry, you feed him to feed."

"I just can't eat it for a quarter of an hour! Mother, he is not hungry and crying. It was just new and they woke him up. It's not happy!" The stinky temper is really big.

Upon hearing this, Yuxi reached out and took over Changsheng from the jujube.

Jujube date suffered a straight face, said: "Mother, brats too Nansi Hou, crying up to life ah!" If it is still small, I really wanted to hit him up.

Yuxi whited the jujube and glanced at it, then gently patted it, and the mouth was also full of nice tunes.

Jujube is trying to say that it is useless, and sees his son not crying.

Jujube dates are so horribbling that the chin is about to fall, and an unbelievable question asks: "Mother, how did you do it? When this kid cried, my mother-in-law and her mother used them to stop crying. As for herself, let alone.

Yuxi kissed him for a long time and smiled and said: "How can I know this?"

Liu Er said: "Mother, Changsheng must like to listen to your distortion. Mother, your song is really nice."

Jujube dates also nodded: "Mother, I have not heard you sing the song." Today, but the first time.

Yuxi laughed and said: "This is a lullaby. I learned it with your grandmother. When you were young, I have told you to listen."

So big things, they remember. Jujube dates ask: "Mother, are you still busy?" For the first grandson of Changsheng, Yunqing is unusually fond of love.

"When I wait, I will be fine. Just when I came over, I still haven’t seen my long life for a long time!" After finishing, Yuxi said with a smile: "After the weather is good, I will bring a long life."

Jujube dates are busy saying this: "Mother, it is not as good as I live in the palace with my longevity. This way, you can see the longevity at any time with you!"

Yuxi glanced at the jujube and gave two words to reply: "No."

"I am also bringing myself into the palace, you don't have to worry about it." She really wanted to go back to the palace for a few days. Living in the palace is delicious and delicious, and the children don't have to worry about it. It is very comfortable.

"That won't work either." On the date of the jujube and the climber, she compromised once to let her stay. After that, she will return to the palace after three or five. In fact, there is a child in the palace is also very lively, but Yuxi does not want to have the psychological dependence of jujube and jujube, so I will not let it go.

Jujube said with a depressed face: "Mother, how do I feel that I am the water you poured out? After you marry, you will be rejected by you?" In the past, as long as it was not particularly demanding, she would satisfy her. Now, regardless of what she asked, her mother refused.

When Yuxi heard this, he smiled and asked: "The water that the married daughter has poured out? Are you sure you want to be the water that splashed out?"

Jujube is most afraid of seeing Yuxi's expression. Every time her mother reveals this smile, she is 100% unlucky. Jujube is busy saying: "I am gibberish, mother, don't go to the heart."

Liu Er can't smile.

After about a quarter of an hour, Yunqing came over. Holding the longevity, Yun Qingsheng said: "This child is really strong and grows up. After growing up, it is definitely a tiger." Good physique is the first requirement of the general.

"Reassured, this kid is very strong. When you grow up, you will definitely become a member of the military commander as you wish." This is just the heart of Kuan Yunqing. The children are still so small. When they grow up, they are generals or officials or other industries. No one can predict this.

Yunqing likes to live for a long time, and she is reluctant to leave. After lunch, jujube dates will bring longevity back, Yunqing said: "When is the time, live in the palace for two days." Jujube dates in the palace, you can see the grandson.

Jujube said faintly: "I just said that I have to go back to the palace for a few days, but I can't let her."

Yun Qing smiled twice and did not answer. At home, Yuxi has the final say, and Yuxi does not let the jujubes return to the palace to live. He also knows.

Jujube dates with a stomach of sadness, go back.

Liu Er took the hand of Yuxi and asked: "Mother, why not allow the older sister to bring a longevity to live in the palace?"

"What do you want to solve with your older sister? I always want to find out how to solve it with you. If you still want to stand up, how can she prop up a home?" There is an old saying that it is good to rely on mountains and mountains to fall, and to rely on the goddess to be old. She and Yunqing, it is impossible to manage the jujube for a lifetime.

Liu Er asked: "Mom, then can I still go back to the palace after I marry?" She also thought that Feng Zhixi would go out to fight and bring the child back to the palace. Now look at the date of jujube, I am afraid that this idea can not be achieved.

"No, mother must be treated equally." The Grand Princess House has to rely on jujube dates, and Jinyu is a leisurely meal. After Liuer’s marriage, as long as he is cooking the good things in the house, Feng Zhixi is the outsider. Liu Er wants to go back to the palace to live, normally Yuxi will not stop. If you have the date of jujube, you can't go back to the palace.

Liu Er did not get angry, just sighed: "If the aunt can do things like her mother, then it will be fine."

Yuxi smiled and asked: "Why, is it that the lotus flower is out of the moth?" She also heard about the succession. This is just a delusion of the lotus fog, so Yuxi just smiled and did not express any opinion.

"She has been busy with the satin shop recently, but she hasn't had any moths. Mother, it's not that I look at the lotus fog, and she has to pay 100% for her sex." The shop was cheated. Even if I use the cost price to get the goods from Tianyang now, the shop of Yougeer will earn four or five thousand dollars a year. It can be seen that this business is not good.

Yuxi laughed and said: "If you lose it, you will lose it. If you seal this money, you can still afford it."

Liu Er’s heart is very uncomfortable, not for the money but for Chang’s attitude: “If the aunt’s aunt is allowed to seal the lotus fog, then the government will never have a day.”

"That is also the wife of the wife and the seven or seven headaches, and it is irrelevant to you." Not to live with one piece, and then noisy can not make trouble in front of Liu.

Liu Er said: "I am wronged for my cousin."

Yuxi smiled and said: "When a person marries a woman, how can it be free from grievances? This is still good for the Seven Seventh. At least the wife is a kind and generous. Many of the daughter-in-law have to face the double martyrdom of the mother-in-law and the aunt. That day is over, just like in the bitter water."

"It’s still a good mother, no mother-in-law and no aunt." So, the days are quite comfortable.

Yuxi heard this and said: "In the same year, Song Guizhen made the Emperor Guangzong to marry me. You have a hatred against you. You heard that after giving the marriage, you suspected that this was Song Guifei's conspiracy."

"What? Is there still this?" These, she did not listen to anyone before.

Yuxi smiled and said: "Fortunately, you know me and you know the real reason. You can be so, the old man is still guarding me, even secretly sending people to monitor me. Until you are pregnant with your big sister. His attitude has changed."

Liu Er took Yuxi’s hand and said softly; “Niang, I haven’t heard you mention it.” She always thought that the combination of Yuxi and Yunqing was very beautiful.

Yuxi smiled and said: "What can be said? People can't do everything in their lifetime. Those hurdles, just go ahead."

Yuxi sat down and said: "You are only doing a few things, you will see the sesame big things look particularly heavy. You have this leisure, you should not put your mind on the women's school." The ability of the fog is just tossing in the back house, and there is no wave of it.

Liuer's face was a joy, asked: "Mother, the school's mountain leader is looking for it?" Mr. Female is not difficult to find, it is difficult to find the mountain leader. This person not only has both ability and political integrity, but also has a reputation. Those big Confucians are definitely not willing to accept this errand. And women, almost no one can satisfy these two conditions.

Seeing Yuxi nod, Liu Er asked with great surprise: "Mother, who?"

"Nan'an lay."

Liu Er thought that he had misunderstood: "Nan's lay? Mother, is Nan'an layman not a man?" Nan'an lays two poems and four books. His poetry is easy to understand, catchy, and highly sought after. It’s just that this person has never appeared, very mysterious.

Yuxi smiled and said: "Nan's lay is a woman, but she is afraid of being attacked by the group, so she has never appeared." Being attacked is still a small matter. If the world knows that she is actually a woman, then she will not become a famous scholar. .

Liu Er asked: "Mother, then she should be older now?" Nan'an layman has been famous for more than 20 years, and his age is certainly not small.

Yuxi said with a voice: "Well, Nan'an layman is already 57 years old this year. But the body is tough, and it will be no problem to live for another 20 years."

"You asked her to be the head of the women's school. Does her family agree?" The descendants are certainly not willing to work hard for their parents. Like her grandmother, she is now raising flowers and raising birds to make her granddaughter all day long.

Yuxi said: "The husband of Nan'an is weak and sick. She passed away the second year after she married. After that, she returned to her family and did not remarriage. She studied and learned. I sent people to contact him. She heard me want to do it. The women's school can't find a suitable candidate for the mountain, and promised to take up the mountain in one bite."

Liu Er felt very magical and asked: "Mother, how do you know that Nan'an is a woman?"

"Yang Yuming found out." As for how Yang Xiaoming found out, Yuxi did not elaborate.

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