The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1466: Suspicious

The child test is also called the boy test, including the county test, the government test and the hospital test. Eight?? One Chinese network W≈WW. 81ZW. COM February 18, 19, and 20 is the day of the county test.

The students of the White Sandal Academy have a lot of people who are famous for their fame, and the talents are countless. At this time, Xuan Geer, who is always in the top of the list with no merits, is particularly attractive.

Qi Chengzhi had a good relationship with Xuan Geer and asked: "Ning Xuan, why didn't you go to the children's test?"

Xuan Geer did not think much, said: "I don't want to be an official, but I am not planning to take the exam."

I don't want to be an official, what is the hard window? Only in this case, Yan Chengzhi is not easy to ask for export: "How can it be? If you are so good, you can learn if you are a scientific examiner."

"The brothers have won the prize, so many talents in the world, I will learn what to do!" But being so flattered, Xuan Geer is still very happy.

At home, Xuan Geer always felt that he was very poor. When he arrived at the White Tan College, he realized that it was not him, but his brothers were too powerful.

Qi Chengzhi asked; "Xuandi, are you really planning to take the exam?"

See Xuan Geer nodded, Ruan Chengzhi could not help but ask: "What about your mother? Do you agree with this?" The window of the cold reading for more than ten years, for the gold medal title Guangzong Yaozu. Even if Ning Xuan does not want to take the scientific test, his parents will certainly not agree.

Xuan Geer said: "I don't want to let me take the exam." Xuan Geer didn't want to be an official. He just wanted to be a university. However, he wants to end the game. He has been studying hard for so long, and he can try what level he is in the next exam. Yu Yuxi and Yunqing did not agree. It is not reluctant to accept the sin of Xuan Geer, but the number of places to be admitted has a fixed number. If he wants to take the test, then he will occupy the quota of others.

"Oh..." There are still parents who don't care about their son's future.

Suddenly, Ruan Chengzhi remembered a question; "I heard that you have a big brother who is amazing, and you didn't let him take the exam." Last year, there was only one surname in the top 50. That person is already in his forties, and certainly can't be the big brother of Ning Xuan.

"My older brother doesn't need to take the exam." His older brother is the prince, the future emperor, and those who are the top picks and scholars in the future are his students.

Yan Chengzhi’s heart beats, unless there is a talented person who does not need to take the scientific test. Ning Xuan is probably the child of the meritorious family.

Yan Chengzhi thought about it a bit, tentatively said; "Ning Xuan, I think you are still better to take the scientific test. Even if you don't want to be an official in the future, you can not only reduce the tax, but also go out later." Compared with the former dynasty, the welfare of people with fame today has plummeted. However, there is better than nothing.

Xuan Geer said with a smile; "No need." In his capacity, no one dares to slack off wherever he goes.

Yu Chengzhi is more suspicious, waiting to continue to ask, Lan Yanghui appeared.

"Ning Xuan, go back." Once again, Lan Yanghui will ignore Cheng Zhizhi. Speaking of Lan Yanghui's temper is too casual, it is easy to offend people.

Xuan Geer smiled at Yan Chengzhi: "I will go back first. What will happen next time."

Lan Yanghui handed a stack of books to Xuan Geer and said, "Help me get it." Too many books are borrowed.

After returning, Ruan Chengzhi has been pondering the words of Xuan Geer. The more you think, the more you feel wrong. After a while, his other three roommates returned.

Qi Chengzhi was close to the roommate and thought about it: "A person who has been studying hard for ten years, is only talented and Zhou Zheng is not taking the scientific test. What reason do you say?" One person is short, three skills, maybe Roommates can think of it.

Everyone talked about it, saying that it may grow ugly, and some said that there may be hidden diseases, and even more people say that there may be problems with identity.

Various speculations, but Cheng Chengzhi feels that these guesses are not reliable: "He said that their brothers do not need fame." Brothers do not want to fame, this is very doubtful.

Upon hearing this, a roommate smiled and said: "Hey brothers, only the inheritors of the princes or grandsons or the honourable house do not need to take the name of the imperial examination. If you say that, then there is no need for such an identity." Read more than ten years."

The roommate who said this is also the son of the bureaucrats. He has some understanding of the situation in the capital: "There are only two women and four sons in the holy world. The Prince is now studying with the emperor to deal with the political affairs. The second emperor went to Changzhou with the three emperors. The four emperors are As for the honourables, as for the honourable family, unless it is the eldest son of the ancestors who can inherit the family business, the following sons will only have two roads if they want to go out, and they will be enlisted in the army and the imperial examination. Since the cold window has been hard to read for more than ten years, it is even more talented. Going into the army. Brother, this is definitely a liar, don't be deceived."

Yan Chengzhi’s heart thumped, but the face was still annoying: “I also listened to him boasting two sentences, both as a liar, and I will ignore him later.”

Just talking, someone called his name outside. Qi Chengzhi went out to pick up a letter and saw the word on the letter. He didn't go back to the house. Instead, he found a corner of no one to open the letter.

After reading the letter, Yan Chengzhi looked a little dark. The letter was written by his wife Lu, who told Ruan Chengzhi that she was already on the way to Beijing, and that Cheng Chengzhi was looking for a good place to settle. I am afraid that there is no money in the hands of Yan Chengzhi. There is a silver ticket with two hundred and two silver coins in the letter.

In his hometown, two hundred and two silver can buy a three-in-one house in the best location. In the capital, two hundred and two silver can only buy a small yard in the North Street.

Looking at the date of the letter, I am afraid that it will take up to half a month to arrive in Beijing. I thought that my wife would come to Beijing without asking his opinion, and that Cheng Chengzhi was so annoyed that he would not be able to take care of Xuan Geer.

At this time, Lan Yanghui was also asking Xuan Geer: "What did you say to you," did you say that you shouldn’t listen to him? If it wasn't for the Four Highness, please ask him to look after him, he would be too lazy to manage.

Xuan Geer smiled and said: "He asked me why I didn't take the child test? I said no."

Lan Yanghui browed and jumped: "I didn't say it before. Others asked why you didn't participate in the child test. You said you don't want to be an official. You just want to learn." Normal people hear that they don't need to take a scientific test. Not to mention the ambition of Yan Chengzhi.

I am afraid that Lan Yanghui will continue to recite, Xuan Geer said: "I will pay attention next time." This time is really a big idea, it seems that I can't mention my older brother in the future. Otherwise, I will not pay attention to it.

Lan Yanghui is just reminding Xuan Geer that when he sees it, he will not say more: "When is the four halls coming?"

Xuan Geer smiled: "My second sister is going to marry next month. I shouldn't come over in the near future." You know that Lan Yanghui likes to eat cakes, and every time he comes, he will bring the cakes made by the master. And not every time. I can't help Langer Hui to help my brother to come every day.

Ten days later, Xuan Geer and Shan Chang took a leave of absence. In a few days, Liu Er will be married, and Xuan Geer will have to go back and help.

Shan Changhu Yiyi knew the reason and approved the fake. Before he did not know the identity of Xuan Geer, or before the child test, Xuan Geer took the initiative to find him to avoid the situation.

Qi Chengzhi’s money is not enough to buy a good house. After considering it for a long time, he finally rented a two-story house. While studying, I have to look around the garden, and I have no time to look after Xuan Geer. When he was busy looking for Xuan Geer, he couldn't find anyone.

I heard that Xuan Geer’s family had a leave of absence, and Yan Chengzhi went to find Lan Yanghui in the name of caring for the classmate.

At this time, Lan Yanghui is relying on the stone to read leisurely. Seeing Cheng Chengzhi, there was a touch of disdain in his eyes. By copying books for a living? Yan Chengzhi can't live better than him, but he is much stronger than the Hanmen. It takes only three or five silver coins to copy a book a month, and it is enough for him to spend. Only the prince of the three emperors will believe.

"You said Ning Xuan? Mrs. Shepherd has a girl in the middle, let him go back to meet with the girl. If you look at the right eye, it is estimated that you will be a relative." Xuan Geer is also fifteen years old this year, the shepherd will give He said that pro is also normal.

"Oh, that's a big happy event." Xuan Geer entered the White Tan College as a priest in the past. This is also known.

Lan Yanghui lazily asked: "Is there anything else?"

"Then I don't bother." Lan Yanghui didn't like him. How couldn't he know? Although he feels inexplicable, but he has no power and no power, can not afford the son of the university staff.

Leaning on the stone, Lan Yanghui put the book on his face and squinted to sleep.

Yan Chengzhi turned his head and saw the hatred of the scene. He asked himself not to lose to Lan Yanghui, but because of his identity, he was blinded by this person everywhere.

Clenched his fist, and Cheng Chengzhi vowed that there was always a **** to step Lanyang Hui under his feet.

I don't mention Yan Chengzhi. I only said that Xuan Geer went home to see the palace everywhere and the lights were full of joy. It would be much more exciting to marry people with dates.

Said to You Geer: "Adi, the big sister will not have these marriages. Adi, the older sister came back to see these, would it be uncomfortable?"

You buddy laughed and said: "Yang Niang originally wanted to do it. It’s the big sister who always said that the wedding can't be wasted." This matter, how can we blame it? Moreover, her older sister is not the one who is so careful.

After the election, You Geer said: "The dowry for the second sister is as much as the big sister." It is all one hundred and twenty-eight, and the money spent is the same.

Xuan Geer whispered: "Adi, wait for the second sister to marry, then it is time to turn to the big brother!"

You brothers have more news than Xuan Geer: "There has been the exact news, and I will choose the best brother in May. Soon, we will have a big fight."

Xuan Geer said with some curiosity: "I don't know what kind of girl will choose for her brother?"

"The future big man must not only have both ability and political integrity, but his appearance must be equal." His older brother is so good, and the future big man can be worse. Even if the girl promised, he would not do it.

When I paused, You Geer asked: "Yes, brother, what do you like?"

Xuan Geer's face was instantly red.

You Geer laughed: "Women are married and women are married, what is embarrassing. When the big brother's marriage is set, it will be our turn. You have to tell the girl what kind of girl you like, so 爹Mother will look for your request."

See Xuan Geer still do not speak, You Geer laughed: "Three brothers, what are you talking about with me. Tell me, what kind of wife do you want to find?"

Xuan Geer hesitated and said his own requirements: "Because you must be beautiful first, then you will have a chess and calligraphy painting, and the third temperament should be gentle and amiable."

"You might as well say that you have to find a second sister like that." His second sister was beautiful and well-known, and the piano master of the court was praised. In addition to the stewardship director, that is also a good hand.

In fact, Xuan Geer felt that Liu Er was also a bit fierce, but he did not dare to tell the truth. In case this word is passed to Liu Er's ear, it must be trained. In the end, Xuan Geer hesitated and looked down: "Adi, what do you want to find?"

You brother said with a smile: "Mother feels good, I also look pleasing to the eye, then it will do."

Liuer wants to marry, and jujube is finally famous for his justified reasons to come back with his longevity.

As a result, Tian Yihei grew up crying, no matter how the jujube dates could not hold back.

Liu Er was so angry that he felt a pain in his mind: "Big sister, can you let him not cry?"

Jujube said with a bitter face: "I can't stop it!"

Ms. Zeng said: "The big princess, the second princess, the brother should be afraid of life." To a strange environment will be afraid, can not say can only wow wow.

Liu Er said: "Is there any way for him not to cry?" It is still a small matter to make her a headache. The key is that the child is crying so badly, what should I do if I cry.

"When he is crying tired, just fine." It wasn't her mother's heart, but this kid was too crying. I cried for almost two quarters of an hour. When I was tired, I ate milk, and when I finished, I fell asleep.

Liu Er can't listen to it: "Would you like to ask the mother to come over, maybe the mother can hold on to her longevity!"

"Isn't this a matter of deliberation with the minister? It is still important to do business." Otherwise, she has already called people.

Liu Er snorted and didn't talk anymore.

As a result, Changsheng cried for two quarters without stopping. The little face was crying purple. Don't talk about Liu Er, that is, jujube dates can't hold themselves.

Yuxi got the news, and while walking, he told Meilan: "Go to Qin Tai doctor to Zhang Huagong." If the child is uncomfortable, he can also be treated promptly.

Looking at the longevity of crying out of breath, Yuxi did not hurry to hug, but first touched his forehead. Seeing that the forehead is not hot, this is to reach out and hold her from the jujube.

As a result, I will not cry when I am born in Yuxi. Not to mention other people, even Yuxi is a bit strange.

Yuxi ordered the nose of Changsheng and said with a smile: "It seems that our longevity is the grandmother."

Jujube date deliberately said with an angry look: "This stinky boy, I am so pregnant with him born in October." This son, is a white birth.

Ps: The cold dragged for a week, the more serious it was. Today, I couldn’t help but want to get some drip, and the doctor didn’t give it. I gave the medicine for 18 yuan. o(n_n)o~, when the cold is good, add more.

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