The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1467: Intimate sister

The night is deep, and the bright moon is completely out. August 1? Chinese W?W?W?. (1) 81ZW. The insects in the COM grass are not called, and they all fall asleep.

"Wow..." A loud voice smashed the silent night sky and awakened the sleepy Liu.

Liu Er opened his eyes and asked again and again: "How do I hear the baby crying?"

He smiled and said: "The second princess, you forgot, the big princess brought the brother to come, and now is sleeping in the main hall!" Because the jujube is a big sister, the main hall is lived, and Liu Er lives in the partial hall. Even after the jujube was married, Liu Er did not move to the main hall to live.

Liu Er is also sleepy and confused. Hearing this saying: "How are you still crying in the middle of the night? Go and see what happened? Need help?"

After I put on my new clothes, I went out. After a while, I folded back. "The second princess, the mother said that the brother is hungry, and will continue to sleep after eating milk."

Liuer would have no sleep, and leaned on the bed and said: "Do you say that children are so difficult?" crying during the day and crying at night, she listened to headaches, not to mention the big sister with children. It is. She knows that jujube is the most impatient.

He smiled and said: "The second princess, the young Master Tao is a good one. I heard that some children are upside down in black and white, sleeping during the day and playing at night, that is tossing people."

"It's all good, then what's not good?" Thinking about having to live this life, Liu Er is chilling.

"The most fearful thing is that the child is in poor health and always gets sick. Then it is tossing people." Children who are in poor health are prone to death. This is an adult, how can you feel at ease.

She was born with four pounds, and the three brothers who were the most weighted when the triplets were born were only about three pounds. It’s so hard to bring a longevity to a full-fledged and well-behaved body. It’s not easy to raise her and triplets. Liu Er said: "Mother is really suffering from raising us. In the future, I have to be more filial."

After chatting for a while, Liu Er fell asleep. When it was time, the sky was already bright.

Going out to see the jujubes that are practicing the sword, Liu Er suddenly: "Big sister, how come you got up so early?" At night, the child cried and fed, and in the morning, she should not take the opportunity to make up her mind. How did she get up earlier than her?

Jujube dates the sword, smiled and said: "Wake up and can not sleep, so I came out to practice the sword." The original date jujube came out to practice the month, was stopped by Yuxi. It is also worried that it will be practiced too early and will fall behind. To put it bluntly, Yuxi agreed to let her practice for forty-five days.

After wiping the sweat, the jujube said: "If there is anything, I will talk again." After that, continue to practice.

This perseverance of perseverance, Liu Er is admired: "Big sister will be able to get what he wants in the future." Her sister-in-law will be able to become a female general.

He smiled and said: "You will get what you want in the second princess."

"What am my ambition?" Her ambition is to teach her son, and Ann has been happy for a lifetime. There are countless women in this world who think like her, but like her older sister, she is basically gone.

As the wedding season approaches, Liuer is now responsible for eating and sleeping well every day. Other things are Yuxi and Kaihao brothers took over.

In a blink of an eye, it’s time to add makeup. The gifts that were sent by everyone this time were all ornaments such as jewellery or seat screens. They did not receive such wonderful objects as swords and arrows as they were when they were married.

Lu Xiu's makeup for Liu Er is the same as that for jujube, which is six sapphire and six rubies.

Liu Er looked at the heart and touched the gems and said: "Two aunts, these gems are so beautiful, I want to buy more. I don't know if the second mother has a door?" Their sisterhood is of course, but Lu Xiu's hand is too big. Some, Liu Er feels not right.

Lu Xiu said with a smile and said: "I don't know how much the second princess wants? There are still some in my hand. If you want to buy more, I will let you buy it from Fujian." Lu Xiu The idea of ​​doing things in the sea, Yucheng and the largest seafood dry shop in Beijing are her. In these years, Lu Xiu earned a full overflow. Before, because she lived in the National Government, she did not dare to spend a lot of money, afraid of being criticized. After the separation, there would be no such scruples. Anyway, it was her own money.

Liu Er did not hide, smiled and said: "I want to enter a group of gems to decorate."

Lu Xiu is also a personal fine, smiled and said: "Is it for the decoration of the four emperors?" She knows that Liu Er has a lot of ornaments, it is not an exaggeration to say that those ornaments can make Liu children don't wear them all the year round.

Liu Er smiled and nodded: "You can't do nothing, just sit at home and wait for dividends."

In the past, Yu Xi was busy, and Liu Er’s socializing entertainment was brought to Lu Xiu. Therefore, Lu Xiu and Liu Er’s feelings are still behind each other: “Do you know the four emperors?”

"I haven't told him yet."

After all, Lu Xiu is a person who is a year old. He thinks a lot: "It’s not a good thing to trade a trade shop. It’s a good thing to discuss with the four emperors."

Liu Er said with a smile: "I can do this."

Lu Xiuyu said with a strong heart: "Those things that involve money, even if they are brothers and sisters, must be delivered clearly. If it is not clear, it is fine now, and when you are married, it is easy to hurt your feelings." That is why The reasons for the brothers to settle accounts.

Knowing that Lu Xiu is good for her, Liu Er said with a smile: "Thanks to the second mother reminder, I will ask Ayou later." She believes that You Geer will definitely agree.

Lu Xiu smiled and said: "When you discuss it, I will help you to contact the goods dealer." The jewelry is not limited in size. Because large ones have large uses, small ones have small uses.

Xiang Zixin knew that Lu Xiu’s makeup for Liu Er was twelve gems, and immediately a silver tooth almost chopped.

After returning home, it happened that Han Jianming was there. Xiang Zixin couldn't take care of it, and said this to Han Jianming. However, Xiang Zixin still has a mind. She did not directly say that Lu Xiu was greedy for the money in the public. Instead, she turned around and said: "Master, brother and sister, this is a big deal. I will send out the things at the bottom of the box, not worth her." The value of the gem."

Han Jianming said with a smile: "The younger sister's dry shop is very profitable, you can't compare with her." Qiu had also opened the shop of dried seafood before, but did not open it by Lu Xiu. It’s just that, she didn’t say it.

"Master, I also want to open a shop." Although Xiang’s management is now in charge, the expenses in the government are fixed. The kitchen and the people who bought it were all Qiu’s people. With the original lesson, Zixin did not dare to move them. Therefore, Xiang’s management of labor and labor, but not much oil and water.

Han Jianming teased his brother and said: "If you want to do business, you don't have to tell me." The scholars pay attention to the grandson. Yunyun has personally changed the diaper for the child, so Han Jianming is no longer rigid in form. In addition to accompanying Qiu, I will see my son on weekdays.

Xiang’s expression was a stagnation. After a while, he said: “Master, what do you think is good business? I have limited capital, and big business can’t do it.” In fact, she is afraid of losing money, and she is so easy to kneel down two thousand two. In case of loss, it is equivalent to cutting her flesh.

Han Jianming is not a very considerate person. Hearing this saying: "You go to ask the next mother, the mother has a very good business." It is also that her mother can do business to earn money, the government can maintain the face The glory of the glory, he was able to live the life of Jinyiyushu when he was a child. Of course, Yuxi is also the beneficiary.

Xiang’s heart is extremely disappointing. Qiu’s now has nothing to do with her, even if she asks, she won’t get any substantial help.

After the election, Han Jianming said: "Doing business, but you can't neglect your aunt."

The futon walked in and said to the two people: "The country grandfather, my wife, the old lady sent someone to ask you to go."

When the husband and wife arrived at the upper house, they saw the joy of Qiu’s face. Han Jianming sat down next to Qiu and asked with a smile: "Mother, what happy event?"

Qiu smiled and said: "Our family will immediately add people." Did not sell off, looking at Zhong Minxiu said: "Axiu has, almost three months."

Han Jianming’s face also showed a smile: “This is indeed a happy event.” The family is prosperous, relying on people.

Qiu praised Zhong Minxiu for a pass, and then looked at Xiang Zixin and said: "You should also add a younger brother and sister to your brother." My brother is almost three years old, and Xiang Zixin has not had any movement.

Xiang Zixin heard this very wrong. She also thought, but there is always no way to do it.

Han Jianming opened the topic: "Mother, this kind of thing has to look at the fate!" Not to mention that the granddaughter has it, and said that Xiang Zixin has already given birth to a buddy, and he really does not care if he can regenerate in the future.

Back to his yard, Zhong Minxiu touched his stomach and said: "I hope this is a son." She resisted the pressure of the great, only to survive this year. If this child is not a son, the pressure will be even greater.

The lotus said busy: "Grandma, you can rest assured that this fetus must be a buddy."

Zhong Minxiu smiled and said: "Hope!"

On the evening of this day, Liu Er found a geek for the gems: "Ayou, buying gems from Fujian, the price is nearly 40% cheaper than the capital."

You Geer nodded and said: "In the past, Mr. Pang said that there are a lot of gems on the side of the people. We can change a few fine jewels with a set of fine tea or a set of fine porcelain."

A set of exquisite official kiln porcelain, but also one hundred and eighty silver. A gemstone with a good quality and a large size is worth thousands of dollars. It can be seen that this profit is amazing: "Do you earn money?"

You Geer nodded and said: "Yes! But it is not easy for the sea merchants to earn this money." Not to mention the typhoon and tsunami plus pirates, some people on the ship could not help but die for several months. It can be said that this is to fight for life.

No matter what you do, it is not easy. Liu Er said: "Ayou, the jade ornaments sold by your shop are not bad, but the gold and silver ornaments are very general, and the gemstones are not quite the same." After the change, Liu Er said: "Ayou, you have I didn't think about taking the high-end route. In this way, I will earn more money in the future."

You brother said with a smile: "Of course I thought, but I don't have time! Second sister, you also know that I have been preparing for the gouache shop recently, and then I have to be bad every day. It is really no time to pay attention to the shop." "If the errands are not done well, the emperor's old man is guaranteed not to let him do business." But his energy and time are limited, and it is impossible to cover everything.

Liu Er said with a smile: "If you don't mind, I will help you with the shop. When your gouache shop is on the right track, I will return it to you."

"Second sister, is this inappropriate? You have to marry in a few days, how can you have time?" Just married, when it was honey, how can you manage these chores?

Liu Er said with a smile: "It takes a while to buy a gem, but also a craftsman with good craftsmanship. It takes only one or two months to prepare." Two months later, she had time to cook the shop.

You brother said with a smile: "Second sister can pick up this, then I will be much easier. Second sister, can not let you be busy, I will give you a 10% share."

Putting his hand, Liu Er said: "No. I am also one of the shareholders. It is appropriate to do something for the shop."

"Don't you?"

Liu Er said with a smile: "I still lack the money to spend these two money?" The dowry given by her mother is enough for her to eat for a lifetime, and she will be short of money.

I think the most rich one is the jujube and the Liuer, and the buddy is not ruthless: "That, the second sister will have something to tell me. Others don't dare to boast, run the errands or not problem."

"I remember this!" There is no plan to open the shop for the time being, but no one can say anything about the future.

On the way back to Funing Palace, You Geer felt a little emotional. When I was young, I told him to smash it. At that time, I was really dead. Unexpectedly, it has become so intimate now. Still, the mother is right, interrupting the bones and ribs! Even if there are contradictions, the key moments are still reliable for their brothers and sisters.

Unfortunately, for Feng Zhixi, his sister is not only uncomfortable, but also makes people feel bad.

After reading Liu's dowry, Feng Yuwu said: "The dowry of Daxie has one hundred and twenty-eight uplifting. How can the dowry of the second princess be lifted only one hundred and eight?" In fact, there is no idea about Fenglianwu, but only the bottom of the heart. The doubts are justified.

But when other people heard this, they felt that she was talking about a princess dowry even less than the Miss of the National Government. This means that the emperor and the empress have not yet had a Korean public.

Qiqi said with a smile: "The big princess didn't want to dowry at the beginning. The Queen's wife said that the big princess agreed to have a dowry for one hundred and eight. The second princess, as a younger sister, naturally cannot cross the big princess."

There is a dowry that I don’t want. I want to seal the lotus and say that this big princess is a stupid one.

After the election, the seven seven and seven said: "Although the number of dowry of the second princess is not much, but the dowry is worth a lot of money." Not to mention the other, the furniture is the best craftsman of the whole world. .

Feng Lianwu nodded and said: "This is true. The yellow rosewood treasure is embedded in four screens, afraid that it can't be bought for one thousand two silver." The screen is inlaid with small particles of red and blue stones, sapphires, jade, Ivory and pearls. When Feng Lanwu saw this screen, his eyes burst out.

The smile on the face of the seven-seventh is unchanged, saying: "Big sister, such a screen does not have 30,000 yuan of silver can not be done." With silver, may not be able to make such a screen. But this craft, few people will be there today. This screen of Liu Er’s dowry is also a trophy collected.

Fenglian smog.

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