The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1468: Get angry

After using the dinner, the family was scattered. Bayi Chinese network W≈W≈W≥. ≤81ZW. COM

It was not long before Feng Zhixi went out of the door and was stopped. Turning around, Feng Zhixi asked: "Big sister, is there anything?" Feng Dajun and Feng Zhixi's father and son were three homes that arrived only five days ago. They were too busy during this time.

Feng Huan fog went to Feng Zhixi and whispered: "Second brother, I want to ask you for help."

Everyone has a good spirit and is going to be the groom's official. Feng Zhixi is in a very good mood. He smiles all day long: "Big sister, you have something to say."

Feng Lian said: "I saw the statue of the two princesses in the dowry of the second princess today. When the second princess is married, you can help me ask, where did the jade Buddha come from?"

Feng Zhixi did not think much, said: "The princess's dowry is basically built inside, can not be bought outside. Big sister should like the jade Buddha, you can go to the jade shop to see."

She took a fancy to the Guanyin, or else she would not specifically find Feng Zhixi. Feng Lian said: "Adi, when you come to the second princess, can you give me this jade Buddha?"

Seeing Feng Zhixi’s unbelievable look, Feng Lianfu said: "You can rest assured that I will not take it, I will give it money." That jade Buddha, she was in the same eye. Even now, Guanyin’s kindness and kindness are still in sight.

Feng Zhixi said with a black face: "Big sister, that is the dowry of my wife, you should not remember." Yuxi thinks that Hummer is not a royal woman. With this restriction, there are men who are really capable and who are willing to marry the princess. In the end, outstanding men can't marry, and they can only get married.

Sealing the lotus fog is not a temper: "What is this for you? When do I remember the dowry of my brother-in-law? I am not saying that I will give money?"

After glanced at the Xiang-Hang silk butterfly love flower clothes on the lotus fog, Feng Zhixi sneered and said: "Which of the things you wear are not at home, where do you come from?"

Sealing the lotus fog is a very sensitive person. After listening to this, he screamed: "What do you mean? You suspect that I am eating white at home?"

Feng Zhixi has always been less constrained because his younger son does not have to inherit his family business. There is no more scruples like Feng Zhiwei: "How can you manage at home, but you want to remember my wife's dowry, don't even think about it."

Feng Lian had tears coming in tears: "I have said that I have given money. Why are you so filthy?"

If other people, seeing the lotus flower and crying, it will definitely be better. However, Feng Zhixi was not used to her, and immediately sneered: "Give money? You are a three-year-old child to lie. Let me go to the second princess to ask for something, and I feel that the second princess is embarrassed to ask for money." I will give you the jade Buddha white." This is not a sharp one.

Feng Lianwu wanted to pass his son to Feng Zhiyi and Qi Qi, as well as other wonderful things she did. Liu Er wrote a letter to Feng Zhixi. She did not add oil and vinegar, and did not attack the lotus fog. She only expressed her sympathy for the seven-seven and the future life.

In fact, Liuer would be afraid of a lotus fog. I just don't want to affect their husband and wife relationship because of the lotus fog. Telling Feng Zhixi about these things, let Feng Zhixi have a bottom in mind. Later, when she sealed the lotus fog, she dared to ask for any excessive demands or what to do. She took a lecture to seal the lotus fog, and Feng Zhixi could not blame her. I didn't expect that she would have a problem when she hadn't married yet.

The two brothers and sisters made this happen, naturally alarming the Feng Dajun and Chang.

When Feng Yuwu saw Chang’s rushing, he almost threw down Chang’s. Holding Chang's, Feng Lianfu cried and sue: "Mother, the second brother can't let me down."

Feng Dajun looked at Feng Zhixi and asked with a cold face: "I will be married tomorrow, what are you making trouble with her?" He is more and more waiting to see the lotus fog. If she is so arrogant in Dingjia, she will not fall into such a field. It’s just that he’s his own daughter, and he can’t kill him.

Feng Zhixi said something simple: "Hey, I have to open this mouth so that the second princess thinks about me and you? Let the emperor and the empress know, how do you think?" If the lotus is foggy, remember what the parents are holding. Then he can't control it, anyway, those things are earned by parents, who they give to whom they love. I have to remember what he and the second princess have, and there are no doors.

Feng Lianwu dead duck mouth hard: "I said, I will give money."

Feng Zhixi did not give a face, he said ironically: "A screen is tens of thousands of dollars, and the jade Buddha must have tens of thousands of silver? You give money? You wear it with both children. It’s at home, where do you come from? You feel that you are smart all over the world, everyone else is a fool, right?”

Sealing the lotus fog and leaving home, although the number of times has been smashed by Chang's, but it is only privately squatting, and Chang's scruples about her mood did not say too much, at most threatened two sentences. But now Feng Zhixi is so stunned by her husband and wife and the daughter-in-law of the house. She has no face.

Looking at the smog and pale face of the lotus flower, Chang Shi smashed Feng Zhixi: "You must feel that it is not appropriate to refuse. She is also your sister, how can you say these ruthless words?"

Deaf children are generally favored at home, and Feng Zhixi is no exception. The favored person generally has a relatively large temper. Feng Zhixi did not fear Chang, and said: "I am ruthless? Mother, you..."

Feng Dajun interrupted Feng Zhixi’s words and said, “Tomorrow is the day of your great joy. What is it like here?”

Feng Zhixi did not continue to speak, but the expression revealed that he did not feel that he was wrong.

Feng Dajun had some headaches and waved his hand and said: "Hurry and go back to rest. You can't be mentally welcoming tomorrow."

Feng Zhixi did not stop, and he left without lifting his eyes.

On the day of this great joy, the army did not want to have a temper, and said to Feng Lianwu: "I will stay in the yard tomorrow, don't come out." This statement shows his position.

After the big army left, she wowed and cried.

Feng Dajun can be used as a treasurer, but Chang can't. Sending the lotus fog back to the yard where she lives, and retreating everyone, Chang’s anger is: "I am missing your food or lack of your wear, even the two princesses you dare to remember? No wonder your brother is so tempered."

Feng Lianwu felt very wronged: "I, I really like that jade Buddha. Mother, you don't know, I feel very peaceful when I see the jade Buddha."

When the dowry in the afternoon, Chang’s master is naturally also. The Guanyin Jade Buddha does not say that the lotus fog is closed, that is, she likes it very much.

Upon hearing this, Chang sighed and said: "You don't even think about the jade Buddha. You really want to, when you go to the jade shop to give you a set."

Feng Lianqi grabbed Chang’s arm and said: “Mother, I like the jade Buddha.” Other jade Buddhas, she could not look up.

It’s useless to say that it’s useless, and Chang’s doesn’t want to talk nonsense anymore. During this time, she was too busy to seal Zhixi’s marriage, and she was too tired to do so.

Chang Shi stood up and said: "This will stop, don't mention it."

I was afraid that when I closed the lotus fog, I wouldn’t care to find Liu’s things. Chang’s cold face said: “You don’t want to open this mouth with the second princess. I can’t afford to lose this face with you.”

Sealing the lotus fog is a bully and fearfulness. If you hear this, you can't say anything other than crying.

After returning to the main hospital to see the Feng army, Chang sighed and said: "Master, you said the lotus fog, what can you do in the future?"

"Don't you let me find something for her?" If you do something, you won't be tossing in the house.

Chang smiled bitterly; "Let her go to the charity hall and the almshouse to help her not go, saying that it is dirty and chaotic. She said that to do business, I also gave her two thousand and two silver to do the money." That's the case, the shop that seals the lotus fog closed for three months.

Feng Dajun said in silence: "If she is still like this, let her move out."

Chang's face changed: "Master, you are going to kill her!"

Feng Dajun said with a black face: "Is it so troubled by her every three times? Have we had a clean day since then?"

Chang also thought about a clean day, but it was impossible to let Feng Lian fog out: "How does she live with two children outside?"

"When she wanted to give her a child to Zhizhi, you should dispel her thoughts. The result is that Zhizhi and his wife have a guilty conscience. Now it is good, even the dowry of the second princess dares to make an idea." Next, Feng Dajun said: "She is so noisy, there is always a log, and Zhixi will dislike her. When the sentiment is exhausted, she will definitely not take her any more. Let her go to live outside." There is a saying that the far-fragrance is close to smell, and there is not so much contradiction when moving out. What will happen in the future, Zhi Zhi and Zhi Xi will also see her mother to help her. And in this way, it can also dispel the mourning in her heart.

Chang Shi is not willing to: "No, her temper is moving out and she is afraid that even the bone residue will not be left."

Feng Dajun is also impatient: "If you don't want it, then don't ask me what to do."

Mainly because Feng Dajun was not at home for a long time, Chang’s reluctance to let Fenghuan move out and live in front of him. After all, the owner of the house is still her. However, Feng Dajun reminded Chang: "You have to hang on like this, and be careful with your son and daughter-in-law to centrifuge with you."

The back of the palm of your hand is all meat, and a heart of Chang’s heart is as uncomfortable as it is fried in a frying pan.

Originally, the younger son will be happy and happy tomorrow, but Chang’s will be a little bit of joy.

Lying in bed, I couldn't sleep, and I was thinking about how to solve the problem of sealing the lotus.

Wake up the Feng Dajun who has already fallen asleep, Chang said to her: "The Queen Mother wants to run a women's school. I heard that the school started in September." Because Yuxi has run a women's school in Yucheng, Chang does not feel deviant. .

Feng Dajun’s eyes were gone, and he asked, “What’s wrong?” He heard about it last year, and he was also a Queen’s wife, otherwise the school had already been done.

Chang said: "The school is definitely going to invite people. How do you let the lotus fog go to the school to do things?" If something is done, it will not think about it.

"You don't even think about this." After that, Feng Dajun turned over and said: "Lianwu recognizes a few words? Let her go to school, what can she teach?"

Chang’s more and more thought that this is feasible: “Lianwu also read a book for three years with Mr., and it should be possible to enlighten the child.” The school taught that it was decent to go out, and that the lotus should not be opposed any more.

Feng Dajun said helplessly: "The Queen Empress is so attached to the women's school. The selected female gentleman's character can definitely be good. The lotus fog is hung in front of the Queen Empress. Do you think the Queen Empress can let her enter the school?" No, he doesn't want to evaluate the character.

"If you don't try, you can't do it?"

Feng Dajun didn’t want to talk to Chang’s again. In the past few years, he’s quarreling with Chang’s is basically to seal the lotus fog: “I will try to go, I will not open this mouth.” I know that I can’t do it. stupid.

When he heard this, he said with a smile: "She really dared to think that the jade Buddha was carved by the whole piece of sheep white jade carved by Xuantong for three years. This is the only one in the world." The master was originally a child of the family. He was very good at carving and was not good at carving. Later, he did not know why he was a monk. This jade Buddha is a 60-year-old birthday gift given by Master Xuan Tong to the then Empress Wen Hui. Otherwise, it won't be so painstaking.

Shi Qin said: "Grandma, the last time the grandmother took away the red gold hollow carving furnace has not returned yet!" It was in the winter when the lotus fog to the main courtyard chat, when the walk away the stove.

"Forget it, it's just a stove." After that, he said with a smile: "It is estimated that I will take things with me and I will dare to make a decision." The seven-seven dowry also has many good objects. However, she did not return at the time in Yucheng, and the things were shipped back. Come back to see the lotus fog like this, the valuable antique calligraphy and painting she did not dare to put out. As it turns out, her fears are not unreasonable.

Shi Qin said: "Grandma is too good to talk, you are looking at her, and the more you lick your nose." She is tens of thousands of people who can't seal the lotus. In the government, if there is anything good, there is a seal of lotus, and the lady has also made up a lot of her in private. But this is not enough.

"What can I do? Can it be like the second lord pointing at her nose? The second grandfather is stunned. The grandfather and his wife turned their heads and forgot. But if I am jealous, what do you think?" Her daughter-in-law and the little sister who was away from home, the in-laws must have felt that she was not tolerant.

The main reason is that he did not have a son in 1997. He always felt that he was not emboldened. Otherwise, it will not retreat again and again.

Shi Qin listened to this and couldn’t help but say: "You can be as good as the second son."

"Shi Ziye also has his difficulties." Feng Zhixi is a younger son, and it doesn't matter if he is willful. Husband is the heir to the family, and these words cannot be opened. However, Qi Qi also listened to Liu’s persuasion, and told Feng Zhiyi the outrageous and excessive things of Feng Lian. As for the small thing of taking the stove and the jade cup, there is no need to say it.

"Cough, how good it used to be!" When I first came over, my master had a lot of fun!

There is nothing to complain about in Qiqi: "Whoever has some bad things. Although Grandma’s grandmother is not good, her mother-in-law is a reasonable one.” She is already very good compared with the daughter-in-law who is a vicious mother.

Ps: add the seventh plus.

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