The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1469: Liuer married (1)

As the night is getting deeper and deeper, and Yuxi has not moved in the palace, Yunqing can't help but say: "Are you going to Liuer?"

Yuxi put down the books in his hand and asked strangely: "Do you have anything to say to Liuer?"

"Teaching the husband and wife of the couple? You won't even forget this?" In Yunzhong's impression, Yuxi's memory has always been good, never forgetting anything. Bayi Chinese Network W≈W≠W=. =8=1≥Z≠W≥. ≈C≤O≥M≈

In fact, Yunqing really overestimated Yuxi. It is not a good memory, but people around me will remind her.

"I gave the album a new look yesterday." Seeing Yunqing’s eccentric look, Yuxi said with a smile: "The last time I gave the date, the child didn't sleep for one night. Or give it to the new one, tomorrow again. Let's see Liuer!"

Yunqing said, "Don't watch, go to bed early, and get up early tomorrow." When it is not bright, you have to get up.

"Then you sleep first, I have to go to the bath." These days, there is no time to soak in the medicated bath, and the bath will have to take a bath after the marriage.

Come back after bathing, see Yunqing is holding a book to watch. After Yuxi went to bed, he smiled and asked: "How have you not slept yet?"

Yunqing said with great sorrow: "I think that the girl who has been raising for 20 years will go to someone else's house and I can't sleep."

Last time we married jujube, Yunqing is like this. Yuxi said with a smile: "If you want Liu, then let her come back." If there is a child, Liu Er will not follow the army.

"That's not the same." Married, it is someone else's family. Thinking of this, Yunqing said: "Fortunately, after Kai Hao, they are bringing people into the door. If they come back twice, my old life will be gone." Married her daughter and hurt her heart, he has already hurt two times. .

Yuxi said with a smile on the road: "Not old, still young and strong!"

Yunqing shook his head: "Old, energy and physical strength are no more than before." Twenty years ago, three days and three nights did not sleep is not a problem. I haven’t had a good day, and I have no spirit the next day.

"It is estimated that in five years, Qi Hao will be able to provoke a burden. By then we will be able to relax, and then we can enjoy the blessings." Not only Yunqing, but she also felt that the body is a year. Not as good as a year.

When I heard this, Yunqing laughed: "I am afraid that you will not be able to live."

"Then you look at it, I can't do it when I get there!" If you decide to hand over the power, you must definitely get out of it. If you want to return to them, you should not look back at them. If so, it is better not to hand over power.

The husband and wife said that for a long time, they were so tired that they slept. Not long after just falling asleep, the bang screamed both husband and wife.

Listening to the sound of the rain outside, Yunqing looked back at the gods and said: "Qin Tianjian is not counted, saying that sixteen is a good day?"

"Maybe it will stop after the rain, and Minger is a big sunny day." After the meeting, Yuxi said: "In fact, even if it doesn't rain tomorrow, it will be fine, but it is troublesome." The dowry is sent out. Now, there are only a few things to carry, not afraid to break things.

After the couple got up, there was still light rain outside. It must be clear today.

Yunqing pushes open the window, and the cold wind is mixed with rain flowers on his face: "Qin Tianjian is really not reliable."

Yuxi said with a smile: "This can't blame Qin Tianjian, but this day was set in August last year." Qin Tianjian's people are not gods, how can it be raining today.

"Liu Er is so particular, I am sure that there will be embarrassment when I see such a weather. You will comfort her as soon as possible." It is not a good omen to rain on a good day.

After Liu Er got up, she knew that it was still raining outside, and she immediately suffered a face.

Yuxi gently patted her and said with a smile: "Don't think so much, go to the bath, wait for the makeup!"

After taking a shower, I was still looking at the rain outside, and Liu’s face did not see a smile.

Yuxi said: "Today you are a bride, you must be happy, but you can't face it."

After a pause, Yuxi smiled and said: "The dowry has been sent, even if it rains, it does not hinder. Anyway, you are sitting on the eight-seat sedan, it is raining."

"But Zhi Xi riding, is it raining if it rains?" Now, even if Feng Zhixi is in good health, it is easy to catch a cold.

When I heard this, Jujube said, I couldn’t help but smile and said: "This person has not married before, and he began to feel bad? Well, I will tell Feng Zhixi about this, and he will be happy to keep his mouth shut."

"Sister, when are you, do you still have a mind to make fun of me?" She couldn't do it. The older sister really didn't know her feelings under the compassion.

"Haha, you can rest assured, Feng Zhixi is very good, this little rain will not catch a cold." After the meal, the jujube said: "The first two years in Shandong, it happened to be pouring rain, he was drenched The whole body is soaked and there is no cold!" Compared with Feng Zhixi, Jin Yu's body seems to be much worse.

Liuer asked suspiciously: "Really?"

Jujube and jujube smiled and said: "Thousands of true. Go to makeup, this rainy road is not good enough to go out early, or else it will be wrong."

Liu Er was sitting in front of the vanity mirror.

Put on the makeup and put on the wedding dress. After reading the jujube, I spit out a sentence: "It's beautiful, it's cheap."

Liu Er:...

After a while, Yunqing came with Kaihao and triplets. The wedding ceremony of jujube dates is absent, and Liu’s wedding is no longer absent.

The triplets said in unison: "Second sister, you are so beautiful today!"

When everyone heard this, they all laughed. No loss is a triplet, even the words are the same. I don't know, I thought I had rehearsed it!

Qi Hao said it is more realistic: "Second sister, if Feng Zhixi dares to bully you, don't bear to come back and tell us. At that time, we will give you a gas."

Yun Qing glanced at Qi Hao. Really, the child actually robbed him.

I don't know why, after listening to this, Liu's tears came out.

Yuxi was busy taking the pip to wipe her tears: "Can't cry, just crying makeup."

In the past, the women in Beijing were married, and they were more fashionable to wear thick powder on their faces, and their lips were bright red and red. Even if it looks so beautiful, such a make-up is also a look. However, after the date of jujube marriage, many ladies saw the effect of her makeup, the makeup of the new bride will change.

"Don't cry, come back later when you miss home." In fact, Yunqing knows that it is not the same as marrying someone.

Liu Er’s tears couldn’t stop and fell again.

Yuxi saw Yunqing’s eyes red, and he took Liu Liu to the dressing table to make her makeup.

The rest of the room looked at the nose and nose, as if they had not seen the scene.

Feng Zhixi brought in 108 officers and deputy officers wearing full-length costumes to ride the horses to meet. The queue was neat and tidy, and it was blown to the palace gate.

It’s so easy to marry a mother. Feng Zhixi was killed by the triplets. First, I asked for a set of one hundred and eight styles of guns, followed by poetry. It’s okay to play with a gun. This is Feng Zhixi’s strength. But poetry, Feng Zhixi is completely dumbfounded.

Looking at Shantou, who scratched his face and tangled, Fengzao was not happy: "Mom, why didn't I have this ring when I was married?" Jin Yushun smoothly took her away, and thought it would be a loss. !

Yuxi deliberately said: "Rui Geer, they are afraid of living hard. Jin Yu missed Kyrgyzstan and turned to yell at them."

Jujube dates: "How come?"

Qi Hao smiled and said: "Mother is yelling at you! It is mainly because the big brother-in-law can't help but feel the wind. We don't dare to embarrass him!" I really don't think it's okay for Jin Yuwen, and Wu's is not good, and Jin Jinyu is still awkward. I was afraid that it would not look good, and a few of Rui Ge’s people were not at that time.

Feng Zhixi is really nothing, and he has to beg for mercy.

Yuxi smiled and said: "Okay, it will almost become, can't miss the time."

The triplets only reached out: "Red envelopes, red envelopes." The red envelopes are not given thick, and they cannot be passed.

Unpacking the purse and looking at the gold beads inside, the triplets expressed reluctance.

Jujube dates saw Feng Zhixi stepping into the new house and kicked it in the past.

Feng Zhixi shunned away, seeing the jujube date and said with a smile: "The big princess is still so brave."

"Soiled." In the past, Feng Zhixi had to avoid her. During this time, martial arts still regressed. It seems that the training intensity has to be strengthened.

Looking at the Liuer sitting on the bed, Feng Zhixi smiled like a fool.

The two men kneel on the ground to give Yunqing and Yuxi a head. Liu Er can't cry, tears fall to the ground: "Hey, mother, you have to take care of yourself."

In the eyes of Yunqing, tears flashed: "Well, if you get to the house, you should be good."

Jujube dates, this should not be said by the mother, why this will be lost!

Yuxi and other two people finished their heads and said: "The ground is cool, get up quickly." In the days of March, it was raining again, and the ground was cold!

Liu Er just stood up, and someone outside shouted: "Ji Shi has arrived, please the second princess on the sedan!"

Qi Hao squatted, let Liu Er squat on his back, step by step and steady, when she was sent to the sedan chair.

The bride was taken away and Zhang Huagong was deserted again. Yunqing wiped the tears from the corner of his eye and turned to look at Yuxi’s eyes and tears.

Jujube date said: "Mother, how come I marry you did not cry?" She later listened to Liu Er, only to know that when she married, Yuxi did not cry. Not only did not cry, but also happy.

Yuxi forced the tears back, and then looked at the jujube and said: "Are you the same as Liu Er?"

"How is it different? Not all of your daughters!" In fact, jujube is not jealous, just want to transfer Yuxi's transfer, let her not be upset.

Yuxi said with a cold voice: "Do you have a difference between marrying and not marrying? If you don't marry, you can only see it on the holidays. At other times, you are in the army. Liuer is different. He has never left his mother since he was young. By the side." In addition to being separated from Beijing for more than a month, the mother and daughter have not been separated in the past two decades.

Just want to speak, everyone heard a cry of babies. Precautions are too noisy and long-lived. After dawn, the date of jujube will let her mother take him to the palace of Qihao.

The cry of longevity successfully attracted the attention of Yunqing and Yuxi.

Jujube dates a sigh of relief, she was really not used to the atmosphere!

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