The Rebirth of Han Yuxi

Chapter 1470: Liuer married (2)

The welcoming team walked around the Imperial City before returning to the British government. August 1st? Chinese text W≥W≠W≤. ≥8≤1=Z=W. COM

The Liuer's head was not revealed and could not be seen outside. Everything was heard by Xi Niang. Xi Niang is waiting for her to do something, she will do it.

After finishing the hall and entering the new house, Xi Niang smiled and shouted: "The groom official unveiled his head." After that, he gave him a shot.

Feng Zhixi's hand holding the scale shook slightly, as if the scale had a heavy weight.

The people in the room saw each other and laughed.

Seventy-seven grinned and said: "Axi, don't be nervous, take it slowly." The people who took dozens of pounds of swords on weekdays actually took a stable scale.

Taking a deep breath, Zhixi clenched his hand and said that he would push it up and the hijab fell to the ground.

There was a burst of air in the room. Seeing the bride's color is crystal-clear and elegant, it is more beautiful than the fairy who went down in the painting.

The hijab was uncovered and Liu Er could not help but raise his head. It happened to be on the cover of Zhixi, and immediately laughed, and soon he was too shy to hang his head.

Feng Zhixi saw the appearance of Liu’s shyness. The blood of the whole body went up, and the scale in his hand fell to the ground.

Qiqi was shocked and anxious, shouting: "Axi, hurry up. Shi Qin, go to people to get water." Seeing blood in the new house, it is really unlucky.

Liu Er felt that he was not busy looking up, and he saw that Feng Zhixi was bleeding nose.

"Hey..." Liu Er couldn't help but laugh, it was a fool! I can see the bride seeing nosebleeds, but my heart is sweet.

As for the seven or seven, I am worried that seeing blood is unlucky, Liu Ye does not care. She married her mother, and assassin was assassinated! This is what it counts.

Wiping the nosebleeds, Xi Niang finished the rest of the procedure, and then let the groom and the bride sit on the bed.

Feng Zhixi slowly stretched his hand and held Liu's hand in the palm of his hand.

Nowadays, they are all husbands and wives, and Liu Er is shy again.

Feng Zhixi grinned and said: "Two princesses, you can rest assured that I will be good to you all my life."

"I believe in you." Saying is to believe, but it depends on action, not on the mouth. However, Liu Er believes that her days will be very comfortable.

Feng Zhixi lowered his head and wanted to kiss Liu, and he just heard Liu’s lips and heard the knock on the door. Liu Er heard the voice and hurriedly pushed Feng Zhixi away, then turned his head and did not look at Feng Zhixi.

Feng Zhixi was in a bad mood. He said with a bit of anger: "What, say?" The good thing was interrupted, and anyone was a fire.

Xi Niang said outside: "The second princess, 驸马爷, should drink and drink." She also does not want to be this unfamiliar person, but this is the responsibility.

When she entered the door, she saw Liu’s blush, but she looked down the tray as usual, and then turned around and went out.

Feng Zhixi held a glass of wine and said softly: "The hand of the child is old."

"The hand of the child, the old man."

After drinking the wine, Feng Zhixi will leave Liu Er in his arms and bow down. This time no one bothered.

Feng Zhixi is 20 years old this year. It is the age of **** Fang Gang. This will hold another person who is beloved, and one can't hold back and throw Liu Liu down on the bed.

Liu Er pushed him hard and said: "No, wait until you want to toast!" If people know that they are doing this in the house during the day, they have no face.

Feng Zhixi did not hold it for a while. This will be heard when Liu Er’s words are busy, and Liu will also be raised: “The princess should not be surprised, it’s too urgent for the husband.” It’s not that he is not enough, he is a wife. beautiful.

Liu Er gave him a look.

"Princess, you are so beautiful today." After all, he is a normal man, not a monk.

Liu Er feels that it is still a topic of transfer: "How did you see your big sister just now?" This topic should be able to transfer Feng Zhixi's attention.

Some very particular people are not allowed to be taken away or widowed when they are married. However, the popularity of the people in the city, the remarriage of widows, etc. are commonplace, and naturally they will not believe this.

Sure enough, when it comes to sealing the lotus fog, Feng Zhixi’s face is not good: “I don’t want her to come out.”

It’s not right, and Liu Er asked: “What’s wrong?” It’s not going to do anything strange!

Feng Zhixi did not directly say that Feng Yuwu had taken a fancy to the Yangmiao Jade Guanyin. This was too shameful and he could not say it. At the moment, Feng Zhixi just whispered and said: "My older sister said something that was not heard yesterday, and it made me angry. When she was angry, she would let her stay in her yard today." I have saved what I should say, and stirred up his good days.

Liuer is awkward, afraid that there is something unpleasant in the middle: "What is the attitude of the older sister who wants to take care of her sister, what is her attitude with her older brother?" In fact, she was ignorant. Feng Zhixi is only in his twenties, and his body is no problem. How can he agree to adopt it?

"She is crazy, she can't promise it with her eldest brother!" Even if the eldest brother has no son, it is also the child who has passed on him, and who will pass Ding Wei. However, this is just a thought, but I dare not say it.

Feng Zhixi is not willing to seal the lotus fog again. He feels that the atmosphere is broken: "Don't tell her. Wait for me to go out, you have something to rest and rest."

Also said a small conversation, Feng Zhixi was called to toast. Going to the door, he got back and said: "Princess, I will be back soon."

"Okay." It is impossible to come back soon. I only hope that I can drink less.

Feng Zhixi left, and the lotus and the new one took hot water to bathe Liu.

After showering, I saw seven or seven sitting in the chair. Liu Er said with a smile: "Cousin, there are so many things, you don't have to worry about me." The two sisters discussed it well, and they were called Daxie outside, and they were still sisters in private.

Seven Seven smiled and said: "There are mothers and Cui Wei who help to greet the guests! Toss a day, hungry?"

Liu Er was not polite with Qiqi. He smiled and asked: "Is it hungry, what kind of delicious food do you prepare for me?" In the morning, I ate a bowl of steamed dumplings, and the soup didn't dare to drink.

Shi Qin opened the food box and took out the dishes one by one.

Jade shrimp, vegetarian dish, clear duck, fried cabbage, tofu soup. These dishes are relatively light, very similar to the taste of Liu.

This love, Liu Ercheng; "Cousin, have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, eat with me!"

Seven Seven smiled and shook his head: "The fruit has not eaten yet, I have to take care of them."

Liu Er is not reluctant.

After eating and drinking, Liu Er went to bed. Tired, not so much attention.

Feng Zhixi said that he would return soon, and the result was that he had been drinking from noon until he was dark.

Feng Zhixi's personal follower took him to the new house and then turned and left. If you switch to someone else's home, this newlywed robes will definitely come to the house. But the bride is a Liuer, no one has this daring.

Smelling a thick smell of wine, Liu Er’s brow could not help but wrinkle: "Go to the kitchen and hang up the soup!" I expected that Feng Zhixi would be drunk, so she gave it before an hour. Let's go to the kitchen and prepare the sober soup.

After a while, the new hangover soup came in.

Liu Er said: "Let's put it down!" As a wife, she wants to do these things herself.

As a result, when he went out again, Feng Zhixi climbed up from the soft collapse.

"You are drunk..."

"Don't be drunk, how can I hide the group of uninspired guys!" Life is the three big joys, and when the house is in the night, the hometown is known. It’s not a lifetime regret that you have to get drunk and can’t enter the house.

Liu Er said with a smile: "No wonder the big sister always said that you are slippery!" This drunk is also a technical activity, and you have to be debunked if you accidentally.

"Big brother helped me block a lot of wine, or I will definitely get drunk." The key moment is still the brothers can rely on it!

Seeing Feng Zhixi's manual foot, Liu Er pushed him away: "Go to the bath first." The smell of this wine is so odorous that he can't stand it.

Although Feng Zhixi's theoretical experience is very rich, it has not been practiced. When I was in the cave, I still had a lot of toss. I got a taste of Feng Zhixi’s excitement, and Liu’s came back again.

The pomegranate was watching the night outside, and he was relieved to hear that there was no movement inside. I have to go back two times, and I have to come again, I am afraid that the princess can’t stand it.

Feng Zhixi is drunk, but Feng Zhi is really drunk. Seventy-seven first gave Feng Zhiyu a hangover soup and then wiped the body. Then he massaged his head and saved his head from getting up early tomorrow morning.

After doing this, the night is deep. With the sour arm, seven seven said: "I don't know how much wine the son of the world has drunk?" It is not for Feng Zhiyi to drink, but it is very hurtful to drink like this.

Shi Qin smiled and said: "It is also special today. On weekdays, the son of the world will certainly not drink so much wine." The so-called tiger brothers, the father and son soldiers. At this time, it is time for Big Brother to help.

Seven seven smiled.

Looking at Feng Zhizhen, who was sleeping well, Shi Qin whispered something to the ear of Qiqi: "The grandmother didn't eat lunch and dinner today."

"Follow her!" Then let it go so long, one day sooner or later, the national grandfather will be bored with the world.

Shi Qin said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Grandma, it’s been a long time since the young crops haven’t moved." The green fruit has been matched by Chang’s, and now the young crop is the first one around the lotus.

"Some words have to be seen at the right time. Trade and trade said that this matter will certainly cause her doubts." Privately, the seventy-seventh one called her to seal the lotus fog.

Fenglianwu didn't eat two meals, and he couldn't sleep. Finally, I couldn't help it: "Young crops, you let people go to the kitchen and ask the cook to make two dishes, and also have a goat's milk and eggs." There is no small kitchen in her yard, the food is big. Take it over the kitchen.

The young crops are very difficult: "Grandma, this time the cook must have slept."

Feng Lianwu was fired: "When you sleep, you will call people up. Do I have to eat, I have to look at the face of the cook."

"Grandma, everyone has been busy with the wedding of Erye. Everyone is going to wake up the cook. The cook is not afraid to say anything. I am sure that I will be dissatisfied. At that time, other people in the house will definitely be on the ground." It’s a bad thing about aunt’s grandmother.” When you eat, you don’t eat it. In the middle of the night, people make up to cook. This is not tossing people!

He snorted, Feng Yuwu said: "I said that Han is a traitor, and that the mother still lives and does not believe." Seeing a person is not pleasing to the eye, no matter how it is done, it is wrong.

Qingmiao said: "If the grandmother doesn't give up, I will give you the next bowl of noodles."

"Forget it, don't toss it up, save me tomorrow, and say it to me." After that, Feng Lianwu asked: "Is there still no pastries?"

"There are also sesame rolls and red bean cakes." These two kinds of cakes are all like the lotus fog.

I ate two dishes and then drank a cup of hot tea. The lotus flower was more comfortable. "I don't understand why my life is so bitter? Yunxiao is a proud woman, I don't dare to compare with her. Han What about Han? Hun’s two daughters, and her sister and her younger brother did not even abandon her?” I thought that when she was born Dandan, her mother’s eyes were not eyes and noses, not noses. Originally thought that it would be nice to have a son, but did not expect Ding San to carry her to find a woman when she was pregnant.

"Grandma, wait for Dan sister to grow up with a sergeant, and you will enjoy it!" The persuasion also persuaded, but the lotus fog could not be heard.

Feng Lian said with faint faintness: "I am afraid that I will not be able to wait for that day. The doctor said that I have not lived for a few years." In the days of Dingjia, the injury was fundamental.

Young crops have a headache: "Grandma, why do you would rather believe in a doctor who is sitting in a hospital, and do not believe in the words of a doctor?"

If the doctor who gave the seal to the lotus flower heard this, it would definitely be wrong. Because people just say that she is stagnation in the heart, if it is not relaxed, it is good for life.

"No one in the family can accommodate me. How can I relax my heart in such a day?" Zhizhen was challenged by her daughter-in-law to leave her heart, and Zhixi did not want to see her. It’s awkward, and I’m getting impatient with her. This home does not know how long it can stay.

With two children and coming back, it’s not good to have a brother-in-law who is still arrogant and arrogant.

After hesitating, Qingmiao said: "Grandma, if you say something inappropriate, I think you can think about what the lady said last time." Remarriage is not a way out.

Feng Lianwu looked at the young crops' eyes very bad.

Qingmiao said with a hard scalp: "Grandma, you are only twenty-four years old this year, and the days are still long. Grandma, do you really want to live like this for a lifetime?" That is not the usual bitterness.

Feng Lianwu sighed and said: "With two children can marry a good family?" And it is difficult to remarriage, not to mention carrying two children.

After a pause, Feng Lianwu said again: "Fur, if that person is the same as Ding Sanyang?" Then it is not necessary to suffer another sin. I went to half a life at a time, and I will definitely not be able to live again.

This is loose, and the young crops are overjoyed, but they dare not show it: "Grandma, with the Ding family, the grandfather and the lady will definitely choose carefully."

After the election, the young crops said: "If the grandmother is not at ease, she can recruit. This is really a case, not afraid." Toads, you have to live outside. If you don't live, the relationship will not be so stiff.

Feng Lianwu’s heart was moving, although he was not able to eat and wear in the house, but he was not at all comfortable. Just like tonight, if you change to Han, you will have to eat, and the cook must be sure that he will not have a half-sentence complaint.

When the young crops saw it, they continued to persuade: "Grandma, living in the National Government, must be subject to people. If you marry or recruit, then you are the master of your own affairs."

"Let me consider it."

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